N. V. Fomicheva ◽  
G. Yu. Rabinovich ◽  
Yu. D. Smirnova

The article contains materials of scientific research reflecting the positive effect on the soil microflora of foliar treatment of vegetative plants with various preparations. A small-scale experiment on growing carrots on low-lying peat soil of the Yakhroma floodplain (Moscow region) was carried out. For foliar treatments were applied biological means, developed at VNIIMZ – biological product LPB (the active principle – agronomically useful microflora) and biological means BoHum (the active principle – humic substances). Spraying was carried out three times per season at a rate of flow of a working solution of 300 l / ha (dilution 1: 100, 1: 300, 1: 500). To assess the effect of biological means on soil processes in soil samples, the number of ammonifying, amylolytic and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms was determined. The intensity of the mineralization processes in the soil was estimated from the value of the mineralization coefficient. It was established that the foliar treatment of vegetative plants carrot with biological means of LPB and BoHum increased the total number of identified soil microorganisms by 21-22%, while the mineralization of nitrogenous compounds in the soil during spraying with humic bio means occurred more intensively 3 times, and the biologic preparation of LPB 2.3 times, concerning the control. Activation of soil-microbiological processes (due to bio means entering the soil), together with the activation of physiological processes of plant growth and development (as a result of contact with bio means on the leaf plate of plants) increased carrot yield by 19.4 and 18.3%, respectively, when using LPB and BoHum in 1: 300 dilutions. The regression analysis data confirmed a statistically significant relationship between carrot yield and the total number of soil microorganisms (r = 0.67) and soil mineralization coefficient (r = 0.77). The positive effect of foliar treatments on the soil microflora was also revealed in the cultivation of spring wheat and potatoes.

1985 ◽  
Vol 63 (6) ◽  
pp. 1040-1045 ◽  
J. M. Norton ◽  
G. E. Harman

Responses of soil microorganisms to volatile exudates from germinating pea seeds of differing quality were determined. Germination of sclerotia of Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii and subsequent hyphal growth were stimulated by exposure to volatiles from aged but not nonaged pea seeds. Hyphae grew preferentially toward aged seeds. In natural soil, bacterial and fungal populations showed significant increases after exposure to volatiles from aged seed. For example, Fusarium spp. and Pseudomonas spp. showed increases of 79 and 2200%, respectively, over their original population levels after a 48-h exposure to volatiles. Conversely, Pythium populations and associated seed-rotting potential of soil decreased in natural soils exposed to volatiles. In autoclaved soils infested with P. ultimum (PHP4), Pythium populations increased dramatically after exposure to volatiles from aged pea seeds. In soils infested with either soil fungi or bacteria in addition to P. ultimum, Pythium levels remained constant or decreased, respectively, with time of exposure. Exposure to the volatiles from aged pea seeds stimulated soil microbial activity. These results suggest that Pythium germlings, when unable to reach a host, are subjected to microbial antagonism in the presence of the native soil microflora. A decrease in cucumber seed rot coincided with decreases in Pythium numbers.

2001 ◽  
Vol 81 (5) ◽  
pp. 577-589 ◽  
N. Z. Lupwayi ◽  
M. A. Monreal ◽  
G. W. Clayton ◽  
C. A. Grant ◽  
A. M. Johnston ◽  

There is little information on the effects of S management strategies on soil microorganisms under zero tillage systems o n the North American Prairies. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of tillage and source and placement of S on soil microbial biomass (substrate induced respiration) and functional diversity (substrate utilization patterns) in a canola-wheat rotation under conventional and zero tillage systems at three sites in Gray Luvisolic and Black Chernozemic soils. Conventional tillage significantly reduced microbial biomass and diversity on an acidic and C-poor Luvisolic soil, but it had mostly no significant effects on the near-neutral, C-rich Luvisolic and Chernozemic soils, which underlines the importance of soil C in maintaining a healthy soil. Sulphur had no significant effects on soil microbial biomass, and its effects on microbial diversity were more frequent on the near-neutral Luvisol, which was more S-deficient, than on the acidic Luvisol or the Chernozem. Significant S effects on microbial diversity were observed both in the bulk soil (negative effects, compared with the control) and rhizosphere (positive effects) of the acidic Luvisol, but all significant effects (positive) were observed in root rhizospheres in the other soils. Sulphur by tillage interactions on acidic Luvisolic soil indicated that the negative effects of S in bulk soil occurred mostly under zero tillage, presumably because the fertilizer is concentrated in a smaller volume of soil than under conventional tillage. Sulphate S effects, either negative or positive, on microbial diversity were usually greater than elemental S effects. Therefore, S application can have direct, deleterious effects on soil microorganisms or indirect, beneficial effects through crop growth, the latter presumably due to increased root exudation in the rhizosphere of healthy crops. Key Words: Biolog, conservation tillage, microbial biodiversity, rhizosphere, soil biological quality, S fertilizer type and placement

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-104
Efrita Norman ◽  
Zul Hiskandar ◽  
Evinovita Evinovita

    This study aims to analyze the effect of price and location on Alfamidi's customer satisfaction in Pagelaran Village, Bogor. The method used is descriptive and associative quantitative analysis, data collection used in this study using primary data sourced from questionnaires distributed to customers of Alfamidi Raya Ciomas who are in Pagelaran Village. Sampling using the saturated sample technique where the sample is consumers who have shopped at Alfamidi in the performance village. The sample used was 100 Alfamidi customer respondents in Pagelaran Village. Based on the results of the study showed that 1) price had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, 2) location had a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, 3) price and location together had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction in shopping for Alfamidi customers in Pagelaran Village.  

Soil Research ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 287 ◽  
V. Gonzalez-Quiñones ◽  
E. A. Stockdale ◽  
N. C. Banning ◽  
F. C. Hoyle ◽  
Y. Sawada ◽  

Since 1970, measurement of the soil microbial biomass (SMB) has been widely adopted as a relatively simple means of assessing the impact of environmental and anthropogenic change on soil microorganisms. The SMB is living and dynamic, and its activity is responsible for the regulation of organic matter transformations and associated energy and nutrient cycling in soil. At a gross level, an increase in SMB is considered beneficial, while a decline in SMB may be considered detrimental if this leads to a decline in biological function. However, absolute SMB values are more difficult to interpret. Target or reference values of SMB are needed for soil quality assessments and to allow ameliorative action to be taken at an appropriate time. However, critical values have not yet been successfully identified for SMB. This paper provides a conceptual framework which outlines how SMB values could be interpreted and measured, with examples provided within an Australian context.

1975 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 565-570 ◽  
W. D. Kelley ◽  
R. Rodriguez-Kabana

Preplant applications of potassium azide (KN3) to pine nursery beds were evaluated for effect on the soil microflora and on soil enzyme activity where either plastic-sealing or water-sealing techniques were used. Two weeks after incorporation of azide (0–224 kg/ha), soil samplings revealed reduced populations of bacteria and fungi and a corresponding decline in invertase and amylase activities. These effects were proportionate to the amount of azide used and were more pronounced in plastic-sealed plots. Phosphatase activity was little affected. Five weeks after azide application, bacterial populations were higher in treated plots than in controls. Greater numbers of bacteria were recorded from plastic-sealed plots and highest populations coincided with plots receiving the highest rates of azide, regardless of the sealing technique. Fungal populations at this sampling were generally less in treated plots than in the controls, but were higher under plastic seal. At this time, changes in invertase and amylase activities did not correspond to increased microbial numbers. Sixteen weeks after applications of KN3, bacterial populations in treated plots did not differ significantly from controls, but remained higher in plastic-sealed than water-sealed plots. Fungal populations under plastic seal had changed little and remained significantly lower in treated water-sealed plots than in controls. The earlier recorded reduction in invertase and amylase activities was still evident at the final sampling.

Pannapa Powthong ◽  
Apichai Sripean ◽  
Pattra Suntornthiticharoen

Objective: The objectives of this study were to isolate microorganisms and screen for potential antimicrobial activities from the soil. Methods: In this study, a total of 425 isolates were isolated from 100 soil samples. The preliminary screening for antimicrobial activities of these isolates was performed by modified cross-streak, agar diffusion, and modified icrodilution technique against 16 pathogenic bacteria and fungi.Results: In the anti-microbial activity, there were three isolates, namely, 277, 303, and 307 exhibited inhibitory activity against methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium respectively. This study also examined the various enzymes producing from soil microorganisms including chitinase, chitosanase, amylase, cellulose, caseinase, gelatinase, esterase, and lipase production of different selective media for 24 and 48hrs using the direct spot method. The results revealed that 28 isolates could produce various enzymes with strong activity. Most of them produced gelatinase (5.65%) and caseinase (5.18%). There were four isolates that produce broad-spectrum enzyme. In addition, the investigation of selectedmicroorganism identification showed that they can be divided into three groups: Burkholderia spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Rhodococcus spp.Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the microorganisms from soil are capable of producing potential, antibacterial, and bioactive enzymes.Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Extracellular enzyme, Soil microbial, Drug-resistant bacteria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-12
Lawal Muhammad

This research set out to analyze the women entrepreneurs and survival of small–scale enterprises in Nigeria. The objective of this paper is to determine the extent of women entrepreneurs and survival of SSEs in Nigeria. One Hundred and Twenty Eight (128) questionnaires were retrieved for analysis. Data collected were analyzed using multiple regressions. The results revealed that Women entrepreneurs experience and women entrepreneurs’ level of education have significant effect on the survival of small scale enterprises in Nigeria. The study therefore, concluded that an increase in training or improvement in the activities of women entrepreneurship will lead to a significant increase in the maintenance and sustainability of SSEs in Nigeria. This paper recommended that since, women entrepreneurs experience and high level of education led to the survival of SSEs in Nigeria therefore, the Nigerian government should provide an avenue for adequate funding, training on entrepreneurship, provision of infrastructural facilities and enabling environment in order to enhance the women entrepreneurial activities as this would translate to increase in an income generation, provision of employment and reduction of poverty in Nigeria.  Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurs, Small Scale Enterprises, Women Entrepreneurship and Survival.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1021-1028
Jatinder Kaur ◽  
Sandeep Sharma ◽  
Hargopal Singh

Changes in soil microbial activities were investigated to examine the effect of aerobically digested sewage sludge (SS) and compared with compost under incubation conditions over 63 days. Sandy soil was amended with 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 % w/w of compost and sewage sludge. Enzyme activity (dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, phytase and urease) were examined at an interval of 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 42 and 63 days. At the end of the experiment the change in organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus was also recorded.Results indicated that enzyme activities were substantially enhanced in presence of both amendments for first few days and the higher increases were measured at 1.5% of compost and sewage sludge amendment. Then an overall decrease in enzyme activity was recorded. Both the amendments also significantly increased the organic carbon, nitrogen and potassium of the soil while increase in available phosphorus was only recorded in treatment receiving compost. The present experiment indicated that addition of compost and sewage sludge have positive effect on soil microbial activity and can be safely used as soil amendment without having any adverse effect. Though, a previous examination of sewage sludge to be used must be made for heavy metals and pathogens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-184
Junedi ◽  
Mustika Dwi Arumsari

Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki kontribusi atas Pendapatan Domestik Bruto (PDB) rata-rata sebesar 60% sehingga kelangsungan usahanya perlu dipertahankan dengan mengenali faktor-faktornya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh modal usaha, kualitas produk, dan jaringan wirausaha terhadap kelangsungan usaha UMKM Madu Sari Lanceng. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, dan menggunakan analisis statistik. Pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner kepada 22 pelaku UMKM Madu Sari Lanceng di Nglipar, Gunungkidul. Hasil analisis memberikan gambaran:  a) Modal Usaha dan Jaringan Wirausaha tidak berpengaruh terhadap Kelangsungan Usaha; b). Kualitas Produk berpengaruh positif terhadap kelangsungan usaha. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a contribution to the average Gross Domestic Income (GDP) of 60% so that their business continuity needs to be maintained by recognizing the factors. This research aims to analyze the influence of business capital, product quality, and entrepreneurial networks on the business continuity of Madu Sari Lanceng MSMEs. The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach, and uses statistical analysis. Data collection in the form of questionnaires to 22 MSME madu sari lanceng actors in Nglipar, Gunungkidul. The results of the analysis provide an overview: a) Business Capital and Entrepreneurial Network have no effect on Business Continuity; b). Product Quality has a positive effect on business continuity

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Lidia Sas-Paszt ◽  
Urszula Smolińska ◽  
Beata Kowalska ◽  
Magdalena Szczech ◽  
Anna Lisek ◽  

Abstract In recent years, the use of bio-fertilizers enriched with specially selected microorganisms has been used more and more often. The beneficial effects of bio-fertilizers enriched with consortia of microorganisms on strawberry plants have been reported previously. The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of bio-fertilizers containing selected fungal and bacterial strains on the microorganisms living in the rhizosphere of strawberry plants. In the experiments described in this paper, synthetic mineral fertilizers were enriched with selected microorganisms. The fertilizer urea was enriched with the fungi Aspergillus niger and Purpureocillium lilacinum, while the fertilizers Polifoska 6 and Super Fos Dar 40 with strains of the bacteria Bacillus sp., Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and Paenibacillus polymyxa. Bacteria and fungi belonging to these species can exert a positive effect on the growth of many plants. The results obtained in this study showed that the application of fertilizers enriched with microorganisms had different effects on the analyzed populations of soil microorganisms in the rhizosphere of strawberry plants. There were evidences of both, an adverse effect of the applied fertilizer and/or microorganisms, but more often, the beneficial effect was found on the abundance of the microorganisms in the rhizosphere of the strawberry. The most effective for the population of Pseudomonas bacteria was application of urea and fungi and Polifoska and bacteria. The highest number of phosphorus utilizing bacteria B was scored in the treatments containing NPK, NPK + fungi and urea 60% + fungi. The application of NPK + fungi and urea 100% + fungi as well as Super Fos Dar with bacteria was most beneficial for population of actinomycetes.

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