Pictures in Transformation: Rock Art Research between Central Asia and the Subcontinent

2010 ◽  
Rock Art ◽  
Afghanistan ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-301
John Mock

In 1972, a brief article titled “Khandud, Village de la Vallée du Wakhan” appeared in Afghanistan 25. The subsequent decades of conflict precluded any follow-up research in Wakhan. The current article, based on field work from 2004 to 2016, examines the present condition of the sites described in 1972, offers a revised analysis of their significance, and introduces newly discovered rock art that connects Wakhan with the Saka culture of Central Asia and illustrates indigenous traditions of the Pamir-Hindukush ethnolinguistic region.

2000 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 169-186 ◽  
Robert Layton

Les Chamanes de la Préhistoire: Transe et Magie dans les Grottes Ornées, by Jean Clottes & David Lewis-Williams, 1996. Paris: Éditions Seuil; ISBN 2-02-028902-4 hardback 249FF, 110 pp., 114 colour ills.The Shamans of Prehistory: Trance and Magic in the Painted Caves, by Jean Clottes & David Lewis-Williams, 1996. New York (NY): Harry N. Abrams; ISBN 0-8109-4182-1 hardback, US$49.50, 120 pp., 116 colour ills.Jean Clottes and David Lewis-Williams' recent book Les Chamanes de la Préhistoire builds on a body of rock art research which has come to dominate the field, marginalizing interest in other cultural themes such as totemism and records of everyday foraging. Shamanism and totemism are, however, two of the most pervasive indigenous theories of being to have been discussed in the anthropological literature. The word totem comes from the Ojibwa, a native North American people, while the word shaman comes from the Tungus of central Siberia. Their use cross-culturally to refer to types of religion (i.e. shamanism and totemism), is an artefact of anthropology. Shamanism can be applied to customs that are inferred to have arisen independently in different parts of the world; customs in a single circum-arctic culture area; or scattered survivals from an allegedly original human condition. The cross-cultural validity of shamanism has been considered by Eliade, Lewis, Hultkrantz and Vitebsky. Shamanism refers to the use of spirits as guardians and helpers of individuals, contacted through trance. The validity of totemism as a cross-culturally-valid category has been vigorously debated in anthropology. It is generally agreed to refer to the use of animals or plants as emblems or guardians of social groups celebrated in ritual. The rationale of totemism is that each group is identified with a different species; the significance of each species derives from its place in the cognitive structure. Group A is kangaroo because it is not emu or python. While Durkheim interpreted totemism as the original human religion, Lévi-Strauss persuasively argued that totemism is a product of human cognition, which has developed independently in North America, Australia and Africa.

Andrew Skinner

The contexts of hunter-gatherer rock arts of the southern Maloti-Drakensberg are characterized by enduring patterns of cultural acquisition and social transformation, resulting in communities with highly contextual identities and cultural possessions, but with nonlinear relationships between the two. Attempts to mitigate discontinuities between ethnographic source and interpretive subject, however, have left interpretive methodologies to represent authorship in more singular terms, to the exclusion of potential contextual sources who express identities not outwardly San, despite ancestral trajectories overlapping those of the artists. Recognition of the inheritances of the communities of the present Maloti-Drakensberg, and their transformative histories, necessitates their inclusion not only as sources, but as contributors to ethnoarchaeological process.

2016 ◽  
pp. 215-224
Dagmara Zawadzka
Rock Art ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 157-164
Ge Chao ◽  
Anni Jin

2021 ◽  
pp. 255-268
Michele H. Hayward ◽  
Michael A. Cinquino
Rock Art ◽  

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