cultural themes
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 340-355
Indrayuda Indrayuda ◽  
Mohd Effindi Samsuddin

This article reveals the changes in form and style of the Randai performance performed by the Minangkabau’s diaspora in Malaysia. The novelty of this research is the study of changes in forms and styles in Randai carried out by the Malaysian Minangkabau diaspora. The disconnection of socio-cultural communication and the long distance between Minangkabau and Peninsular Malaysia impacts the shift in forms and styles of Randai in the Minangkabau diaspora. This research was conducted qualitatively by designing research works such as pre-field studies, by collecting preliminary data based on a diffusion approach. In the field stage, the informants were selected by snowball sampling. The interview and observation instruments were designed based on the performance structure and performance procedures. Researchers conducted data analysis using the techniques recommended by Spradley, namely: (1) domain analysis, (2) taxonomic analysis, (3) componential analysis, and (4) discovering cultural themes. The study results revealed that the forms and styles were caused by mixing cultures between the diaspora and the Malaysian Malays. These changes were done so that the local community could accept Randai. In addition, Randai can be easily learned and cultivated by the Malay Malays and easily expressed by the Malaysian community and the Minangkabau diaspora as the perpetrators of Randai. These changes occur through a process of adaptation and acculturation. The implication of this research is the emergence of a new Randai model, namely Randai, which refers to local culture, both from the aspect of the story, Silat style, and music, as an identity and tradition for the Malaysian Minangkabau diaspora for the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 1527
Reza Aprilia Resterina ◽  
Sri Untari ◽  
A. Rosyid Al Atok

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of this development research is to produce a book enriching local cultural themes based on strengthening character education and literacy. The product consists of a teacher manual and student books. Products developed with the ADDIE model consist of analysis (analysis), design (design), develop (development), implement (implementation), and evaluation (evaluation). Product feasibility test is obtained through validation test, attractiveness test, practicality test, and influence test to support the research results. Based on a series of tests carried out, the product was declared to have met the criteria and requirements for use in the field as a supporting book.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan buku pengayaan tema budaya lokal berbasis Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter dan literasi. Produk terdiri dari buku panduan guru dan buku siswa. Produk dikembangkan dengan model ADDIE terdiri dari <em>analisys</em> (analisis), <em>design</em> (desain), <em>develop</em> (pengembangan), <em>implement</em> (implementasi), dan <em>evaluation</em> (evaluasi). Uji kelayakan produk diperoleh melalui kegiatan uji validasi, uji kemenarikan, uji kepraktisan, dan uji pengaruh guna mendukung hasil penelitian. Berdasarkan serangkaian pengujian yang dilakukan, produk dinyatakan telah memenuhi kriteria dan persyaratan untuk digunakan di lapangan sebagai buku penunjang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-153
Septa ◽  
Tamara Adriani Salim

Introduction. Libraries as information institution serves users by collecting, managing and disseminating information and knowledge. One of the important is by preserving cultural heritage. This study aims to describe role of libraries in preserving cultural heritage through publication of scientific articles on the topic of cultural heritage. Data Collection Methods. The paper used a systematic literature review with a qualitative approach. Data Analysis. Several stage involved in data analysis included planning, implementinging, and synthesising the search results Results and Discussion. Findings indicate there are seven selected journal articles discussing policies as obstacles in the preservation of cultural heritage and there are five articles containing the role of libraries  focusing on physical form and public education. Conclusion. Based on the selected scientific journal articles describing the role of libraries in Indonesia in preserving cultural heritage, the topics  focuses on education for community, procurement, maintenance of physical buildings, ancient manuscripts collections and cultural themes. Furthermore,constraints and challenges faced by libraries,including policies, create an impact on human resources, budget and infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-135
Raechel Dumas

Abstract Contemporary Japan has been widely identified as a scene of crisis marked by the breakdown of established sociocultural institutions and the subordination of identity and desire to ever-evolving technocapitalist whims. Japanese-horror (J-horror) media of this period reveals a collective concern with these cultural themes, routinely employing haunted technologies to elaborate the perils and possibilities of existence in a world of incertitude. This article examines Shimizu Takashi’s 2004 Marebito with attention to how the film develops a critique of the estranging forces of late capitalism and elaborates an alluring alternative, located in a return to what Derrida describes as the scene of humanity’s second trauma: “the Darwinian.” In doing so, the article traces how the drive for self-annihilation emerges in Marebito not only as a terrifying prospect but also as an occasion to forge intimate relationships with the repressed of culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-221
Reksiana Reksiana

AbstractThis study discusses about the ethonographic approach in educational research. Ethnographic research, at first, was widely used in anthropological research, and developed in various fields of science such as medicine, health, psychology, and education and other social sciences. then, it can be concluded that there are four types of ethnographic research analysis in Spredley's model, they are: domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, compound analysis, and model analysis (ethnographic results. The qualitative research stages of the Spradley model consisted of 12 stages starting with determining a reliable or accurate key informant. Next, do an interview. Then, the researcher began asking descriptive questions, with an analysis of the interview. The results of the interview analysis, then the researcher conducted a domain analysis. In the next step, the researcher has determined the focus, and conduct a taxonomic analysis, then the researcher asks contrast questions, which are followed by a comparative analysis. The results of the comparative analysis, then the researcher found cultural themes. And the final step, the researcher wrote an ethnographic research report. And of course all of these stages must be adjusted to the field of education if research is in the field of education.Keyword: Ethnography Research, Ethnography Approach, Etnografi in Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Olusiji Lasekan

The primary purpose of this study is to identify academic cultural themes in the popular television sitcom The Big Bang Theory in order to enhance doctoral students’ awareness and acquisition of Ph.D. competencies through formalized and explicit instruction. The secondary aim is to assess the impact of the selected academic themes on doctoral students’ acquisition of Ph.D. competencies in an English for Academic Conversation (EAC) classroom. Drawing upon the concept of thematic learning instruction, a qualitative research method involving six clusters of Ph.D. competency reference framework developed by Durette and others was adopted to identify the academic cultural themes depicted by the sitcom’s main characters. This is followed by evaluating the effectiveness of an EAC course in fostering learners’ Ph.D. competencies using selected identified academic cultural themes. The result showed that the sitcom’s main characters demonstrate the personal and professional skills commonly possessed by a competent academic as an individual or group. This is evidenced as all the thirty-four identified skills traverse the six clusters of Ph.D. competencies devised by Durette and colleagues in 2016. Also, the impact assessment results revealed that the course fostered learners’ Ph.D. competencies as they shared knowledge, past experience, and action plans of every selected academic theme. This work contributes to existing knowledge of doctoral competencies vital to promoting competency-based Ph.D. programs in higher education.

Truck art has a long and illustrious tradition in South Asia. It is, above all, one of Pakistan's most popular and globally recognized art forms. The visual representation of the cultures of Pakistan's four regions is the cause for this art form's appeal. As a result, truck art has evolved into a means of expressing many cultural ideas via the appealing quality of its images. Such images emphasize the significance of the location or place from where the vehicle comes. Furthermore, the truck's graphics are not only appealing but also effective communicators. It’s a qualitative study based on rhetorical analysis, with the goal of understanding the culturally impacted images displayed on trucks. The study of the chosen truck images is based on topic categories that investigate various cultural connections of visuals. According to the findings, these truck images are rhetorical visuals that may interact with viewers. It delivers more strong information in the form of images and displays greater aesthetical beauty that draws the audience as a cultural representative of the region or location. This study, on the other hand, uses exemplification to show that vehicle pictures have a larger impact on the audience and convey ideas more successfully by beautifying aesthetical, religious, or cultural themes. As a consequence of such visual interpretations, one may become a detective who investigates cultural concepts, values, and traditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-64
Taopik Rahman ◽  
Silmi Qurota Aeni

This research aims to develop android-based learning media which aims to make children know Sundanese culture in a more effective, fun, and innovative way to introduce culture from an early age and can help the role of teachers or parents in educating and providing knowledge to children -children outside the school environment in a fun way. This research uses the Design Based Research (DBR) method for the Sunda Exploration Learning Media by carrying out four steps, namely the identification and problem analysis steps by researchers and practitioners collaboratively, developing a prototype solution based on theoretical benchmarks, existing design principles and technological innovations, conducting iterative process to test and improve practical solutions, reflections to produce design principles and improve implementation of practical solutions, Sundanese Exploration Learning Media can be used in learning with cultural themes. This media was developed based on the 2013 PAUD curriculum and adapted to the needs in the field regarding the fulfillment of Sundanese cultural learning. Based on the entire research process that has been carried out, the product designed by the researcher can be applied to early childhood education learning. In addition, the product can also be easily applied by teachers and parents, because this media is presented complete with a user guide ebook that describes the explanation and how to use it. Android-based learning media is the most effective media that can be one of early childhood learning in learning something. This learning media can be used by parents and schools, schools can use this application as additional learning and parents can use this application at home or anywhere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Chrisna T. Permana ◽  
Budi Harsanto

<p align="justify">Cultural village is an area-based development concept that engages with the culture and creative industries as well as tactical urbanism. Typically, a cultural village is situated in geographical areas that have traditionally had strong cultural themes and have the potential for socio-economic growth in the surrounding region. Decision-making in this environment differs from pure-profit sector decision-making. This study set out to draw lessons from the cultural village, especially in Global South, where the culturally-led consensus approach is used to reshape group decision-making processes. This study uses a systematic review method as a way to search, screen, analyze and synthesize knowledge from the academic database. The Scopus academic database is used for the search process. This paper concludes that the inclusion of culture into decision-making offers three stages of fundamental lessons for the community, which are flexibility, openness, and innovation. These three forms the foundation for the five main elements of decision-making in the cultural village, which include inclusive, participatory, collaborative, agreement-seeking, and cooperative. These findings suggest that the culturally-led consensus approach is a potential tool for policymakers to work with the community, especially to organize more bottom-up decision-making processes in traditional environments.</p>

2021 ◽  
Sorush Niknamian

Background: Hepatitis B virus infection and its complications are major health problems. The aim of this study were to investigate risk factors in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 174 patients with chronic hepatitis B who referred to the Shahid Mohammadi hospital in the city of Bandar Abbas, Iran. Information was collected through a questionnaire. Results: 174 persons (97 males, 77 females) with a mean age of 42.96 years. There was no significant relationship between the risk of having disease with gender, age, weight, height, waist circumference, hip circumference, BMI and WHR (P&gt; 0.05). The frequency of exposure to risk factors are as follows: such as history of hairdressers, vaccination, contact with suspected HBV persons, Family history of HBV positive in patients had higher prevalence than other groups. Conclusion: It seems to be more important to pay attention to lifestyles, jobs, and cultural themes of Iranian people that predispose people to risk factors so as to implement measures to control HBV spread. Also, awareness and social-health education in order to avoid unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner can be highly effective according to the high levels of hepatitis B infection among married persons. Despite existence of a long list of risk factors, various epidemiological studies with alternative methodologies along with meta-analysis of risk factors in each separate area seems to be helpful in collecting information about transmission.

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