scholarly journals Adaptation through Watershed Management in the Changing Climate

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24 ◽  

<p>Civilization has been experiencing frequent changes in the climate due to global warming.</p> <div> <p>The developing nations are worst affected as they are largely dependent on the local precipitation and soil moisture for their livelihood generations. The changing climate with extended summer, change in the rainfall pattern (intensity and duration) and variations of onset and departure of seasons are directly impacting the cultivation, status of natural vegetation, surface and sub-surface water, and other natural resources in a watershed area. Among the various efforts, watershed development approach, in which intervention is more site-specific in nature and can address the local requirements, is found to be more effective at micro levels. The vulnerability of climatic changes is mainly due to water stress, degradation of natural vegetations, degradation in the health and hygiene conditions, and poor information communication technology. The present article highlights these issues, impact of watershed development project in the Himalayan region and identifying the adaptation mechanism through watershed programs. A site specific action, research methods including primary and secondary data collections, GIS, remote sensing and statistical techniques were used. The study on the Jusho Bakro micro-watershed treated by TERI under the program DROP has been found to be effective in drawing possible adapting mechanism to withstand the changing climate and its severity on the natural resources and the livelihood of the community.</p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 342-351
Fitri Rahmafitria ◽  
Heru Purboyo ◽  
Arief Rosyidie

The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is one of the tourism agglomeration models whose effectiveness in meeting development goals needs to be analyzed. Tourism agglomeration policies that are not in line with the national development goals will cause inequality, especially in the welfare of the local community. The aim of this study is to analyses the effectiveness of SEZ policies in achieving regional development goals by comparing the community prosperity level with the goals of tourism development. The study is conducted by employing the meta-analysis method and uses secondary data of economic study from the West Nusa Tenggara Province which compares the National Development Index (HDI) with the regional tourism development targets. There is a quite large gap between the quality of education of the local community and the standard of human resource (HR) requirements specified in the SEZs. Management of tourism agglomeration must be carried out with a sustainable development approach, namely by integrating tourism development strategies into regional development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-173
Jeane Neltje Saly ◽  
Journal Manager APHA

There are two aims of this paper: first to analyze the responsibility of the government in the commitment to protect the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in natural resource management activities; secondly, to analyze the implementation of government responsibilities in mining management in relation to the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in enjoying their rights in the ecosystem, such as the environment. The method used in the research is empirical normative method, namely research that emphasizes the secondary data that is by studying and reviewing the principles of law and positive law principles derived from the existing literature materials in legislation and the provisions especially in relation to the exclusion of indigenous people's rights in the obligation of the state to create a healthy environment for the management of natural resources as a manifestation of human rights protection, and supplemented by empirical data in the form of interviews with related parties in Balaesang Tanjung Donggala District. The results show that natural resource management activities, linked to indigenous and tribal peoples' rights in environmental protection are regulated in various laws, both nationally and internationally. Implementation of government responsibility in mining management is related to the right of customary law community in enjoying the environment has not been optimally done. From the case of Balaesang Tanjung Donggala, it is envisaged that local governments ignore the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in enjoying a healthy environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (01) ◽  
pp. 43-58
Feryl Ilyasa ◽  
Muhammad Zid ◽  
Mieke Miarsyah

The aim of this article is to find out how the influence of exploitation of aquatic natural resourceson the poverty of fishing communities. The method in this article used a descriptive research design forusing a literature study approach. Based on the type of research and the type of data source used, the datacollection technique in this study is used the secondary data. The results in this study can be seen in twoaspects, are: (1) the ease of foreign investments that can be exploit for the natural resources of fisheries inIndonesia; (2) the influence of exploitation of the natural resources of the waters carried out on poverty inthe fisihing community. Exploitation of aquatic natural resources in Indonesia is due to the ease with whichforeign parties can be invest in Indonesia in the field of fisheries, and then this ease of investment fromforeign parties results in the intervention of foreign parties who can to control the natural waters resourcesin Indonesia, both in the form a legal entitiy or in the form of an individual, it can be also for drain thenatural waters resources, especially fisheries in Indonesia, and which can to be affect the walfare of fishingcommunities.

Sara de Freitas ◽  
Steve Jarvis

This chapter reviews some of the key research supporting the use of serious games for training in work contexts. The review indicates why serious games should be used to support training requirements, and in particular identifies “attitudinal change” in training as a key objective for deployment of serious games demonstrators. The chapter outlines a development approach for serious games and how it is being evaluated. Demonstrating this, the chapter proposes a game-based learning approach that integrates the use of a “four-dimensional framework”, outlines some key games principles, presents tools and techniques for supporting data collection and analysis, and considers a six-stage development process. The approach is then outlined in relation to a serious game for clinical staff concerned with infection control in hospitals and ambulances, which is being developed in a current research and development project. Survey findings from the target user group are presented and the use of tools and techniques explained in the context of the development process. The chapter proposes areas for future work and concludes that it is essential to use a specific development approach for supporting consistent game design, evaluation and efficacy for particular user groups.

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 62 ◽  
Rivo E Kojo ◽  
V V.J Panelewen ◽  
M A.V Manese ◽  
Nansi Santa

ABSTRACTFEED EFFICIENCY AND PROFITABILITY OF PIG FARM AT TARERAN DISTRICT OF SOUTH MINAHASA REGENCY. Tareran district is located in the South Minahasa regency consisted of 12 (twelve) villages and has the area of 7602.45 hectares or 76024.5 Km2. Generally, Tareran community work as farmers. The most pig populations at Tareran district were found at the three villages including villages of Lansot, Rumoong Atas, and Rumoong Atas Dua. The problems of this study are that; first, is the use of production cost in the pig business at the Tareran district efficient? Second, does the production cost provide benefits? Research objectives are to evaluate the type and total cost of production in the pig business at the Tareran district, to analyze the efficiency of input usedin pig farming, and to determine the optimum use of inputs in achieving the business benefits pigs. The research was conducted in the Tareran district of South Minahasa Regency involving the number of 30 breeders as respondents. Data collections were conducted in the period time of 2 months. The data in this study were obtained from two sources of primary and secondary data. Samples were taken using purposive sampling method. The use of this technique was always based on certain characteristics obtained through the population. The results of these studies showed the production cost of pig farm was Rp18.557.038 per period per year with a gain of about Rp 13.611.309 per period per year. Inefficient use of food inputs indicating to the farmers need to reduce feeding cost because it caused cost redundancy. It was known that animal body weight achieved was different for each type of pig. In addition, the use of ration inputs to achieve maximum body weight was also different for each animal.Keywords: Efficiency, Ration Input, Profit, Pig Farm, Tareran District.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Budi Sunarso ◽  
Zulviatun Annisa

This study aims to determine the dependence of society on natural resources in Ringinsari village, Boyolali district. To obtain a representative sample there, the qualitative method was carried out by conducting interviews with locals related to the topic of writing. Primary data collection is obtained by means of observation, namely question and answer sessions with the local community. Secondary data is obtained from agencies related to the issue. The data were analyzed by dividing into an analysis of the village environment, an analysis of the lifestyle of the locals, and an analysis of the population's dependence on nature or natural resources. The results showed that the Ringinsari village, Boyolali district is the largest village in one sub-district and has the largest population, namely 66 Family Cards (KK). Most of the locals work as factory workers, farmers and some have set up their own businesses, such as opening basic food stalls. Society is still very dependent on nature because some locals own livestock and manage plantations.

Noor Fatima ◽  
Imran Ashraf ◽  
Sania Zehraa

The sustainable consumption and production is crucially relevant for Pakistan, given the massive degradation and depletion of natural resources due to the population explosion – and agricultural and industrial development pursued without regard for environmental sustainability. Freshwater availability has declined and quality of drinking water has deteriorated, leading to increase in water-borne diseases. The decaying water infrastructure results in a 40pc water loss in conveyance from dams to farms, for agricultural development. Industrial, agricultural, and household chemicals are freely imported and used without any regulatory system. Massive depletion of natural resources has meant the cutting of trees, resulting in increased timber imports. Pakistan National Action Plan (PNAP) was developed in May 2017 to achieve the sustainable goal particularly goal 12, which is about Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). This paper focuses on the ingenious activity and strategy devised in the PNAP for the preparedness, implementation and monitoring of the SDG-12, as National Developmental Agenda of Pakistan. Utilizing library research methods, the major material used for this research is qualitatively collected by analyzing the contents of documents. For primary data, government documents have been consulted. Whereas the secondary data has been collected from books and articles available on the theme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-60
A.O. Abidoye ◽  
W.A. Lamidi ◽  
M.O. Alabi ◽  
J. Popoola

In this paper, we are interested in comparing the conventional t –test with the proposed t – test for testing equality of means with unequal and equal variances. Here, we proposed harmonic mean of variances as an alternative to the pooled sample variance when there is heterogeneity of variances. Two sets of secondary data were obtained from Agricultural Development Project (KWADP) and the Ministry of Agriculture in Ilorin, Kwara State to demonstrate the two test statistics used and the results show that the proposed t – test statistic is found to be appropriate than the conventional t – test statistic when we have unequal variances but the conventional t – test perform better when we have equal variances.

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