scholarly journals Effect of mulching practices on growth and yield of forage crops under rainfed ecosystem

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 266-271
Himangshu Das ◽  
Champak Kumar Kundu ◽  
Prasanta Kumar Bandyopadhyay ◽  
Sahuji Bandyopadhyay ◽  
Pintoo Bandopadhyay

There had been very less systemic study of forage crops in this part of the world. The information is scanty and not well documented. With these backgrounds, a field experiment was conducted during winter and summer season of 2012-13 and 2013-14 with three forage crops [Brachiaria brizantha, Panicum maximum and Setaria anceps] and three mulching managements [no mulching, soil dust mulching and live mulching]. Experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Forage crop was assigned to the main plots and mulching to the subplots. The results revealed that superior growth attributes as well as highest green fodder yield (91.14 q ha-1 in winter and 307.20 q ha-1 in summer) and dry matter yield (26.27 q ha-1 in winter and 66.99 q ha-1 in summer) were obtained with forage crop Setaria anceps. Mulching influenced all growth parameters (plant height, leaf area index and crop growth rate) significantly and recorded highest with live mulching followed by soil dust and no mulching. Adoption of live mulching resulted in highest green fodder yield (94.17 q ha-1 in winter and 309.58 q ha-1 in summer) as well as highest dry matter yield (26.28 q ha-1 in winter and 71.93 q ha-1 in summer). The present experimental findings signify the importance of live mulching in improving growth attributes and yield of forage crops.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (04) ◽  
Monica Jyoti Kujur ◽  
S. K. Bilaiya ◽  
A.K. Mehta

Ricebean has been categorized as underutilized crop despite its nutritive quality and fodder yielding ability benign higher than other legumes of Vigna family. In addition to its nutritive value, this crop is fairly resistant to drought and flood conditions. The purpose of this paper is to provide important traits for direct selection of fodder yielding ricebean genotypes through analysis of phenotypic and genotypic association and path coefficient. In the present study, the degree of association between yield and yield contributing attributes were estimated in 85 germplasm lines for nineteen quantitative traits so that direct selection of the promising traits may be effective for the improvement of yield potential of future genotypes of ricebean. Correlation studies indicated that green fodder yield per plant was significantly and positively associated with green fodder yield per day, number of leaves per plant, number of branches per plant, crude protein yield per plant, crude protein yield per plant per day, dry matter yield per plant, dry matter yield per plant per day, leaf stem ratio and plant height at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Path coefficient revealed that green fodder yield per plant per day has highest direct effect and significant positive correlation towards yield. Other traits, crude protein yield per plant, dry matter yield per plant per day, days to 50% flowering, days to flower initiation and plant height were also found to be important fodder yield indicators in ricebean.

1960 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-350 ◽  
V. A. Oyenuga

1. The effects of the stage of growth and frequency of cutting on the yield and chemical composition of Panicum maximum Jacq., under the tropical humid conditions prevailing in Ibadan area were studied in the season 1953 to 1954. The cutting frequencies adopted were seventeen, eight, six and four times harvesting a year which corresponded respectively to a growing period of 3, 6, 8 and 12 weeks before the plants were cut.2. It was shown that Guinea grass gave the highest growth rate and cumulative green fodder yield (approximately 28 tons per acre) per year when allowed a 12-weekly growth cycle. Cutting the grass every 3 weeks gave a total minimum yield of 20 tons per acre. 6-weekly samplings resulted in higher green fodder yield than cutting it every 8 weeks. Such yield differences which exist among the various cutting treatments, however, are not statistically significant. When yields of edible (leafy) green fodder were considered, the order of superiority was 3-weekly > 6-weekly > 12-weekly > 8-weekly.It was shown that the increased yield of green and dry fodder obtained from the 12-weekly cut grass was made up of both fresh regrowth as well as of grasses which had been growing for 12 weeks.3. P. maximum contains a fairly high percentage of dry matter and this increased directly with the length of cutting intervals. Dry-matter yields, like those of green fodder, were highest for the 12-weekly harvested material, followed in order by the 6-weekly cut, the 8-weekly cut and the 3-weekly cut samples. However, the production of leaves and the accumulation of dry matter in them, are inversely related to the length of growing interval up to and including grasses allowed 8-weekly growing periods.4. The stems of P. maximum tend to mature more rapidly than the leaves, particularly at a growing stage of between 3 and 6 weeks of age. At between the 8 and 12 week growth stages, the development of the stem of P. maximum in relation to that of its leaves was not as rapid as observed in the case of either P. purpureum or of Andropogon tectorum.5. The percentage dry matter, nitrogen-free extract, ether extract and calcium are directly related, while those of crude protein, silica-free ash, phosphorus and magnesium, are inversely related to the length of cutting intervals. It was also shown that the mean percentage crude protein of Guinea grass of about 12 at 3 weeks of growth, declined by 45% to 6·4 when the grass was cut every 12 weeks. The grass contains a high amount of magnesium, a reasonably high amount of calcium, but a somewhat low content of phosphorus, a fact which accounts for the wide calcium to phosphorus ratio. This ratio widened with the length of cutting intervals.6. When Panicum maximum was cut at 3 -weekly intervals, it produced 69·3% more protein, 58·5% more silica-free ash, 32·3% more calcium, 49·6% more phosphoric acid, 71% more magnesium and higher amounts of carbohydrate and total nutrient material than when it was allowed to grow for 8 weeks. Similarly when the grass was allowed a 12-weekly growth cycle, it produced 35% more of total nutrient, 36·5% more of carbohydrate material and 62·2% more of calcium than when it was sampled every 8 weeks. It appears totally unprofitable from the point of view of yield of chemical constituents to subject P. maximum to a growth cycle of 8 weeks.7. Yields of green and dry matter and the percentage crude protein, silica-free ash, and nitrogen-free extract are directly related to the degree of precipitation. In general periods of high rainfall were accompanied by higher yields and percentage content of these constituents, while periods of low rainfall gave rise to smaller yields. The percentage content of crude fibre, on the other hand, was inversely related to rainfall.

Mayuri Sahu ◽  
Ajay Tiwari

Fourteen genotypes of fodder oat (Avena sativa L.) were evaluated to assess the genetic variability and association analysis during Rabi 2018-19. The character dry matter yield (q/ha/day) had the highest heritability. GCV and PCV estimate was recorded for the days to 50% flowering. Highest genetic advance was observed for green forage yield (q/ha) were as high as percentage of mean was observed for dry matter yield (q/ha/day). In the present experiment, it is evident for the result that day to 50% flowering has a highly significant negative correlation with green forage yield. The highest positive direct effect contributing to green forage yield (q/ha) was due to low crude protein (q/ha). However indirect effect on improvement in green fodder yield was exerted by most of the traits studied. A direct selection for all these traits will help in the improvement of green fodder yield. Green fodder yield was positively correlated with most of the traits studied except days to 50% flowering and plant height (cm). The study provided the opportunity to identify suitable genotypes to be used in a future breeding programme.

2005 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-308 ◽  
R. S: Sheoran ◽  
D. S. Rana

A field experiment was carried out on sandy loam soils at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India during the summer/rainy season from 1998-99 to 2000-01. The experiment consisted of ten fertility treatments having control, 50, 75 and 100% recommended dose of fertilizers, vermicompost and farmyard manure alone and in combination with chemical fertilizers. The three-year study revealed that the application of 10 t/ha vermicompost or farmyard manure each along with 75% recommended doses of fertilizers gave significantly higher green fodder and dry matter yield than all other treatments except 100% recommended dose of fertilizers. Likewise, the fodder yield obtained from the use of 10 t/ha vermicompost + 50% recommended dose of fertilizers was found to be statistically at par with that obtained from the application of 75% recommended dose of fertilizers alone, indicating that 25% chemical fertilizers could be substituted. The application of 10 t/ha vermicompost along with 75% recommended dose of fertilizers increased the green fodder and dry matter yield by 60.8 and 66.2%, respectively, over the control on a pooled mean basis. Non-significant differences were observed between the organic manures for forage yield, though the application of vermicompost gave a slightly higher yield than farmyard manure.

1982 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-100 ◽  
S. U. Remison ◽  
E. O. Lucas

SUMMARYTwo maize cvs, FARZ 23 and FARZ 25, were grown at three densities (37,000, 53,000 and 80,000 plants/ha) in 1979 and 1980. Leaf area index (LAI) increased with increase in plant population and was at a maximum at mid-silk. Grain yield was highest at 53,000 plants/ha. There was no relation between LAI and grain yield but there was a positive correlation between LAI and total dry matter yield.

1992 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 491-497
Abate Tedla ◽  
Helena Airaksinen ◽  
M. A. Mohamed-Saleem

The influence of the improved drainage broadbed and furrow (BBF), as opposed to the traditional flat seedbed over the growing season on the dry matter yield and nutritive value of Avena sativa, Vigna unguiculata, Lablab purpureus, Vida dasycarpa, Trifolium steudneri and Sesbania sesban were studied on Vertisol. Up to 7 t/ha dry matter yield was recorded for Avena sativa and Lablab purpureus when planted on Vertisols with improved drainage. Dry matter yield of forage crops also increased with advance in stage of maturity or subsequent harvests. On both improved and traditional flat seedbed methods, the chemical analysis of forage crops showed similar declines in crude protein content and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) levels as the maturity of forage crops progressed.

1978 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 569-577 ◽  
G. O. Iremiren ◽  
G. M. Milbourn

SummaryTotal dry-matter yield of maize silage rose asymptotically as density was increased up to 17 plants/m2. Over the range 11–17 plants/m2, which is generally higher than is used in the U.K., the increase in yield was 1–1·6 t dry matter/ha which can justify the higher seed cost and although there was no adverse affect on time of maturity the risk of lodging increased at the highest density. During the harvest period whilst whole crop dry-matter percentage was rising from 23 to 28%, the ear dry-matter content rose steadily from 29 to 35%, whereas the leaf and stem dry-matter content remained essentially constant and only dried out at a later stage after a frost.Caldera 535 had a higher leaf area index and net assimilation rate than the earlier variety Julia which it outyielded by 15%. The additional yield was mainly stem tissue and the greater vegetative production caused an 11-day delay in reaching the silage stage of maturity (25% crop D.M.). NO differences occurred between density treatments and varieties in the forage quality components considered, namely percentage drymatter digestibility, modified acid-detergent fibre, crude protein and ash. Thus in U.K. conditions, total dry-matter yield exerts an overriding influence on the yields per unit area of these quality constituents. This contrasts with reports from the U.S.A. in which a reduced grain/stover ratio adversely influences silage quality.Removal of the whole ear (including husk and rachis) at an early stage in ear development resulted in a 50% reduction in the final dry-matter yield. In the earless plants, leaf area and net assimilation rate was lower, but the dry-matter content of the leaves and stem was considerably higher, and a marked purple coloration developed indicative of excess starch concentration. These results emphasize the need in maize silage not only for an adequate leaf canopy, best obtained early in the growing season by using high planting density and subsequently by using late maturing varieties, but also for sufficient sink capacity in the ear as well as in the stem fraction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 259 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Jonathan Jesus Ojeda ◽  
Octavio Pedro Caviglia ◽  
Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás Irisarri ◽  
Mónica Graciela Agnusdei

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-263 ◽  
Jin-Hwan Noh ◽  
Hee-Choong Lee ◽  
Yoon-Joong Kim ◽  
Sang-Soo Park ◽  
Ju-Sam Lee

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