scholarly journals Percent: A Privileged Proportion

1995 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-481 ◽  
Melanie Parker ◽  
Gaea Leinhardt

Why is percent, a ubiquitous mathematical concept, so hard to learn? This question motivates our review. We argue that asking the question is worthwhile because percent is universal and because it forms a bridge between real-world situations and mathematical concepts of multiplicative structures. The answer involves explaining the long history of the percent concept from its early roots in Babylonian, Indian, and Chinese trading practices and its parallel roots in Greek proportional geometry to its modern multifaceted meanings. The answer also involves specifying what percent is: its meaning (fraction or ratio) and its sense (function or statistic). Finally, the answer involves understanding the privileged language of percent—an extremely concise language that has lost its explicit referents, has misleading additive terminology for multiplicative meanings, and has multiple uses for the preposition of. The answer leads to speculation, in light of previous research, concerning what can be done to teach percent—and other multiplicative mathematical concepts—more effectively.

Roi Wagner

This chapter introduces the notion of embodied mathematical cognition by reviewing some neuro-cognitive theories of mathematical concept formation. It first considers the neuro-cognitive debate on the mental representation of numbers, focusing on Stanislas Dehaene's notion of “number sense” and Vincent Walsh's ATOM (acronym for a theory of magnitude), before presenting the cognitive theory of mathematical metaphor and relating it to Water J. Freeman III's theory of meaning. It also examines Gilles Deleuze's Logic of Sensation in the context of mathematical practice, the link between the history of mathematics and neuro-cognition through an analysis of theories that explicitly engage the formation of higher mathematical concepts, and some challenges to the theory of mathematical metaphors.

Stephen Verderber

The interdisciplinary field of person-environment relations has, from its origins, addressed the transactional relationship between human behavior and the built environment. This body of knowledge has been based upon qualitative and quantitative assessment of phenomena in the “real world.” This knowledge base has been instrumental in advancing the quality of real, physical environments globally at various scales of inquiry and with myriad user/client constituencies. By contrast, scant attention has been devoted to using simulation as a means to examine and represent person-environment transactions and how what is learned can be applied. The present discussion posits that press-competency theory, with related aspects drawn from functionalist-evolutionary theory, can together function to help us learn of how the medium of film can yield further insights to person-environment (P-E) transactions in the real world. Sampling, combined with extemporary behavior setting analysis, provide the basis for this analysis of healthcare settings as expressed throughout the history of cinema. This method can be of significant aid in examining P-E transactions across diverse historical periods, building types and places, healthcare and otherwise, otherwise logistically, geographically, or temporally unattainable in real time and space.

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-37 ◽  
Cheryl S. McWatters ◽  
Yannick Lemarchand

The Guide du commerce occupies a distinctive place in the French-language literature on accounting. Passed over by most specialists in the history of maritime trade and the slave trade, the manual has never been the subject of a documented historical study. The apparent realism of the examples, the luxury of details and their precision, all bear witness to a deep concern to go beyond a simple apprenticeship in bookkeeping. Promoting itself essentially as “un guide du commerce,” the volume offers strategic examples for small local businesses, as well as for those engaged in international trade. Yet, the realism also demonstrated the expertise of the author in the eyes of potential purchasers. Inspired by the work of Bottin [2001], we investigate the extent to which the manual reflects real-world practices and provides a faithful glimpse into the socio-economic context of the period. Two additional questions are discussed briefly in our conclusion. First, can the work of Gaignat constitute a source document for the history of la traite négrière? The second entails our early deliberations about the place of this volume in the history of the slave trade itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Bruce Grant

If our knowledge of shamanism has been so abidingly partial, so impressively uneven, so deeply varied by history, and so enduringly skeptical for so long, how has its study come to occupy such pride of place in the anthropological canon? One answer comes in a history of social relations where shamans both are cast as translators of the unseen and are themselves sites of anxiety in a very real world, one of encounters across lines of gender, class, and colonial incursions often defined by race. This article contends that as anthropologists have cultivated a long and growing library of shamanic practice, many appear to have found, in a globally diverse range of spirit practitioners, translators across social worlds who are not unlike themselves, suggesting that in the shaman we find a remarkable history of anthropology.

Technology has significantly emerged in various fields, including healthcare, government, and education. In the education field, students of all ages and backgrounds turn to modern technologies for learning instead of traditional methods, especially under challenging courses such as mathematics. However, students face many problems in understanding mathematical concepts and understanding how to benefit from them in real-life. Therefore, it can be challenging to design scientific materials suitable for learning mathematics and clarifying their applications in life that meet the students’ preferences. To solve this issue, we designed and developed an interactive platform based on user experience to learn an advanced concept in the idea of linear algebra called Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and its applicability in image compression. The proposed platform considered the common design principles to map between the provider in terms of clear mathematical explanation and the receiver in terms of matching good user experience. Twenty participants between the ages of 16 and 30 tested the proposed platform. The results showed that learning using it gives better results than learning traditionally in terms of the number of correct and incorrect actions, effectiveness, efficiency, and safety factors. Consequently, we can say that designing an interactive learning platform to explain an advanced mathematical concept and clarify its applications in real-life is preferable by considering and following the common design principles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 202-210
Malti Bansal ◽  
Raaghav Raj Maiya

The research paper prospects the theory of phototransistor ranging from the history of the device to its application in the real world. The research paper deep dives into the characteristics of the phototransistor while discussing its dependence on bias drive, bias voltage, and illumination intensity. The research paper includes a comparative study between the various types of phototransistors based on optical gain, spectral range, and efficiency. It also concludes the best illumination method for the phototransistor based on the optical gain parameter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-218
Eko Yulianto ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Ahmad Tafsir ◽  
Sufyani Prabawanto

Ethno-mathematical research trends pioneered by D'Ambrosio are on the rise, especially in Indonesia as a nation with high cultural diversity which has a lot of potential researches to be explored. This paper has two major objectives, first to explore the importance of the role of mathematics in the practice of Dhikr Jahar in Tariqa Qodiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah and second to contrast the differences between mathematical phenomena and mathematical concepts in ethnomathematics research. Attempts to contrast the mathematical phenomena and mathematical concepts in ethnomathematics was expected to provide a sharper highlight in the writing of ethnomathematics research. This research used qualitative methods with two approaches, namely ethnography and phenomenology. The locations of the research are at Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya-Sirnarasa and Padepokan Talangraga Tasikmalaya with observations for 9 months in the first stage and then 6 months in the second stage. The number of respondents interviewed in this research were 48 people. Data processing was performed using the Nvivo 12 Plus. The results showed that there are many mathematical phenomena in the practice of Dhikr Jahar Ikhwan TQN. In carrying out the practice of dhikr, the Ikhwan used a mathematical concept with two events, fingers and prayer beads aids. The concept of counting in dhikr was used strictly by the Ikhwan. They believe that numbers have an important role in the quantity of dhikr. Contrasting mathematical phenomena and mathematical concepts can be done with an emic and etic approach and is expected to become an alternative style in ethnomathematics research. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 53-62
A.K. Alpysov ◽  
A.K. Seytkhanova ◽  
I.Sh. Abishova ◽  

The article discusses the ways of developing skills and abilities to effectively solve problems when describing methods for solving equations and inequalities, clarifying theoretical knowledge, the basics of forming skills for practical application. The formation of mathematical concepts through solving problems in teaching mathematics opens the way to the development of mathematical thinking, the application of knowledge in practice, and the development of search skills. To master a mathematical concept, along with its definition, it is necessary to know its features and properties. This can be achieved primarily through problem solving and exercise. Problem solving is based on the development of new methods, the creation of algorithms, ways of developing practical skills in the methods and techniques mastered with the help of tasks.In addition, transforming equations and inequalities through the development of thinking skills helps to identify common or special properties in order to draw correct conclusions. Solving various problems, it shows what operations should be used to determine the situation in which a solution was found, and what features of the solution allow choosing the most effective methods. Thanks to the theoretical substantiation of the general article, it is possible to master convenient methods for solving equations and inequalities of various structures.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-230
Rosida Rakhmawati

Culture-based education has a vital role of individuals and communities to achieve progressivity in all aspects of life. Math-based culture called ethnomathematics is an approach that can be used to explain the role of mathematics in a multicultural society. Mathematical concepts used to explore the existence of mathematics in culture, especially traditional societies of Lampung. This study aims to describe the results of exploration Lampung Ethnomathematics with this kind of exploratory research as well as an ethnographic approach. The results showed that without studying the mathematical concept, traditional society of Lampung have applied these concepts in their daily lives using ethnomathematics. Proved the existence of mathematical concepts contained in custom home building, the local unit of  Lampung, geometric shapes motif of tapis, as well as traditional games Lampung. Researchers suggest the results of this study to (a) used as alternative ideas mathematics learning outside the classroom, (b) introduced in learning formal mathematics as initial capital to teach the concept of mathematics to students, (c) be used as reference material for preparing a matter of mathematical problem-solving context.

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