New data about the Late Cretaceous floras of the Ulya depression (western coast of Sea of Okhotsk)

Palaeobotany ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 148-167 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva

New investigation of fossil plants from volcanic-sedimentary deposits of the Amka Formation in Ulya River basin (southern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt, Northeastern Russia) shows, that the Arinda, Uenma, Ust-Amka and Gyrbykan floristic assemblages from diff erent localities of this formation have very close systematic composition. We propose to joint these assemblages in the single regional flora, which is named the Ulya flora. The Ulya flora consists of almost 40 species. The majority of them are represented by new undescribed taxa. In this flora gymnosperms (Phoenicopsis ex gr. speciosa Heer, Ginkgo ex gr. adiantoides (Ung.) Heer, G. ex gr. sibirica Heer, Sphenobaiera sp., Podozamites sp., Elatocladus spp., Araucarites sp., Sequoia sp., Metasequoia sp., Cupressinocladus sp., Ditaxocladus sp., Pityophyllum sp., Pityostrobus sp.) predominate. Ferns (Asplenium dicksonianum Heer, Arctopteris sp., Cladophlebis spp. and several undescribed taxa) and angiosperms (Trochodendroides spp., undetermined Platanaceae, Dicotylophyllum spp., Quereuxia angulate (Newb.) Krysht. ex Baik.) are not abundant. This flora is characterized by presence of the Early Cretaceous relicts (Phoenicopsis, Sphenobaiera and Podozamites), by rarity of angiosperms and by high endemism. On the base of comparison of the Ulya flora with other floras from middle and northern parts of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt, the age of the Ulya flora is estimated as the Coniacian.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 42-59 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva ◽  
S. V. Shczepetov

The Envymaam floristic assemblage occurs from basaltic rocks of the Envymaam Formation in the Envymaam River basin, Central Chukotka segment of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt. This assemblage consists of 18 taxa: Hepaticites sp., Coniopteris tschuktschorum (Krysht.) Samyl., Phoenicopsis ex gr. angustifolia Heer, Cupressinocladus enmyvaamensis Golovn., sp. nov., Araliaephyllum philippoviae Golovn., sp. nov. Among them, two species are fi rstly described. The Envymaam assemblage is characterized by presence of the Early Cretaceous relicts (Phoenicopsis), by rarity of angiosperms and by small sizes of their leaves. Age of the Envymaam floristic assemblage is determined as the late Campanian on the basis of systematic composition, palynological, paleomagnetic and isotopic data. Direct continuity between the Envymaam and the Ust’-Emuneret floristic assemblages from the subjacent Emuneret Formation it isn’t observed that is caused probably by the poor composition of the Envymaam floristic assemblage. Palynological assemblages from the Envymaam, Ust’-Emuneret, Ola and Arkagala Formations are very similar.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 96-115 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva ◽  
S. V. Shczepetov

The Aunei floristic assemblage comes from volcanic-sedimentary deposits of the Aunei unit. The locality is situated in the middle course of the Eropol River (Anadyr River basin). This area belongs to the Anadyr segment of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (Belyi, 1977). The Aunei floristic assemblage consists of 21 species. Among them gymnosperms (Phoenicopsis ex gr. angustifolia Heer, Podozamites sp., Elatocladus zheltovskii Philipp., Elatocladus sp., Araucarites subacutensis Philipp., Sequoia sp., Metasequoia sp., Cupressinocladus sp., Pityophyllum sp., Pityostrobus sp., Pityolepis sp.) predominate. Ferns (Tchaunia tchaunensis Samyl. et Philipp., Kolymella raevskii Samyl. et Philipp., Cladophlebis tschuktschorum Philipp.) and angiosperms (Trochodendroides microphylla Philipp., Trochodendroides sp. 1, 2, Dicotylophyllum nanum Golovn., Dicotylophyllum sp. 1, 2, Quereuxia angulata (Newb.) Krysht. ex Baik.) are not abundant. This assemblage is characterized by presence of the Early Cretaceous relicts (Phoenicopsis and Podozamites), by rarity of angiosperms and by small sizes of their leaves. Taxonomic composition of the Aunei floristic assemblage most closely resembles the composition of the Chaun flora, which comes from the Coniacian deposits of the Chaun Group of Central Chukotka. From 21 species of the Aunei assemblage 14 species are common with the Chaun ones. Among them there are the characteristic endemic plants of the Chaun flora: Tchaunia tchaunensis, Kolymella raevskii, Araucarites subacutensis, Elatocladus zheltovskii, Trochodendroides microphylla. The great systematic similarity of these floras indicate that they were even-aged and belonged to the single regional Chaun flora, which was distributed not only at Central Chukotka but also at area of the Anadyr segment of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt. Age of the Aunei floristic assemblage is also determined as the Coniacian.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 13-179
L. B. Golovneva

The Chingandzha flora comes from the volcanic-sedimentary deposits of the Chingandzha Formation (the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt, North-East of Russia). The main localities of the Chingandzha flora are situated in the Omsukchan district of the Magadan Region: on the Tap River (basin of the middle course of the Viliga River), on the Kananyga River, near the mouth of the Rond Creek, and in the middle reaches of the Chingandzha River (basin of the Tumany River). The Chingandzha flora includes 23 genera and 33 species. Two new species (Taxodium viligense Golovn. and Cupressinocladus shelikhovii Golovn.) are described, and two new combinations (Arctopteris ochotica (Samyl.) Golovn. and Dalembia kryshtofovichii (Samyl.) Golovn.) are created. The Chingandzha flora consists of liverworts, horsetails, ferns, seed ferns, ginkgoaleans, conifers, and angiosperms. The main genera are Arctop teris, Osmunda, Coniopteris, Cladophlebis, Ginkgo, Sagenoptepis, Sequoia, Taxodium, Metasequoia, Cupressinocladus, Protophyllocladus, Pseudoprotophyllum, Trochodendroides, Dalembia, Menispermites, Araliaephyllum, Quereuxia. The Chingandzha flora is distinct from other floras of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt (OCVB) in predominance of flowering plants and in absence of the Early Cretaceous relicts such as Podozamites, Phoenicopsis and cycadophytes. According to its systematic composition and palaeoecological features, the Chingandzha flora is similar to the Coniacian Kaivayam and Tylpegyrgynay floras of the North-East of Russia, which were distributed at coastal lowlands east of the mountain ridges of the OCVB. Therefore, the age of the Chingandzha flora is determined as the Coniacian. This flora is assigned to the Kaivayam phase of the flora evolution and to the Anadyr Province of the Siberian-Canadian floristic realm. The Chingandzha flora is correlated with the Coniacian Aleeky flora from the Viliga-Tumany interfluve area and with other Coniacian floras of the OCVB: the Chaun flora of the Central Chukotka, the Kholchan flora of the Magadan Region and the Ul’ya flora of the Ul’ya Depression.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 80-95 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva

The Ul’ya flora comes from the Coniacian volcanogenic deposits of the Amka Formation (the Ul'ya depression, southern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt). Ginkgoaleans are diverse in this flora and represented by three genera: Ginkgo, Sphenobaiera and Baiera. All specimens have no cuticle and were assigned to morphotaxa. Genus Ginkgo includes two species: G. ex gr. adiantoides (Ung.) Heer with entire leaves and G. ex gr. sibirica Heer with dissected leaves. Genus Sphenobaiera also consists of two species: S. ex gr. longifolia (Pom.) Florin with 4–8 leaf lobes and S. ex gr. biloba Prynada with two leaf lobes. Genus Baiera is represented by new species B. lebedevii Golovn., sp. nov.Leaves of this species are 25–30 cm long and 13–16 cm wide, narrowly wedge-shaped with flat slender petiole, dichotomously dissected 4–5 times into linear segments 3–6 mm wide with 6–12 veins. The length of ultimate segments is equal to about a half of leaf length. Leaves attached spirally to ovoid short shoots about 2 cm long. Among the Late Cretaceous floras similar diversity of ginkgoaleans was recorded only in the Turonian-Coniacian Arman flora from middle part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (Herman et al., 2016). Four species of ginkgoaleans from the Ul’ya flora (except G. ex gr. adiantoides) are considered as the Early Cretaceous relicts.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 73-93 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva ◽  
S. V. Shczepetov

The Gedan floristic assemblage occurs from upper layers of the Kholchan Formation of the Okchotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (OCVB). The locality is situated at the Gedan River in the middle part of the Arman River basin. The Gedan assemblage is composed of 6 taxa: Cladophlebis sp., Sphenobaiera sp., Ginkgo ex gr. adiantoides (Ung.) Heer, Taxodium amguemensis (Efimova) Golovn., Metasequoia sp., Pagiophyllum sp. The similarity of the Gedan floristic assemblage with the Karamken and the Khirumki floristic assemblages from the Kholchan Formation of the Okhotsk sector of the OCVB allows us to join them in the Kholchan flora. This flora is distinct from more ancient Arman flora, which dated as the Turonian-Coniacian and from younger Ola flora, which dated as the Santonian-early Campanian. The age of the Kholchan flora is estimated as the Coniacian on the basis of stratigraphic position, presence of Podozamites, Metasequoia and Quereuxia and also isotopic data. This flora is equivalent with the Chaun flora of Central Chukotka, with the Aleeki flora from the Villigha and Toomahni Rivers interfluve and with the Ulya flora from the southern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 80-95 ◽  
D. A. Yudova ◽  
L. B. Golovneva

New species Sequoia ochotica Yudova et Golovn. (Pinopsida, Cupressaceae) from the Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Arman and Chingandzha Formations of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt is described based at morphological features of leaves and shoots. Two other Late Cretaceous species of this genus: S. minuta Sveshn. from the Vilyui River basin of Eastern Siberia and S. tenuifolia (Schmalh.) Sveshn. et Budants. from the New Siberian Islands have comparable shoot morphology, but these species were described based at epidermal features.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 45-95 ◽  
S. V. Shczepetov ◽  
L. B. Golovneva

Assemblage of fossil plants from the Gydra, Yum and Kananyga Formations (the Villigha and Toomahni Rivers interfluve, Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt) are joined in the Aleeki flora. The systematic description of main species is given and floristic and phytostratigraphical analysis of this flora is carried out. New species Lobifolia alikensis Golovn. et Shczep. is described. The Aleeki flora is typical flora of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt. It contain few angiosperms and significant amount relic elements among ferns (Hausmannia, Lobifolia), cycadophytes (Heilungia), czekanowskiales (Phoenicopsis) and ginkgoales (Sphenobaiera, Ginkgo ex gr. sibirica). In consequence of its stratigraphical position the Aliky flora is slightly younger than the Chingandzha flora (the Turonian-Coniacian) and it is compositionally similar with the Chaun flora (Coniacian). On this basis the age of the Aleeki flora is estimated as the Coniacian. The common taxa of the Aleeki and Chingandzha floras are Coniopteris tschuktschorum, Asplenium dicksonianum, Cladophlebis inaequipinnulata, Birisia sp., Ginkgo ex gr. adiantoides, G. ex gr. sibirica, Sequoia, Metasequoia, Menispermites, Dalembia and Trochodendroides. The common genera of the Aleeki and Chaun floras are Coniopteris, Asplenium, Arctopteris, Cladophlebis, Ginkgo, Sphenobaiera, Heilungia, Phoenicopsis, Picea, Sequoia, Metasequoia, Menispermites, Dalembia and Trochodendroides. Besides that the Aleeki flora contains some species, which were believed as endemic of the Chaun flora: Tchaunia lobifolia, Cladophlebis grandis and Araucarites subacutensis. The Aleeki and Chaun floras are now considered as contemporaneous regional floras, which were distributed in the northern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 100-113 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva ◽  
S. V. Shczepetov

The Karamken floristic assemblage occurs from basal layers of the Kholchan Formation of the Okchotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (OCVB). The locality is situated at Khasyn River near Karamken settlement. The Karamken assemblage is composed of 6 taxa: Heilungia sp., Phoenicopsis ex gr. angustifolia Heer, Sphenobaiera sp., Metasequoia sp., Taxodium amguemensis (Efimova) Golovn., Trochodendroides sp. This flora is distinct from more ancient Arman flora and younger Ola flora. According to systematic composition the Karamken floristic assemblage is similar to the Chaun flora of Central Chukotka (the Coniacian), to the Aleeki flora from the Villigha and Toomahni Rivers interfluve (the Coniacian) and to the floristic assemblage from the Leurvaam (?) Formation of Eastern Chukotka (Efimova, 1966). On this basis the age of the Karamken flora is estimated as the Coniacian. Association of the remains of Metasequoia, Taxodium amguemensis, Phoenicopsis and large leaves of Sphenobaiera is repeated in different localities in different part of the OCVB. These remains are usually connected with fine-grained volcanogenic-terrigenous paludal-lacustrine deposits.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 36-47 ◽  
L. B. Golovneva ◽  
A. A. Gnilovskaya

The Vysokorechensk floristic assemblage comes from the Vysokorechenskaya Formation (Khatyrka and Svetlaya Rivers interfluve, southeastern part of the Korayk Upland). It contains 12 species: Equisetum sp., Sphenopteris sp., Ginkgo ex gr. adiantoides (Heer) Unger, Elatocladus smittiana (Heer) Seward, Mesocyparis beringiana (Golovn.) McIver et Aulenback, Sequoia sp., Тaxodium sp., Сelastrinites septentrionalis (Krysht.) Golovn., Corylus sp., Peculnea sp., Platanus sp. Trochodendroides sp. According to systematic composition the Vysokorechensk floristic assemblage is similar to the Kakanaut flora from the Kakanaut Formation (Kakanaut River Basin). The Vysokorechenskaya Formation is represented by marine volcanogenous-terrigenous sediments. It contains inocerams and ammonites of the upper Maastrichtian (Schachmaticeramus kusiroensis (Nagao et Mat.), Pachydiscus subcompressus Mat.). On this base the age of the Vysokorechensk floristic assemblage is determined as the beginning of late Maastrichtian. The correlation of the Maastrichtian deposits of diff erent areas of eastern part of the Koryak Upland was carried out.

Palaeobotany ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 116-147 ◽  
S. V. Shczepetov ◽  
A. B. Herman

Results of comprehensive study of the Kholokhovchan floral assemblage collection is summarized. These plant fossils were collected in 1978 by E. L. Lebedev from volcanogenic deposits in Penzhina and Oklan rivers interfluve, North-Eastern Russia. This assemblage was previously known as a list of Lebedev’s preliminary identifi cations only. He had suggested that the Kholokhovchan assemblage is correlative to the latest Albian — early Turonian Grebenka flora from the Anadyr River middle reaches. However, our study demonstrates that the Kholokhovchan assemblage is most similar to the presumably the Turonian-Coniacian Arman flora of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt and, therefore, should be dated as the Turonian-Coniacian or Turonian.

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