systematic description
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sarah Susanna Hoppler ◽  
Robin Segerer ◽  
Jana Nikitin

Social interactions are essential aspects of social relationships. Despite their centrality, there is a lack of a standardized approach to systematize social interactions. The present research developed (Study 1) and tested (Study 2) a taxonomy of social interactions. In Study 1 (5,676 descriptions of social interactions from N = 708 participants, age range 18–83 years), we combined a bottom-up approach based on the grounded theory with a top-down approach integrating existing empirical and theoretical literature to develop the taxonomy. The resulting taxonomy (APRACE) comprises the components Actor, Partner, Relation, Activities, Context, and Evaluation, each specified by features on three levels of abstraction. A social situation can be described by a combination of the components and their features on the respective abstraction level. Study 2 tested the APRACE using another dataset (N = 303, age range 18–88 years) with 1,899 descriptions of social interactions. The index scores of the six components, the frequencies of the features on the most abstract level, and their correlations were largely consistent across both studies, which supports the generalizability of the APRACE. The APRACE offers a generalizable tool for the comprehensive, parsimonious, and systematic description of social interactions and, thus, enables networked research on social interactions and application in a number of practical fields.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104225872110617
Andreas Rauch ◽  
Willem Hulsink

Although events such as the global financial crisis, natural disasters, or the COVID-19 pandemic have large impacts on entrepreneurship, the literature lacks a differentiated analysis of such events. This editorial highlights the importance of events which are discrete and bounded in space and time, unexpected, and strong enough to produce change that can lead to subsequent events. An event based approach is well suited to integrate context and time to predict entrepreneurial activity. We provide a more systematic description of events, their characteristics, and causal mechanisms to allow more holistic and generalizable analysis of the role of events in entrepreneurship.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-91
Тетяна Ляшенко

In the paper, we off er the translatological defi nition of the concept of culture, relevant for literary translation as a culturological phenomenon. We believe that the given defi nition combines the main aspects of its interpretation in culturology, socio-cultural anthropology, and intercultural communication. Such an approach allows outlining cultural background knowledge of the translator, which is necessary, on the one hand, for understanding of the text and, on the other, for the adequate translation of cultural information. The article analyses various theories of the understanding of culture and the tradition of its research in the translation studies, particularly in German translatology. The combination of interpretive, linguistic and translational turns in the cultural sciences is identifi ed as a perspective for translation studies. The attention focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of common interpretations. The paper considers the issues of meaningful and spatial defi nition of the concept of culture. The study characterizes the understanding of culture in the process of intercultural communication and the role of literary translation in it as well as clarifi es the peculiarities of the refl ection of culture in the literary text. The elements of culture that constitute translation problems are both extralinguistic concepts, i.e. phenomena and events that take place in a particular linguocultural community (the culture described by language), and “culturally conditioned” units of language as markers of a particular culture (the culture in language). In this research, we exemplify the possible ways of solving the problem of identifi cation and translation of cultural information in literary translation. It is important to complete a systematic description of culture in literary texts to enable its identifi cation at the macro- and microstructural levels. The article points out the need to consider the issue of identifi cation and translation of cultural information not only at the stage of implementation of the message in the language of translation, but also at the stages of decoding the source text and its recoding. The prospects for further research are outlined, which consist in the operationalization of the concept of culture at the empirical level, a systematic description of cultural manifestations in the source text, and a systematic approach to the reproduction of cultural information in the translated text. Key words: culture, translation studies, intercultural communication, literary translation, literary text.

GeroPsych ◽  
2021 ◽  
Marie-Kristin Doebler

Abstract. This article suggests that the term “culture” can explain the heterogeneity of age(ing) in nursing homes as well as (dis-)similarities opposed to organizational parameters (e.g., size, location, ownership). It introduces an analytical tool for the systematic analysis of culture which encompasses 15 thematic dimensions grouping as conceptualizations of age(ing), social relationships, and care. Two nursing homes from an explorative project in Bavarian nursing homes are used for illustrating the tool’s possible applications: systematic description, explanation, and comparisons of locally effective cultures; determining ambivalences’ manifestations and sources. The article ends with a discussion of underlying implications of the findings for theory and praxis and the benefits and weaknesses of this study, connected with the hope to broaden the perception of nursing homes which are more than organizations designed to house older people safely; they are also culturally shaped places of social life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Robert O. Cotes ◽  
Donna Rolin ◽  
Jonathan M. Meyer ◽  
Alexander S. Young ◽  
Amy N. Cohen ◽  

Abstract Background Clozapine clinics can facilitate greater access to clozapine, but there is a paucity of data on their structure in the US. Methods A 23-item survey was administered to participants recruited from the SMI Adviser Clozapine Center of Excellence listserv to understand characteristics of clozapine clinics. Results Clozapine clinics (N = 32) had a median caseload of 45 (IQR = 21–88) patients and utilized a median of 5 (IQR = 4–6) interdisciplinary roles. The most common roles included psychiatrists (100%), pharmacists (65.6%), nurses (65.6%), psychiatric nurse practitioners (53.1%), and case managers (53.1%). The majority of clinics outreached to patients who were overdue for labs (78.1%) and had access to on-site phlebotomy (62.5%). Less than half had on call services (46.9%). Conclusions In this first systematic description of clozapine clinics in the US, there was variation in the size, staffing, and services offered. These findings may serve as a window into configurations of clozapine teams.

2021 ◽  
David Felipe Guerrero-Beltran ◽  
Katarzyna I. Wojtylak

Abstract This paper aims to describe the morphosyntax and semantics of postpositions in Karijona, a Cariban language from Northwest Amazonia. The data, collected in the Karijona settlement of Puerto Nare (Colombia), were analyzed according to Basic Linguistic Theory and Cognitive Semantics. Like other Cariban languages, Karijona has a typologically unusual system of postpositions, which can cross-reference person and number, and form complex stems consisting of locative roots and locative suffixes. In terms of their semantics, the system distinguishes among spatial, relational, and ‘mental state’ postpositions. The first type encodes noun classification, orientation, and distance. While the second type has prototypical relational meanings, the third refers to cognitive and emotional states. This paper presents the first systematic description of the Karijona postpositions.

Loquens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. e072
Marie-Anne Morand ◽  
Sandra Schwab ◽  
Stephan Schmid

Since about 2000, the emergence of so-called ‘multiethnolects’ has been observed among adolescents in German-speaking Switzerland; however, a systematic description of these varieties is lacking at present. The few existing perception studies of multiethnolects in other European countries are usually based on two or more predetermined groups that are compared. This paper investigates which labels are used for multiethnolectal Zurich German and how this way of speaking is perceived by adolescents; we adopt a perceptual sociolinguistics approach which focuses on the conceptualizations of lay people rather than on those of linguists. In a rating experiment, 40 adolescents listened to short speech samples of 48 pupils recorded in two different schools in the city of Zurich and were asked to rate the speakers on a 7-point Likert scale according to how multiethnolectal they sounded (not at all – very strongly). The results yielded a perceptual continuum rather than a clear-cut binary categorization [±multiethnolectal]. A smaller follow-up experiment with 12 adult raters (using the same stimuli) yielded a highly significant correlation between the mean rating scores of the two groups of raters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 44-52
Sergey V. Gusarenko ◽  
Marina K. Gusarenko

The article presents the results of a study undertaken to study the nature and degree of determinism of the plot semantics of artistic narrative by frame structures that serve as the basis of this narrative. The research focused on questions about the properties of frames that predetermine the deployment of narrative (determinant frames); questions about the nature of the connection between plot-forming frames (interframe transitions); questions about the nature, perspective and degree of imperativeness of the constraints imposed by the determinant frames on the deployment of the narrative. It is concluded that the frame as a meaningful unit of the meaning of the text has prospective semantics, from which it follows that any frame that forms the main storyline in the narrative prescribes each functional component of its composition, first of all, the first and second terms, predicates and basic sirconstrants, defined trajectories of further existence in the plot. The assumption is confirmed that the organization of artistic narrative is determined by both superframes-determinants and superstructures that form thematic sequences of macrostructures. The experience of constructing a graphical two-level model of the frame semantics of artistic narrative is presented, the comparison of this model with the representation of the frame in the FrameNet system is carried out. It was also concluded that the systematic and consistent description of the plot-content semantics of the narrative as a kind of literary text requires the same consistent and systematic description of the semantic-syntactic frames that form this semantics. In the systematic description of the frame semantics of narrative, special attention should be paid to predicates of nuclear propositions, since it is their semantic valences that determine the filling of the terminals of semantic-syntactic frames and their description gives explanatory power to the description of the semantic structure of frames. The authors see the prospect of the research in the systematic description of the frame semantics of the narrative with the involvement of the resources of the FrameBank project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 108-110
Rakshitha D ◽  
Pallavi K B ◽  
Gazala Hussain ◽  
Archana Pagad

Bhaishajya Ratnavali by Kaviraj Govinda Das Sen of 18th century is an authentic book of Ayurveda science includes systematic description of diseases along with treatment aspects. Under Kshudraroga Chikitsa Prakarana, detailed information regarding kesharanjana has been explained with description of kesharanjana yoga. This article mainly focuses on the kesharanjana yoga mentioned in this book for better nourishment and coloring of hair. Review on kesharanjana yoga mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali was analyzed and summarized for better usage and understanding. Initially author explains few preparations to apply as lepa (application) over scalp or hairs and later nasya (inhalation therapy) procedure for hair care. Most of the drugs used are rasayana (immune modulator) in nature and has keshya (hair tonic) property which forms the prime factor in using these drugs. Direct application as lepa and also nasya procedure would help in better nourishment and also proper growth of hair. Owing to the properties of drugs used for the preparations which are useful in many conditions of hair problems. By following these yogas and with proper pathya one can get benefited from khalitya, palitya, and other conditions of hair.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 227-265
O. E. Osovsky ◽  
S. A. Dubrovskaya

The process of reception of M. M. Bakhtin’s scientific heritage over the past 25 years is analyzed in the review article. The focus of the authors is on identifying the stages and main directions, trends and achievements of modern Russian Bakhtin studies, determining the prospects for further research. The relevance of the review lies in the need for an objective reconstruction of the process of studying the ideas and heritage of M. M. Bakhtin in Russia and abroad, primarily over the past 25 years. It is noted that the works of M. M. Bakhtin are the most cited in scientific literary criticism and Bakhtin studies have become an independent branch of interdisciplinary research. The analysis revealed the role in the development of Russian Bakhtin studies of such a phenomenon as a collection of works by a scientist, Bakhtin studies journals and publications, publications of leading researchers. Conclusions are made that in 1996—2020 Russian Bakhtin studies have reached a fundamentally new level in the development of the scientist’s heritage, made a significant contribution to the study of his key ideas and concepts, completed a preliminary reconstruction of his scientific biography, carried out a systematic description of his terminological language and scientific theory as a whole, indicated the points of the necessary dialogue between Russian scientists and foreign colleagues.

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