scholarly journals Administrasi Kurikulum

2020 ◽  

The purpose of this article is to help prepare quality school management especially with regard to curriculum management that will be implemented at the level of the education unit in the school,whether it is done by teachers,school committees,principlas,anf parties related to curriculum development at the level education units.Hopefully this paper can provide information in order to create quality school management,which of course must be based on quality curriculum management as well.Because the most important aspect in the education unit so that the course of the educational process is the existence of curriculum,which will have a major influence on the education process a better future. Therefore the author tries to get all the things contained in this article by seeing how the current situation in the world of education by watching on YouTube YouTube, reading the latest information about the world of education on social media, and reading the literature related to this theme in it, so that this article can be completed and can be read by everyone who needs it.The term curriculum is etymologically derived from Latin, namely Curricular which means the distance that must be traveled by a runner.

2019 ◽  
Fadia Kalma Lailani

abstrak— The purpose of making this article is to help prepare quality school management, especially with regard to curriculum management which will be implemented at the level of the education unit at the school, both done by teachers, school committees, principals, and parties related to curriculum development at the unit level of education. Hopefully this article can provide information in order to create quality school management which of course must be based on quality curriculum management as well. curriculum administration is the entire process of activities planned deliberately to the situation of teaching and learning effectively and efficiently in order to help the achievement of educational goals that have been set.

2020 ◽  
Nofe Firman Zai

The purpose of making this article is to help prepare quality school management, especially with regard to curriculum management which will be implemented at the level of the education unit at the school, both done by teachers, school committees, principals, and parties related to curriculum development at the unit level of education. One aspect that can affect the success of the curriculum is the empowerment of management or curriculum management in the relevant educational institution. Curriculum management at the education unit or school level needs to be coordinated by the institution's leadership and assistant leaders who are developed integrally in the context of School Based Management (SBM) and Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) and adjusted to the vision and mission of the relevant educational institution.

2020 ◽  
sinta amelia

the purpose of making this paper is to help prepare beutu school management, especially regarding curriculum management that will be implemented at the education unit level at curriculum development at the education unit level.hopefully this paper can provide information in order to create quality school management, of course it must be based on a quality curriculum as well

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 5
Dr. Neha Sharma

Language being a potent vehicle of transmitting cultural values, norms and beliefs remains a central factor in determining the status of any nation. India is a multilingual country which tends to encourage people to use English at national and international level. Basically English in India owes its presence to the British but its subsequent rise is not fully attributable to the British. It has now become the language of wider communication which is now spoken by large number of people all over the world. It is influenced by many factors such as class, society, developments in science and technology etc. However the major influence on English language is and has been the media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 37-48
Muhammad Syafiqurrohman

Integrative-inclusive moral education can be interpreted as a formulation of a broad and holistic moral education process. Moral education materials can work together with all subjects, school culture, extracurricular activities, and even with the community. It is said that the integrative scientific structure does not mean that the various sciences are merged into an identical form of science, but rather the character, style, and nature of the science are integrated in the unity of the spiritual material dimensions, revelation, secularl-religion, physical-spiritual, and the world hereafter. Integration requires the existence of a relationship or unification or synchronization or greet each other or alignment between each existing scientific fields. Each scientific field cannot stand alone, without greeting each other with other scientific fields. While inclusive education, is a matter relating to many aspects of human life based on the principles of equality, justice, and individual rights. So integrative-inclusive education means that an educational process must cover a broad and comprehensive scope. Integrative-inclusive moral education has a holistic scope. Keywords: Moral education, integrative-inclusive   Abstrak Pendidikan akhlak integratif-inklusif dapat dimaknai sebagai suatu rumusan proses pendidikan akhlak yang dilakukan secara luas dan holistik. Materi pendidikan akhlak dapat bersinergi dengan seluruh mata pelajaran, budaya sekolah, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, serta dengan komunitas. Dikatakan struktur keilmuan integratif bukan berarti antara berbagai ilmu tersebut dilebur menjadi satu bentuk ilmu yang identik, melainkan karakter, corak, dan hakikat antara ilmu tersebut terpadu dalam kesatuan dimensi material spiritual, akal-wahyu, ilmu umum-ilmu agama, jasmani-rohani, dan dunia akhirat. Integrasi menghendaki adanya hubungan atau penyatuan atau sinkronisasi atau saling menyapa atau kesejajaran antar tiap bidang keilmuan yang ada. Setiap bidang keilmuan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tanpa saling menyapa dengan bidang keilmuan yang lain. Sedangkan pendidikan inklusif, merupakan suatu hal yang berkaitan dengan banyak aspek hidup manusia yang didasarkan atas prinsip persamaan, keadilan, dan hak individu. Maka pendidikan integratif-inklusif memiliki makna bahwa suatu proses pendidikan harus mencakup ruang lingkup yang luas dan menyeluruh. Pendidikan akhlak secara integratif-inklusif memiliki cakupan yang menyeluruh dan holistik. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan akhlak, integratif-inklusif

2019 ◽  
Fani futiani

Abstract - The relationship between the school and the community is very influential in improving the behavior of students. Public relations as a liaison from the school and the community must always be maintained properly because the school will always be associated with the community, cannot be separated from it as a school partner in achieving the success of the school itself. The high participation of parents in school education is one of the characteristics of good school management, meaning that the extent to which the community can be empowered in the education process in schools is an indicator of the management of the school in question. Community empowerment in education is needed especially to support the implementation of good schools. The level of community participation in the education process in this school seems to have a major influence on the progress of the school, the quality of learning services in schools which will ultimately affect the progress and learning achievement of children in school.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Dr. Neha Sharma

<h3 data-fontsize="17" data-lineheight="23">Abstract</h3> <p>Language being a potent vehicle of transmitting cultural values, norms and beliefs remains a central factor in determining the status of any nation. India is a multilingual country which tends to encourage people to use English at national and international level. Basically English in India owes its presence to the British but its subsequent rise is not fully attributable to the British. It has now become the language of wider communication which is now spoken by large number of people all over the world. It is influenced by many factors such as class, society, developments in science and technology etc. However the major influence on English language is and has been the media</p>

2020 ◽  
rahmad kurnia

The relationship between the school and the community is very influential in improving the behavior of students. Public relations as a liaison from the school and the community must always be maintained properly because the school will always be associated with the community, cannot be separated from it as a school partner in achieving the success of the school itself. The high participation of parents in school education is one of the characteristics of good school management, meaning that the extent to which the community can be empowered in the education process in schools is an indicator of the management of the school in question. Community empowerment in education is needed especially to support the implementation of good schools. The level of community participation in the education process in this school seems to have a major influence on the progress of the school, the quality of learning services in schools which will ultimately affect the progress and learning achievement of children in school.

2019 ◽  

The relationship between the school and the community is very influential in improving the behavior of students. Public relations as a liaison from the school and the community must always be maintained properly because the school will always be associated with the community, cannot be separated from it as a school partner in achieving the success of the school itself. The high participation of parents in school education is one of the characteristics of good school management, meaning that the extent to which the community can be empowered in the education process in schools is an indicator of the management of the school in question. Community empowerment in education is needed especially to support the implementation of good schools. The level of community participation in the education process in this school seems to have a major influence on the progress of the school, the quality of learning services in schools which will ultimately affect the progress and learning achievement of children in school.

2020 ◽  
diah islamiarty

The relationship between the school and the community is very influential in improving the behavior of students. Public relations as a liaison from the school and the community must always be maintained properly because the school will always be associated with the community, cannot be separated from it as a school partner in achieving the success of the school itself. The high participation of parents in school education is one of the characteristics of good school management, meaning that the extent to which the community can be empowered in the education process in schools is an indicator of the management of the school in question. Community empowerment in education is needed especially to support the implementation of good schools. The level of community participation in the education process in this school seems to have a major influence on the progress of the school, the quality of learning services in schools which will ultimately affect the progress and learning achievement of children in school. Keywords—Pendidikan HUMAS dengan Sekolah

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