Administrasi Kurikulum

2019 ◽  
Fadia Kalma Lailani

abstrak— The purpose of making this article is to help prepare quality school management, especially with regard to curriculum management which will be implemented at the level of the education unit at the school, both done by teachers, school committees, principals, and parties related to curriculum development at the unit level of education. Hopefully this article can provide information in order to create quality school management which of course must be based on quality curriculum management as well. curriculum administration is the entire process of activities planned deliberately to the situation of teaching and learning effectively and efficiently in order to help the achievement of educational goals that have been set.

2020 ◽  
Nofe Firman Zai

The purpose of making this article is to help prepare quality school management, especially with regard to curriculum management which will be implemented at the level of the education unit at the school, both done by teachers, school committees, principals, and parties related to curriculum development at the unit level of education. One aspect that can affect the success of the curriculum is the empowerment of management or curriculum management in the relevant educational institution. Curriculum management at the education unit or school level needs to be coordinated by the institution's leadership and assistant leaders who are developed integrally in the context of School Based Management (SBM) and Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) and adjusted to the vision and mission of the relevant educational institution.

2020 ◽  
sinta amelia

the purpose of making this paper is to help prepare beutu school management, especially regarding curriculum management that will be implemented at the education unit level at curriculum development at the education unit level.hopefully this paper can provide information in order to create quality school management, of course it must be based on a quality curriculum as well

2020 ◽  

The purpose of this article is to help prepare quality school management especially with regard to curriculum management that will be implemented at the level of the education unit in the school,whether it is done by teachers,school committees,principlas,anf parties related to curriculum development at the level education units.Hopefully this paper can provide information in order to create quality school management,which of course must be based on quality curriculum management as well.Because the most important aspect in the education unit so that the course of the educational process is the existence of curriculum,which will have a major influence on the education process a better future. Therefore the author tries to get all the things contained in this article by seeing how the current situation in the world of education by watching on YouTube YouTube, reading the latest information about the world of education on social media, and reading the literature related to this theme in it, so that this article can be completed and can be read by everyone who needs it.The term curriculum is etymologically derived from Latin, namely Curricular which means the distance that must be traveled by a runner.

2020 ◽  
Mutiara Nurul Aulia

Curriculum administration is the entire process of planned and deliberate and earnest activities as well as continuing coaching of the teaching and learning situation effectively and efficiently in order to help achieve the stated educational goals. The important role of the curriculum in the world of education is of course also to have good management. The administration process is called curriculum administration. Many people underestimate this administration, but actually this administration is very necessary for the continuity of the teaching and learning process in the world of education. The success of the curriculum is the empowerment in the field of management or curriculum management in the relevant educational institution.

2019 ◽  
Fajar Alfaridho Herman

Curriculum administration is the entire process of planned and deliberate and earnest activities as well as continuous coaching of the teaching and learning situation effectively and efficiently in order to help the achievement of educational goals that have been set. Curriculum administration is the entire process of activities planned and intentionally and deliberately and serious and continuous coaching of teaching and learning situations effectively and efficiently in order to help the achievement of educational goals that have been set. The function of curriculum administration is to improve the effectiveness of teacher performance and student activities in achieving learning goals, curriculum management that is professional, effective, and integrated can provide motivation to teacher performance and student activities in learning. Teachers are the central point of a curriculum thanks to the efforts of teachers, hence arises excitement student learning. So that spurring learning harder to achieve teaching and learning goals that are sourced from curriculum goals, for that teachers need to have teaching and learning skills. In the implementation of the curriculum, the teacher's job is to review the curriculum through individual or group activities, thus teachers and principals understand the curriculum before it is implemented in the curriculum development process.

2019 ◽  
Liza Luthfiah ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the administration process of students in order to achieve the objectives of education, the technique used is the study of literature that is collecting some material from journals, books, and others.Administration of students (students) is the entire process of activities planned and planned deliberately and continuous guidance for all students in the relevant educational institutions in order to be able to follow the teaching and learning process (PBM) effectively and efficiently, to achieve educational goals has been established.The purpose of the administration of students in education is generally to regulate all activities related to students so that the teaching and learning process runs effectively and efficiently so that the educational goals can be maximally achieved.In administrative students there is a process or activity carried out by the administrator, namely 1) the activities of the beginning of the school year which include planning, 2) during the school year, 3) the end of the school year.Instruments in student administration are master books, book clusters, student condition lists, student attendance books, school discipline records, student achievement notebooks, and mutation books.

2020 ◽  
Nadia Natasya

This article contains the understanding and process of curriculum administration. Curriculum administration is the entire process of planned and intentional and deliberate efforts and continuing coaching of the teaching and learning situation effectively and efficiently in order to help the achievement of educational goals that have been set

2019 ◽  
Rahma Yuliani ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Curriculum is a system that has components that are closely interrelated and support each other, which consists of goals, learning materials, methods and evaluation. Curriculum is one of the most important in the implementation of education. The curriculum is used as a reference for the implementation and indicators of the quality of education itself. Hence from that curriculum must be able to keep abreast of the development of science and technology which at any time always develops. Curriculum plays an important role for the success of education for students and educators. In its implementaion, curriculum management must be developed in accordance with the context of School Based Management (SBM) and Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and 2013 curriculum. curriculum management is related to the management of learning experiences that require certain strategies so as to produce learning productivity for students. Management of the curriculum must be directed so that the learning process runs well, with benchmarks for achieving goals by students so that educational goals can be achieved.

2019 ◽  
Octri Asha Linna ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Student administration is the entire process of planned and deliberately planned activities and continuous coaching of all students, in the relevant educational institutions so that they can participate in the teaching and learning process effectively and efficiently. for the achievement of educational goals that have been set.Student are a very important element in educational and teaching activities in school. Educational institutions estabilished for the benefit of student. Therefore it is necessary to get enough attention from the implementation of education so that the achievement of the objectivies of national education as a whole is achieved. Therefore, as prospective educators later, in order to be able to administer their students so that yhe learning process runs well it is necessary to understand about student administration.

2019 ◽  
Rafi Harma ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

this articel describe aboutAdministration of the curriculum, Administration of the curriculum is the entire process of activities planned and attempted intentionally and seriously and continually fostering the teaching and learning situation effectively and efficiently to help achieve predetermined educational goals.     At any school level, the principal task is to ensure that there are good teaching programs for students. Because basically the management or management of education is focused on all of its efforts located in the Practice of Teaching and Learning (PBM). It seems clear that in essence all efforts and activities carried out in schools or educational institutions are always directed at the success of PBM.

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