scholarly journals Assessing Current Situation of Domestic Violence against Women: A Study in Hasandaha, Morang

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 64-85 ◽  
Krishna P Pandey ◽  
Gyanendra Shrestha

Nepal like many other countries represents a multicultural characteristics having patriarchal social structure. Recognizing the need to effectively reduce the incidences of violence against women, Nepal ratified the CEDAW in 1991. But the incidences of DVAW have been repeatedly reported and the challenge to the human rights of the Nepalese women has been added. The heterogeneity of Nepalese society and social interaction among the different caste/ethnic groups make the issue of DVAW more complicated that eventually requires sociological study. The people of Hasandaha, Morang, represent the caste/ethnic heterogeneity and could be the representation of Nepalese villages. The women of that village are also suffering from multiple forms of violence against them. Physical assault, sexual abuse to psychological torture is among the forms of violence that they aspire to escape from. Rigid caste norms and patriarchal values constrict the freedom of movement among the women of Hasandaha village. These women express that the government, NGOs and civil society should have decisive roles with regard to the elimination of domestic violence against women. For this, effective mobilization of local communities, awareness generation among them and changes in the state’s attitude towards DVAW only as of private concern are key to reduce the incidences of DVAW in Hasandaha village of Morang district, Nepal. DOI:   Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.6 2014: 64-85

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Sedigheh Nouhjah ◽  
Seyed Mahmood Latifi

Domestic violence against women is an important health issue, but few studies have focused on city of residence and ethnic differences. To estimate the prevalence of various forms of domestic violence and certain related factors, with a specific focus on city of residence and ethnicity, we studied 1820 married women attending public health centers in 4 large cities in Khuzestan Province, southwestern Islamic Republic of Iran. We used an interviewer-administered questionnaire for data collection. The prevalence of some forms of lifetime domestic violence against women was 47.3%. The prevalence of physical, psychological, and any form of lifetime violence was the highest in Dezful (25.7%, 54.8%, and 57.7%, resp.). For sexual violence, the highest prevalence was reported in Ahvaz (17.7%). The highest prevalence of physical and sexual violence during any point of life was reported by Arab women (25.1% and 16.7%). The experience of all forms of violence was significantly associated with city of residence. Results of regression logistic analysis revealed that all of the forms of violence except psychological violence were statistically significantly associated with ethnicity (P<0.05).

Chinedu Lawrence Ekweonu

This study examined the coverage of domestic violence against women in select Nigerian dailies. Among the national dailies under review are Daily Sun, Vanguard and Guardian newspapers. The researcher used the content analysis research method in reviewing the manifest contents of the three papers from March 23rd to June 2020. The study period covered a total of 100 days which translates to 300 publications of the three newspapers under investigation. The specific objectives of the study are to ascertain whether the newspapers give prominence to domestic violence; find the dominant source of interventions for victims of domestic violence against women; observe whether the newspapers gave adequate publications to the rising domestic violence against women and find out if the newspapers actually follow-up domestic violence cases within the lockdown in their publications. The social responsibility and Agenda-setting theories served as the theoretical framework for the study. Findings revealed that the newspapers neither gave prominence nor adequate coverage to domestic violence against women within the lockdown period. It was also found that the newspapers hardly follow-up their stories on domestic violence within the period.  The researcher concluded that the select newspapers did not do well in their coverage of domestic violence in the period under investigation by publishing only 115 news items on such crimes within the period. The study recommended among others that the media should as a respect to their social responsibility functions expose the people to the harmful effects of domestic violence against women in the country.

BMJ Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. e042444
Nayreen Daruwalla ◽  
Suman Kanougiya ◽  
Apoorwa Gupta ◽  
Lu Gram ◽  
David Osrin

ObjectivesDomestic violence against women harms individuals, families, communities and society. Perpetrated by intimate partners or other family members, its overlapping forms include physical, sexual and emotional violence, control and neglect. We aimed to describe the prevalence of these forms of violence and their perpetrators in informal settlements in Mumbai.DesignCross-sectional survey.SettingTwo large urban informal settlement areas.Participants5122 women aged 18–49 years.Primary and secondary outcome measuresPrevalence and perpetrators in the last year of physical, sexual and emotional domestic violence, coercive control and neglect. For each of these forms of violence, responses to questions about individual acts and composite estimates.ResultsIn the last year, 644 (13%) women had experienced physical domestic violence, 188 (4%) sexual violence and 963 (19%) emotional violence. Of ever-married women, 13% had experienced physical or sexual intimate partner violence in the last year. Most physical (87%) and sexual violence (99%) was done by partners, but emotional violence equally involved marital family members. All three forms of violence were more common if women were younger, in the lowest socioeconomic asset quintile or reported disability. 1816 women (35%) had experienced at least one instance of coercive control and 33% said that they were afraid of people in their home. 10% reported domestic neglect of their food, sleep, health or children’s health.ConclusionsDomestic violence against women remains common in urban informal settlements. Physical and sexual violence were perpetrated mainly by intimate partners, but emotional violence was attributed equally to partners and marital family. More than one-third of women described controlling behaviours perpetrated by both intimate partners and marital family members. We emphasise the need to include the spectrum of perpetrators and forms of domestic violence—particularly emotional violence and coercive control—in data gathering.Trial registration numberISRCTN84502355; Pre-results.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Nasreen Aslam Shah ◽  
Syed Faisal Hashmi

Domestic violence is prevailing all over the world rapidly. In Mexico City for example, one in three women report violence from the spouse or partner .Another study shows that one out of every five Colombian women were beaten by the partner. . Domestic violence has not only one dimension but it has many types like marital rape, stalking, harassing, honor killings etc which existed in almost all countries in different forms of violence. The increasing ratio of violence also demonstrates that male still think women their subordinate. The major reasons behind increasing violence are imbalances in society and inequalities in gender relationships. The methodology used in the research based on content analysis of news on domestic violence against women from their male partners/spouses published in newspapers.

A.A. Baqytzhanova ◽  
G.T. Alimbekova ◽  
A.B. Shabdenova ◽  

According to the UN Foundation, 400 women are killed every year as a result of domestic violence in Kazakhstan. For this reason, divorce rates are also increasing. There are thousands of cause of this social problem, and the social consequences can be burdensome for all social institutions if prevention measures are not currently studied and developed. For children who have seen their father beaten and humiliated in the family, this event becomes a “historical root” in the child’s memory. The Kazakh proverb about what you see from the nest, in interviews with our respondents, proved how the trace of their husbands’ childhood affected their family. Researchers say that children who have seen their mothers beaten by their fathers change their image of ‘mum’. Research on the topic has been conducted by the Public Opinion Research Center in December2019. Analysis and processing of research materials have been conducted until the end of March 2020. The purpose of the research: to identify the causes of domestic violence against women in Kazakhstani families, based on cases of women seeking help from the crisis center in Almaty.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 580-594 ◽  
Ramadimetja S. Mogale ◽  
Kathy Kovacs Burns ◽  
Solina Richter

Violence against women (VAW) in South Africa remains rampant, irrespective of human rights– focused laws passed by the government. This article reflects on the position of two acts: the Domestic Violence Act No 116 of 1998 and Criminal Law (Sexual Offense and Related Matters) Act No 32 of 2007. Both are framed to protect women against all forms of violence. The article discusses the prisms of the two laws, an account of the position taken or interpreted by the reviewed literature regarding the acts, and the findings and recommendations regarding the infrastructure and supports needed to appropriately implement the two acts.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52 ◽  
Shree Shyam Giri ◽  
Jitendra Kumar Singh ◽  
Radheshyam Giri ◽  
Lalan Kumar Jha ◽  
Sushil K Yadav

Background and Objectives: The South East Asian Region has one of the highest incidences of gender based violence in the world which deprives women from the use of their right and liberty. This study was under taken to explore the causes and consequences of domestic violence against women in Meghanath Gorhanna VDC in Mahottari district of Nepal.Material and Methods: : An explorative quantitative and qualitative research design based study was conducted from September to December 2014 in married female of ward, No. 1, 2 and 4 of Meghanath Gorhanna VDC which is located in Mahottari district of Nepal suffering from domestic violence. Sample size consisted of 20 in each ward and sum of total was 60. In-depth interviews, focused group discussion and observation were tools used for data collection.Results: The result of this study reveals that 40% of victims were between age group 20 to 29 years. Domestic violence was higher among illiterate 20(33%). 12(20%) of the women were victimized due to alcoholism of their husband followed by male honor and patriarchal social values. Similarly, majority of the respondents 47(78.3%) suffered from psychological abuse followed by physical assault. 20(33.3%) women were suffered from physical violence. 10% women were suffered from sexual abuse and harassment. The findings also suggest 23(35%) had mental health problem and 14(23 %) women were suffered from reproductive health problem.Conclusion: The study highlights that various factors such as excessive intake of alcohol, patriarchal system of the society, polygamy, sexual dissatisfaction and dowry contributes for the domestic violence in women. The adverse effects of the violence on women are physical health problem, mental health problem, reproductive health problem, chronic conditions and negative health behavior.Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences (2016) Vol. 4(1): 46-52

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 57-81
Anisur Rahman Khan

Although Bangladesh maintains inadequate records of the various forms of violence against women, it is clear that domestic violence against women is the most insidious problem for women in Bangladesh. For many Bangladeshi women, home is a place of pain and humiliation and violence is an integral part of everyday life. Domestic violence against women, perpetrated by their husbands, is a multi-faceted problem in Bangladesh. The efforts of the scholars to empirically investigate the problem are inadequate and a lot of issues are yet to be explored. This review is an attempt to present the findings of the major empirical research that has so far been conducted in Bangladesh. It broadly categorises the prior research into three major areas, which include: i) forms, practices and factors of domestic violence; ii) consequences of domestic violence; and iii) help-seeking and coping strategies. In addition, the review explores some of the major gaps in the existing literature. It is hoped that future research will address the gaps and make a significant contribution in expanding the research on domestic violence in Bangladesh.

Rosma Alimi ◽  
Nunung Nurwati

ABSTRAKKekerasan memang tidak memandang gender, namun terlihat sangat jelas dari data yang disajikan bahwa kekerasan terhadap perempuan sangatlah mengkhawatirkan. Konflik yang tidak kian usai dapat menimbulkan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT). Tingkat KDRT yang setiap tahunnya cenderung meningkat menandakan bahwa korban mulai menyadari bahwa tindak KDRT bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat dinormalisasi, sehingga korban memiliki hak untuk memperjuangkan hak hidup aman dan lebih baik. Pernikahan yang seharusnya menjadi sebuah ruang yang nyaman untuk sepasang manusia, justru menjadi ruang paling menakutkan bagi sebagian perempuan. Adapun faktor-faktor terjadinya kekerasan terhadap perempuan dalam rumah tangga khususnya yang dilakukan oleh suami terhadap istri sangatlah beragam. KDRT merupakan sebuah perilaku yang memberikan dampak yang sangat kompleks terhadap perempuan korban KDRT. Tindak kekerasan tersebut menghasilkan dampak psikologis terhadap perempuan korban KDRT. Salah satu upaya penanganan yaitu adanya pemenuhan hak terhadap perempuan korban KDRT. Pemahaman budaya kesetaraan sangat dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan berpasangan, keluarga, maupun masyarakat. Dengan fakta, data, dan aturan dalam Undang-Undang yang sudah ada dan ditetapkan, seharusnya pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaga anti kekerasan terhadap perempuan dapat bergerak lebih luwes lagi untuk membantu dan melindungi perempuan korban kekerasan ABSTRACTViolence is not see gender, but is clearly evident from the data presented above that violence against women is alarming. After the conflict he could cause domestic violence. The domestic violence which annually tended to increase indicates that starting to realize that victims of domestic violence is not something that can be normalized, the victim has a right to safe enforcing their rights and better. Marriage should be a room that is comfortable for a pair of men, have been the most terrifying for some women. As for the causes of domestic violence against women particularly those undertaken by the husband against the wife is very diverse. Behavior that domestic violence is a very complex impact the victims of domestic violence against women. Psychological violence resulted in the impact the victims of domestic violence against women. One of efforts to handle the fulfillment of the rights of the victims of domestic violence against women. Understanding culture equality is needed in the life of in pairs, family, and the community. To the fact, data, and rules in a law that was and set, the government should and institutions anti violence against women can move more flexible again to help and protect women a victim of violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 206-217
Athena De Albuquerque Farias ◽  
Hermínia Moreira Coelho da Costa ◽  
José Leonardo Claudino Leandro ◽  
Francisco Hilângelo Vieira Barros ◽  
Alcylanna Nunes Teixeira Santiago

Resumo: O mundo está vivendo um momento pandêmico, que tem causado um verdadeiro caos na saúde, bem como que tem impactado negativamente nos mais diversos setores sociais, mais especificamente a economia e serviços de saúde e educação.Em razão da facilidade com a qual o vírus se propaga, o Governo tem determinado medidas de isolamento social, que limitam os locais de circulação, serviços que podem funcionar, bem como sugerem que as pessoas permaneçam em suas casas, saindo apenas para suprir necessidades essenciais. O isolamento social, embora medida de proteção da população, parece ter aumentado consideravelmente os casos de violência contra as mulheres. Este estudo analisa as causas da violência contra as mulheres no período pandêmico da Covid-19, no Brasil, à partir de dados da literatura. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento da violência doméstica contra a mulher no período da pandemia de covid-19, embora seja este um problema social com raízes profundas. Portanto, a modificação desse cenário vai requerer muito esforço e comprometimento de todos os envolvidos, inclusive politicas sociais mais efetivas, visando minimizar o quadro da violência contra as mulheres, atualmente vigente no país.Palavras-chave: Violência doméstica; Isolamento social; Pandemia de Covid-19.---Abstract: The world is going through a pandemic moment, which has caused a literal chaos in the health industry, as well as negatively impacted diverse social sectors, more specifically the economy and health and education services. Due to the ease with which the virus spreads, the Government has determined social isolation measures, limiting the circulation, services that can work, as well as suggesting that people remain in their homes, leaving only to fulfill essential needs . Social isolation, although a measure of protection for the population, seems to have considerably increased cases of violence against women. This study analyzes the causes of violence against women in the Covid-19 pandemic period in Brazil, based on literature data. The results showed an increase in domestic violence against women during the covid-19 pandemic period, although this is a social problem with deep roots. Therefore, changing this scenario will require a lot of effort and commitment from everyone involved, including more effective social policies, aimed at minimizing the situation of violence against women, currently in force in the country. Keywords: Domestic violence; Social isolation; Covid-19 pandemic. 

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