scholarly journals The new early-ripening grain sorghum variety “Derzhavnoe”

2020 ◽  
pp. 58-60
L. F. Syrkina ◽  
L. A. Kosykh ◽  
A. K. Antimonov ◽  
O. N. Antimonova

Grain sorghum is the most important feed and food agricultural crop with a number of advantages. The purpose of the current study was to develop the feed sorghum variety being early-ripening, productive, low height, adaptable, resistant to the main diseases for the arid conditions of the Middle Povolzhie and the Urals. The variety has been developed by the method of individual selection from a hybrid population, which was based on a complex stage hybridization, which included the varieties “Slavyanka”, “Zersta97”, “Perspektivny1”. The current paper has presented the results of the study conducted in 2016–2018 on the plots of the Povolzhsky RIISS. There have been presented the traits and properties of a new grain sorghum variety “Derzhavnoe” sent to the State Variety Testing and intended for cultivation in the Middle Povolzhie and Ural regions. The advantage of the variety is its low height, large productivity, good adaptability, resistance to lodging, to brittle stems and panicles and grain shedding. Grain productivity in the Competitive Variety Testing has averaged 3.55 t/ha, which is higher on 0.73 t/ha than that of the standard variety “Slavyanka” (2.82 t/ha). The grain of the new variety contains 10.6–12.2% of raw protein, 62.8–76.8% of starch and 3.4–3.6% of oil.100 kgof grain contains 128 u. The variety is productive both in wet and dry weather conditions when sown in mid-May by continuous sowing method. The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting with conventional grain combines both separately and directly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-25
V. А. Korelina ◽  
О. B. Batakova ◽  
I. V. Zobnina ◽  
А. D. Kabashov

The developed spring oats varieties should combine potential productivity with resistance to abiotic and biotic environmental factors due to increased adaptability. The purpose of the current study was to develop a new highly productive spring oats variety with a complex of economically valuable traits that are resistant to abiotic and biotic stressors. The current paper has presented a description of the new spring oats variety ‘Arkhan’ (mutika), developed by the Moscow RIA in cooperation with the FSEI “Kotlasskoe” by the method of individual-family selection from a hybrid population obtained from step hybridization of the varieties of different origin. The Competitive Variety Testing of the variety ‘Arkhan’ was carried out in 2013–2016 on the basis of the FSEI “Kotlasskoe” of the Arkhangelsk region, the variety ‘Krechet’ was the standard variety. The grain productivity of the new variety averaged 4.5 t/ha over 4 years, which was significantly larger than that of the standard variety ‘Krechet’ (3.5 t/ha). The average green mass productivity of the variety ‘Arkhan’ was 26.7 t/ha, which on 8.5 t/ha higher than that of the standard variety ‘Krechet’. The variety ‘Arkhan’ is characterized by resistance to head smut, being relatively resistant to crown oats rust. The variety is highly resistant to grain shedding and lodging. According to the best indicators, the new spring oats variety ‘Arkhan’ in 2017 was sent for the study to the State Variety Network of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the State Variety Testing, the variety has been included into the State List of Breeding Achievements approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation since 2020 (in regions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

O. V. Levakova ◽  
L. M. Eroshenko

The article presents the results of the analysis of the biochemical composition of selected in the competitive variety testing of new varieties and promising lines of spring barley, studied on the experimental field ISA-branch of FGBNU FNAC VIM in 2016-2018. Result of research in different years of water availability among the rooms was allocated a group of high-protein barley with improved feed value: 4 varieties, 2 of which are on the state variety testing, and 2 promising lines. The range of variation of protein content in the grain of the selected samples varied from 13.1 to 14.5 %, lysine – from 0.48 to 0.52 %, weight of 1000 grains-from 48.0 to 53.5 g. According to the data obtained the highest value of protein in grain was observed in krupnosortnogo varieties Zlatoyar (GSI), amounting on average for 14.5 %. The increase was equal to 1.1% in relation to the control variety Yaromir. With an average yield of 6.52 t/ha in the years of research grade Accounting have provided protein per hectare in the amount of 0,94 t/ha. A new variety Sudar´ (GSI) and breeding line 149/4-12 h 788 and 129/1-14 h 907 this indicator has been less productive, however, exceeded the grade Yaromir 0.10 to 0.16 t/ha. Given the higher productivity of new promising varieties and breeding lines, the collection of lysine per unit area they have 12.7, 30.8 per cent was higher than that of the Promej class and 10.6-23.6% more than in the variety Yaromir, which indicates their high biological value. Selected hulless line 1137 h is also an encouraging source of protein and other nutrients of plant origin. The selected lines and new varieties, regardless of weather conditions, were able to ensure the production of high-protein and sources' grain for feed purposes, while maintaining productivity.

2020 ◽  
pp. 61-65
F. A. Davletov ◽  
G. М. Nigmatullina ◽  
К. P. Gaynullina ◽  
А. V. Pleshkov ◽  
F. F. Safn

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a widespread leguminous crop. It is used for food purposes, as well as concentrated high-protein feed  for  farm animals.  In addition  to a great nutrition value, a balanced amino acid composition and an excellent  taste,  it  is peas that is capable to produce large grain yields even in the risky arable zone, which most of the territory of our country belongs to. The development of the new high-protein, productive pea varieties that most fully realize the soil-climatic potential and meet the requirements of agricultural production is an urgent concern of breeders. The purpose of the current study was to develop a new pea variety, adapted for cultivation in the Republic of Bashkortostan. There has been estimated the collection peas material on morphobiological and economically valuable traits. The best varieties have been used for hybridization. Among the hybridized breeding forms there has been identifed the line “L-31315/14” which possesses economically valuable traits. In 2019, this line was sent to the State Variety Testing as the variety “Pamyati Popova”. The new variety was bred by multiple individual selection from a hybrid population “K-7992” (Korea) × “Barbel”. The variety “Pamyati Popova” is a middle ripening variety with 64–78 days of vegetation period. The kernels contain 20.7–22.4% of protein. The variety is of good taste and cooking properties. Its disease and pests’ resistance is similar to that of the standard variety. According to the Competitive Variety Testing, the average yield increase of the variety “Pamyati Popova” was on 3.9 hwt/ha in 2016–2019. The largest kernel yield of the variety was 26.9 hwt/ha in 2017.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (24) ◽  
pp. 114-121
D.M. Marchenko ◽  
M.M. Ivanisov ◽  
E.I. Nekrasov ◽  
N.S. Kravchenko ◽  

Creation and introduction into production new high-yielding and early ripening varieties of soft winter wheat adapted to certain weather conditions are the principal ways to increase yield and improve general harvest volumes. A properly selected variety is one of the most effective ways of achieving crop yield improvement for any farm. To realize the potential for increasing yields, it is crucial to bear in mind specific soil and climatic conditions. The aim of the research was to characterize a new variety of winter soft wheat ‘Podarok Krymu’ by economic and biological qualities, as well as morphological characteristics. Soil of the experimental plot – chernozems ordinary with a thick humus layer (up to 140 cm). The meteorological conditions during the years of research were quite diverse, which made it possible to evaluate the new variety by a set of economically valuable features. The studies were carried out in 2015–2019 on the experimental fields of the scientific crop rotation of the Department of Winter Wheat of State Scientific Establishment “Agricultural research center “Donskoy” (SSE “ARC “Donskoy”). The object of the research – a new variety of winter soft wheat ‘Podarok Krymu’. Winter soft wheat variety ‘Don 107’ was used as a standard. Preceding crop – corn for grain. The accounting area of the variety test plot – 10 m². Field experiments were replicated six times. In 2019, variety ‘Podarok Krymu’ was submitted for State Variety Testing by SSE “ARC “Donskoy” together with the Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea. This variety has a high potential for grain productivity. The average yield in the competitive variety testing was 7.71 t/ha (preceding crop – corn for grain), which is 0.39 t/ha higher than the average yield of standard variety ‘Don 107’. According to the length of the growing season, the variety belongs to the early maturing group; its ears emerge and kernels ripe three days earlier than that of the standard. The high and stable yield of the new variety is ensured by its tolerance to drought and heat, increased winter hardiness and resistance of plants to frost, as well as resistance to the main diseases typical in the regions where studies are being conducted. Since the autumn of 2020, ‘Podarok Krymu’ has been studied to cultivate it in the North Caucasian, Lower Volga and Central Black Earth regions of the Russian Federation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 42-45
Nina G. Baibakova ◽  
Elena A. Varivoda ◽  
Tatyana G. Koleboshina

Relevance. Melon is one of the most common cultures among melons. Bykovskaya for melon breeding research station scouting for new varieties of melon. When breeding melons, it is necessary to pay attention to such economic characteristics of melons as precocity, productivity, high quality products, resistance to disease, cold resistance.Methods. Studies were carried out in 2017-2018 at the Bikovskaya experimental station, in rainfed conditions. Object of study – varieties and hybrid populations of melon.Results. As a result of selection work the new variety sample of melon of Syngent x Dune is received. In 2017, this population was first included in the station variety testing. According to the research results, the new hybrid population Matures before The standard of the autumn variety for 6 days. The excess in yield over the standard is 6.6 t / ha. The taste of the new variety sample is at the level of standard varieties Osen. Thus, the variety sample of Syngent x Dune has a beautiful appearance, high yield of marketable products, good taste of the fruit, resistance to sunburn, good transportability, which will diversify the range of melon varieties grown in Russia.

E.G. Ustarkhanova ◽  
N.A. Matsola ◽  

The subject of our research was a new early ripening soybean cultivar Parus with a growing season of 100-105 days, derived from a hybrid population after crossing cultivars (Boy 45 х Lan') х (Vestochka х Runo). Based on the results of the variety testing of 2016-2019, the soybean cultivar Parus exceeded the yield of the early standard cultvar Duar by 0.26 t / ha, and the mid-season cultivar Vilana – 0.20 t / ha. The average protein content in seeds was 40.7%. The cultivar is characterized by drought resistance, early maturity, resistance to lodging of plants and cracking of beans. The height of plants in the southeastern zone of the Krasnodar region for 2016-2019 was 112 cm.

Е. V. Kartamysheva ◽  
V. Е. Kondaurova ◽  
Т. N. Luchkina ◽  
А. V. Reutina ◽  
V. А. Gavrilova

Creation of a new safflower variety is due to the need an unpretentious oilseed crop introduction into the agriculture of the Southern region in connection with climate aridization. Weather conditions are becoming more arid every year in the Rostov region. Meteorological data was recording during the years of research which confirm this trend. Soil condition is becoming worse on the background of a moisture deficit, this leads to a decrease in the productivity of main crops cultivated in the region and crop losses. Biology of safflower is completely corresponds to arid conditions of steppe areas. Safflower is widely used in many industries as an oilseed, dyeing, and forage crop. The safflower oil is practically indistinguishable from sunflower; its taste is softer and indifferent. This crops cultivation is allowing farmers to profit without special methods of farming using. In recent years, the cultivation areas of safflower in Russia have increased tens of times is indicated the need to conduct selection work and educate agricultural producers about the possibilities and properties of this almost forgotten agricultural crop. A variety of safflower Almaz was created by the breeders of the "L.A. Zhdanova Don Experimental Station VNIIMK" by the method of six-fold induction of an elite plant, isolated from the collection. A new early-ripening variety is characterizing the alignment of plants, amicable maturation and short stature, the absence of spines on the leaves and resistance to conditions of insufficient moisture. The potential yield of seeds is 2,0-2,5 t/ha in the Rostov region conditions. The flowers of the variety have an orange color of the corolla. Variety Almaz is listed in the Russian Federation State Register of Selection Achievements and is allowed to be used on all regions of culture cultivation from 2017.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 64-71
S.S. Pislegina ◽  
S.A. Chetvertnykh ◽  

The article provides a brief economic and biological characteristics of a new variety of field peas Vyatich, transferred to the State variety testing in 2020. The variety was created by individual selection from the hybrid population of Kazanets x K-3283. According to morphological characteristics, Vyatich belongs to the varieties of the mustachioed morphotype. The stem is simple, medium length (45-120 cm), purple flowers, inflorescence-2-3 axillary brush flowers. Seeds are greenish-brown with a purple speck, medium-small with a fused peduncle (weight of 1000 seeds 140-170 g). The variety is medium-ripened, Matures 2 days later than the standard. According to the competitive variety testing for 2016-2019, the average yield of Vyatich grain was 3.65 t / ha, green mass-32.2 t / ha, dry mass-5.67 t / ha, exceeding the ryabchik standard by 58.7%, 33.0% and 43.9%, respectively. According to the results of structural analysis, the Vyatich variety has an advantage in the number of beans and grains per plant (0.9 and 4.1 PCs higher than the standard). accordingly), the number of beans on the fruit node (more than 0.3 PCs.), the weight of seeds from the plant (more than 0.4 g). The average height of the new plant variety is 79 cm, and it is very resistant to lodging. The protein content in the grain averaged 20.6%, in the dry vegetative mass-14.2%. The gross yield of crude protein was 743 kg / ha for grain and 783 kg / ha for green mass, which is 60% and 54% higher than the standard, respectively. The Vyatich variety is recommended to be cultivated in single-species crops and used for forage purposes.

Genetika ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Waes van

In the European Community, a new variety of an agricultural crop must submit official trials for DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity, Stability) and VCU (Value for Cultivation and Use) before commercialisation. The guidelines for those tests are summarized in the European directive 70/457/EU (1970), revised in 2002 (2002/53/EU). The result of the VCU-tests is the admission on the national variety catalogue of new varieties, which are better than the best existing ones. Better varieties in the market can increase the income of the farmers. The progress in breeding can be measured by comparison the level of recent with older (10 - 15 years ago) varieties. Incorporation of new varieties in the culture plan is only justified if they are better than existing varieties and if they have no great weaknesses. Therefore the farmers need criteria for cultivation security and high return (output, yield). The two most important factors for cultivation security are resistance to lodging and to stalk rot. In addition earliness is another important factor for silage maize to attain a sufficient dry matter of the total plant and for corn maize to attain a low moisture content in the grains. Important factors for cost-effectiveness are total dry matter yield and quality for silage and grain yield for corn maize. Until now each EU- country has a separate system for VCU testing. The aim of the VCU-research is to predict the agronomical and technological value of a new variety on a reliable way in comparison with standard varieties. For this purpose there is the necessity for a high number of field trials and analyses; this implicates high national experimentation costs. But the costs for experimentation are only a small fraction of the benefits for the farmers. International cooperation for VCU-testing will become necessary to reduce the costs for the national variety testing systems. However the aim of the research must still be to predict the agronomical value of a new variety with the same reliability as at national level. For the future variety testing should be realized on the basis of comparable agro-ecological regions with the same crop husbandry and use of the crop. These regions must be clearly defined so that the release of varieties corresponds to the high demands for harvest security and good conservation possibilities of the harvested material. The most important criteria for evaluation should be: harvest security, disease resistance, yield and quality. The basis for a good success for international cooperation is a good knowledge of the national systems: searching for similarities and finding a solution for differences. Once a variety on a catalogue in one European country, the breeding company tries to sell the variety in the whole agro-ecological for which the variety is adapted. Therefore it is important that in the surrounding zones, where the variety is tested, the same criteria are valid. In this presentation we will give a proposal for harmonization and international cooperation for controlling the VCU- value of new maize varieties.

O. E. Yakubenko ◽  
O. V. Parkina

A description of a promising new variety of vegetable beans suitable for cultivation in the conditions of the Siberian region is presented. Work on the evaluation of promising samples has been carried out at the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University since 2000; annually, samples are compared with the best varieties of Siberian breeding. A new promising variety F135 (Nurse) was selected, which was transferred to the state variety test. A promising variety of Nursing was bred at the Department of Selection, Genetics and Forestry of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University by individual selection from a hybrid population by crossing highly productive, adaptive, early ripening varieties of German vegetable beans Maxi and Rocquentcant. The data on the evaluation of a promising sample of vegetable beans by qualitative and quantitative parameters are presented. The assessment was carried out in accordance with the recommended methods. The advantages of the new variety Nurse by the main economically valuable characteristics are established in comparison with the standard variety. The sample belongs to the early ripeness group. The period from full germination to technical ripeness is 40 days. A promising sample of the Nurse has high indicators of manufacturability and productivity when grown in Siberian conditions. The variety is characterized by the ease of separation of the green shoulder blade during the period of technical ripeness, the friendly formation of high-quality green beans. The height of the plant reaches 45 cm, and the height of attachment of the lower bean is more than 12 cm. The green shoulder blade is characterized by good taste, parchment layer and fiber in the seam are not formed. Biochemical analysis of the green scapula showed that the promising Nurse grade exceeds the standard for the content of protein, dry matter, ascorbic acid and sugar.

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