Emissions Reductions From Vehicle Retirement Programs

1997 ◽  
Vol 1587 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-127 ◽  
Beth Deysher ◽  
Don Pickrell

Nonattainment areas taking advantage of EPA’s modified enforcement of the 1990 Clean Air Act mandates for unpopular emissions control measures will be required to identify alternative measures to reduce emissions, and several areas have indicated their intention to implement scrappage programs for older vehicles as a means of “replacing” the emissions reductions originally expected to result from these other measures. The potential reductions in fleetwide motor vehicle emissions from scrappage of all older light-duty vehicles in a typical urban area’s fleet are analyzed, and the sensitivity of those reductions to the timing of the program’s implementation and to alternative assumptions about more intensive use of vehicles remaining in the fleet are explored. The cost-effectiveness of such a program in reducing ozone precursor emissions is investigated and the reliability of estimates of the program’s effectiveness developed by using the MOBILE5a vehicle emissions model are evaluated. The likely emissions reductions from even so comprehensive a vehicle scrappage program cannot replace those anticipated to result from measures such as enhanced inspection and maintenance and sales of reformulated gasoline, but smaller-scale retirement programs may be a cost-effective element of a larger package of emissions reduction strategies.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 235 ◽  
Zuoda Qi ◽  
Gelin Kang ◽  
Xiaojin Wu ◽  
Yuting Sun ◽  
Yuqiu Wang

Best management practices (BMPs) are an effective way to control water pollution. However, identification of the optimal distribution and cost-effect of BMPs provides a great challenge for watershed policy makers. In this paper, a semi-distributed, low-data, and robust watershed model, the Revised Generalized Watershed Loading Function (RGWLF), is improved by adding the pollutant attenuation process in the river channel and a bank filter strips reduction function. Three types of pollution control measures—point source wastewater treatment, bank filter strips, and converting farmland to forest—are considered, and the cost of each measure is determined. Furthermore, the RGWLF watershed model is coupled with a widely recognized multi-objective optimization algorithm, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGAII), the combination of which is applied in the Luanhe watershed to search for spatial BMPs for dissolved nitrogen (DisN). Fifty scenarios were finally selected from numerous possibilities and the results indicate that, at a minimum cost of 9.09 × 107 yuan, the DisN load is 3.1 × 107 kg and, at a maximum cost of 1.77 × 108 yuan, the total dissolved nitrogen load is 1.31 × 107 kg; with the no-measures scenario, the DisN load is 4.05 × 107 kg. This BMP optimization model system could assist decision-makers in determining a scientifically comprehensive plan to realize cost-effective goals for the watershed.

Heng Wei ◽  
Feng Lu ◽  
Gang Hou ◽  
Abi Mogharabi

The adverse effects of bicycles and pedestrians on motor vehicle traffic in at-grade, signalized intersections under mixed-traffic conditions have been observed at several typical intersections in Beijing. Mixed bicycle and motor vehicle traffic is a major characteristic of urban transport in China and has led to serious congestion and capacity reduction in at-grade signalized intersections in urban areas. A method is presented to quantitatively measure nonmotorized effects, and values are recommended for adjusting the model to estimate the capacity of through vehicle lanes. Several temporal segregation solutions to mixed-traffic problems in at-grade signalized intersections are described that have proven cost-effective in several Chinese cities, and suggestions for their application are provided.

2008 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 277 ◽  

Agriculture is facing stringent requirements for nutrient loss reductions. These reductions should be done cost-effectively. For instance, the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) emphasizes cost-effectiveness in reaching good water status in European river basins by 2015. River Basin Management Plans specify the eventual reduction targets, which will differ between the basins. These differences have implications on cost-effectiveness assessments: changing the level of total abatement changes the relative shares of measures in the cost-effective allocation. In this paper we develop a model which determines the cost-effective allocation of three alternative measures to reduce phosphorus loss from fields. The model allows for comparisons with cost and reductions of all possible allocations. We show that, even for homogenous regions, the cost-effective allocation of measures is strongly dependent on the target level, and that using the allocation from one reduction level as a guideline for other levels violates cost-effectiveness seriously. On the grounds of these results we give recommendations for cost-effectiveness assessments in the context of the WFD.;

1998 ◽  
Vol 1641 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-104 ◽  
Cynthia Pansing ◽  
Eric N. Schreffler ◽  
Mark A. Sillings

Often when public agencies allocate funding for transportation programs, evaluation of a project’s performance becomes an afterthought, if a consideration at all. Relatively recently, evaluation of project performance has garnered attention as a means for both assessing how cost-effectively public funds help attain transportation and air quality objectives and guiding future public investment decisions. Nonetheless, these efforts suffer at times from a lack of coordination and would benefit from the application of a standardized method. Such a standardized method is applied to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of three categories of transportation control measure (TCM) projects: fixed-route transit, transportation demand management (TDM), and alternative fuel projects. The method provides a means for estimating and quantifying travel mode effects and converting them to net emissions benefits. Three sets of funding programs implemented in California were the subjects of evaluation efforts in which the standardized method was applied. The results of these evaluations are presented, and conclusions are suggested about project cost-effectiveness on the basis of project data and comparisons across categories of projects. On the basis of the evaluation of 58 projects, TDM projects other than telecommunications projects were cost-effective compared with alternative fuel and fixed-route transit projects. In light of the key evaluation findings, an approach and framework for future evaluations of TCM projects to ensure consistency and comparability are proposed. Some future uses of the evaluation data in the form of a centralized database are also suggested.

1998 ◽  
Vol 1641 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-111 ◽  
Laura C. Lachance ◽  
Edward Mierzejewski

Motor vehicle inspection programs (MVIPs) are used extensively by many communities in the United States as a means to reduce mobile source emissions. In 1992, Florida initiated a motor vehicle inspection program for six counties that were identified as nonattainment areas for ozone pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The costeffectiveness of Florida’s motor vehicle inspection program in reducing emissions is evaluated, and the results are compared with the costeffectiveness of other MVIP technologies that are available as alternatives to Florida’s current program. Five combinations of current MVIP technologies were chosen as the alternatives for analysis that represent the range of options available for a motor vehicle inspection program. The results of the cost-effectiveness analysis indicate that the program including the technology of Accelerated Simulation Mode is the most cost-effective of all of the alternatives presented. This program is much more cost-effective in reducing pollutants than the current inspection program in Florida, an annual idle test. In addition, this program is estimated to eliminate more absolute megagrams (tons) of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides. The legislature of Florida has continually examined the issue of continuing or changing the motor vehicle inspection program in Florida. However, no changes have been made to the program since its inception in 1992. The cost-effectiveness comparisons of MVIPs could be useful to other communities searching for costeffective methods of reducing mobile source emissions.

Douglas Thompson ◽  
Michael Baker ◽  
Dennis Wade

The Clean Air Act requires that long-range transportation plans conform to emissions budgets established for nearer-term attainment years in state implementation plans (SIPs). This poses the question of whether travel growth in the intervening period may overwhelm the benefits of fleet turnover and adopted control strategies, with adverse implications for air quality and for conformity. Emissions trends are examined for three planning areas in California that are nonattainment for ozone. Forecasted emissions of ozone precursors for attainment years are compared with projected emissions for 2020. The latest model for estimation of on-road motor vehicle emissions in California is employed to estimate emissions, augmented by estimated effects of additional control strategies from the 1994 California ozone SIP. Alternative higher-growth travel forecasts for two areas, developed in consultation with regional transportation agency modeling staffs, are then applied to test the sensitivity of emissions to various travel growth scenarios. Ozone precursor emissions are found to remain within attainment year baseline levels for each growth scenario. Oxides of nitrogen emissions approach attainment year levels in one area, due to high projected growth in heavy-duty vehicle travel. Demonstrations of conformity to the ozone SIP for transportation planning horizon years are significantly aided by California’s adopted and planned fuels and motor vehicle emissions control programs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (05) ◽  
pp. 1750068 ◽  
Lianwen Wang ◽  
Zhijun Liu ◽  
Dashun Xu ◽  
Xinan Zhang

In this work, in order to identify the most effective measure and combinations of several measures to control influenza spread, we propose an SVEIAR influenza model with imperfect vaccination, media coverage and antiviral treatment. The global dynamics of the model is explored. Sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number and the endemic equilibrium is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of influenza control measures. Furthermore, an optimal control problem incorporating the three measures is formulated to design optimal control strategies for influenza. The cost-effectiveness analysis reveals that combining the three measures is the most cost-effective among the strategies considered. Numerical simulations show that media propaganda can play a dominant role in curbing influenza transmission.

James F. Mancuso

IBM PC compatible computers are widely used in microscopy for applications ranging from control to image acquisition and analysis. The choice of IBM-PC based systems over competing computer platforms can be based on technical merit alone or on a number of factors relating to economics, availability of peripherals, management dictum, or simple personal preference.IBM-PC got a strong “head start” by first dominating clerical, document processing and financial applications. The use of these computers spilled into the laboratory where the DOS based IBM-PC replaced mini-computers. Compared to minicomputer, the PC provided a more for cost-effective platform for applications in numerical analysis, engineering and design, instrument control, image acquisition and image processing. In addition, the sitewide use of a common PC platform could reduce the cost of training and support services relative to cases where many different computer platforms were used. This could be especially true for the microscopists who must use computers in both the laboratory and the office.

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