Nativa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 615-624
Humberto Fauller De Siqueira ◽  
Evelym Poliana Santos Patrício ◽  
Michael Douglas Roque Lima ◽  
José Benedito Guimarães Junior ◽  
Angélica de Cássia Oliveira Carneiro ◽  

Estudos que visem ampliar o conhecimento das madeiras oriundas do cerrado podem contribuir com o correto manejo das espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da madeira e do carvão vegetal de três espécies do cerrado (Tachigali vulgaris, Myracrodruon urundeuva e Amburana cearensis) para fins energéticos. Foram amostradas duas árvores por espécie e, destas, foram retirados discos da base, a 25, 50, 75 e 100% da altura total. Para a madeira, determinou-se longitudinalmente a densidade básica, composição química, estoque de carbono, poderes caloríficos superior (PCS) e inferior (PCI) e densidade energética. As carbonizações da madeira foram realizadas em forno elétrico, com temperatura final de 450 ºC e taxa de aquecimento de 1,67 ºC.min-1. A posição longitudinal de amostragem não influenciou a densidade da madeira. A madeira de M. urundeuva apresentou maior densidade básica e PCS, bem como menor teor de materiais voláteis. O carvão da espécie T. vulgaris apresentou a menor densidade aparente (298 kg.m-3) e baixo teor de cinzas (1,14%), porém elevado teor de carbono fixo e PCS. O carvão vegetal da espécie M. urundeuva se destacou com elevada densidade relativa aparente (475 kg.m-3). A ordem das melhores espécies é: M. urundeuva, A. cearensis e T. vulgaris. Palavras-chave: energia renovável; espécies nativas; potencial energético; qualidade do carvão.   ASSESSMENT OF THREE NATIVE WOODS FROM CERRADO OF GOIÁS FOR THE ENERGY PURPOSES   ABSTRACT: Studies aimed at expanding the knowledge of woods from cerrado can contribute to the correct management of the species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of wood and charcoal of three species from cerrado (Tachigali vulgaris, Myracrodruon urundeuva, and Amburana cearensis) for energy purposes. Two trees per species were sampled and, from these, disks were removed from the base, at 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the total height. For wood, the properties basic density, chemical analysis, carbon stock, higher (HHV) and lower (LHV) heating values were determined longitudinally. Carbonizations were carried out in a muffle furnace with a final temperature of 450 ºC and heating rate of 1.67 ºC.min-1. There was no effect of longitudinal position under the wood basic density. Myracrodruon urundeuva wood had the highest basic density and HHV, as well as the lowest content of volatile matters. The Tachigali vulgaris charcoal had the lowest bulk density (298 kg.m-3) and low ash content (1.14%), but a high content of fixed carbon and HHV. Charcoal of the species M. urundeuva stood out with high apparent relative density (475 kg.m-3). The order of the best species is M. urundeuva, A. cearensis, and T. vulgaris. Keywords: renewable energy; native species; energy potential; charcoal quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 691
Raquel Marchesan ◽  
Daniela Mendonça ◽  
Ana Carolina Caixeta Dias ◽  
Renata Carvalho da Silva ◽  
José Fernando Pereira ◽  

The objective of this work was to determine the quality of the Eucalyptus urophilla x Eucalyptus grandis clone charcoal, defining the basic density and wood retractability, apparent density, breaking index, charcoal yield, condensable and non-condensable gas yield, AQI and calorific values, comparing the results of different trunk positions and in two different heating ramps, ramp 1 (R1) with a heating rate of 1.25 ºC/min, final temperature of 450ºC and total of 6 hours, and ramp 2 (R2) with a heating rate of 1.19 ºC/min, final temperature of 500ºC and total time of 7 hours. The six evaluated trees were from a six-year-old cloned tree plantation located in the municipality of Gurupi, in the south of Tocantins state. The specimens for the characterizations were made from wooden discs removed from three trunk positions (base, DBH, top). The Eucalyptus urograndis wood presented basic density considered average (0.47 g/cm³) and good dimensional stability. The charcoal presented an expected yield and high calorific value influenced by the final temperature of the heating ramps, high fixed carbon content, acceptable ash content, as well as a low breaking rate. The results were satisfactory and identified the species as a good energy source.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 1707
Helio Tonini ◽  
Marina Moura Morales ◽  
Flavio Jesus Wruck ◽  
Ronaldo Maran Deliberali

The aim of the present study was to assess the growth and energetic properties of genetic material of eucalyptus grown in several integrated crop-livestock system spatial arrangements in Barra-do-Garças City (MT). The genetic material of 76-month old Eucalyptus spp from eight spatial arrangements were assessed according to the following properties: diameter, height and volume growth, mortality rate, dry matter yield, sapwood to heartwood ratio, form factor, bark volume, basic density, superior calorific value, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and trunk energy. Data analysis was performed by adjusting growth function, test for model identity and parameters equality and ANOVA tests to Scott-Knott’s mean clustering test. Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla clones from recorded the highest energy efficiency due to their high yield volume, which was decisive to determine estimated energy available per tree and cropland area. Growth, stem shape and basic density varied among, and within, the same genetic materials, depending on their respective spatial arrangement. However, solid biomass properties (high calorific value, ash content, fixed carbon and volatile matter) remained stable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 933-938

The objective of the present work has been to evaluate the impact of damage caused by defoliating insects on wood quality and charcoal production, and to quantify the losses per hectare according to the charcoal produced. Seven-year-old Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla (clone A) and Eucalyptus saligna (clone B) trees, both in healthy condition and damaged by defoliating insects, were selected, with five trees to be used per treatment. Wood disks were removed from the trees at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height for analyzing the properties of the wood and for preparing and characterizing the charcoal. Damage by defoliating insects decreased the basic density of the trees at all axial positions by up to 23 kg m-3. Also, the extractives and lignin contents increased, while the holocellulose content decreased in the attacked plants. Changes in the wood characteristics led to increased fixed carbon content and gravimetric yield, and a decrease in density. The charcoal productivity from the plants damaged by defoliating insects was lower, mainly because of the decrease in volumetric production.

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (7) ◽  
pp. 791-799 ◽  
Helio Tonini ◽  
Dalton Roberto Schwengber ◽  
Marina Moura Morales ◽  
Ciro Augusto de Souza Magalhães ◽  
Jane Maria Franco de Oliveira

Abstract: The objective of this work was to assess the effect of spacing on the growth, biomass allocation, and wood quality for energy purposes of Acacia magium. A randomized complete block design was carried out with three replicates and five treatments consisting of trees planted at different spacings: 2.0x2.0, 2.5x2.5, 3.0x2.0, 3.0x2.5, and 3.0x3.0 m. At 67 months after planting, the following species parameters were evaluated: performance (mortality, diameter growth, height, bark factor, and bark and biomass volume yield) and wood energy quality (basic density, higher-calorific value, ash, fixed carbon, and volatile materials) through the analysis of variance. Plant spacing did not affect volume and biomass production per hectare nor wood quality for energy purposes. The widest spacing (3.0x3.0 m) provides better individual growth, and the narrowest one (2.0x2.0 m) produces smaller trees, but with the highest percentage of dry biomass in the trunk, and can show the best energy potential at a rotation age from 40 to 50 months.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-152
Dilgash Fayeq Yaseen ◽  
Mohammed Amin Yasin Taha ◽  
Hasan Saleem Nabi ◽  
Abdulaziz Jameel Younis

This investigation was done in the laboratory of college of agricultural engineering sciences – University of Duhok to study some wood-charcoal quality produced from some local wood species in Kurdistan region Iraq. In market, the quality of wood charcoal produced from tree species is varied due to divers’ anatomical structure and carbonizing temperature process. As a consequence, understanding the factors controlling the quality of wood charcoal is an important issue for both producers (sellers) and consumers (buyers). In most charcoal factories, wood charcoal are produced without determining of their quality whereas each quality of wood charcoal has its own properties, price and uses. The quality of charcoal made from some selected local wood species (Quercus aegilops, Salix alba, Malus domestica, and Populus alba) were evaluated. The woods species were collected from Zaxo district of Duhok province and were transformed into wood-charcoal using a steel kiln for pyrolysis. The analysis of physical and chemicals such moisture content percentage [MCP] , volatile matter percentage [VMP] , ash content percentage [ACP] and fixed carbon percentage [FCP], of the produced wood-charcoal were proximately resolved using the (ASTM D3176 – 15) method. The results showed, for the first time on all around the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the quality of wood charcoal produced from these wood species. The highest value off moisture content (2.375%) was with Malus domisteca as compared with Populus alba which was (1.000%), highest volatile matter (21.125%) was with Quercus aegilpops compared with Populus alba (4.125%), high ash content recorded (4.875%) with Quercus aegilpops compared with Salix alba (2.250%) and the fixed carbon was greater value in Populus alba which was (92.125%) compared with Quercus aegilpops (72.875%). In addition, these species present significant divergence in term of good quality of wood charcoal and the (populous alba) gave the superior quality of wood charcoal from the rest wood species. Therefore, the results of this study have a high assessment for managers of Kurdistan governmental and private charcoal factories as a suggestion which wood species is suitable in order to achieve better quality of wood charcoal.

J. M. Makavana ◽  
P. N. Sarsavadia ◽  
P. M. Chauhan

Bio-char is carbon-rich product generated from biomass through batch type slow pyrolysis. In this study, the effects of pyrolysis temperature and residence time on the yield and properties of bio-chars obtained from shredded cotton stalks were investigated. Safely said that the quality of bio-char of shredded cotton stalk obtained at 500°C temperature and 240 min is best out of the all experimental levels of variables of temperature and residence time. At this temperature and residence time, the quality of bio-char in terms higher heating value (8101.3cal /g or 33.89 MJ/kg), nitrogen (1.56%), Carbon (79.30%), and C/N ratio (50.83) respectively. The quality of bio-char for various applications is discussed along with different quality parameters. The bio-char could be used for the production of activated carbon, in fuel applications, and water purification processes. Average bulk density of whole cotton stalk and shredded cotton stalk was found as 29.90 kg/m3 and 147.02 kg/m3 respectively. Thus density was increased by 3.91 times. The value of pH, EC and CEC of shredded cotton stalk biomass was found as 5.59, 0.03 dS/m and 38.84 cmol/kg respectively. Minimum and maximum values pH, EC and CEC of its bio-char was found as 5.85 to9.86, 0.04 to 0.10 dS/m and 38.02 to 24.39 cmol/kg at 200°C and 60 min and; 500°C and 240 min temperature and residence time respectively. Moisture content, ash content, volatile matter and fixed carbon of shredded cotton stalk biomass were found as, 12.5, 5.27, 80.22, and 14.51 (%, d.b) respectively. The minimum and maximum value of bio-char in terms of ash content, volatile matter and fixed carbon of bio-char were found as 5.5 to 15.56, 48.02 to 79.48 and 15.02 to 36.40 (%, d.b) respectively. Calorific value of cotton stalk biomass was found as 3685.3 cal /g. The minimum and maximum higher heating value of its bio-char was found as 4622.0 cal/ g and 8101.3 cal/g at 200°C and 60 min and; 500˚C and 240 min temperature and residence time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 04005
Muhammad Ilham Fatkhurrahman ◽  
Dian Agus Widiarso ◽  
Devina Trisnawati ◽  
Ahmad Zaki Romi ◽  
dan Arya Gustifram

Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) and Gelification Index (GI) are products in coal related to the quality of coal and acid water mining. Research is conducted to know the relationship between the two by means of correlation using polynomial method and pressing method on the environmental diagram of the depositional environtment/facies. The correlation result is obtained that the higher the value of TPI, the value of Inherent Moisture and Volatile Matter is lower and the value of ash content and Fixed Carbon is higher. The higher the value of the GI, then the value of ash content and Fixed Carbon is higher and the value of Volatile Matter is getting lower. The lymnic deposition facies are areas that are located far from the sea and covered by a barrier and composed of land sediment with an active hydrological system. This is what causes minimal acidic water to occur because the sea sulfide does not intervene in the surrounding rocks. In addition, high GI value levels in the research area cause the oxidation process to be low and result in low rock acidity conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Ana Dewita ◽  
M. Faisal ◽  
Asri Gani

The charcoal produced from oil palm empty fruit bunches pyrolysis can be utilized as environmentally friendly alternative fuel briquettes. This research aimed at improving the quality of these EFB briquettes using brown algae adhesive (alginate). The adhesive was added at 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. Proximate analysis was then performed on EFB and the brown algae. The best quality briquettes were obtained by adding brown algae adhesive at 2.5% concentrate, which resulted in a calorific value of 21,405 J/g. Other characteristics such as moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, and fixed carbon were found to be 7.4%, 4.9%, 79%, and 8.7%, respectively. In addition, the thermal characteristics such as density, flash point, and burning time were found at 0.96 g/cm3, 5.1 second, and 300 minutes, respectively.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
M. Natsir Usman

The development of an alternative energy is now becoming important due to the decrease of natural energy source, The current research was conducted to observe the quality of making charcoal briquette from cocoa pod shell with the particle size of 30 mesh, 50 mesh, 70 mesh and 7 % starch as adhesive. The result showed that charcoal particle size of 70 mesh gave the best charcoal briquette quality having characteristics: moisture 10.67 %, density of 1.15 g/cm3, 18.98% ash content, 49.93 % fixed carbon, 24.99% volatile matter and the calorific value of 4372.54 cal/g. Charcoal briquette from cocoa pod shell was utilized as alternative energy. Key words: Cocoa pod shell, charcoal briquette, starch as adhesive. References

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Oki Herli Usmayadi ◽  
. Nurhaida ◽  
Dina Setyawati

The research aimed to evaluate the influence of particle size of charcoal from oil palm fronds on the properties of charcoal briquette. The quality of charcoal briquette was evaluated according to Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-6235-2000. The methods use Completely Random Design with factor the particle size. The particle size consist of three size, the first particle loss of 10 mesh and retained 20 mesh; the second particle loss of 20 mesh and retained 40 mesh and the third particle loss of 40 mesh and retained 60 mesh. The quality of charcoal consist of moisture content, ash content, fixed carbon, calor value and flying material. The result of research showed that the average value of moisture content was 8.49% - 12.41%, ash content was 7.34% - 8.78%, flying materials was 13.71% - 21.08 %, fixed carbon was 71.57 % - 77.50 % and calor value was 5124 kkal/kg - 5338 kkal/kg. The research result concludes that the best charcoal briquet is on particle size which  loss of 10 mesh and retained 20 mesh. This charcoal fulfilled the Indonesian National Standard (INS) 01-6235-2000.Keywords: bioenergy, charcoal briquette, Elaeis guinensis, oil palm frond, particle size

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