التطور الدلالي لمفهوم الألفاظ الحميرية واللهجات اليمانية القديمة في معاني القرآن الكريم/ Semantic development of the meaning of Himyarite words and the Ancient Yemeni dialects in the meanings of the Holy Quran

Zaynah Hussein Al-Qahṭānī ◽  
Asem Ali

ملخص البحث:  لقد خاض كثير من العلماء في خضم معركة الآراء التي دارت قديماً وحديثاً حول العلاقة بين العربية الشمالية واليمنية القديمة، ويأتي حكم أبي عمرو بن العلاء في مقدمة تلك الأحكام؛ فهو يرى أن الحميرية شيء والعربية شيء آخر، ومن قول أبي عمرو، وكان لهذا الحكم أثره الكبير في أفكار بعض علماء اللغة العربية القدامى وغيرهم ممن خاض في هذا الميدان؛ فاللغة اليمنية القديمة ليست لغة أعجمية، وليست هي نفسها عربية القرآن الفصحى المتوارثة بين الأجيال. تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي، ويهدف البحث إلى استعراض أبرز المفردات الحميرية التي وردت في النقوش اليمانية ووردت ألفاظها ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم. توصلت الدراسة إلى ما يأتي: اندماج اللغة اليمنية في اللغة الحميرية وحملتها معها في ألفاظ القرآن الكريم، إن أبرز المفردات الحميرية التي وردت في النقوش اليمانية وردت ألفاظها ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم، إن أصول اللهجات اليمانية لها علاقة بالعربية الفصحى، وأن معاني المفردات في عامية أهل اليمن ودلالة الألفاظ الحميرية واللهجات اليمانية قد وردت في القرآن الكريم. الكلمات المفتاحية: التطور الدلالي-الألفاظ الحميرية-النقوش اليمانية-معاني المفردات. Abstract Many scholars have tried to contribute in the battle of views that have been going on traditionally and in modern time on the relation between the Northern Arabic and the ancient Yemeni dialect, and the opinion of Abu ʽAmru bin Al-ʽAlā' came at the top of those views. He saw that the Himyarite language and Arabic are two different entities, and this view had echoes in the thoughts of some traditional Arabic scholars and others who have been dwelling on this topic. Ancient Yemeni dialect is not a foreign dialect but at the same time is not the inherited Quranic Arabic as it is known. The study follows a descriptive analytical method and it aims to showcase the most prominent Himyarite words that were found in the Yemeni inscriptions and were also found in the Holy Quran. The study concluded with the followings;  a merging took place between the Yemeni language and the Himyarite language and subsequently with the vocabularies of the Quran; that the meaning of the most prominent Himyarite words in the Yemeni inscriptions were also mentioned in the Holy Quran; that the origin of the Yemeni dialects was related to the Standard Arabic; that the meanings of the words of the dialect of Yemenis and the meaning of Himyarite words alongside with other Yemeni dialects have been mentioned in the Quran. Keywords: Semantic development – Himyarite vocabularies – Yemeni Inscriptions – Meanings of words   Abstrak Sejumlah besar para cediakawan telah cuba untuk menyumbang dalam perdebatan pendapat yang telah berlarutan sekian lama sehinggalah ke zaman moden ini berkenaan dengan hubungkait antara loghat Arab utara dan loghat Yaman kuno serta pendapat Abu ‘Amru bin Al-‘AlÉ’ yang merupakan pendapat yang paling terkemuka di antaranya. Beliau berpendapat bahawa bahasa Himyar dan bahasa Arab adalah merupakan bahasa yang berbeza dan pendapat ini telah memberi kesan dalam pemikiran sebahagian ahli bahasa tradisional dan yang lain-lain yang membahaskan isu ini. Loghat kuno Yemen bukanlah satu dialek asing tetapi pada masa yang sama ia juga bukanlah bahasa warisan Al-Quran yang diketahui umum. Kajian ini mengikut pendekatan deskriptif analitikal dan bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan perkataan-perkataan Himyar yang penting yang ditemukan di batu-batu bersurat Yemen dan juga ditemukan di dalam Al-Quran. Kajian ini merumuskan perkara-perkara berikut: terjadi penggabungan antara bahasa Yemen dan Himyar dan seterusnya di antara perkataa-perkataan di dalam Al-Quran; maksud kebanuakan perkataan yang ditemukan dalam batu-batu bersurat itu juga turut disebut dalam Al-Quran; asal loghat-loghat Yemen ini juga mempunyai kaitan dengan Bahasa Arab Standard; terdapat di anatara maksud perkataan loghat Yemen  and maksud perkataan-perkataan Himyar di samping loghat-loghat Yemen yang lain yang turut tersebut dalam Al-Quran. Kata kunci: Perkembangan semantik – Perkataan Himyar – Batu bersurat Yemen  -Maksud perkataan

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
د. محمود علي عثمان عثمان

يهدف البحث إلى: الكشف عن ظاهرة التمكّن الدلالي للفرائد القرآنية الواردة في سياق الحديث عن القرآن الكريم، وهي ظاهرة تعكس إعجازه البياني في أسلوبه، ولتحقيق هذا الهدف فقد سلك الباحث المنهج التحليلي اللغوي، والمنهج الوصفي، وخلصت الدراسة إلى أنّ ظاهرة التمكّن الدّلالي للفرائد القرآنية ترتبط بالعلاقات بين البُنى المتوالية للسورة -الواردة فيها الفريدة-بأكملها على وفق: مناسبة دلالة الفريدة معجميا، لسياقها الذي استدعاها، وهاتان العلاقتان مجتمعتان مكّنتا الفريدة دلاليا من التفرّد في سياقها بحيث تؤدّي المعنى المراد كله بدقة ولا يغني غيرُها من مرادفاتها غناءَها، ليثبت بذلك بناؤها واتّساقها الفني وفيضها المتجدد من الظلال والمعاني والدلالات التي تتّسع وتنمو وتفيض وتتجدّد بتدبّر هذه الفرائد، وأوصت الدراسة بمواصلة رَصْد ظاهرة التمكّن الدلالي للفرائد القرآنية الواردة في موضوعات أخرى، وتجديد قراءتنا للقرآن الكريم ومدارسته بما يحقق تدبّره. The purpose of the research is to highlight the phenomenon of the semantic mastery of the Quranic uniques in the context of the Holy Quran, a phenomenon that reflects its graphic miracles in its style and aims to reveal its significance to the purposes of the Holy Quran and its Surah's, to achieve the aim of the study: the researcher used the linguistic analytical method and the descriptive method, the study concluded in its results to phenomenon of the artistic semantic consistency of the Qur'anic authors is related to the relations between the successive structures of the surah - in which the unique - whole is presented according to: a unique and lexical connotation of the context in which they were called, the purpose of the sura and the purposes of the Qur'an, so that the meaning of the whole meaning accurately and does not enrich other synonyms singing, to prove the building and artistic consistency and its renewed flow of shadows and meanings and meanings that expand and grow and overflowing and renewed by meditating in these uniques, the study recommended the continuation of monitoring the phenomenon of semantic mastery of Quranic Uniques mentioned in other subjects and renewal of our reading of the Holy Quran and study it to achieve its meditation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Dia AbuZeina ◽  
Taqieddin Mostafa Abdalbaset

The part of speech (PoS) tagging is a core component in many natural language processing (NLP) applications. In fact, the PoS taggers contribute as a preprocessing step in various NLP tasks, such as syntactic parsing, information extraction, machine translation, and speech synthesis. In this paper, we examine the performance of a modern standard Arabic (MSA) based tagger for the classical (i.e., traditional or historical) Arabic. In this work, we employed the Stanford Arabic model tagger to evaluate the imperative verbs in the Holy Quran. In fact, the Stanford tagger contains 29 tags; however, this work experimentally evaluates just one that is the VB ≡ imperative verb. The testing set contains 741 imperative verbs, which appear in 1,848 positions in the Holy Quran. Despite the previously reported accuracy of the Arabic model of the Stanford tagger, which is 96.26% for all tags and 80.14% for unknown words, the experimental results show that this accuracy is only 7.28% for the imperative verbs. This result promotes the need for further research to expose why the tagging is severely inaccurate for classical Arabic. The performance decline might be an indication of the necessity to distinguish between training data for both classical and MSA Arabic for NLP tasks.

Ammar Mahmoud S. Shwayat Ammar Mahmoud S. Shwayat

This research deals with the issue of coercion to destroy the money of others in Islamic sharia and Jordanian civil law and the importance of this research is evident by showing the picture of the truth of the jurisprudential issues based on this type of coercion. And the sharia ruling in these pictures. And the problem of the research revolved around the sayings of scholars about the reality of coercion. The main objective of the study is to make a comparison between sharia and Jordanian civil law in this matter. As for the key words included in the research. They Are: coercion money destruction of money. Immoral coercion. And unresolved coercion. As for relying in this study on three main approaches. Namely: 1. the inductive approach for all the scientific subject: by referring to what I have available to me from language and fundamentals books. Branches and jurisprudential rules. And books on jurisprudential and law. 2 the analytical method for this available research material by presenting the sayings of scholars in Islamic law and Jordanian civil law 3. The comparative approach by presenting the saying of the four schools of thought and the Jordanian civil law 4 the attribution of the Quran to their place in the noble Quran and the output of the hadiths based on the two sahib al – Bukhari. Then the four Sunnah again and attributing the effects contained in this study to their books and Sayers with judging.to achieve this topic. I divided my research into two coats. The first requirement: clarifies the definition of language and law. the pillars and conditions of coercion. types of coercion. recourse and non – recourse coercion. Moral coercion. And the evidence for the existence of coercion from the holy Quran and the Sunnah. As for the second requirement. It death with the effect of coercion on destroying the money of others in Islamic sharia and Jordanian civil law in coercion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-145
Mahmoud Abed Alkarim Mhanna ◽  
Samer Najeh Samara

The construction of the unknown (majhul) is one of the central formulations in the Arabic language. It has many purposes and carried profound meanings. This research aims to elucidate the purposes of the construction of the unknown in the present tense with the variant readings of the Quran (qiraat).  This study will examine the construction of the unknown in the Holy Quran by describing its formulas and purposes. In treating this topic, this research adopted the inductive and analytical method in order to clarify the purposes of the construction of the unknown by the variant readings of the Quran as well as the construction of the unknown in the present verb.  It also analyzed the verb and the multiplicity of the verb (reference to another element), the substitute agent (na’ib al-fail), the effect by the direct object (maf’ul bihi) of the second that will change the agent (fa’il), by referring to the law and add a new meaning. The second part deals with the purposes of building the unknown by the forerunners (al-sabiqin). The final part focuses on the purposes of building the unknown with the variant readings of the Quran in addition to set the stage for a more nuanced approach in Qiraat studies.

نشوان عبده قائد ◽  
رضوان جمال الأطرش

يهدف البحث إلى بيان أثر السياق القرآني في التفسير المقاصدي للقرآن الكريم عند ابن عاشور، وذلك من خلال تناول السياق القرآني من أطرافه المتسقة التي تتصل مباشرة بالمنهج التفسيري المقاصدي، بوصفه مرجحاً دلالياً يفضي إلى الكشف عن المقاصد القرآنية، ويوسع من إيراداتها في المواضع المختلفة. كما يدرس أهمية السياق القرآني، وأنواعه المختلفة التي لها بالغ الصلة في خدمة التفسير المقاصدي. وقد اعتمد الباحثان على المنهج الاستقرائي في إيراد الشواهد، والدلالات عن ابن عاشور في السياق والمقاصد، ثم المنهج التحليلي في إبراز العلائق، والأثر للسياق في خدمة التفسير المقاصدي. This study aims to demonstrate the impact of the Qur’anic context on the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an through the method of intents (maqasid) as used by Ibn ‘Ashur, by addressing the interpretation harmonization with the Qur’anic context that is directly related to this method of investigation. The Quranic context is a connotative indicator that discloses ‘maqasid al-Qur’an’ and expands its existence in different places in the Holy Quran. The study also looks into the significance of the Qura’nic context in its different types, and its relationship with the interpretation through intents. The inductive method was utilized to provide the evidence and connotations of Ibn Ashur in the context and maqasid. Analytical method was then used to highlight the connections and impact of context in serving interpretation through intents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 117 ◽  
Salahaldeen Mohammad AlBzour

The rhetorical language is one of the miraculous matters in the Holy Quran and the term ‘fruit’ iseloquently used in the Holy Quran. In this research, the analytical method has been followed that attempts to make use of statistical analysis of the word ‘fruit’ as mentioned in the Holy Quran. This research aims to draw special attention to the significances of the word ‘fruit’ in the Holy Quran and to clarify what the place of revelation of surahs, the context of verses and the addressee could add to the connotations  of the word 'fruit'. Accordingly, two responses have been adopted according to the meanings of the word ‘fruit’ to achieve the aims, first, connotations of the word ‘fruit’ as the sweet and juicy part of a plant, second, connotations of the word ‘fruit’ as useful crops and others. Anyway, the results show that the word ‘fruit’ is foremost used to indicate the reward of the people of Paradise and to indicate Allah’s ability in creating, then respectively comes the others. In addition to, with reference to the place of revelation and the addressee, the results bring to light that these things add extra information to the connotations and make the word ‘fruit’ more meaningful. Finally, the results display that the connotations of the word ‘fruit’ can sometimes be understood within the same context where the word is mentioned in and it is necessary to refer to previous contexts to grasp the connotations at other times.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Salahaldeen Mohammad Al Bzour

The current research paper involves exploring the word ‘sky’ in the Holy Quran. The aims are to show the meanings of the word ‘sky’ in the Holy Quran and also to show the effect of the Quranic Surahs’ classification on the context of the verse. Thus, the analytical method has been adopted side by side with statistical analysis of the word ‘sky’ as mentioned in the surahs of the Holy Quran. The results show that the word ‘sky’ comes in four intended meanings, first, in the meaning of ‘clouds’, second, in the meaning of ‘sky’, third, in the meaning of ‘rain’, and fourth in the meaning of ‘height’. In addition, the results show that the word ‘sky’ comes in both classifications of the Quranic Surahs performing a great rhetorical role according to the place of revelation of the Quranic Surah and according to the addressee. Moreover, the results show that the context of the Quranic verse is possible to come within a group of preceding verses or following verses making one context that comes together with intended divine purposes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Basel Faisal AL-ZU'BI ◽  
Thanaa Shaher AL-DEWAIRY

Coupling the manifest noun with  the  genitive  is  one  of  the  issues  that  concerned  grammarians  as  it  occupied  a  great  bulk  of  their  books. Those concerned  held  different  notions  on  the  issue . The variety of differences might  be  referred  back  to  linguistic  evidences. This  research  aims  to  clarify  the  issue  to  grammarians  and  to  refute  Anbari›s  responses  to  some  Kufi  evidences  to  come  up  to  the  correct  opinion. The   study adopts  the  descriptive, inductive,  and  analytical  method  through which  it  pursued  the  viewpoints  of  grammarians.  The issue was approved  by  grammarians  as seen  in  grammar  books  or  interpretations  of  the  Holy  Quran.  Evidences pertaining the issue will  be analyzed  to  come  up  with  the  correct  opinion. Anbari›s  rejection  of  a  syntactic problem is one of the results of the research  , approved   by  grammarians and  Kufis  Quranic  evidence  mentioned  by  the  prophet  peace  be  upon  him  regarding  the  recitation  of  the  genitive stated  in  An-Nisaa  Surah – verse  one  : « Fear  Allah  through  whom  you  demand  your  mutual (rights ) , And  be  heedful of  the  wombs  : for Allah  ever  watches  over  you  « can never  be  accepted.

Awad Mohammed Ahmed Kambal Awad Mohammed Ahmed Kambal

The essence of this topic is the conversation about (The Verses of Bahrain) mentioned in the Book of God Almighty, as these verses are mentioned five times in the Qur’an. The honorable one, and that is why this research was the subject of five investigations. The researcher spoke in those investigations about the verses in which the word (Bahrain) came in Deuteronomy, The researcher dealt with the many benefits and blessings of these seas, as their fresh and salty waters have many benefits, and countless and countless goodies, and there is the great divine wisdom in the isthmus and the interdicted stone, which was mentioned in those verses, and the differences of scholars in the past and present in that barrier, and how modern science has interpreted that. In the course of the research, the researcher mentioned the living creatures that live inside these seas, as well as extracting pearls and coral from the depths of these vast oceans, and seeing the large ships that pierce the water in an enormous way back and forth, all with the power of God Almighty. As for the method and nature of the study, it is represented in the inductive analytical method, by collecting the verses in question, explaining and interpreting them according to the pleasure of the Almighty God from ancient and modern sources, and this method is what researchers follow in such research. The most important results of this research can be summarized as follows: The seas have a great variety of importance and that is why they took a good space from the Holy Book. And that the Signs of the Sea include a scientific miracle that modern science recently discovered. That the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not explain such verses, because the time has not yet come for them. That such verses clearly indicate the greatness and enormous power of God.

Salama Awad Al-Hosan Salama Awad Al-Hosan

This study deals with the issue of loyalty in the Holy Quran. Because of its great importance in the Muslim faith and the impact it entails, and since this loyalty deals with many types, many people differed in its legitimacy, or expanded without restrictions, this study aimed to clarify the meaning and types of loyalty in the Holy Qur’an, and to know its most important aspects and the controls set by the Holy Quran for each of these types. To achieve these goals, the researcher followed: (the inductive approach) to collect and extrapolate the word loyalty in the Noble Qur’an, the (analytical) method to clarify the meaning of this word through its context in the Qur’an, and the (deductive) approach to derive the connotations of this word through the Qur’an context. And this study reached some results, the most important of which are: that loyalty may be to someone other than God in its worldly sense, and it may only be in its absolute meaning to God Almighty.

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