scholarly journals تطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ في تدريب أساتذة اللغة العربية بمركز اللغات والتنمية العلميَّة: مجموعات الأخبار نموذجاً (Applications of e-learning in Training Arabic Language Lecturers at Centre for Languages & Pre-University Academic Development)

إبراهيم سليمان أحمد (Ibrahim Suleiman Ahmed) ◽  
فكري عابدين حسن (Fikri Abidin Hasan)

 ملخص البحث:لقد وَفَّرَتْ الجامعة الإسلامية وسَهَّلّت كل الطرق لتدريب الأساتذة على استعمال أحدث التقنيات؛ إذ تولى مركز اللغات والتنمية العلمية بالتعاون مع مركز البحوث تدريب بعض الأساتذة من خارج الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا، وهي: كلية الإنسانية الجامعية بولاية قدح بماليزيا، في تطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ مثل مجموعات الأخبار و (نظام ضبط التعلم)، وهو ما يعرف ب(ل. م. س)، ولقد تم الشرح التنويريِّ للوفد الزائر من أساتذة وطلاب وطالبات المعهد الإسلامي بتايلاند. تركز الدراسة على وصف تجربة تدريب الأساتذة في التعليم الإليكترونيِّ (خاصة اللغة العربية) بمركز اللغات، وتدريب أساتذة كلية الإنسانية الجامعية بقدح. وأهمية هذه الورقة تنبع من عدم وجود دراسة من قبل في مركز اللغات اهتمت بتطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ في تعليم اللغة العربية. وقد اُسْتخدمت المقابلاتُ والملاحظة لجمع المعلومات. بعد إجراء الدراسة والمقابلات توصلت الدراسة إلى أن المواد التي ضمتها مجموعة الأخبار تعد مواد غزيرة، وعلى المعلم الاطلاع على المواد قبل أن يشرحها للطلاب، وأن مجموعة الأخبار قد ساعدت على تحسين ظروف التدريب، وتحسين استعمال المعلم لتطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ في تعليم اللغة العربية في تدريسه، وخاصةً اتجاه الجامعة نحو الاهتمام بالتعليم الإليكترونيّ.الكلمات المفتاحية: مجموعات الأخبار- الإنترنيت- مجموعة أخبار معدلة- مجموعة أخبار غير معدلة- المتصفح.Abstract:The paper intends to describe the experience in training the language teachers in learning how to use the online Learning Management System (LMS). Interview method was used to gather the data. The analysis of the gathered data revealed that the news category proved to be very resourceful and that the teacher should initially read them before teaching them to the students. It is noted that the use of LMS in teaching has improved the training significantly.Keywords: News Category- Internet– Corrected News Category– Users.Abstrak:Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia telah menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan untuk tujuan latihan tenaga pengajar tentang penggunaan teknologi terkini. Ini terbukti  apabila Pusat Bahasa & Pembangunan Akademik dengan kerjasama Pusat Kajian telah menganjurkan sebuah sesi latihan untuk tenaga pengajar dari luar universiti iaitu Kolej Universiti Insaniah di Kedah tentang aplikasi pengajaran secara elektronik contohnya sekumpulan berita dan sistem pengukuhan pembelajaran yang dikenali sebagai (LMS). Kajian ini tertumpu kepada pengalaman latihan tenaga pengajar tentang pengajaran secara elektronik (khusunya bahasa Arab) di Pusat Bahasa dan di Kolej Universiti Insaniah di Kedah. Kepentingan kajian ini terserlah apabila didapati tiada sebarang kajian seumpamanya yang dibuat sebelum ini di Pusat Bahasa & Pembangunan Akademik. Kajian ini menggunakan temubual sebagai instrumen pemgumpulan maklumat. Setelah dijalankan kajian serta temubual, ia mendapati subjek yang mengandungi sekumpulan berita dianggap sebagai sarat dan padat di mana tenaga pengajar perlu menelitinya terlebih dahulu sebelum menerangkannya kepada pelajar. Juga didapati sekumpulan berita telah membantu memperbaiki suasana latihan dan meningkatkan penggunaan aplikasi pengajaran secara elektronik dalam pengajaran bahasa Arab, seterusnya memenuhi aspirasi universiti yang mengutamakan pengajaran secara elektronik.Kata kunci: Sekumpulan Berita– Internet– Sekumpulan Berita Yang Diubah Suai- Sekumpulan Berita Yang Tidak Diubah Suai– Yang Dibaca.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 203-208
Gracia M. N. Otta

The phenomenon of Coronavirus Disease 2019 forced the education system in Indonesia to be run online. The descriptive qualitative method was usedin this research to investigate some cases faced by the Fourth Semester Students of the English Department, Nusa Cendana University toward online learning in Cross-Cultural Communication Lecture. It was conducted to answer students’ perceptions, solutions, and expectations in joining online lectures for the last three months in the Even Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020. To collect the data, and a non-facial interview technique was applied through some online Learning Management System; e-learning by Nusa Cendana University and Google Classroom. The data were analyzed by categorizing the students’ answers. The result of this study showed that11.43% were ready for online lectures, while those who prefer regular classes were 82.86%.Only 27.14% could meet the needs of online lectures since they had available mobile data, while 47.14% frankly stated having mobile data problem. It can be concluded that there were some changes in learning culture that forced students to deal with online teaching-learning activities. Undeniable, it was not easy to organize except well prepared from the very first beginning of class by having Course Contract which only needed to be changed into an online form. Yet, their expectations for universities and government to increase Learning Management System and subsidies for the needs of mobile data bundle (for teachers, lecturers, and students).

Yusep Rosmansyah ◽  
Ignatius Leo Sri Hendarto ◽  
Demby Pratama

Nowadays, online learning or e-learning has become increasingly popular and evolved. Many academic institutions use the Learning Management System (LMS) as a medium for delivering e-learning. A vital feature in such a system is the electronic examination (e-exam), where verifying student’s authentic competence is a challenge. This paper aims to present countermeasures for impersonation attacks. This research was a more focused effort and a continuation of previously owned one and many others found in works of literature. The method of protection is presented in the form of an attack-defense tree model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-99
Мухаммад Аршад

Students’ engagement in a traditional classroom setting has been occurring for so long with several traditional tools such as textbooks, lectures, video, and group activities. Nowadays, globally and locally connected classes are the target of advanced education intellects. The Learning Management System (LMS) has become a basic tool for all institutions of advanced education, and the main thrust in web-based learning. The significance of the learning management system is defined by its role in building up instructive and educational development, so it is considered the most significant new tool for e-learning. As per a report by the Educause Research Center of U.S higher education institutions, almost 100% of advanced training institutions have an LMS setup, the LMS is utilized by 85% of faculty members, 56% of faculty use it daily, 83% of undergraduate and postgraduate students use the LMS and 56% say they use it in most or all courses. Learning Management System (LMS) is now not only becoming a critical tool for most higher education institutions but is also being seen as a driving force in online learning. Blackboard Learning Management System is a technologically improved learning platform within the context of the e-learning and aimed to investigate the use of Blackboard for training, learning, and examination purposes. In turn, this study is designed to explore the efficient utilization and evaluation of the students’ academic performance and the use of a Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard, among academics at Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The primary aim of this research is to investigate how the faculty employs the features and communication tools in an online learning management system to facilitate the students in learning practice and to engage them in the material at hand. Through the findings obtained, both the faculty and the administrators are expectedly able to develop the online learning environment more effectively. It is also expected that the findings of this study can be a significant stimulus for other higher learning institutions in the Kingdom and the rest of the world to use the Blackboard for improved academic performance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 130 ◽  
Vinay Kumar Ippakayala ◽  
Hosam El-Ocla

In this paper we introduce a learning management system that provides a management system for centralized control of course content. A secure system to record lectures is implemented as a key feature of this application. This feature would be accessed through web camera and mobile recording. These features are mainly designed for e-learning environment. In addition, we integrate a learning management system with a platform for social activities and student assessment analysis is developed. Users Including students, professors, and administrators are able to manage schedules, lectures, assignments, jobs, events, discussions, and research.

2011 ◽  
pp. 1488-1493
Curtis J. Bonk ◽  
Robert A. Wisher ◽  
Ji-Yeon Lee

For students, teachers, and administrators, e-learning is a relatively new and sometimes uncertain event. With popular technologies and instructional trends coming and going, distance learning practice and policies change constantly. Regardless of one’s preference for an online learning management system, he or she may be forced to drop it in favor of an inferior and untested courseware shell that was developed internally and adopted solely because it was free. Adding to the confusion, technology tradeshows and teaching and learning conferences continue to alter their themes to fit the current online terminology, which, in turn, changes and evolves. Despite the anxiety caused by the many uncertainties and the accelerating pace of change, teaching online is fast becoming an expected part of one’s scholarly endeavors or, at the very least, a legitimate practice of one’s colleagues and home institution.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Sudaryono Sudaryono ◽  
Alfiah Khoirunisa ◽  
Abdullah Dwi Srenggini

In the era of digital information, especially in the field of education, online learning methods are currently developing rapidly in the learning and teaching process. The aim of this project is to provide a uniform and consistent user interface in the new learning management system (LMS) for students and faculties and to promote super users who will assist the faculty in a smooth transition from. The curriculum template is provided in the LMS for online learning processes or called e-Learning and has various training opportunities with super users that are interactive so that online learning will be effective and quality. (57%) report results from faculty feeling competent or very competent (36%) in their ability to use. Canvas ™ LMS after project implementation; There are several survey comments reflecting a positive response to the transition to Canvas ™. This project produces quality, student-centered online learning. Where is in accordance with the standardized template framework.

T. A. Shkodina ◽  

Currently, there are many online learning systems, which support online learning management processes. However, it is rather hard to choose an e-learning management system on your own. The paper considers a comprehensive assessment method based on the use of the developed comparison algorithm and the algorithm for the optimal choice of complex e-learning management systems according to the functional completeness criterion. The study shows to what extent the e-learning management systems selected for comparison have similarities or differences in terms of functional completeness. The author analyzed whether they contain the most typical e-learning systems and what additional functions each of the compared systems has. The paper shows how it is possible to assess how the functional completeness of a particular system meets the user’s requirements. The developed comparison algorithm allows grouping the features of the considered complex e-learning management systems and highlighting the most significant functions or groups of functions. The study determined the degree of absorption of one complex system over another. The author carried out the ranking of the considered e-learning management systems according to the functional completeness criterion. To identify the system that is superior to the others and to determine the presence of the unique functions, the author constructed the graphs of similarity, absorption, and superiority of the considered systems with varying threshold values. This method allows evaluating and selecting such e-learning management systems that best meet the software requirements and, based on the recommendations received, choosing the most appropriate version of the online-learning management system, taking into account the user’s preferences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Novita Mariana ◽  
Agus Prasetyo Utomo ◽  
Rara Sri Artati Rejeki

Penelitian ini hanya sampai pada hasil rancangan instrument (kuesioner) untuk mengukur kesiapan (readiness) mahasiswa baru untuk implementasi e-learning Universitas Stikubank Semarang. Dasar dari perancanngan kuesioner adalah adanya  hal-hal penting dalam untuk mendapatkan informasi penting tentang kesiapan mahasiswa baru untuk implementasi e-learning Universitas. Untuk menghasilkan instrumen pengukur kesiapan e-learning yang sesuai harus dipahami terlebih dahulu konsep e-learning, kesiapan e-learning, dan penilaian kesiapan e-learning (e-learning readiness assessment). Konsep elearning yang diterapkan saat ini di Universitas Sikubank yaitu proses penyampaian materi kuliah yang meliputi penempatan materi dan interaksi antara dosen dan mahasiswa melalui Internet, yang difasilitasi oleh suatu learning management system (LMS) yang berbasis Web. Berangkat dari konsep e-learning yang diterapkan, maka dibuat studi eksploratori untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menentukan kesiapan e-learning mahasiswa. Agar peneliti bisa mendapatkan pemahaman lebih jauh mengenai suatu masalah dan faktor-factor utama penentunya, dapat dilakukan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif bersifat eksploratori, tidak terstruktur, dan berdasar pada sampel yang kecil. Penelitian ini dapat dilakukan dengan mendayagunakan teknik seperti focus group (wawancara berkelompok), word association (bertanya pada responden untuk mengindikasikan respon pertama mereka pada kata-kata stimulus yang disampaikan), dan depth interview (wawancara satu-satu untuk mengetahui pikiran responden secara detil). Hasil dari suatu studi yang bersifat eksploratori sebaiknya diikuti oleh penelitian eksploratori lain atau oleh penelitian yang bersifat konklusif. Dalam studi eksploratori yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, teknik yang digunakan adalah Wawancara (interview).Tujuan utamanya adalah mendapatkan pengertian mendalam akan hal yang menjadi minat peneliti dengan mendengarkan sekelompok orang yang relevan dengan minat tersebut. Langkah untuk menjalankan wawancara adalah menentukan sasaran atau pertanyaan yang harus dijawab. Dalam hal ini, sasaran wawancara adalah harus dapat mengidentifikasi pandangan mahasiswa mengenai e-learning, kondisi kesiapan e-learning, dan beberapa instrument pengukur kesiapannya. Dari hasil tersebut terlihat bahwa Pada mahasiswa, faktor yang dianggap mempengaruhi kesiapan mahasiswa adalah kemampuan komputer mahasiswa, fasilitas yang disediakan universitas, dan kekuatan motivasi mahasiswa menggunakan Learning Managemen System.  

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