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Published By Togliatti State University


A. V. Pesha ◽  
A. V. Litun ◽  

In the context of the worldwide acute shortage of qualified personnel in healthcare organizations, one of the most relevant tools for attracting talented doctors to work is an employer brand. The authors analyzed the views of potential job seekers of a medical organization about an attractive, “ideal” employer. Basic research methods are a content analysis of scientific works and an online survey. Based on the content analysis of publications of two abstract databases – eLIBRARY and Web of Science, the work presents the dynamics of the authors’ activity over the past five years, the key focus of the work, and the representation of an employer brand in medical organizations. The analysis reveals that among the abundance and against the background of positive trends in the number of works, only four papers on the employer brand deals with the study of the context in health care organizations, which does not allow judging the disclosure of this topic and offers opportunities for further scientific research. The authors identified the main components of the concept of an employer brand followed by the world scientific community – the presence of a positive image; the set of benefits associated with working in a particular company; and a holistic employer image. These elements formed the basis of the survey. One hundred twenty-nine respondents took part in the empirical part of the study. The study results reflect key factors of the attractiveness of a medical organization as an employer – reputation, personnel care, the existence of a strong leader, competitive salary, possibility of development, and human relations. The paper presents the ideal employer characteristics, according to the respondents, stated in the authors’ concept.

S. E. Demidova ◽  

Government interference in the social-economic processes through the implementation of anti-crisis measures and fiscal expansion holds the embodiment of financial risks for economic entities. As a result, government debt and budget gaps at the continuing drop of real disposable household income and companies’ profitability grow. Over a long-term horizon, the decisions made can cause a financial system misbalance and new risk generation, including systemic risks in the sphere of public finance. The author carries out the theoretical research of financial system risks, which can result in a decrease in the system stability in general. The study determines that there is no single theoretical concept of financial risks of the public sector. Within the research, the author analyzed the approaches to systemic risks in various economic sectors and decomposed systemic risk of the public finance sphere. The study specified global factors of influence on the financial system stability, determined the impact factors and common fiscal limitations considering the needs in the execution of state obligations. The pandemic factor – COVID-19 spread is highlighted as an exogenous factor of impact on the formation of financial system misbalances. The main threat to the financial system stability considered in terms of the functional-institutional approach is the deficiency of economic entities’ liquidity. Unprecedented budgetary measures of anti-crisis financial regulation, the deferred impact – tax preferences, and monetary measures had an immediate influence on the liquidity volume during the implementation of anti-COVID activities. Tools of budgetary monitoring, budget expenditures reviews, tax expenditures reviews, and budget consolidation ensure the budget mechanism flexibility. Factors producing financial system risks and the selected measures of state regulation will set the trends for the social-economic development of the country in the coming years.

A. V. Nayanov ◽  
L. N. Alaikina ◽  
S. A. Novoselova ◽  
I. V. Sharikova ◽  

The authors considered the problematic issues of assessment and the directions of improvement of the tax potential application efficiency at the regional and municipal levels as the fill rate of their budgets mainly depends on tax revenues. In this regard, the issues of objectivity of the assessment of tax potential and the possibility of its increase are of great interest for municipal administrations and bodies of the legislative power of beneficiary regions. The authors evaluated the aggregate taxable entities at macro-and micro-levels. The study identified the possibility of using tax potential when assessing the level of impact of taxation on the formation of the conditions for enterprise growth. The authors discovered the interrelation between tax potential at the macro-level and the priority directions choice for the region’s development, analyzed the structure of taxpayers, and determined their role in the formation of the Saratov Region revenue. The paper substantiates the significance of each type of tax, levies, and charge in the formation of the consolidated budget of the region. The authors focus on the types of taxation regimes of agricultural organizations, the size of their tax burden. The paper includes the analysis of tax payment flows, as well as presents the list of obligations of agricultural producers to pay taxes depending on the selected taxation regime. The authors analyzed the influence of tax returns from agroindustrial complex activity on the formation of the Saratov Region revenue, evaluated the taxation of agriculture by the types of taxes, and calculated the tax potential of agricultural producers. The study identified the problems and specified several meaningful measures, which allow identifying the reserves aimed at increasing the level of tax potential of the region and municipal entities.

S. I. Chuzhmarova ◽  
E. N. Zvereva ◽  
A. A. Chuzhmarova ◽  

In economic literature, the analysis of the effectiveness of on-site tax audits is underrepresented both with regard to the economic and mathematical calculation and within the behavioral context. On-site tax audits, as one of the forms of tax management, affect budget incomes and expenditures. Effective audits promote budget replenishment. Ineffective audits cause budget expenditures for their execution without fiscal payoff. The study aimed at the development of a technique and using it for the analysis of the effectiveness of on-site tax audits in the Russian Federation. The analysis of normative base, statistical tax reporting, and summation of the practice of on-site tax audits formed the basis for the proposed technique of analysis of the effectiveness of on-site tax audits. The analysis technique is characterized by the revised structure of criteria, dynamic and static parameters. The authors determined and considered in real-time the percentage of on-site tax audits, which identified violations of law; carried out the analysis of payments additionally accrued according to the results of on-site tax audits. The study identified and analyzed in real-time the effectiveness of one on-site tax audit, as well as the ratio of payments additionally accrued according to the results of on-site and desktop tax audits. The authors analyzed the transformation of the structure of on-site tax audits. The paper proposes organizational ways of improvement of the effectiveness of on-site tax audits: the development of electron interaction of tax authorities and taxpayers with possible temporary access to tax and accounting reports and other documents, implementation of digital control of tax bases at the stage of pre-inspection analysis; the expanding of welcoming face-to-face and remote contacts with taxpayers as the participants of the process of the national economy development.

P. A. Ilyin ◽  

In the context of a slowdown in the growth of the world economy, and the national economies reformatting as a result of sanitary and epidemiological restrictions, the issue of establishing economic security criteria and indicators at various levels of the economy becomes urgent. The primary element of the Russian economy creating goods, performing work, and providing services is an enterprise. Since currently, there are different scientific points of view, and there is no unified approach to this issue, there is a need to create a scientifically based model, including using mathematical methods, for assessing the viability of an enterprise regarding the safety of its vital interests. Using the correlation and regression analysis, the author studies the linear dependence of economic security general level on the corresponding financial indicators, which are formed based on fifty simulated financial and economic situations in the company’s activities. To analyze, the author uses the coefficients of fixed assets depreciation, absolute liquidity, term liquidity, capitalization, financial independence, asset turnover autonomy, capital return, equity turnover, and economic, financial, and commercial profitability. As a result, the paper presents a model for assessing the general level of the company’s economic security. The resulting equation is significant, but only five of thirteen coefficients are valid at a given level of error and probability: the fixed assets depreciation coefficient, absolute liquidity coefficient, current liquidity coefficient, financial independence coefficient, and financial profitability coefficient. At the same time, the formulated system of indicators of exclusively financial security is not complete when studying the level of economic security of an enterprise, forming only the central part of the general (expanded) model of economic security of an enterprise.

M. A. Irkin ◽  
T. N. Cherepkova ◽  

The authors specify the concept of economic security of the region and determine its essence. The paper considers and groups key indicators characterizing the risk of reducing the economic security level in the region. The classification includes four groups of such indices: financial (aggregate indicators), resource or manufacturing (characterize the economic state of the territory and possibility of its development based on the revealed potential), social, and ecological. When analyzing risks of reducing the level of regional economic security, the authors group, combine, and evaluate the indices holistically and over time. The mechanism of managing the risk of reducing economic security is built considering these groups of indicators. It should be preventive, promptly warn and eliminate threats of the emergence of crises in a particular region. Based on this requirement, the authors proposed the mechanism of managing the risk of reducing the economic security of regions, which consists of several levels. The first level consolidates the Head of the RF constituent entity, the Council for economic and public security of the RF constituent entity, and legislative authorities of the RF constituent entity. The next level consists of commercial organizations, social-political and religious institutions. The third level is the population of the RF constituent entity. However, to achieve stable economic development of the region, the interaction of all levels is necessary, which should be organized by the Interdepartmental commission for economic security matters of the region. Monitoring the existing external and internal threats and considering the economic interests of a region, the commission should develop measures aimed at the prevention of detected threats.

G. V. Leonidova ◽  
E. A. Basova ◽  
G. V. Belekhova ◽  

To increase labor efficiency, the level of quality of work-life (QWL) of the working population is of particular importance. The limited number of studies dealing with the research of the quality of work at the regional level has confirmed the research interest. The paper presents the results of the assessment of QWL of the working population of the Vologda Region obtained using the subjective approach. The authors studied special aspects of regional differentiation of the assessment of the labor activity quality by the population. The paper draws attention to the fact that in the Vologda Region, the assessments of the working population concerning satisfaction with various aspects of labor activity have a lower level compared to similar data in the subjects of the Northwestern Federal District and Russia. The paper shows the results of the QWL assessment of the Vologda Region population in the context of various socio-demographic groups based on the index system of indicators. The study identified that more than half of the economically active population of the region is satisfied with the quality of labor activity. The authors found that the degree of satisfaction with the QWL varies for different socio-demographic groups of the population. The highest level of assessments is demonstrated by the groups with the increased level of wages, as well as those with higher education, officially registered marriage, and carrying out labor activities following their inclinations, abilities, and avocation. The authors conclude that the quality of labor potential and the level of implementation in labor activity of the qualitative characteristics of the Vologda Region residents significantly correlate with the QWL satisfaction. The paper presents a list of measures promoting the improvement of QWL satisfaction.

A. V. Ramazanov ◽  

Analytical documents of the Bank of Russia and financial statements of large Russian banks indicate the growth in incomes from operations with securities within the gross share of revenues of commercial banks. In the world, there are cases of excessive activity of commercial banks in the security market (the Great Depression of 1929–1933 in the USA, default on state treasury bills in Russia on the 17th August 1998), which led to negative consequences for bank clients. The author analyzed peculiarities of investment transactions conducted by commercial banks in Russia. The author gives recommendations to reduce financial risks for the commercial banks’ customers and promote the attractiveness of the investment banking products. The author’s concept of regulation of banking activity in Russia consists of two directions: regulation of classical banking (income from lending operations exceeds income from operations in the securities market) and regulation of investment banking (the predominance of investment operations). The author justifies the necessity of the introduction of mandatory insurance of funds invested in equity securities of Russian issuers admitted to circulation on the Moscow Stock Exchange in the event of bankruptcy of issuers. The paper critically evaluates the recommendation of the Bank of Russia that professional participants in the securities market should not offer complex investment products to unqualified investors as this restricts the application of derivative securities for hedging financial risks. The author suggests the requirements for the equity capital of professional participants of the securities market and the methodology for calculating the equity capital separately for classical and investment banks.

M. A. Kholodova ◽  
T. A. Miroshnichenko ◽  
N. A. Svyatogorov ◽  

The stable financial and economic state of agriculture largely determines the success of the implementation of the export-oriented strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia chosen by the state. The authors analyzed and studied the main factors affecting the financial and economic condition of key agriculture sectors of the Russian Federation. The study identified the problems hindering the significant ramp-up of the crop and animal products output, the main of which are: the insufficient technical potential of agriculture, low level of investment activity, the imperfect mechanism for allocating preferential investment and short-term loans to agricultural producers, the disparity in prices for agricultural products and manufactured goods, the insufficient state support for the industry, the shortage of personnel potential in agriculture, etc. Despite the existing problems, the authors highlight the tendency of the growth in crop and animal products output and strengthening of the financial state of agricultural enterprises resulting from the implementation of the state policy of import substitution and the introduction of food embargo on basic foods. At the same time, the volatility of prices for crop and animal products negatively affects the financial results of agricultural producers, leads to the deficiency of own funds for technical reequipment of production, the introduction of technological innovations, the faster increase in production volumes and serves as an obstacle when implementing the targeted guidelines of the state concept of export-oriented development of the industry. The study noted the growth of debt under credits and loans and overdue accounts payable per one agriculture organization resulted from the pre-bankruptcy of several large-scale agricultural holdings. To strengthen the financial and economic state of agriculture, the authors recommended improving the mechanisms of state stimulation to attract financial resources of private investors, increasing the volume of state support for agricultural producers, providing preferential investment and short-term loans to agriculture, and expanding state support programs for small and medium-sized forms of agriculture in the countryside.

O. A. Mishchenko ◽  

Being an actual and promising direction of economic development in Russia, directly related to the country’s infrastructure facilities, concession activity attracts increasing interest from investors. Concession activity is an activity on the state assets management and their operation. The attraction of additional sources of financing for the development of concession objects is the more prospective and less risky area for investors as the share of the issue of concession bonds increases each year within the entire structure of bonds emitted in Russia. The paper deals with the applied aspects of using digital technologies in the concession activity. The author considered the approach to the creation of a digital eco-environment aimed at the interaction of the state, a concession holder, and investors. Digital financial assets and financial technologies are the core of the digital eco-environment. According to the author, the creation of a digital eco-environment in a company-concession holder can become an additional possibility of traditional attraction of investments to its development due to its flexibility and new technologies. The author justifies the possibility of the development and introduction of digital technologies in the concession holder’s activity to increase the investors’ interest in the financing of this sphere. The use of a blockchain platform and a smart-contract system will allow automating the process of concluding and fulfilling contractual obligations to finance a concession project. The author concludes that this direction will give the possibility to the companies performing concession activity to increase the investors’ interest in the development of important social and infrastructure facilities of the country, and new digital technologies will allow managing, controlling, and reducing costs when carrying out digital transactions.

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