scholarly journals Team building as a management tool for building a professional team

Alla Zlenko ◽  
Elena Isaikina

The need to form a team may arise in different situations of organization development. Rapid changes in both politics and business pose a number of challenges related to team building. Most often there is a request for the formation of operational teams to work in a limited time; uniting top managers in order to more effectively exchange information, increase creativity and join forces to achieve the goals of the enterprise as a whole; uniting employees within the unit (department) in order to increase the efficiency of management of subordinates and increase the efficiency of the unit; uniting middle managers in order to accelerate the flow of information, improve the psychological climate. One of the most effective methods of personnel management, which is used not only by commercial companies, but also by public organizations, is team building. After all, the success of the company depends not only on the professionalism of employees and their competent management, but also on a close-knit friendly team. The main purpose of team building (team building) – emotional cohesion of the team, increasing the return on teamwork. The essence of «Team Building»: creating the necessary conditions for employees to develop skills to work effectively in a team and in person, the ability to work in a team and identify leaders, unite the team and create an atmosphere of informal communication. Team building trainings, business trainings, active recreation of employees – an effective tool for forming a professional team. Experts have noticed that building a system of an effective team, united and committed to a common goal, significantly contributes to the modeling of situations when employees are involved in a new, unusual for them process. The subject of research is team building (team building) as an effective tool for forming a professional team. The purpose of writing the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the use of team building, identify the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of its use in practical management. The results of the work can find their practical application in the management of modern domestic enterprises and organizations. Thus, team building is a way for individual professionals to create a team that is focused on achieving common goals, an important investment in the future of any company. Such activities help employees to get to know each other better and establish communication, form a corporate culture, and increase work efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Peter Buell Hirsch

Purpose This paper aims to examine the challenges to sustaining corporate culture in a world of hybrid working. Design/methodology/approach This paper is a review of current literature on the impact of remote and hybrid working on white-collar employees. Findings There is little consensus on whether remote/hybrid working will harm or strengthen corporate culture. Research limitations/implications The viewpoint is a subjective assessment of a limited number of articles on the subject Practical implications It is not entirely clear how those responsible for corporate culture can act on the findings. Social implications In a world in which corporations are experiencing a shortage of talent, how they handle corporate culture will be increasingly important. Originality/value While much has been written on the impact of remote working, this viewpoint takes the original view that strong corporate cultures rely more on the attitudes and actions of individual employees that company programs or initiatives.

Sytnik N.

The need to develop competitive innovative products and services encourages modern organizations to search for new ways to enhance the creative abilities of their personnel. Design thinking is one of the promising tools to elaborate organi-zational potential in generating ideas and developing new products which satisfy customer requirements to the most extent. Over last years design thinking has been developed as a practically­oriented approach aimed at solving customer problems. Within the frame of design thinking, deep understanding of their values, reactions, experience in interaction with the company and behavioral habits serves as a basis for focused ideation, fast prototyping and testing. Although the key characteristics, main stages, tools and techniques of design thinking are well established in the literature, far less attention has been paid to the restrictions and conditions of design thinking application within organizational environment. These issues determined the purpose of the study. First, the paper considered the evolution of the term design thinking, as well as portfolio of its tools and techniques applied at different stages of design thinking process. Further, the advantages, restrictions and conditions of design thinking application were specified. Design thinking allows to achieve 1) externally oriented organizational goals: development of innovations, improvement of products and services in accordance with customer needs, better interaction with customers; 2) internally oriented organizational goals: development of staff experience and creative abilities, team building and enchancing a creative corporate culture. The restrictions of design thinking implementation related to its key features (focus on customer experience, fast ideation, prototyping and testing) were established. Important conditions for design thinking implementation are as follows: understanding and taking into account its restrictions, introduction of a flexible format for design sessions, and formation of design teams in accordance with the experience, competencies and thinking style of their participants. Thus, design thinking is a useful approach for development of customer­oriented innovative solutions, although it should not be considered as a universal tool for solving all organizational problems.Keywords: design, design thinking, creativity, customer experience, Stanford model, «wicked» problems, design thinking techniques. Дизайн­мислення є перспективним напрямом дослідження для науковців і фахівців із менеджменту, ураховуючи позитивний досвід його використання і зростаючу популярність серед провідних компаній світу. Нині відомі характерні риси, етапи, інструменти та техніки дизайн­мислення, однак малодослідженим залишається питання щодо меж практичного застосування цього підходу, його переваг і недоліків. У статті виявлено переваги дизайн­мислення, зокрема: оперативне вдосконалення продуктів і послуг відповідно до потреб клієнтів, тімбілдинг, новий досвід і розвиток креативних здібностей персоналу, формування креативної корпоративної культури. Для успішного застосування дизайн­мислення під час організації дизайн­сесій необхідно враховувати його обмеження, упроваджувати гнучкий формат дизайн­сесій та підбирати учасників дизайн­команд за досвідом, компетенціями і стилем мислення. Ключові слова: дизайн, дизайн­мислення, креативність, клієнтський досвід, Стенфордська модель, wicked­проблеми, техніки дизайн­мислення.

1995 ◽  
pp. 27-39
Margalit Berlin ◽  

The article analyzes the relationship between the corporate culture of a multinational company headquartered in the United States, which enjoys great prestige worldwide, and the business environment and practices in Venezuela, where it has an operation. The prevailing culture in the corporation is North American and the top managers come from their country of origin. In Venezuela, on the other hand, most of the companies are family-owned, and personal contacts and influences prevail. The research is oriented to the elaboration of a qualitative diagnosis, through rigorous observation and semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that there is resistance on the part of Venezuelan managers to follow the culture of a strict company governed by rules set in a very different economic and political context. The ambiguity between acceptance and low identification with the values of the parent company leads to think of corporate culture as fragmented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 5378-5394
Viteri Valle Victor Vicente ◽  
José Luis Domínguez Caiza ◽  
Carmita del Rocío Sánchez Verdezoto ◽  
González León Pablo Oswaldo

El presente trabajo de investigación fue realizado en el año 2020 y 2021, durante la pandemia del COVID-19, es importante hacer esta puntualización puesto que la educación universitaria por años obvió la enseñanza virtual, utilizando las plataformas web como un método optativo al principio, sin embargo, dentro del contexto actual pasaron a ser obligatorias. En este punto del resumen se tiene que aclarar que la herramienta de gestión de aprendizaje, o LMS con el que se trabajo es el Moodle. Es por ello, que fue lanzada a mediados del año 2020 al entorno virtual para los procesos educativos permitiendo una mejor comunicación relativamente entre participantes, también para el desarrollo colectivo e individual del aprendizaje, y siendo parte de ello, la evaluación. La evaluación de los estudiantes es una etapa crítica del proceso educativo, puesto que si es de bajo nivel los estudiantes serán aprobados sin que hayan asimilado los conocimientos mínimos, por el contrario, si es muy estricta probablemente un porcentaje elevado de estudiantes no aprobarían la materia. Por otra parte, el hecho de que los alumnos manejen muy bien las herramientas tecnológicas de esta época provoca que los docentes se sientan presionados durante el proceso de evaluación, puesto que la posibilidad de que los estudiantes se vean tentados a ver las pruebas individuales como evaluaciones colaborativas (grupales) aumenta considerablemente. ¿Cómo han tratado los docentes de inmunizar (usando terminología de estos días) nuestras evaluaciones contra esta posibilidad?, el arsenal de opciones con el que viene equipado el LMS Moodle es variado, se requiere valorar la potencia del tipo de pregunta calculada a la luz del tema que se quiere evaluar, sobre el nivel educativo (que es el  universitario), el ciclo en el que se encuentran nuestros estudiantes (al principio de sus carreras, en la mitad o finalizando), los pre-requisitos que tiene la asignatura y finalmente la capacidad que se tenga para poder implementar las preguntas. Lo que se pretende hacer en este artículo es compartir como se han implementado preguntas calculadas, generadas aleatoriamente para evaluar el tema específico del cálculo de monto, dentro del capítulo de Interés Simple de un curso de Matemáticas Financieras utilizando preguntas calculadas que son generadas a partir de un conjunto de datos que se pueden especificar.   To contextualize, this article was written in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to make this point since university education for years obviated virtual teaching, using web platforms as an optional method at the beginning, however, within the current context they became mandatory. At this point in the summary, we have to clarify that the learning management tool, or LMS with which we work is Moodle. That is why it was launched in mid-2020 to the virtual environment for educational processes, allowing relatively better communication between participants, also for the collective and individual development of learning, and being part of it, evaluation. The evaluation of students is a critical stage of the educational process, since if it is of a low level, students will be approved without having assimilated the minimum knowledge, on the contrary, if it is very strict, a high percentage of students would probably not pass the subject. On the other hand, the fact that students handle the technological tools of this time very well causes teachers to feel pressured during the evaluation process, since the possibility that students are tempted to see individual tests as evaluations collaborative (group) increases considerably. How have we teachers tried to immunize (using terminology of these days) our evaluations against this possibility? The arsenal of options with which the LMS Moodle is equipped is varied, we need to assess the power of the type of question calculated in light of the subject that we want to evaluate, on the educational level (which is university), the cycle in which our students are (at the beginning of their careers, in the middle or at the end), the prerequisites that the subject has and finally the capacity that we have to be able to implement the questions. What we intend to do in this article is to share how we have implemented calculated questions, randomly generated to evaluate the specific topic of calculating the amount, within the Simple Interest chapter of a Financial Mathematics course using calculated questions that are generated from a set of data that we can specify.

David R. King

Acquisitions inherently involve change, but the success of desired change varies. This reflects the inherent difficulty of organizational change and attempts to maintain a fit with an organization's environment. A possible limitation to successful change is that the managers responsible for it face conflicting demands. This chapter develops multiple ways that acquisition circumstances and involved managers can limit organizational change. For example, middle managers can have information about organizational challenges but not the authority to direct change, while top managers have the authority but face implementation constraints. Acquisitions may also offer a solution to these challenges through the reconfiguration of a firm's management to increase management perspectives and to update organizational identities. Implications for management research and practice are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-245
Alvaro Lleo ◽  
Elisabeth Viles ◽  
Daniel Jurburg ◽  
Javier Santos

Purpose This paper aims to identify key middle manager trustworthy behaviours that encourage employees’ participation in continuous improvement activities in industrial contexts. Design/methodology/approach The list of behaviours has been developed in two different phases. First, the authors conducted two concept mappings with operators and middle managers and, subsequently, the authors combined and integrated both points of view. Second, the authors developed an expert panel with researchers, consultants and experienced practitioners of industrial management for debugging and reducing the results, presenting the final list of behaviours. Findings This work presents 55 different middle manager trustworthy behaviours divided into four different categories: human qualities; training and development; technical and managerial competencies; and team building. Research limitations/implications This paper contributes to existing literature about sustainable continuous improvement systems highlighting the role of middle managers and proposes a set of specific middle manager trustworthy behaviours for increasing supervisors’ influence on operator participation. Originality/value After extracting the knowledge of different stakeholders, the list of behaviours identified can serve as a useful tool for recruiting, training, evaluating and developing a supervisors’ managerial style that enhances operator participation in continuous improvement activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01131
Anastasiya Pesha ◽  
Olga Koropets ◽  
Maria Plutova

In the article we present the results of the research of group dynamics in the training of corporate culture. The object of the research is the group dynamics as a set of processes that take place in the group of training participants during its operation. The subject of the research is the possibility of managing the group dynamics of the student group during the training of corporate culture formation. We have put forward a hypothesis of the study that in the case of considering the formation of corporate culture of the student group indicators group dynamics in the training construction, it is possible to form a cohesive group, whose members accept common values and norms of behavior, focused on achieving a common goal and are capable of self-government. The following methods were used in the study: content analysis, training; survey methods, observation – for the analysis of the results. During processing of the research results, the authors used methods of descriptive analysis in the calculation of averages and standard deviations in confidence-mistrust, correlation and regression analysis and analysis of variance in the evaluation of changes in the indicators of group dynamics and components of corporate culture groups after the training.

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-21 ◽  
Cathrine Filstad

Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate how political activities and processes influence sensemaking and sensegiving among top management, middle management and employees and to examine its consequences for implementing new knowledge. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected in a Norwegian bank using in-depth interviews with middle managers and financial advisers. Observations of meetings, informal conversations and verbatim notes were also used in data collection among top managers. A practice-based approach was used as an analytical lens. Findings – Top managers' political activities of excluding others from the decision process affect their sensemaking and resulted in sensegiving contradictions between spoken intent and how to change practice. Middle managers' political activities were to accept top managers' sensegiving instead of managing themselves in their own sensemaking to help financial advisers with how to change their role and practice. As a result, middle managers' sensemaking affects their engagement in sensegiving. For financial advisers, the political processes of top and middle managers resulted in resistance and not making sense of how to change and implement new knowledge. Research limitations/implications – A total of 30 in-depth interviews, observations of five meetings and informal conversations might call for further studies. In addition, a Norwegian study does not account for other countries' cultural differences concerning leadership style, openness in decisions and employee autonomy. Originality/value – To the author's knowledge, no studies identify the three-way conceptual relationship between political activities, sensemaking and sensegiving. In addition, the author believes that the originality lies in investigating these relationships using a three-level hierarchy of top management, middle management and employees.

2010 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 692
Stephen Callaghan

Recent developments in both relationship contracting and non-traditional project delivery methods have had a substantial impact upon the way organisations within the Australian construction industry carry out their business to achieve successful project delivery. In the late 1980s, following a period of high-profile disputes, there was a trend towards a more co-operative and collaborative approach to contracting. It was during this time that the concept of partnering was introduced to Australia. Partnering in turn led to the development of relationship contracting. Relationship contracting has developed into a wide ranging concept which varies from informal agreements to work co-operatively for the success of the project, to the implementation of a pure alliance arrangement and, most recently, the use of ECI. The concept of relationship contracting brings with it a range of principles and concepts, which include: shared and common goals; pro-active objectives and key performance indicators; issue management and resolution processes; robust risk and opportunity management; probity and accountability; ongoing review and evaluation leading to continuous improvement and team building; plans and strategies for achieving stretched goals and outstanding performance; and, pain/gain or incentivised remuneration based on outcomes and performance. The need for relationship contracting in Australia has increased in recent years due to the substantial growth in construction activity, including a significant increase in the growth of gas sector work. Much of the construction activity has been carried out using a fast track approach in an environment where resources are limited. This presentation will discuss the development of relationship contracting and, in particular, will look at ECI arrangements and alliance delivery models for gas infrastructure delivery.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 438-452
Haixu Bao ◽  
Haizhen (Jane) Wang ◽  
Chenglin Sun

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how middle managers respond to the career challenges caused by environmental regulation. In particular, this paper examines whether environmental regulation strength is positively related to middle managers’ openness toward change, and whether middle managers’ openness toward change is positively related to proactive behavior. Furthermore, the moderating role of top managers’ bottom-line mentality in these two relationships is examined. Design/methodology/approach Cross-sectional survey research (n=155) was conducted. During a training program, data were collected from 155 middle managers from a listed company that manufactures primary products. With these data the authors examined the main relationship and also explored the moderating effect of top managers’ bottom-line mentality. Findings Analysis of the findings indicates that perceived environmental regulation strength influences middle managers’ openness toward change and consequently their proactive behavior. In addition, top managers’ bottom-line mentality moderates both the link between environmental regulation strength and openness toward change and the link between openness toward change and proactive behavior. Originality/value The findings of this study reveal how environmental regulation induces middle managers’ proactive behavior, and the influence of top managers’ mentality on how middle managers respond to environmental regulation both cognitively and behaviorally.

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