2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3(72)) ◽  
pp. 150-158

Topicality. Ukrainian export strategy for 2017-2021 determines food industry as one of the key elements of the country's foreign economic potential. Despite the secondary importance of wine in meeting the basic human needs, wine industry plays an important role in filling the budget of the country, ensuring the socio-economic development of regions. The wine sector is a perspective direction for the development of Ukrainian economy, an integral part of its foreign economic potential because of favourable natural and climatic conditions and existence of labour and other resources of high quality.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to determine the foreign economic potential of Ukrainian wine industry in the world market. To achieve the goal, following tasks have been set and solved: definition of production potential of Ukrainian wine industry; assessment of consumer potential of Ukrainian wine market; study of trends of export-import activity of market operators (volumes of export, import, foreign trade turnover, balance of export and import operations, geographic structure of export and import).Research results. According to the research results of Ukrainian wine industry in 2014-2018, it is established that the production potential of Ukrainian wine market is decreasing. This can be explained by the decrease in the area of grape plantations in the fructiferous age, the declining dynamics of the index of industrial products, the growth of depreciation, the decrease in the average number of staff members, as well as the decline in consumer market potential (due to a decrease in the number of target consumer segment, in the share of spending on alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, the growth of average consumer prices, the prohibition of the promotion of wine etc.).According to the export-import activity in monetary terms Ukraine is a net importer of grape wines. However, in terms of volume, the volumes of wine exports are dominated by imports. Such contradictions in data in both physical and monetary terms can be explained by the low cost of Ukrainian exports. The average price of 1 litre of exported Ukrainian wine in 2018 is 3.5 times lower than the cost of 1 litre of imported one. The geographic structure of demand for Ukrainian wines varies: the share of CIS countries and Europe is decreasing and the share of Asian countries is increasing. The largest buyers of Ukrainian wine are: Russian Federation, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and China. The geography of the import of grape wines has the opposite structure: a significant proportion is being taken by the European countries, the smallest – by the “new wine regions”: America, Africa and Australia and Oceania.Conclusion. The analysis of the indicators of functioning of Ukrainian wine industry shows that at present, it can not claim the position of an influential player in the market. There is a significant natural and climatic potential, but there is a number of problems that hinder the development of foreign economic potential. These problems are: problems related to the political and legal environment; problems of production potential; problems of consumer potential; foreign trade problems; retail problems.

ZHALDAK Maryna ◽  

Background. The problem of stable activity of domestic producers, in particular in the production of leather and footwear, is exacerbated by increasing global competition along with the loss of significant share of domestic and foreign markets. The regulating of the development of industrial production, domestic and foreign markets for light industry products is one of the most important tasks of the state today. Therefore, the assessment of the state of Ukraine’s foreign trade in the leather and leathermaterials market is important component for forecasting andshaping the development of domestic leather manufacturing. The aim of the work is to analyze the dynamics of Ukraine’s foreign trade on the leather materials market and to establish key directions for thedevelopment of Ukraine’s leather industry to increase the competitiveness of domestic products in an international environment. Materials and methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and gene­ra­lization are used for work. Statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, customs statistics of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, as well as data from the Inter­national Trade Center are used to study the leather market of various finishing methods in the world. Results. The analysis of foreign trade activities of the leather materials market showed that leather, additionally processed after tanning, significantly exceeds exports in imports, while tanned leather without processing in exports is ten times higher than im­ports. The analysis of world trade indicators determined that leather with a natural full grain surface is characterized by the greatest competitiveness against polished leather withan artificial grain surface. According to the indicators of foreign trade activity, Ukraine ranks third among the countries – leaders in world imports of leather with a natural full grain surface configuration in the form of halves. According to this commodity position, Ukraine ranks 13th in world exports. Conclusion. The analysis of Ukraine’s foreign trade on the leather materials mar­ket revealed the need of forming commodity and technological specializations of the domestic leather industry in accordance with the production of leather with a natural full grain surface from cowhides as the most competitive product in the international environment.


The development of Russia's foreign trade is facing a number of difficulties caused primarily by the instability of the external environment of the world market and its politicization, which negatively affects all participants in relations. Political tensions in 2014 and subsequent counter-restrictive measures had a negative impact on the development of export-import relations in the regions of the country, the Kursk region was no exception. The region has a significant foreign trade potential in accordance with its industrial and agricultural specialization, in connection with which the study of the features of the current development of foreign trade activity is an urgent area of analysis. In the course of the study, the features of the development of foreign trade activities of the Kursk region in 2014-2019 are considered, the prevailing trends and their causes are identified. It has been established that over the past 6 years, the foreign trade turnover of the Kursk region has varied in waves: the period of decline is due to a change in the political situation in 2014, which led to a significant decline in foreign trade activity in the period 2015-2016. However, by 2017, the pace began to recover, and in 2019 it exceeded the pre-crisis level. Since 2016, the region has a stable positive trade balance, which indicates a more active development of exports than imports and emphasizes the export orientation, as well as the implementation of the import substitution strategy. An assessment in the context of the main foreign trade directions showed that over the past 6 years there has been a structural shift: if earlier the main importing countries were the CIS countries, and the exporters were non-CIS countries, today the overwhelming share of foreign trade operations falls on the far abroad.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-174
Iu. V. Kuzminykh ◽  
N. A. Kudrova ◽  
A. F. Zavgorodnij

The most complete realization of the export potential of the Russian forest industry on the world market provides for the implementation of a strategic scenario for the development of the industry. The article analyzes the reality of achieving forecast indicators of priority areas for non&resource export of forest products. To stimulate investment in timber production, the authors proposed the use of a special investment contract mechanism, which has already found application in other sectors of Russian industry.

2021 ◽  
pp. 137-142
W. P. Chavarry Galvez

The article examines the role of export industries in the economy of Latin America at the present stage. The study identified the GDP growth rates of the countries of this region, the comparison of the total GDP of Latin America with the world, the economic potential of the region, the main developing sectors of the economies of Latin America, the methods of countries ‘ recovery from the economic crisis, the main points of growth and potentials. The analysis made it possible to identify problems and identify ways to solve them at the state level, to identify countries with the most dynamically developing economies and the reasons for increasing their competitiveness in the world market. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-110
S. Munka ◽  

Annotation. Introduction. The studying process of the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy remains a priority for domestic economists, because the economic growth is impossible without the involvement in investment. In order to improve the investment attractiveness of the economy it would be desirable to determine the factors and relationships that improve the corresponding indicator. Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of foreign trade on the investment attractiveness, develop projections for the investment climate in Ukraine. The definition of the role of the country’s stock index in investment attractiveness. Results. The study reveals the concept of the investment attractiveness. The influence of export goods on investment attractiveness was investigated. A number of key export goods for the domestic economy were identified. The projections of the investment attractiveness for future periods were developed due to the price of export goods in the world market. The role of the stock index in the country’s investment climate was determined. The projections of the stock index of Ukraine were developed. Recommendations for increasing the investment attractiveness of the national economy were given. Conclusions. Based on the research, we can draw conclusions about the strong positive correlation between the foreign trade and the investment attractiveness. Now, Ukrainian exports are commodity-focused and, as a result, the economy depends on the price of agricultural products and iron ores on the world market. The results of the study predict and an increase in the cost of food products in the world and, as a consequence, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy. Despite the positive projections for the growth of commodity prices, the export of goods with high added value goods will be more profitable option for the economy. Keywords: investment activity; investment climate; foreign trade; economic growth; export; projection; polynomial trend line; iron or; correlation-regression analysis; stock index.

I.S. Gladkov ◽  

The author examines new trends in the dynamics of foreign trade relations of Russia during the pandemic of 2020, which played a kind of «black swan» in relation to the world economic evolution: the processes of turbulence, which increased in the previous period of development of the world economy and modern international trade, continued in the mechanisms of deployment of a global crisis in 2020 in the context of the introduction of a full lockdown in many countries; this was reflected in the downward trend in prices for fuel and energy group goods, which are very important for domestic exports. The article shows the shifts in Russia’s foreign trade turnover provoked by the crisis. The study used the methodology of comparative and statistical analysis based on the latest statistical materials, as well as a number of official calculations, introduced into the Russian scientific turnover for the first time.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 310 (8) ◽  
pp. 60-71
Liudmyla Zharuk ◽  
Tetiana Koval ◽  
Olga Kozak

The purpose of the article is to assess the main trends in the functioning of the world market for sheep products to determine the strategic guidelines for the industry in Ukraine. Research methods. In the process of research, the dialectical method of cognition, a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena and processes were used; abstract-logical method - for generalizations and formulation of conclusions; monographic - for detailing the conjunctural components of the world market for sheep products; empirical - for a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the research object; historical - for structuring in time the main trends in the development of the market under study; comparative analysis - to compare indicators and identify the dynamics of their changes over time; tabular - to reflect the results of research, graphic - to visually display the results of the price ranks of the main products of sheep breeding; statistical groupings - for the distribution of countries into groups according to different factors. Research results. The retrospective and the current state of the market of sheep products in the world have been investigated. The analysis of production volumes and livestock of sheep in the world in the context of the largest producers is carried out. It was revealed the strengthening of specialization in the meat and dairy direction in the world sheep breeding. The countries of the world have been ranked according to the level of purchase prices for 1 ton of sheep meat, 1 ton of wool and 1 ton of sheep milk. The dynamics of exports and imports of live sheep, sheep meat, wool and sheep cheese in the context of the main exporters and importers for the period 2012-2018 is considered. It has been established that, taking into account the global trends in the development of the sheep products market, in Ukraine it is advisable to increase the production of sheep meat in large-scale farms, which will satisfy the existing demand for these products in the world. Also, one of the promising areas for the development of the industry can be the production of elite sheep cheeses, starting with small craft production of regional brands. Scientific novelty. The analytical assessment of the world market situation for the main types of sheep products from the standpoint of Ukraine's integration into the international market for these products was further developed. Practical significance. The research results can be used by public administration bodies in determining the national policy of sheep industry development, the formation of a strategy for its development, taking into account export opportunities in the short and long term. Tabl.: 8. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 13.

Natalya Epova

At the present stage of economic development, foreign trade is of great importance for any country both in terms of expanding markets and obtaining additional profits, and in terms of increasing influence on the world market. Russia's trade turnover consists of exports and imports of different regions located in various natural and climatic zones. Analysis of the commodity and geographical structure of exports and imports of Russia and the Irkutsk region indicates the presence of certain regional characteristics. The article discusses the dynamics of changes in foreign trade at the level of the country as a whole and compares it with similar indicators of the Irkutsk region, identifies the causes of discrepancy or difference in shares of certain commodities in export and import. The positive and negative trends observed in the commodity structure in recent years are determined and the conclusion is made about the need and possible promising options for changing the commodity and geographical structure of foreign trade at the regional level and throughout the country.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
O.D. Trifonova ◽  
B.A. Rybka

The article reveals the essence of the concept of "competition", presents scientific approaches to the definition of the economic category of "competitiveness of products". The specifics of the formation and functioning of the world fertilizer market are revealed, and indicators of their use in agriculture in different countries are presented. There are also leaders in the export and import of fertilizers in the world. The main tendencies and problems of development of the Ukrainian fertilizer market are analyzed, the main directions of increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian fertilizers on the world market are determined.

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