Marriage guidance in Islam starts with an explanation of how to choose a potential mate before knitting a marriage bond. Many people observe that the guidance given by Islam is only oriented to the fulfillment of the spiritual aspects and ignores the material aspects which are the means of human life, especially the fulfillment of mental or psychological aspects. This study seeks to analyze the criteria for choosing prospective marriage partners in Islam through the perspective of the psychology of Islamic families. As a new theory, Islamic family psychology has considerable urgency in interpreting the Shari'a rules on family law in a more humane manner, and at the same time to identify mental phenomena that affect the achievement of the objectives of Islamic marriage law. The results of this study state that from a psychological perspective, criteria for choosing a potential partner in an Islamic marriage are still quite relevant and truly influence one's personality in the course of a married life. Actualization of the candidates to choose the candidate pair includes judgments: (1) material aspects in the form of wealth ma> liyyah), social status (h {asabiyyah), beauty or good looks (jasadiyyah); (2) spiritual aspects in the form of a prospective partner's religion; and (3) aspects of comparability or kafa>, especially the perspective and life mission of the prospective spouse.