psychological balance
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 423-432
E.L. Nikolaev ◽  
E.Yu. Lazareva ◽  
R.E. Yakubov ◽  

Hardiness is one of the important psychological categories related to the resource potential of a personality, which is closely related to health and coping. The aim of the study was to define characteristics and relationships of hardiness in Russian and international medical students. 205 Russian and international students of junior courses of the medical faculty of the university were studied. We used the S. Maddy hardiness test, DemboRubinstein self-assessment technique, sociocultural questionnaire. Statistical processing included descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. It was revealed that significant differences in the severity of indicators of hardiness among Russian and international students were not revealed, which characterizes students as capable of effectively carrying out educational and professional activities and maintaining psychological balance in most stressful situations. Nevertheless, Russian and international students had certain differences in the severity of hardiness, taking into account gender and age factors. Motivation for educational and professional activity was more pronounced among Russian male students, and tolerance for uncertainty was more pronounced among female international students. International students were more involved in learning activities in the younger age group, while Russian students were more involved in the older age group. In the group of international students, it was also noted that high characteristics of hardiness were interconnected with psychological well-being and the desire to gain new experience. In Russian students, high indicators of hardiness were more interconnected with mental health, psychological well-being, the absence of harmful habits of using psychoactive substances and pronounced stress resistance. The results can become the basis for the development of university programs for adapting students to the educational environment, focused on Russian and international students, for the implementation of preventive programs and health development programs at universities, taking into account the factors of gender, age and country of origin of a student.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 377-378
Julia K. Johnson

Inequality is everywhere. The psychological balance of individuals who experience internal and external environments depicts the resilient capability. The equilibrium state of “equality-inequality” showcases causal-effect in psychological health and contributes to the inequality inheritance passed on to the next generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-127
Siti Fadhlina Mustapa Kamal ◽  
Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah ◽  
Rezki Perdani Sawai

Bullying not only has a significant influence on victims' physical and emotional well-being, but they are also reported to experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) such as nightmares, intrusive thoughts and emotions of hopelessness and powerlessness. The symptomatology of untreated PTSD exposes victims to other psychological issues such as substance abuse, depersonalization and suicide. This case study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Systematic Desensitization (CBT-SD), a counseling intervention for reducing symptomatology of PTSD. He was diagnosed with clinically severe symptomatology of PTSD (T> 65) by using the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS) (Briere, 2001). The treatment planning using CBT-SD technique was constructed aimed at answering the research questions. The results indicate a decrease in the symptomatology of PTSD and other psychological issues, particularly on the scales of dissociation and suicide. Reducing PTSD symptoms has a favourable impact on the client’s cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning, as seen by his improved personal functioning in his daily life. Hence, prevention and early rehabilitation through counseling interventions are crucial in aiding victims of bullying achieve psychological balance. The implications of this intervention are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anastasia Besika ◽  
Andrea B. Horn ◽  
Mike Martin

Studies infer Psychological Balance from the absence of psychopathology. In this article, we investigated this construct as an antecedent of well-being. We present empirical evidence toward the validation of a new theoretical model regarding Psychological Balance, a dynamic state with relatively constant characteristics, comprising Consistency and Flexibility and influenced by a Self/Others Ratio. A battery of 31 items, as indicators of Consistency, Flexibility, and Self/Others Ratio, aided this empirical investigation. In an online study (N = 933), we collected cross-sectional data from the United Kingdom. Results of cross-validation analyses provided evidence toward the validity of the proposed model and the psychometric properties of its instrument. There were statistically significant associations between Consistency (i.e., degree of integration of a universal value structure as self-related characteristics that motivate personal goals and behavior), Flexibility (i.e., degree of ability to re-define meaningful and important goals in response to situational challenge), and five well-being variables (e.g., Meaning in Life). Self/Others Ratio (i.e., ratio of motivation to serve self-interest and the interest of others), operationalized as a binary variable (e.g., close and away from 1), moderated some of these associations. Altogether, this work may contribute toward a nuanced understanding of well-being and form the basis of interventions that aim to decrease emotional discomfort and increase meaning, happiness, and life satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ana María Aguilar López ◽  
Marta Miguel Borge

Our model of the world that we perceive within ourselves, our conscience, in short, our psychological balance is influenced by our surroundings. Part of the input to which we are exposed in this immediate environment is related to texts, self-managed discourse, which can also influence our internal model of the world; hence they are deserving of our attention. In the same way as the models of the world that we construct throughout our lives, reality is not static and also changes as time goes by. From a social point of view, we can see that the roles of women in modern-day society and the ways that those roles can be perceived today are a consequence of changes initiated in the past within different areas and in a prolonged process over time up until our day. With the aim of evaluating whether female drama has contributed to that change, we present an analysis in this paper of the play La Cinta Dorada [The Golden Ribbon] by María Manuela Reina, written and set in the 1980s, a decade that for Spain implied a more obvious abandonment of the most traditional conceptions of the role of women. In the analysis of the play, we see how the models of the world of the older people are counterposed with those of the younger people, a generational divide that is enriched with the gender difference, as we also analyze how the psychological structures of the female and male characters confront the clichés pertaining to another era in reference to such topics as success, infidelity, matrimony, and gender. The results of our analysis demonstrate how Reina responds to archaic conceptions, thereby inciting the audiences of the day to question their respective models of the world, especially, with regard to the role of the woman in society. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-15
Nadezhda Efimovna Bulankina ◽  

There is no shortage of research materials intended to meet the teachers’ need for continuing/life-learning professional development as a creator of the social and educational activities in the national public school spaces in terms of Pedagogy and Knowledge Content Efficacy. The purpose of this manuscript is to stand back from the surface detail of formal education of the teacher and to provide an overall perspective on the teacher’s creative mission as a communicator, a person of high language and communication culture, for harmony and psychological balance within intercultural communication created via different devices. Concept and methodology of this research, based in the main on the principles of humanism which reflect on the ideas of axiological and process approaches that concern the concepts of engaging teachers in a process of recurrent professional development. Results of this research include the comprehensive model that consists of three value concepts for a) creating the humanities educational spaces via acculturation; b) teaching the four skills and spoken communication skills via current devices of language teaching and ideological trend of acculturation; c) involving participants into ‘genuine’ communication via bringing social oriented and language learning activities reflected on the creative mission of national public school education that works its way up through culture experience in the classroom. In conclusion this article presents a handful of arguments of the significance of the growth and level of multilingual culture to affect the diversity of the personality’s vital forces, its development providing opportunities for professional and social self-realization, adaptation, and increasing creative potential in the process of critical thinking and creative communication via Technology, Pedagogy, and Knowledge Content Efficacy of current methodology of teaching and learning in the classroom. By the same token we have grounds for clarifying and verifying our vision on the Concept of “Humanities environment/spaces” in the frameworks of the comprehensive model of its architectonics, i.e. a harmony of the culture-creation elements via languages of education, the polyphony of knowledge, technology, spheres of recurrent professional development of a current educator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-244
I. Ladakis ◽  
I. Chouvarda

Objectives: Stress is a normal reaction of the human organism induced in situations that demand a level of activation. This reaction has both positive and negative impact on the life of each individual. Thus, the problem of stress management is vital for the maintenance of a person’s psychological balance. This paper aims at the brief presentation   of stress definition and various factors that can lead to augmented stress levels. Moreover, a brief synopsis of biosignals that are used for the detection and categorization of stress and their analysis is presented. Methods: Several studies, articles and reviews were included after literature research. The main questions of the research were: the most important and widely used physiological signals for stress detection/assessment, the analysis methods for their manipulation and the implementation of signal analysis for stress detection/assessment in various developed systems.  Findings: The main conclusion is that current researching approaches lead to more sophisticated methods of analysis and more accurate systems of stress detection and assessment. However, the lack of a concrete framework towards stress detection and assessment remains a great challenge for the research community. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01267 Full Text: PDF

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Meisya Dicki Candra ◽  
Eko Susilo ◽  
Wulansari Wulansari

Sleep disorders attack 50% elderly. Elderly people are at risk of having sleep disorder caused by many factors, one of which is hypertension. Poor sleep quality can cause physiological and psychological balance disorders. Warm water foot soak as one alternative action for increase sleeping quality in elderly with hypertension because of the relaxation effect. This study aim to determine the effect of warm water foot soak toward sleeping quality in elderly with hypertension at Lodoyong Village Ambarawa Subdistrict Semarang Regency. Methods is Pre experimental with one group pre test-post test design. The samples of 26 people were taken by purposive sampling method. Data analysis bivariate (Wilcoxon Statistics Test). 26 elderly have good sleeping quality (100%). Bivariate analysis shows there is effect of warm water foot soak toward sleeping quality in elderly with hypertension at Lodoyong Village Ambarawa Subdistrict Semarang Regency with p Value 0,001. As one alternative action for increase sleeping quality in elderly with hypertension. The elderly with hypertension should do warm water foot soak so that it can be done continuously on night. So there isn’t decrease in sleeping quality.Key words: warm water foot soak, sleeping quality, hypertension, elderly 

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 162 ◽  
Matthew Wilkinson ◽  
Lamia Irfan ◽  
Muzammil Quraishi ◽  
Mallory Schneuwly Purdie

Based on the findings of mixed-methods research conducted with 279 Muslim prisoners in 10 prisons in England, Switzerland and France, this paper argues that contemporary European prisons are sites of intense religious change, in which many people born outside Islam and many born-Muslims believe in and practise Islam for the first time. In order to map this experience of intense religious change in prison, the paper articulates an original typology of conversion to identify Muslim converts as Switchers and Intensifiers. Both of these types of convert mobilise their Islam to turn to God in acts of repentance for their crime(s), to find a renewed purpose in life and to re-gain psychological balance and inner peace. By contrast, a minority of prisoners are Reducers, whose Islamic faith diminishes in prison. A minority of converts to Islam also persist or become more deeply entrenched in the Islamist Worldview of Us vs. Them. Therefore, while choosing to follow Islam in prison carries with it some criminogenic risk, conversion to Islam is significantly more likely to help than to hinder prisoners’ rehabilitation by enabling them to feel remorse for their crimes, reconnecting them with work and education and encouraging them to find emotionally supportive company.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12068
Nadezhda Bulankina ◽  
Natalya Malakhova ◽  
Olga Mishutina

It is curious to reflect that so much significance has been given to Tutoring for teachers within the period of COVID-19 pandemic in the spaces of some destructive changes of the postmodernism educational paradigm. Both the behaviorist/structural model and functional /communicative model have, in their different ways and aspects, consistently played it in terms of the emphasis on correspondence, on-line and off-line courses. This study suggests some ways of opening up daily situations and cases with ICT means for learners in the regional professional spaces of modern language teaching in terms of axiological approach that considers student-centered techniques as a priority a) to establish the psychological balance in the classroom, which is essential for security and stability of the communicative environment and educational process for each participant; b) to fill the gap in different sections of Grammar and Vocabulary for any learner; c) to open up the possibilities for both gifted children and children/adults with special needs.

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