2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Ratnadewi Ratnadewi ◽  
Ariesa Pandanwangi ◽  
Agus Prijono

Jawa Barat memiliki sentra perajin rakyat yang banyak memiliki keragaman motif yang diangkat dari potensi kedaerahannya. Salah satu nya adalah batik Ciamis, tetapi kini dengan adanya wabah virus Corona 19 berdampak luar biasa terhadap ekonomi industri makro dan mikro dalam pengembangan usaha batik. Semakin banyak yang menghentikan usahanya. Sehingga dikhawatirkan motif-motif batik Ciamis semakin langka juga di pasaran. Melalui Turtle graphics motif-motif batik yang ada dibuat dalam bentuk  citra vektor untuk dilestarikan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital. Tujuan dari penelitian ini motif batik Ciamis dapat dibuat bahasa rupa melalui proses digitalisasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman MuPad. Manfaatnya adalah untuk mendokumentasikan serta memperkenalkan kembali motif Batik Ciamis yang sudah hampir punah. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen digitalisasi melalui Lindenmayer System. Sampel batik Ciamis dipilih motif yang memiliki repetisi dengan pola berulang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motif batik Ciamis dapat dibuat dengan teknik lengkungan, garis horisontal dan vertikal, rotasi. Simpulan dari penelitian ini perancangan motif batik dapat menggunakan program Lindenmayer System sebagai blueprint dan dapat diimplementasikan pada batik nusantara. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini, cara pendokumentasian ini dapat diimplementasikan ke industri kreatif.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 869
Helge Simon ◽  
Tim Sinsel ◽  
Michael Bruse

While complex urban morphologies including different materials, wall structures, etc., are rather adequately represented in microclimate models, replication of actual plant geometry is—so far—rather crudely handled. However, plant geometry greatly differs within species and locations while strongly determining a plant’s microclimate performance. To improve the plants representation in numerical models, a new method to describe plant skeletons using the so-called Lindenmayer-System has been implemented in the microclimate model ENVI-met. The new model allows describing much more realistic plants including the position and alignment of leaf clusters, a hierarchical description of the branching system and the calculation of the plant’s biomechanics. Additionally, a new canopy radiation transfer module is introduced that allows not only the simulation of diffuse radiation extinction but also secondary sources of diffuse radiation due to scattering of direct radiation within plant canopies. Intercomparisons between model runs with and without the advancements showed large differences for various plant parameters due to the introduction of the Lindenmayer-System and the advanced radiation scheme. The combination of the two developments represents a sophisticated approach to accurately digitize plants, model radiative transfer in crown canopies, and thus achieve more realistic microclimate results.

1987 ◽  
pp. 132-144
Robin Jones ◽  
Ian Stewart

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-147 ◽  
Jürgen Dassow ◽  
Stefan Rudolf

Jurnal INFORM ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Andy Suryowinoto

Kontribusi komputer dalam bidang grafis berkembang sangat cepat, aplikasinya mulai dari sains, dunia industri manufaktur, medis, hingga militer. Berangkat dari hal tersebut pentingnya pengembangan sistem yang dapat mengurangi waktu saat render dan meminimalkan menggunakan sumber daya perangkat keras computer, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk komputer dengan skala kecil sekelas komputer personal. Menggunakan metode penelitian system development life cycle yang terdiri atas tahap menganalisa dan merancang pada pemodelan tiga dimensi tanaman, khususnya pohon menggunakan algoritma lindenmayer system, dimana penumbuhan percabangan dahan dan ranting, hingga daun, mengambil patokan koordinat objek pada titik percabangan untuk menumbuhkan bagian cabang lain pada pohon. Pada hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa render dengan jumlah 130,904 vertice render 2 detik, daun segi delapan 2,57 detik, dan bentuk bulat dengan waktu render 3,6 detik. Simulasi pemodelan tanaman virtual tercapai.

M. Peter

Documentation of the “as-built” state of building interiors has gained a lot of interest in the recent years. Various data acquisition methods exist, e.g. the extraction from photographed evacuation plans using image processing or, most prominently, indoor mobile laser scanning. Due to clutter or data gaps as well as errors during data acquisition and processing, automatic reconstruction of CAD/BIM-like models from these data sources is not a trivial task. Thus it is often tried to support reconstruction by general rules for the perpendicularity and parallelism which are predominant in man-made structures. Indoor environments of large, public buildings, however, often also follow higher-level rules like symmetry and repetition of e.g. room sizes and corridor widths. In the context of reconstruction of city city elements (e.g. street networks) or building elements (e.g. fac¸ade layouts), formal grammars have been put to use. In this paper, we describe the use of Lindenmayer systems - which originally have been developed for the computer-based modelling of plant growth - to model and reproduce the layout of indoor environments in 2D.

1999 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 394-403 ◽  
Peter A Wilson ◽  
James S Hanan ◽  
Peter M Room ◽  
Sukumar Chakraborty ◽  
David Doley

This paper summarizes the processes involved in designing a mathematical model of a growing pasture plant, Stylosanthes scabra Vog. cv. Fitzroy. The model is based on the mathematical formalism of Lindenmayer systems and yields realistic computer-generated images of progressive plant geometry through time. The processes involved in attaining growth data, retrieving useful growth rules, and constructing a "virtual plant" model are outlined. Progressive output morphological data proved useful for predicting total leaf area and allowed for easier quantification of plant canopy size in terms of biomass and total leaf area.Key words: Lindenmayer systems, modelling, Stylosanthes, morphogenesis, plant form.

1995 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
pp. 27-39

An approach to a quantitative description of bands and interbands, representing alternating visible zones of chromatin packaging is presented. The study is performed on selected human chromosome (#1) obtained from G-banded metaphases observed by the optical microscope. In order to segment the image into structures of interest a topographic approach is proposed: greytone images are seen as landsurfaces (i.e., the grey tone of a pixel is the elevation in that point) and structures to be detected are considered as topographic relieves. In the segmentation process a rewriting process translates the greytone digital image into an image where each pixel is labelled by a symbol denoting the type of structure to which the pixel belongs. Rewriting is performed by repeatedly applying the rules of Bidimensional Lindenmayer Systems (BLS) to the input image. In each step BLS rules are applied to evaluate a local property. The repeated application of the rules combine the local properties of pixels up to an arbitrary distance, simulating an information diffusion process that determines the emergence of global properties of sets of pixels of arbitrary shape. Detected Troughs and Lowlands are interpreted as tracks of bands and interbands and from their description there derives a set of geometrical attributes. These attributes are useful to measure the distances between bands and interbands and hence to follow the dynamic packaging of chromosomes before cell division. Finally, topographic labelling seems to enhance the resolution level of chromosome features, especially for faint bands, thus it is reasonable to expect that even microvariations important in cytogenetic pathology can be detected.

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