A new species of Encarsia Förster (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), parasitoid of Acutaspis agavis (Townsend & Cockerell) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) from Mexico

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-273
S.N. Myartseva

Encarsia ameca sp. n. reared from Acutaspis agavis (Townsend & Cockerell) in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, is described; this species of armored scale is also a new host record for Ablerus elegantulus (Silvestri).

2007 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
Charles Bursey ◽  
Stephen Goldberg ◽  
Fred Kraus

AbstractFalcaustra papuensis sp. nov. (Ascaridida, Kathlaniidae) from the large intestine of Sphenomorphus simus (Squamata, Sciencidae) is described and illustrated. Falcaustra papuensis represents the 4th Australo-Papuan species assigned to this genus and is distinguished from other Australo-Papuan species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae (6 precloacal, 6 adcloacal, 8 postcloacal, and 1 median), length of spicules (561–714 μm) and presence of a pseudosucker. Sphenomorphus simus was found to harbor 2 additional species of nematodes, Meteterakis crombiei and Oswaldocruzia bakeri. Sphenomorphus simus represents a new host record for each of these nematode species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 801-808
Joanna Mąkol ◽  
Alan Watson Featherstone

A new tanaupodid mite, Lassenia newelli sp. nov. is described based on a larva parasitising the aphid Myzocallis coryli (Goeze, 1778) (Aphididae) in Scotland, Great Britain. It is the ninth species of Lassenia known from the larval stage, the second host association for the genus and the first one for which the specific affiliation of both the parasite and its host is provided. The finding contributes to the taxonomy and biology of Tanaupodidae which have been considered to form one of the basal clades of Parasitengona. The discovery of elongate seta on the dorsal surface of tarsus III in L. newelli, a characteristic also shared by the monotypic Amphotrombium, supports the hypothesis of possible links between the tanaupodids and amphotrombiids as early derivative taxa of parasitengone mites.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3154 (1) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  

Populations of eriophyoid mites infesting Brassicaceae were surveyed and two species belonging to the genus MetaculusKeifer were found in an attempt to find enemies of some brassicaceous weeds in Turkey. A new species, Metaculus lep-idifolii n. sp., was collected on Lepidium latifolium L., commonly known as broadleaved or perennial pepperweed, man-ifesting leaf curling and deformation. In addition, Metaculus rapistri Carmona, was collected and redescribed from Isatistinctoria L., dyer’s woad, as a new host record and report for the Turkish fauna. This species also causes leaf deformation.A key to all known species of Metaculus found worldwide is provided. Because only a few eriophyoid species have beenrecorded on brassicaceous vegetables and weeds so far and the mite taxonomy appears to be confusing, remarks are given about the current state of knowledge. The new genus combination for Aculops lepidii is also given.

The research is based on material collected from 110 duikers ( Sylvicapra grimmia ) in Malawi, Rhodesia and Zambia. The habitats of the duiker in Central Africa are described and also various other aspects of ecology. The feeding and management of the animal is discussed, fostering youngsters on to goats being found more successful than rearing on the bottle. The technique of splenectomy is described. Acepromazine was used for sedation and intravenous thiopentone sodium for anaesthesia, the latter being maintained with ether when necessary. Plasmodium (Vinckeia) brucei and P. (V.) cephalophi were rediscovered in Malawi. P. (V.) brucei is described in detail from blood films and compared with P. (V.) cephalophi . The organism was transmitted to another duiker by blood inoculations. The course of the blood infection in a naturally infected splenectomized antelope is described. Attempts to find the vector and exoerythrocytic stages were unsuccessful. Theileri -like trypanosomes, i.e. Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) spp.—were frequently found in duikers. The parasites have been recorded from at least 23 different species of ruminants. The organisms from duikers are easily cultured on artificial media but difficult to maintain. Attempts at transmission by blood inoculation produced inconclusive results and the vector of the duiker parasite was not discovered. It is possible that the duiker is the host of more than one species of Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) . Detailed morphological studies, however, of the trypanosomes using biometrical methods failed to reveal any clear-cut statistical difference between the parasites in different duikers from different localities or between the parasites from duikers, cattle and other ruminants. It is considered preferable at this stage not to include T (M.) ingens, T (M.) tragelaphi and T. (M.) cephalophi in the synonymy of the older species T (M.) theileri , although they may conveniently be referred to as ‘ theileri -like trypanosomes’. A brief description of other trypanosomes found in the duiker is given and other records are mentioned. Just under 2 % of the duikers in this survey were found to be infected with piroplasms, probably Cytauxzoon sylvicaprae . A detailed description of the organisms is given. Several duikers in Rhodesia and Malawi were found infected with Sarcocystis . The duiker appears to be a new host record for this parasite. The spores of the organism, as seen in blood films, presumably released from ruptured cysts, are described. The parasite may be a new species of Sarcocystis .

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (8) ◽  
pp. 1363-1382 ◽  
Hamidreza Hajiqanbar ◽  
Alexandr Khaustov ◽  
Abdolazim Mortazavi

In a survey of prostigmatic mites associated with insects in southern parts of Iran, a new species of the genus Dolichocybe and four new species of the genus Pavania as associates of the scarab and trogid beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Trogidae) were found: Dolichocybe orzueeyehiensis sp. nov. from Adoretus sp., Pavania kermaniensis sp. nov. from Aphodius cf. lividus (Olivier), P. magowskii sp. nov. from Trox sp., P. megasolenidia sp. nov. from Aphodius sp., and P. scarabaeophilus sp. nov. from Scarabaeus sp. The scarab genus Adoretus is a new host record for mites of the genus Dolichocybe, and the genera Aphodius and Trox are new host records for mites of the genus Pavania.

2006 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
Fernanda Zanca ◽  
Cristina Villalobos

AbstractParagordius is a genus of Gordiida with a worldwide distribution, but with a scarce specific diversity. Sixteen species of the genus Paragordius have been described so far. In many cases, as with the other genera of Gordiida, the original descriptions of the species are insufficient due to the limitations of the techniques employed. In this work the holotypes of P. minusculus and P. esavianus are redescribed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), a new species of Paragordius is described, the distribution for P. esavianus and P. varius is enlarged and a new host record of P. esavianus is presented.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 1910 ◽  
Joanna N. Izdebska ◽  
Leszek Rolbiecki ◽  
Serge Morand ◽  
Alexis Ribas

A new species, Demodex bandicotae sp. nov. (Acariformes: Demodecidae), is described based on adult stages from the hairy skin of the greater bandicoot rat Bandicota indica (Bechstein, 1800), collected in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos). Parasites were noted in 41.7% of bandicoot rats, with a mean intensity of 5.6 parasites in the tested skin fragments of the host. This is the first report on Demodecidae mites in rodents of the genus Bandicota Gray, 1873. A checklist of demodecid mites in rodents worldwide is also provided.

2012 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
Rodney Bray ◽  
Jean-Lou Justine

AbstractThe lepocreadiid fauna of New Caledonia is reported and discussed and a new species and several new host and locality records presented. Hypoporus plataxi sp. nov. from Platax teira is described and distinguished from its only congener by its terminal genitalia, the structure of the anterior part of the alimentary system and other morphological features. New host and locality records and a description are given of Lepotrema cf. clavatum Ozaki, 1932 in Sufflamen fraenatum. New host and locality records are given of Lobatocreadium exiguum (Manter, 1963) in Pseudobalistes fuscus, which is also reported in the known hosts Abalistes filamentosus and Sufflamen fraenatum. New host and locality records are given of Opisthogonoporus amadai Yamaguti, 1937 in Branchiostegus wardi. A new host record is made for Holorchis plectorhynchi Durio et Manter, 1968 in Diagramma pictum. New records in New Caledonian waters are of Bulbocirrus aulostomiYamaguti, 1965 in Aulostomus chinensis, Echeneidocoelium indicum Simha et Pershad, 1964 in Echeneis naucrates, Lepidapedoides kalikali Yamaguti, 1970 in Pristipomoides auricilla, Neomultitestis aspidogastriformis Bray et Cribb, 2003 in Platax teira, Opechona bacillaris (Molin, 1859) in Rastrelliger kanagurta, Prodistomum keyam Bray et Cribb, 1996 in Monodactylus argenteus and Pseudopisthogonoporus vitellosus (Pritchard, 1963) in Naso brevirostris and N. annulatus. New metrical data are presented for Holorchis castex Bray et Justine, 2007 in Diagramma pictum, Hypocreadium patellareYamaguti, 1938 in Sufflamen fraenatum, Intusatrium robustum Durio et Manter, 1968 in Bodianus loxozonus and B. perditio and Lepidapedoides angustus Bray, Cribb et Barker, 1996 in Epinephelus chlorostigma, E. fasciatus, E. maculatus and E. retouti. Literature records are included and the fauna in general discussed.

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