scholarly journals Introduction

Museum Worlds ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Paula Mota Santos ◽  
Hugo DeBlock

The articles for this special section of Museum Worlds first started to gain their present form as presentations in the panel “Voices Out of The Dark: Contemporary Museum-Like Practices and Culturalized Politics” during the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in San José, California. Those were very different times from the ones in which this introduction is being rewritten. Now, in late July of 2020, the world has been living for several months with the full consequences of a major globalized public health crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has disrupted and changed people’s lives in almost every aspect of their daily routines and actions. Also now, in late July of 2020, we have been living through times of increased calls for change: the Black Lives Matter movement has gained momentum and a global reach after the unlawful killing by a police officer of George Floyd this past May in the city of Minneapolis.

European View ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-163
Nad’a Kovalčíková ◽  
Ariane Tabatabai

As governments and citizens around the world have struggled with the novel coronavirus, the information space has turned into a battleground. Authoritarian countries, including Russia, China and Iran, have spread disinformation on the causes of and responses to the pandemic. The over-abundance of information, also referred to as an ‘infodemic’, including manipulated information, has been both a cause and a result of the exacerbation of the public health crisis. It is further undermining trust in democratic institutions, the independent press, and facts and data, and exacerbating the rising tensions driven by economic, political and societal challenges. This article discusses the challenges democracies have faced and the measures they have adopted to counter information manipulation that impedes public health efforts. It draws seven lessons learned from the information war and offers a set of recommendations on tackling future infodemics related to public health.

1993 ◽  
Vol 21 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 317-323 ◽  
Peter S. Arno ◽  
Christopher J.L. Murray ◽  
Karen A. Bonuck ◽  
Philip Alcabes

There is a nationwide resurgence of tuberculosis (TB) in the country’s urban centers; New York City stands at the forefront of this resurgence. The root causes are increased homelessness, drug addiction and poverty, all symbols of deteriorating social and economic conditions in the city. The inadequate level of public health resources devoted to TB has also contributed to its spread. Still, even with these factors, it is questionable whether the escalating number of TB cases in this country would have occurred without the reservoir of immunosuppressed persons, who are less resistant to the disease, created by the AIDS epidemic. The fear and urgency of this public health crisis, which has been emerging since the beginning of the last decade, are fueled by the rise of TB strains resistant to the first-line drugs and by the disease’s contagiousness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (03) ◽  
pp. 366-369
Rooh Ullah ◽  
Muhammad Suleman Rana ◽  
Mehmood Qadir ◽  
Muhammad Usman ◽  
Niaz Ahmed

Pandemic of novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in China is now become global public health crisis. At present 87.64% of the world is infected by this deadly illness. The risk from this epidemic depends on the nature of the virus, including how well it transmits from person to person, and the complications resulting from this current illness. The novel coronavirus has killed thousands of people in China and other countries as well; its rate of mortality is increasing day by day. There is an urgent need to control the virus by developing vaccine or any other antiviral drugs to save the world from this deadly viral infection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-119
Violeta Motulaitė

The initiative of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CFE) stems out of the necessity to re-evaluate the European Union project after the Brexit, the wave of populism and nationalism and the changing geopolitical environment in the world, as well as to reflect upon the European unity ten years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. As mentioned in this Franco – German initiative, it was meant to address all issues at stake and guide the future of Europe with a view to turning the EU more united and sovereign. It should have focused on policies and it should have identified the main reforms to be implemented as a matter of priority in each block of policies, setting out the types of changes to be made. The current public health crisis has redefined the problems and priorities of the EU. Some issues have become less topical, some have remained relevant and some have emerged as high priorities only now.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Gordon Braxton

There is an epidemic of violence in America, but boys are trained to sit on the sidelines. This chapter introduces the reader to key definitions, such as sexual violence, as well as key concepts, such as consent and rape culture. It provides the scope of the identified violence and situates sexual violence as a public health concern. The chapter further explains why boys and men should care about this violence even though they are trained to ignore it. Boys, after all, know survivors and are survivors themselves in many cases. Boys are also positioned to reach other boys who possess problematic attitudes and behaviors. All violent men were once boys learning the ways of the world. Taken altogether, this chapter inspires readers to hold overdue conversations with boys about how they can help.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Dr. Mridula Sharma ◽  
Moni Chaudhary

Drugs and substance abuse and dependence has become a worldwide public health crisis. The abuse of drug is an international problem, which affects almost every country in the world, both developed and developing. The present study was carried out with the objective: To study the prevalence and patterns of drugs and substance abuse among adolescents, living in slum of Meerut. A survey was conducted on slum area of Nauchandi compound, Meerut District. Sample was collected from 110 boys of 12 to 16 years old. The survey was based on drug addiction habits. Results shows that 46.36 % adolescents of the slum area used substance like Gutkha, Tobacco, Smoking, Alcohol, Afeem, Ganja, Thinner and Marijuana. 54.91% admitted to using one time, 23.53% admitted rarely, 15.68% admitted occasionally and 5.88%   admitted that they have craving for drugs, so use frequently. The most common substances used were Gutkha 46.36%, tobacco 40.91%, smoking 37.27%, and alcohol 13.63%.  8.18% substance abusers used multiple substances. Synthetic narcotics and LSD were not used by any of the abusers. Our study revealed that prevalence of substance use among adolescents is high and cause significant problem in this population, therefore there is necessity of targeted interventions to reduce this huge burden.

Urban Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 004209802110583
Max Nathan

Cities around the world are the epicentres of the coronavirus pandemic: both in the first wave, as the disease spread from East Asia, and now, as many countries enter a third wave of infections. These spatial patterns are still far from properly understood, though there is no shortage of possible explanations. I set out the emerging theories about cities’ role in the spread of coronavirus, testing these against existing studies and new analysis for English conurbations, cities and towns. Both reveal an urbanised public health crisis, in which vulnerabilities and health impacts track (a) urban structural inequalities, and (b) wider weaknesses in institutions, their capabilities and leaders. I then turn to ‘post-pandemic’ visions of future cities. I argue that this framing is unhelpful: even with mass vaccination, COVID-19 is likely to remain one of many globalised endemic diseases. Instead, ‘pandemic-resilient’ urban places will require improved economic, social and physical infrastructure, alongside better public policy. Describing such future cities is still highly speculative: I identify five zones of change.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-3
Anthony Bleetman

The UK death toll from COVID-19 is currently the fourth worst in the world behind the USA, Brazil and Mexico. Possible reasons include delays in lockdown, the provision of scientific advice to government and the decisions that government made based on the information they were given. When we review our performance and plan for the next public health crisis, we need to be brave enough to dare to challenge the NHS and its advisors.

2022 ◽  
pp. 412-440
Ashish Kumar ◽  
Abhinay Thakur

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the unexpected coronavirus pneumonia pandemic a public health crisis of global significance. COVID-19 in its most severe form can cause coagulation issues and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Due to viral modifications and the advent of new viral strains, the efficiency of traditional treatments for viral infections is rapidly fading. To overcome the limitations and to improve anti-viral treatments, integrated scientific research toward nanotechnology treatment investigations are anticipated for probable use in the prevention and/or treatment of viral infections. This chapter focuses on nano-based diagnostics, accompanied by a study of nano-based therapeutics and treatments that have been shown to be effective against viruses that are closely related to SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, the authors anticipate that nanotechnology-based approaches mentioned throughout this chapter will aid researchers in developing new COVID-19 prevention, diagnosis, and treatment methods.

Helena Cristina Roque ◽  
Madalena Ramos

COVID-19 was declared the pandemic on 11 March 2020, and the world is still in the throes of an unprecedented and highly unpredictable public health crisis, with consequences at an individual, group, organisational, and societal level. Under such dire circumstances, leadership is of decisive importance, as the repercussions of the decisions taken may, now more than ever, be crucial. Hence, leadership is currently essential not only for the success, but for the actual survival of organisations. In a scenario of ongoing change with unforeseeable outcomes, the absence of good leadership could mean the demise of an organisation. Grounded on the theory of responsible leadership and the theory of shared leadership, the authors present the good leadership practices that are considered essential during times of major unpredictability such those currently underway.

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