scholarly journals The splash function for snow from wind-tunnel measurements

2004 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 71-78 ◽  
James N. McElwaine ◽  
Norikazu Maeno ◽  
Konosuke Sugiura

AbstractIn wind transport of snow, horizontal momentum is extracted from the mean wind flow and transferred to the snow grains. Upon colliding with the surface the grains can bounce and eject further grains in a process known as splashing. How efficiently the horizontal momentum is converted to vertical momentum in the splash process is the determining factor for mass-transport rates. This paper discusses wind-tunnel experiments performed to calculate the splash function for snow particles. The data are used to develop a new splash function. Particular care is taken to include correlations in the data such as between ejection velocity and ejection angle. The new splash function includes these correlations, and its parameters are related to physical properties of the bed and snow.

2009 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 1427-1432 ◽  
M. Thurai ◽  
V. N. Bringi ◽  
M. Szakáll ◽  
S. K. Mitra ◽  
K. V. Beard ◽  

Abstract Comparisons of drop shapes between measurements made using 2D video disdrometer (2DVD) and wind-tunnel experiments are presented. Comparisons are made in terms of the mean drop shapes and the axis ratio distributions. Very close agreement of the mean shapes is seen between the two sets of measurements; the same applies to the mean axis ratio versus drop diameter. Also, in both sets of measurements, an increase in the oscillation amplitudes with increasing drop diameter is observed. In the case of the 2DVD, a small increase in the skewness was also detected. Given that the two sets of measurements were conducted in very different conditions, the agreement between the two sets of data implies a certain “robustness” in the mean shape of oscillating drops that may be extended to natural raindrop oscillations, at least in steady rainfall and above the surface layer.

2002 ◽  
Vol 205 (16) ◽  
pp. 2461-2467 ◽  
Felix Liechti ◽  
Lukas Bruderer

SUMMARYThe flight paths and wingbeat patterns of 39 barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) and 26 house martins (Delichon urbica) were recorded by tracking radar during the spring migration. Depending mostly on flight angle,hirundines performed anything from continuous flapping flight during climbing to single pulse-like wing beats during descent. Unlike most other passerines,hirundines rarely showed regular flapping and rest phases, allowing them to be distinguished from other bird migrants by radar echo signatures. Effective wingbeat frequency (Feff) was calculated as the mean number of wing beats per second, including non-flapping phases. Under comparable flight conditions, Feff was higher in house martins than in barn swallows. Within species, Feff values were higher during climbing and slow flying than during descent. Of the variance in Feff, 71 % could be explained by climb rate,air speed and species; similar results were obtained in the wind tunnel. Under comparable flight conditions, barn swallows and house martins in free flight had significantly lower values of Feff than individuals in wind tunnel experiments (by 40 % and 32 %, respectively). This difference may at least partly be due to the shorter wings of the juveniles tested in the wind tunnel during autumn. However, it seems unlikely that this can account for all of the large difference. It is suggested that wind tunnel experiments might overestimate birds' flight costs compared with free flight.

Geomorphology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 337 ◽  
pp. 165-182 ◽  
Patrick A. Hesp ◽  
Yuxiang Dong ◽  
Hong Cheng ◽  
Jennifer L. Booth

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3317-3333
Tobias Gronemeier ◽  
Kerstin Surm ◽  
Frank Harms ◽  
Bernd Leitl ◽  
Björn Maronga ◽  

Abstract. We demonstrate the capability of the PALM model system version 6.0 to simulate neutrally stratified urban boundary layers. Our simulation uses the real-world building configuration of the HafenCity area in Hamburg, Germany. Using PALM's virtual measurement module, we compare simulation results to wind-tunnel measurements of a downscaled replica of the study area. Wind-tunnel measurements of mean wind speed agree within 5 % on average while the wind direction deviates by approximately 4∘. Turbulence statistics similarly agree. However, larger differences between measurements and simulation arise in the vicinity of surfaces where building geometry is insufficiently resolved. We discuss how to minimize these differences by improving the grid layout and give tips for setup preparation. Also, we discuss how existing and upcoming features of PALM like the grid nesting and immersed boundary condition help improve the simulation results.

1999 ◽  
Vol 121 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-155 ◽  
F. Rasmussen ◽  
J. T. Petersen ◽  
H. A. Madsen

Riso̸ has developed a dynamic stall model that is used to analyze and reproduce open air blade section measurements as well as wind tunnel measurements. The dynamic stall model takes variations in both angle of attack and flow velocity into account. The paper gives a brief description of the dynamic stall model and presents results from analyses of dynamic stall measurements for a variety of experiments with different airfoils in wind tunnel and on operating rotors. The wind tunnel experiments comprises pitching as well as plunging motion of the airfoils. The dynamic stall model is applied for derivation of aerodynamic damping characteristics for cyclic motion of the airfoils in flapwise and edgewise direction combined with pitching. The investigation reveals that the airfoil dynamic stall characteristics depend on the airfoil shape, and the type of motion (pitch, plunge). The aerodynamic damping characteristics, and thus the sensitivity to stall induced vibrations, depend highly on the relative motion of the airfoil in flapwise and edgewise direction, and on a possibly coupled pitch variation, which is determined by the structural characteristics of the blade.

1985 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 63-67 ◽  
N. Maeno ◽  
R. Naruse ◽  
K. Nishimura ◽  
I. Takei ◽  
T. Ebinuma ◽  

Blowing snow was produced artificially in a cold wind-tunnel, and various measurements were conducted including particle diameters, concentrations, saltation lengths heat transport and electric charge. The mean diameter of blowing snow particles decreased only slightly with increasing height; in the saltation layer, standard deviation was large and velocities were scattered in a wide range, suggesting the complex dynamic process on taking-off. The mean saltation length ranged from a few cm to 40 cm increasing with wind velocity.When wind blew without snow drifting, the static air pressure on the snow surface was smaller at higher levels, the vertical pressure gradient being negative. The pressure gradient became positive when blowing snow was initiated eg +9.6 Pa/m at 11.2 m/s and -8.3 °C. The magnitude of à downward force acting on a saltating snow partice caused by the pressure gradient was not large enough to explain the downward acceleration found from photographic analyses of particle trajectories.Blowing snow particles were charged negatively the magnitude of charge increased with lowering temperature. Increase in vertical heat transfer was found in blowing snow by measuring the temperature of the air at various levels; the increase is reflected on that in the apparent turbulent diffusion coefficient.

1974 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 529-564 ◽  
J. Counihan ◽  
J. C. R. Hunt ◽  
P. S. Jackson

By making simple assumptions, an analytical theory is deduced for the mean velocity behind a two-dimensional obstacle (of heighth) placed on a rigid plane over which flows a turbulent boundary layer (of thickness δ). It is assumed thath[Gt ] δ, and that the wake can be divided into three regions. The velocity deficit −uis greatest in the two regions in which the change in shear stress is important, a wall region (W) close to the wall and a mixing region (M) spreading from the top of the obstacle. Above these is the external region (E) in which the velocity field is an inviscid perturbation on the incident boundary-layer velocity, which is taken to have a power-law profileU(y) =U∞(y−y1)n/δn, wheren[Gt ] 1. In (M), assuming that an eddy viscosity (=KhU(h)) can be defined for the perturbed flow in terms of the incident boundary-layer flow and that the velocity is self-preserving, it is found thatu(x,y) has the form$\frac{u}{U(h)} = \frac{ C }{Kh^2U^2(h)} \frac{f(n)}{x/h},\;\;\;\; {\rm where}\;\;\;\; \eta = (y/h)/[Kx/h]^{1/(n+2)}$, and the constant which defines the strength of the wake is$C = \int^\infty_0 y^U(y)(u-u_E)dy$, whereu=uE(x, y) asy→ 0 in region (E).In region (W),u(y) is proportional to Iny.By considering a large control surface enclosing the obstacle it is shown that the constant of the wake flow is not simply related to the drag of the obstacle, but is equal to the sum of the couple on the obstacle and an integral of the pressure field on the surface near the body.New wind-tunnel measurements of mean and turbulent velocities and Reynolds stresses in the wake behind a two-dimensional rectangular block on a roughened surface are presented. The turbulent boundary layer is artificially developed by well-established methods (Counihan 1969) in such a way that δ = 8h. These measurements are compared with the theory, with other wind-tunnel measurements and also with full-scale measurements of the wind behind windbreaks.It is found that the theory describes the distribution of mean velocity reasonably well, in particular the (x/h)−1decay law is well confirmed. The theory gives the correct self-preserving form for the distribution of Reynolds stress and the maximum increase of the mean-square turbulent velocity is found to decay downstream approximately as$ (\frac{x}{h})^{- \frac{3}{2}} $in accordance with the theory. The theory also suggests that the velocity deficit is affected by the roughness of the terrain (as measured by the roughness lengthy0) in proportion to In (h/y0), and there seems to be some experimental support for this hypothesis.

1985 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 63-67 ◽  
N. Maeno ◽  
R. Naruse ◽  
K. Nishimura ◽  
I. Takei ◽  
T. Ebinuma ◽  

Blowing snow was produced artificially in a cold wind-tunnel, and various measurements were conducted including particle diameters, concentrations, saltation lengths heat transport and electric charge. The mean diameter of blowing snow particles decreased only slightly with increasing height; in the saltation layer, standard deviation was large and velocities were scattered in a wide range, suggesting the complex dynamic process on taking-off. The mean saltation length ranged from a few cm to 40 cm increasing with wind velocity.When wind blew without snow drifting, the static air pressure on the snow surface was smaller at higher levels, the vertical pressure gradient being negative. The pressure gradient became positive when blowing snow was initiated eg +9.6 Pa/m at 11.2 m/s and -8.3 °C. The magnitude of à downward force acting on a saltating snow partice caused by the pressure gradient was not large enough to explain the downward acceleration found from photographic analyses of particle trajectories.Blowing snow particles were charged negatively the magnitude of charge increased with lowering temperature. Increase in vertical heat transfer was found in blowing snow by measuring the temperature of the air at various levels; the increase is reflected on that in the apparent turbulent diffusion coefficient.

Geomorphology ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 89 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 320-334 ◽  
Ping Yang ◽  
Zhibao Dong ◽  
Guangqiang Qian ◽  
Wanyin Luo ◽  
Hongtao Wang

S. Nietiedt ◽  
M. Goering ◽  
T. Willemsen ◽  
T. T. B. Wester ◽  
L. Kröger ◽  

Abstract. Fluid-structure interactions are crucial for the design of rotor blades of wind power systems. Up to now, the mutual interactions between rotor blades and turbulent wind flows have been treated by complex simulations or were observed at individual discrete points. In this paper, a measurement concept is presented where spatial information of the motion/deformation of a rotating wind turbine as well as the wind flow are recorded in wind tunnel experiments. Wind flow and motion behaviour are recorded simultaneously and contactless. Techniques from the field of photogrammetry and flow measurement techniques are combined, resulting in high demands on the measurement concept. Furthermore, solutions for the realisation of a common coordinate system as well as for the synchronisation of both measuring systems are presented. In addition, the validation of the entire measurement concept is carried out based on of some wind tunnel tests in which a single rotor blade is used for the moment. This showed that the measurement concept and the proposed solutions for the simultaneous recording of wind flows and rotor blade movements are suitable in principle and that movements can be recorded and reconstructed with high accuracy.

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