scholarly journals Hubungan antara Paritas Dengan Posisi Menyusui Yang Benar Pada Ibu Nifas di RS Muhammadiyah Dan RS Muslimat Kabupaten Ponorogo

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Muniati Murniati ◽  
Prasidharasmi Striratna Winayaiswari

Results of preliminary studies that have been conducted in the postpartum HospitalMuhammadiyah Ponorogo and Ponorogo in 10 respondents with observations on August10, 2016 obtained 7 respondents (70%) with a breastfeeding is True Position, 3respondents (30%) with a nursing position skilled. From 7 to mothers with less skillednursing position in an entirely get primiparas. Thus allowing the lack of skilled due to alack of experience on postpartum mother for the first time to breastfeed her baby. Thepurpose of this study to determine the relationship Parity with Breastfeeding PositionsRight On Mother Postpartum hospital and the hospital's Muhammadiyah PonorogoPonorogo.The design study is an analytic correlational with cross sectional approach. Theresearch location in Hospital’s Women Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Ponorogo, conductedin September 2016. The population is all breastfeeding mothers in Hospital’sMuhammadiyah Ponorogo Ponorogo, the month August 2016 the number of 30, with asample of 30 people, with a purposive sampling techniques sampling. The independentvariables are parity on postpartum mother and the dependent variable is the correctfeeding position. The instrument of this research with interviews and observation sheet.Analysis of the data by using chi square test at the significant level of 0.05.Based on the results of parity On 22 Capital Ruling majority of respondents(73,3%) primiparas. Breastfeeding Correct Position On Mother Postpartum mostly 8respondents (26,7%) with a disadvantage. No Parity Relationships with the RightNursing Position On Postpartum Mothers in Hospital Muslimat Ponorogo andMuhammadiyah Ponorogo Ponorogo's Women, at significance level of 0.05 is thusobtained p = 0.000 p <α 0.05, Ha accepted that there Parity Relationships with NursingPositions properly on Postpartum Mothers in Hospita’sMuslimat Ponorogo andMuhammadiyah Ponorogo Ponorogo, with a strong degree of closeness of relationship(0.683).Based on the results of the study are expected postpartum mothers to increase theirknowledge and understanding of the importance of knowing the correct feeding position,especially for mothers primiparous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Adi Zayd Bintang ◽  
Ayik Mirayanti Mandagi

ABSTRACTDepression is a mental health problem that mostly occurs during adolescence. Physical, cognitive and emotional changes experienced during adolescence can cause stress. The prevalence of depression in adolescence has a very high increase compared to the age of children and adults. The main factor in being able to cure depression in adolescents is social support (Depkes, 2007). This study aims to identify depressive symptoms in adolescents and to find out the relationship between social support factors and depression incidence. This research is a quantitative research, with the type of observational analytic research with a cross sectional approach involving students at SMA XY in Jember Regency in May 2020. The analytical method uses the Chi Square test to see the relationship between independent and dependent variables with a significance level of α ≤ 0, 05. Data collection tool using google form. Determination of respondents by random sampling with a total of 158 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of women is 76.58% more than that of men. Based on the distribution of social support, 56.96% received good social support, while based on the incidence of depression, 54.43% did not experience depression. From the statistical test, the significance value of <0.05 indicates that there is a relationship between social support factors and the incidence of depression. Social support plays an effective role in overcoming depression experienced by adolescents.Keywords: Depression, Teens, social support. ABSTRAKDepresi merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan mental yang sebagian besar terjadi pada masa remaja. Perubahan fisik, kognitif dan emosional yang dialami pada masa remaja dapat menimbulkan stress. Prevalensi depresi pada usia remaja memiliki peningkatan yang sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan usia anak-anak dan usia dewasa. Faktor utama untuk dapat menyembuhkan depresi pada remaja yaitu dukungan sosial (Depkes, 2007). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi gejala depresi pada remaja dan mengetahui mengenai Hubungan Faktor Dukungan Sosial dengan Kejadian Depresi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan jenis penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang melibatkan siswa di SMA XY di Kabupaten Jember pada Bulan Mei tahun 2020. Metode analisis menggunakan uji Chi Square untuk melihat hubungan variabel independen dan dependen dengan tingkat kemaknaan α ≤ 0,05. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan google form. Penentuan responden secara random sampling dengan jumlah 158 reponden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan distribusi perempuan 76,58% lebih banyak daripada laki-laki, berdasarkan distribusi dukungan sosial sebesar 56,96% mendapatkan dukungan sosial yang baik, sedangkan berdasarkan kejadian depresi sebesar 54,43% tidak mengalami depresi. Dari uji statistik nilai signifikansi sebesar < 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara faktor dukungan sosial dengan kejadian depresi. Dukungan sosial berperan efektif dalam mengatasi depresi yang dialami remaja.Kata Kunci: Depresi, Remaja, Dukungan Sosial.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
I Ketut Andika Priastana ◽  
Hendra Sugiarto

Introduction. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the human immune system and Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a collection of symptoms of disease caused by HIV. UNICEF stated that the number of deaths among adolescents due to HIV/AIDS has increased. In Indonesia, cases of HIV/AIDS have begun to attack adolescents, one of the causes of which is a lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS with the prevention attitude against HIV/AIDS in adolescents in Jembrana, Bali, Indonesia. Methods. The research design used was cross sectional, random sampling technique with a sample of 82 people. The statistical analysis used was Chi square test with a significance level of 5%. Results. The results showed that the majority of respondents in the category of sufficient knowledge, namely as many as 53.7% and most had an agreeing attitude towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS as many as 65.9%. The results of the analysis of the Chi square test showed that the relationship between the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the attitude of prevention of HIV/AIDS in adolescents showed p value = 0.001 (p value <0.05). Conclusion. This study found that there was a correlation between the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the attitude of preventing HIV/AIDS in adolescents. Teenagers can improve their knowledge more optimally so that they are more vigilant and supportive of HIV/AIDS prevention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Zulfikar Mardjun ◽  
Grace Korompis ◽  
Sefti Rompas

Abstract : Smooth breastfeeding is influenced by several factors, one of which ispsychological factors, namely anxiety. In general, postpartum mothers often experiencefatigue and mood swings such as anxiety; about themselves and about their new-born baby.This anxiety can affect the smoothness of breastfeeding in post partum mothers. The purposeof this study was to determine the relationship between anxiety and smooth release of breastmilk in post partum mothers while being treated at Mother and Baby Hospital, Kasih IbuManado. The method of this research uses cross sectional research design. The sampleconsisted of 68 respondents with a non probability sampling method with a purposivesampling technique. The results using the Chi-Square did not fulfill the requirements thuscontinued with the Fisher Exact test at the significance level of 95%, obtained by the value ρ -Value 0.001 smaller than the significant value of 0.05. In conclusion, there is a relationshipbetween anxiety and the smooth releasee of breast milk in post partum mothers while beingtreated at Kasih Ibu Hospital.Keywords : Anxiety, Smooth Release of Breast MilkAbstrak : Kelancaran pengeluaran ASI dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunyafaktor psikologis yaitu kecemasan. Pada umumnya ibu pasca persalinan sering mengalamikelelahan dan perubahan mood seperti kecemasan, cemas terhadap dirinya dan cemasmemikirkan bayinya. Kecemasan tersebut yang dapat mempengaruhi kelancara pengeluaranASI pada ibu post partum. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecemasan dengankelancaran pengeluaran air susu ibu pada ibu post partum selama dirawat di Rumah Sakit Ibudan Anak Kasih Ibu Manado. Metode menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional.Sampel terdiri dari 68 responden dengan metode pengambilan sampelsecara non probabilitysampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil dengan menggunakan uji Chi – Squaretetapi tidak memenuhi syarat dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Fisher Exact pada tingkatkemaknaan 95%, didapatkan nilai ρ – Value 0,001 lebih kecil dari nilai signifikan 0,05.Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara kecemasan dengan kelancaran pengeluaran air susu ibupada ibu post partum selama dirawat di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Kasih Ibu Manado.Kata Kunci : Kecemasan, Kelancaran Pengeluaran ASI

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nikita Lumenta ◽  
Herlina I.S Wungouw ◽  
Michael Karundeng

Abstrack Emotional maturity is a person's ability to control and control his emotions well.This is based on a condition of feeling or reaction feeling stable towards an object of theproblem so that to take a decision or behavior based on a consideration. One of the factorsthat influence emotional maturity is parenting which is divided into three types, namelyauthoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and democratic parenting. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the relationship of parenting parents with the emotional maturity ofadolescents in SMA N 1 Sinonsayang. The design method uses a cross sectional approach.Respondents consisted of 95 teenagers with sampling techniques using total sampling. Datacollection using a questionnaire. Chi Square Test Results with a confidence level of 95% v (α0.05), where the value of p = 0,018 is smaller than α = 0.05. The conclusion is there is arelationship between parenting parents and adolescent emotional maturity in SMA N 1SinonsayangKeywords: Parenting patterns, emotional maturity, adolescenceAbstrak Kematangan emosi adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam mengontrol danmengendalikan emosinya secara baik. Hal ini didasari sebagai suatu kondisi perasaan ataureaksi perasaan yang stabil terhadap suatu objek permasalahan sehingga untuk mengambilsuatu keputusan atau tingkah laku didasari dengan suatu pertimbangan. Salah satu faktor yangmempengaruhi kematangan emosi adalah pola asuh orang tua yang terbagi dalam tiga tipe,yaitu pola asuh otoriter, pola asuh permisif, dan pola asuh demokratis. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kematangan emosi remaja di SMAN 1 Sinonsayang. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Respondenterdiri dari 95 remaja dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Total Sampling.Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil Uji Chi Square dengan tingkatkepercayaan 95%v(α 0,05), dimana nilai p = 0,018 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05. Kesimpulan adahubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan kematangan emosi remaja di SMA N 1Sinonsayang.Kata Kunci: Pola asuh orang tua, Kematangan emosi, Remaja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Irma Suryani ◽  
Tetty Junita Purba ◽  
Mutiara Dwi Yanti

Post partum blues is a mild effective syndromic disorder that occurs at the beginning of postpartum. Signs of symptoms that arise are sad reactions, crying, irritability, anxiety, self-blame, disturbances in sleep patterns and appetite disorders. Post partum blues symptoms are a multi-factorial mechanism consisting of hormonal factors, physical activity factors and psychosocial factors. This type of research is observational with cross sectional design. The population was all postpartum postpartum second day postpartum mothers in the postpartum Sembiring General Hospital Delitua sub-district in 2019 which was conducted on June 1-30, 2019. The sampling technique was done by total sampling which received 89 respondents and analyzed by chi square test significance level p = 0.05 . Independent variables are psychological and psychosocial factors and the dependent variable is post partum blues. The results of this study indicate that 66.3% of postpartum mothers experience post partum blues. From the variables obtained, each value of p = 0,000 (p<0.05), namely stress coping, self-adjustment, education and income, showed a significant relationship to the occurrence of post partum blues. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study are the psychological and psychosocial factors which most cause post partum blues are low economic factors. Therefore, to reduce the rate of occurrence of post partum blues, it is necessary to improve economic status.

2019 ◽  
Nenden Lesmana Wati ◽  
Ni Made Nira Sukmayanti ◽  
Rina Kartikasari

Hospitalization is admission to hospital, either planned or due to unexpected health emergency. In Indonesia, the percentage of preschoolers being hospitalized in 2014 was 15.26%. Hospitalization causes anxiety reactions in children. Therapeutic communication is one solution that nurses can do to reduce anxiety and stress to hospitalized children. The therapeutic communication focused on healing patients, and it was a professional communication conducted by nurses. This research aims to determine the relationship between therapeutic communication and level of anxiety caused by hospitalization in children aged 3-6 years. Cross-sectional studies were applied to the 30 respondents obtained from quota sampling. The data was collected using questionnaires. The valid criteria results using Pearson product moment formula was defined if the value of r count ranged from 0.407-0.718, and the reliability test used Cronbach’s alpha of value 0.927. The results showed that the therapeutic communication of nurses was fair (60%) and the category of patients’ anxiety was severe (53.3%). Chi-square test was used at a significance level of 0.05. A p-value of 0.016 was obtained, indicating significant relationship between the therapeutic communication of nurses and the level of anxiety among hospitalized children. Conclusion: More therapeutic communication was needed, especially in communicating medical information before medical treatment. To improve therapeutic communication skills, nurses should be encouraged to participate in therapeutic communication training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Marniati ◽  
Nurlina ◽  

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) bacteria. The level of compliance with the use of pulmonary TB drugs is very important and requires a long time that is 6-8 months, because if treatment is not carried out regularly or is not compliant and does not correspond to the specified time then there will be resistance (resistance) of tuberculosis germs against drugs Widespread Anti Tuberculosis (OAT) or Multi Drugs Resistance (MDR). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between motivation, attitudes, the role of supervisors taking medication (PMO) in TB sufferers. The design of the study used an Analytical Observational design using the Cross-Sectional approach. The population in this study were all TB sufferers in Bulukumba District with a sampling technique using cluster sampling. The number of samples in this study were 60 respondents. Data were obtained through questionnaire sheets made by researchers to respondents. Data analysis used Fisher's alternative Chi-square Test, with significance level α = 0.05. The results of the data analysis show that the motivation variable p = 0.023, the attitude variable p = 0.012, and the role of the supervisor for taking medication (PMO) p = 0.017. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between motivation, attitude, the role of supervisors taking medication (PMO) with adherence to taking medication in TB patients in Bulukumba Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Kurniawan Mokodompit ◽  
Tutik Agustini ◽  
Brajakson Siokal

Labor productivity can be affected by various factors such as shift work and overtime working , where the work shift is a method of division of time that has different working hours while overtime work or overtime working is a type of work that is done outside of normal working hours .This study aims to determine the relationship between the division of Nurse Shift and Overtime Working with Performance Productivity in the Inpatient Room of LabuangBaji Hospital in Makassar.This research is a type of Cross Sectional Study, this research was conducted by direct observation by researchers, the determination of the sample was carried out by total sampling technique with a sample size of 35 respondents who met the inclusion criteria, the relationship test was performed with the Chi-Square test with a significance level α <0.05.The results showed that there was no relationship between nurse shift with performance productivity using the Chi- Square test obtained ρ = 0, 203 and there was no relationship between overtime working with performance productivity using the chi square test obtained ρ = 0.603 . It is recommended to hospital agencies to routinely provide motivation to improve morale and work ethic so as to cause high dedication , the management also routinely conducts surveillance of nurse productivity .  

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 376-382 ◽  
Istinengtiyas Tirta Suminar ◽  
Indria Laksmi Gamayanti ◽  
Lely Lusmilasari

Background: Being hospitalized is usually related to the fear, especially for children. Nurse supports should be able to help the children to deal with the fears related to nurse and medical services.  Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between nurse support and the fear of school-age children being treated in the PKU Muhammadiyah hospital, Yogyakarta.Methods: This study employed a cross sectional correlation design, which was conducted from October to December 2016 in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital. The samples of the study were 49 mothers and school-aged children who were admitted to the children ward. A consecutive sampling was applied to determine sample size. The instruments used in this study were nurse support and CMFS-R (Child Medical Fear Survey-Revised) questionnaires. Chi square test was performed with significance level p = 0.05 and level of trust = 95% for data analysis. Results: Findings showed 42.9% of respondents had medical fear and 36.7% of them had medical fear related-behavior responses. The nurse support was in a high category (73.5%). Chi square test showed p-value 0.038 (>0.05), which indicated that there was statistically no significant relationship between nurse support and children fear. There was only age of the children had a significant relationship with fear with p-value 0.035 (<0.05). Conclusions: There was no significant association between nurse support and fear of school-age children.

e-NERS ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Nurfiana Matfikih ◽  
Sarah M. Warouw ◽  
Julia Rottie

Abstract: Independence of self is one of the most important aspects that should be possessed by each individual and the child, because in addition to affect performance, it also serves to help achieve the goal of life, achievements, success and earn rewards. Without the support of an independent nature, the individual and the child will be difficult to reach something in the maximum, and it will also be difficult to achieve succes. The  support of parents and the right of parenting, in accordance with conditions expected to establish children in pre-school indepedence in the exercise of an daily personal hygiene. This research to know the relationship of parenting parents with personal hygiene independence to children in pre-school at Kindergarten of Kartika Manado. The design of this study using the cross sectional approach. The method of sampling in this study is a total sampling way that some 50 parents/guardians of students. This study used a questionnaire instrument and analys Chi-Square statistical test at a significance level of 95 %: (α 0,05). The result showed there were 19 samples that had authotitarian parents, 12 samples didn’t have the independence in maintaining personal hygiene and 7 samples are independent. There are 31 samples that have parents democratic, 7 samples don’t have the independence in maintaining personal hygiene and 24 samples are independent. Result of Chi-Square test (X2) at 95 % confidence level (α 0,05), showed an association with parenting parents with personal hygiene independence to children in pre-school at Kindergarten of Kartika Manado, where the value of ρ=0,004, smaller than α=0,05. Democratic parenting was able to indepedence to children to maintain personal hygiene, it’s expected that managers at Kindergarten of Kartika Manado to promote democratic parenting to parents, so that parents can implement it in the family life. Keywords: The Parenting Parents, personal hygiene independence to children in pre-school.     Abstrak: Kemandirian merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting yang harus dimiliki setiap individu dan anak, karena selain dapat mempengaruhi kinerja, juga berfungsi untuk membantu mencapai tujuan hidup, prestasi, kesuksesan serta memperoleh penghargaan. Tanpa didukung oleh sifat mandiri, maka individu maupun anak akan sulit untuk mencapai sesuatu secara maksimal, dan akan sulit pula untuk meraih kesuksesan. Dukungan orangtua serta pola asuh yang tepat, sesuai dengan keadaan anak diharapkan mampu membentuk kemandirian anak pra sekolah dalam pelaksanaan kebersihan perorangan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan kemandirian kebersihan perorangan pada anak pra sekolah di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika Manado. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara total sampling yaitu sejumlah 50 orangtua/wali siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen kuesioner dan dianalisa menggunkan uji statistic Chi-Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 95 %: (α 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 19 sampel yang memiliki orang tua otoriter, 12 sampel tidak memiliki kemandirian dalam menjaga kebersihan perorangan dan 7 sampel memiliki kemandirian. Dari 31 sampel yang memiliki orang tua demokratis, 7 sampel tidak memiliki kemandirian dalam menjaga kebersihan perorangan dan 24 sampel memiliki kemandirian. Hasil uji Chi Square (X2) pada tingkat  kepercayaan 95% (α 0,05), menunjukkan ada hubungan hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan kemandirian kebersihan perorangan pada anak pra sekolah di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika Manado, dimana nilai ρ= 0,004, lebih kecil dari α=0,05. Pola asuh demokratis ternyata mampu memandirikan anak pra sekolah untuk menjaga kebersihan perorangan, diharapkan agar pengelola Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika Manado mensosialisasikan pola asuh demokratis kepada orang tua, agar orang tua dapat mengimplementasikannya di dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Kata Kunci: Pola Asuh Orangtua, Kemandirian Kebersihan Perorangan Anak Pra Sekolah.

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