2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Habbib Khirzin

Gelatin is an intermediate ingredient which is oftenly used in many field such as food, pharmacy, and cosmetics. It is usually extracted from pig and cow. Halal issue of gelatin sources and the outbreaks of mad cow diseases encouraged people to find an alternative sources of gelatin. One of the alternative sources of gelatin was duck bone. The aim of this research was to describe physicochemical properties of duck bone gelatin which is extracted by using acid extraction method as an alternative sources of halal gelatin. The extraction of duck bone gelatin used 5% concentration of HCl (hydrochloric acid). The extraction process consisted of four steps, they were degreassing, defating, demineralization, and acid extraction. The result showed that gelatin which was extracted from duck bone had these several characteristic: yield of 6.24%, pH 4.0, water content of 13.43%, ash content of 13.42%, protein content of 65.43%, and whiteness degree of 30.35%. Generally, gelatin which was extracted from duck bone had similar characteristic with commercial gelatin and SNI standard. Further researcher had been suggested to reoptimized extraction method in order to reduce ash content.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Farida Hanum ◽  
Irza Menka Deviliany Kaban ◽  
Martha Angelina Tarigan

Pectin is extensively utilized by the food processors especially for conversion of low grade fruits in to good quality products like jam, jelly, marmalade, and candies. Pectin has many applications in food and pharmaceuticals products as gelling agents and stabilizers.  This research aims to utilize banana peel  waste (Musa sapientum) as a source of pectin. The research used a  solvent extraction method using hydrochloric acid (HCl) in additional to  ethanol  to precipitate the pectin and the last step  drying process to obtain dry pectin. The fixed variables which were used in this research were 10 grams of banana peel (Musa sapientum),  10% water content of sample, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a solvent. The  extraction process was carried out by pH 1; 1.5, 2; the  time of 70, 80, 90, 100 minutes, and the temperature of 80 oC, 90 oC. The results showed that the highest  yield of the extraction was obtained at  90 oC, pH 1.5  during 80 minutes with  11.93%  water content of 0.79% ash content,  about 600-800mg and 4, 43% methoxyl  content.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-53
Farida Hanum ◽  
Martha Angelina Tarigan ◽  
Irza Menka Deviliany Kaban

Pectin are polymer of D-galacturonic acid connected by β-1,4 glucosidic. Pectin are widely used in pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries. This research was expected to took advantage of banana peels (Musa paradisiaca) by producing pectin. The research used an extraction method by using acid solvent in additional to ethanol to form the sediment of pectin and the last step is drying in order to get dry pectin. The fixed variables which were used in this research were 10 grams banana peels, 10% water content of sample, and chloride acid solvent. Extraction process was carried out by pH 1; 1,5; 2; extraction time of 70, 80, 90, 100 minute, and temperature of 80 oC, 90 oC. The results showed that the highest yield of pectin extraction was obtained at temperature of 80 oC, pH 1,5 during 80 minute with 11,88% water content, 0,98% ash content, and 3,72% the methoxyl content.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Jamaluddin ◽  
Angriani Abdullah ◽  
Yonelian Yuyun

Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard, eel bonefish is one of the potentials sources for gelatin manufacture. This study aims to determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid (3%; 4%) and to optimize demineralization time (12 hours; 24 hours) for thequality of gelatin. Characteristic of gelatin was determined by analysis of water content, ash content and protein content. To optimize gelatin extraction from eel fish bone, Mann Whitney test with 4 – factor was adopted. Spectrophotometer FTIR was used to analyze functional groups of gelatin. Values of water content, ash and protein content of each combination of acid chloride and demineralization time have met the requirements. The spectrum of FTIR showed a typical gelatin functional group. The best combination of treatment is at 3% hydrochloric acid concentration and 12 hours of demineralization time.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Utafiyani . ◽  
Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ekawati

This aims of this research was to know the effect of comparison between green bean flour and wheat flour on characteristic of analogue meatball and to know the right comparison of green bean flour and wheat flour to produce analogue meatball with the best characteristics. The design used in this research was completely randomized design (CRD) with the comparison between green bean flour and wheat flour i.e. (70 g :30 g), (60 g :40 g), (50 g :50 g), (40 g :60 g), and (30 g :70 g). Data were analysed by analysis of variance, followed by Duncan test. The result of this research showed that the comparison between green bean flours and wheat flour had no real effect on water content and aroma of analogue meatball, but significant effects were found on ash content, protein content, fat content, crude fiber content, texture, sensory characteristic such as color, flavour, texture, and overall acceptance of analogue meatball. The best characteristic of analogue meatball was comparison between green bean flour and wheat flour 30 g : 70 g i.e. 59.00 percent of water content, 1.34 percent of ash content, 6.88 percent of protein content, 1.77 percent of fat content, 1.77 percent of crude fiber content, level of elasticity 6.38 N, color (liked), aroma (neutral), texture (liked) with chewy characteristics, with the taste is rather not typical of green beans and liked, and overall acceptance (liked).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 426
Brogina Mayank Dini ◽  
Luh Putu Trisna Darmayanti ◽  
I Ketut Suter

This research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of comparison of mackerel with gonda vegetable on meatballs characteristics and get a comparison of mackerel with specific gonda vegetable that can produce meatballs with the best characteristics. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with treatment that is the comparison of mackerel with gonda vegetable consisting of 6 levels: 100%: 0%; 95%: 5%; 90%: 10%; 85%: 15%; 80%: 20%; 75%: 25%. Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that obtained 18 units. The data is then analyzed by analysis of variance and if the treatment influences the proposed variable then it is continued by Duncan. The results showed that the comparison of mackerel and gonda vegetable had a very significant effect on water content, ash content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrate content, total chlorophyll content, antioxidant capacity, color (scoring), texture, aroma, overall acceptance and no significant effect for texture, aroma and taste. Comparison of 80% mackerel and 20% gonda vegetables had the best characteristics, with 62.99% water content, 1.56% ash content, 1.28% fat content, 8.75% protein content, 25.43% carbohydrate content, 18.39% total chlorophyll content, antioxidant capacity 25.63%. Sensory properties obtained are color (rather green, rather like), texture (rather like), flavor (liked) and overall acceptance (like).

Dian Haryati ◽  
Lulu Nadhira ◽  
Humairah Hera ◽  
Nurlaila Abdullah

Basically, gelatin is pure protein food ingredient, obtained from thermal collagen denaturation from animals. Gelatin is used as a stabilizer, gelling agent, binder, thickener, emulsifier, adhesive, whipping agent, and food wrap which is edible coating. Protein levels in fish skin determine the amount of collagen contained in skin tissue, so the baronang fish skin has a considerable opportunity as a source of collagen to be hydrolyzed into gelatin. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of gelatin produced from baronang fish skin by enzymatic extraction and to determine the best treatment of a combination of enzyme concentrations with extraction time. Making gelatine was carried out by hydrolysis using bromelin enzyme at a concentration of 1%, 1.5% and 2% with extraction time of 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours. The result, obtained gelatine with water content ranging from 3.13-5.83%, the water content ranged from 0.17-3.56%, ash content 0.35 - 3.65% and protein levels ranged from 91-94, 72%. The chemical characteristics of gelatine from baronang fish skin have a yield of up to 6%, water content <6%, ash content <4% and protein content reaching 94%. The best treatment was obtained at 1% enzyme concentration and extraction for 4 hours with a protein content of 94.72%.

Pro Food ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 304-310
Siska Cicilia ◽  
Eko Basuki ◽  
Agustono Prarudiyanto ◽  
Ahmad Alamsyah ◽  
Dody Handito

Cookies is one type of populer biscuits. The basic ingredients of cookies are generally wheat flour. The availability of wheat flour in Indonesia is dependent on imports. To overcome this, the substitute of wheat flour is needed. Alternative materials can from tubers one of them is a black potato. The objective of this research were to substitute wheat flour with black potato starch for cookie manufacture and to analyze chemical composition and physical properties of cookies. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with flour flour treatment: black potatoes are 100%, 90%: 10%, 80%: 20%, 70%: 30%, 60%: 40%, and 50%: 50%. The addition of black potato starch cause a decrease in water content, protein content, fat content and increased ash content of cookies. The addition of potato starch up to 30% produces the preferred cookies that accepted by panelists.Key words: Coleus tuberosus, cookies, wheat flourABSTRAKCookies (kue kering) merupakan salah satu jenis biskuit yang banyak disukai oleh masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan. Bahan dasar pembuatan cookies umumnya adalah tepung terigu. Ketersediaan tepung terigu di Indonesia masih tergantung pada impor. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan bahan alternatif pengganti terigu. Bahan alternatif bisa berasal dari umbi-umbian salah satunya adalah kentang hitam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensubstitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung kentang hitam pada pembuatan cookies serta menganalisa komposisi kimia dan sifat fisik cookies tersebut. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan tepung terigu tepung : kentang hitam yaitu 100%, 90% : 10%, 80% : 20%, 70% : 30%, 60% : 40%, dan 50% : 50%. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium pengolahan pangan dan laboratorium kimia dan biokimia pangan Fatepa Universitas Mataram. Penambahan tepung kentang hitam menyebabkan penurunan kadar air, kadar protein, kadar lemak dan peningkatan kadar abu cookies.Penambahan tepung kentang sampai 30% menghasilkan cookies yang disukai panelis.Kata kunci: cookies, kentang hitam, tepung terigu

Ardiyan Dwi Masahid ◽  
Maria Belgis ◽  
Helyas Vintan Agesti

Adlay is a nutritious grain that has the potential as an alternative food because it has a high protein and fat content of 14.10% and 7.90%, respectively. The use of Adlay as flour still has a weakness, namely the functional properties of Adlay flour such as low swelling power. One way to improve the characteristics of Adlay flour is by fermentation using Rhizopus oligosporus. The fermentation duration is the time that allows changes in the characteristics of the flour due to the fermentation. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in fermentation duration using Rhizopus oligosporus on the physical, chemical, and functional characteristics of Adlay flour produced from fermented Adlay seeds. This study used one factor, namely the lengths of fermentation for 0, 12, 24, 30, 36 and 48 hours. The analysis in this study included whiteness, yield, pH, water content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, swelling power and solubility, oil holding capacity (OHC) and water holding capacity (WHC). The results have shown that the longer the fermentation duration the lower rate of whiteness, pH, yield, water content, fat content, and carbohydrate content will become, while some functional properties of Adlay flour become better with increasing values of ash content, protein content, swelling power, solubility, Oil Holding Capacity (OHC), and Water Holding Capacity (WHC).

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Lina Nindyawati ◽  
Putu Timur Ina ◽  
Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani

This study aims to determine the effect of steamed potatoes and green bean flour on the characteristics of flakes, and to know the right ratio of steamed potatoes and green bean flour which produced flakes with the best characteristics. The was used in this research completely randomized design with the treatment ratio of steamed potatoes and green bean flour, which consists of 6 levels such as: 35% : 65%, 40% : 60%, 45% : 55%, 50% : 50%, 55% : 45%, 60% : 40%. The treatment was repeated 3 times to obtained 18 units of the experiment. The data were analysed by variance analysis  and if the treatment had an effect on the variable then continued with Duncan test. The result showed steamed potatoes and green bean flour ratio had a significant effect on water content, ash content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrate content, color (hedonic), aroma (hedonic), texture (hedonic and scoring), taste (hedonic) and overall acceptance (hedonic). Ratio of 35% steamed potatoes and 65% green bean flour produced flakes with the best characteristics, with 2.41 % water content, 4.57 % ash content, 19.16% protein content, 10.20% fat content, 63.66% carbohydrate content, color liked, aroma liked, texture crunchy and liked, taste netral and overall acceptance rather liked.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
I Gusti Ayu Atyantha Danawati ◽  
Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Anom Jambe ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ekawati

The purpose of this research to find the effect of the comparison of pregelatinization red rice flour with wheat flour on the characteristics of crackers and also to find the best ratio of red rice flour with wheat flour to the characteristics of crackers. This study used a Compeletely Randomized Design (CRD) with a comparison of red rice flour pregelatinization with wheat flour consisting of 6 treatment namely 0% : 100%;10% : 90%; 20% : 80%; 30% : 70%;40% : 60%; 50% : 50%. The treatment repeated 3 times, so that resulting in 18 experimental units. The resulting data is analyzed with variance and if the inter treatment effect on the observed variance, then continue with Duncan test. The result showed that pregelatinization red rice flour and wheat flour significantly affected to water content, protein content, total phenol, and antioxidant activity in crackers and had no significant effect on ash content. The comparison ratio of 50% pregelatinazation red rice flour with 50% wheat flour produces crackers with the best characteristics, namely: water content of 1.15%, ash content of 1.73%, 10.30% protein content, total phenol 158.83% and 45.17% antioxidant activity colour very like, texture crispy, overall liked, aroma,taste and overall acceptance like. Keywords : crackers, red rice, pregelatinized, wheat flour

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