scholarly journals Hubungan Intensitas Kebisingan Dan Lama Kerja Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Tenaga Kerja Bagian Produksi PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk.

Andry Setiawan ◽  
Yohanes Joko Supriyadi ◽  
Maharso Maharso

The Relations Of The Intensity Of Noise And Work Term With The Hypertension Case Of The Production Parts Employees In PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk.. Some research results prove that one of the risk factor of stroke is high blood pressure (hypertension). Noise pollution may be associated with the occurrence of hypertention, this is supported by an epidemiological study in the United States. The results of that study mentioned that people exposed to noise tend to have unstable emotions. Emotional instability will lead to a stress. If the stress happened long enough, it will cause the narrowing of blood vessels, so it will make the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. In a long term, blood pressure will rise, and this is called Hypertension. The purpose of this study is to determine the relations between the intensity of noise pollution and work term with the case of hypertension in the production parts employee of PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Tanah Laut regency in 2017. The research method used is an analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The population in this study is amounted to 57 people and the sample amounted to 57 people. The results of this study indicates that there is a moderate relationship between the intensity of noise pollution with the incidence of hypertension (p-value = 0,002 < α = 0,05 r = 0,407), and there is a low relationship between work term with the incidence of hypertension (p-value = 0,014 < α = 0,05 r = 0,323). Suggestions given to the company is to provide guidance on the use of PPE, perform routine health checks on employees and rotate the position of work on the employee of production.

2020 ◽  
pp. 21-30
Siti Fadlilah ◽  
Nazwar Hamdani Rahil ◽  
Fransiska Lanni

Tekanan darah merupakan faktor yang sangat penting pada sistem sirkulasi. Tidak semua tekanan darah berada dalam batas normal sehingga menyebabkan munculnya gangguan pada tekanan darah yakni hipertensi dan hipotensi. Prevalensi hipertensi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta masuk di urutan ke-14 yaitu sebesar 25,7%. Selain itu ada cara untuk mendeteksi adanya gangguan tekanan darah atau masalah sirkulasi pada tubuh dengan cara memeriksa tekanan darah dan mengetahui nilai saturasi oksigen. Gangguan tekanan darah yang bisa mempengaruhi nilai pada saturasi oksigen di tubuh. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan umur dan jenis kelamin dengan tekanan darah dan saturasi oksigen (SpO2) pada mahasiswa keperawatan salah satu universitas di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian korelasi dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh mahasiswa salah satu kampus keperawatan salah satu universitas di Yogyakarta berjumlah 137 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling dengan 120 responden yang sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah sphygmomanometer digital, pulse oximetry, dan lembar observasi. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan uji Kruskal wallis. Mayoritas berjenis kelamin perempuan yaitu 108 responden (90%). Mayoritas kategori remaja akhir yaitu 117 responden (97,5%). Mayoritas tekanan darah pada mahasiswa kategori normal sebanyak 81 responden (67,5%). Nilai median saturasi oksigen (SpO2) yaitu 98 mmHg. Hasil analisis bivariat antara umur dan jenis kelamin dengan tekanan darah didapatkan p-value 0,641 dan 0,176. Hasil analisis bivariat antara usia dan jenis kelamin dengan saturasi oksigen (SpO2) didapatkan p-value 0,385 dan 0,964. Hasil analisis bivariat antara tekanan darah dan saturasi oksigen (SpO2)  didapatkani p value adalah 0,010. Tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara umur dan jenis kelamin dengan tekanan darah. Tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara umur dan jenis kelamin dengan saturasi oksigen (SpO2). Ada hubungan antara tekanan darah dengan saturasi oksigen (SpO2) pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan   Blood pressure is a very important factor in the circulatory system. Not all blood pressure is within normal limits, causing interference with blood pressure, namely hypertension and hypotension. The prevalence of hypertension in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is ranked 14th at 25.7%. In addition there are ways to detect blood pressure disorders or circulation problems in the body by checking blood pressure and knowing the value of oxygen saturation. Blood pressure disorders that can affect the value of oxygen saturation in the body. The study aims to analyze the relationship between age and sex with blood pressure and oxygen saturation (SpO2) in nursing students at a university in Yogyakarta. This research is a type of correlation study with a cross sectional study design. The population is all students of one nursing campus of a university in Yogyakarta totaling 137 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling with 120 respondents who fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research instruments used were digital sphygmomanometer, pulse oximetry, and observation sheets. Analysis of research data using the Kruskal Wallis test. The majority of women are 108 respondents (90%). The majority of late adolescent categories are 117 respondents (97.5%). The majority of blood pressure in normal category students was 81 respondents (67.5%). The median value of oxygen saturation (SpO2) is 98 mmHg. The results of bivariate analysis between age and sex with blood pressure obtained p-values ​​of 0.641 and 0.176. The results of bivariate analysis between age and sex with oxygen saturation (SpO2) obtained p-values ​​of 0.385 and 0.964. The results of the bivariate analysis between blood pressure and oxygen saturation (SpO2) found that the p value was 0.010. There is no significant relationship between age and sex with blood pressure. There is no significant relationship between age and sex with oxygen saturation (SpO2). There is a relationship between blood pressure and oxygen saturation (SpO2) in nursing students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 390-397
Endri Mustofa

Hypertension is a degenerative disease which is a serious problem nowadays. Hypertension is categorized as the silent disease or the silent killer because the sufferer does not know he has hypertension or does not know before checking his blood pressure. The aim of this study was to find out the factors that affected hypertension of the Indonesian Army, Denkeslap Kesdam V / Brawijaya Malang. The research was conducted on 11-14 November 2018 at DENKESLAP Kesdam V / Brawijaya Malang, Observational study design with cross sectional approach.  The total population is 65 people and a sample of 56 people with a random sampling technique. Data collection of independent variables and dependent variables by means of observations and questionnaires. Data analysis using logistic regression test. Based on the results of the logistic regression test, the stress variable p value is 0.027; anxiety 0.033 and sleep pattern 0.39 at α: 0.05, the incidence of hypertension is significantly affected by stress, anxiety and sleep patterns. The dominant factors affecting hypertension are stress. Stress is a condition or condition of the body that is disturbed due to psychological stress. The relationship between stress and the incidence of hypertension occurs through sympathetic nerve activity. Increased nerves can increase blood pressure intermittently (erratic). So that prolonged stress can result in high sedentary blood pressure. Stress will increase peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac output so it will stimulate sympathetic nerve activity. Soldiers are advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle, exercise and maintain a diet, avoiding things that can become stressors so as to minimize hypertension

1930 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Alhidayati ◽  
Nurhapipa ◽  
Rahma Putri

Behavior consumption of soft drinks are the actions or deeds regarding how often consume soft drinks per week is calculated. Carbonated drinks consumption habits will have a negative impact when it accumulates in the long term. Have been many studies that explain the negative effects of soft drinks, including carcinogenic benzene in soft drinks is very high, high phosphate content of vital minerals in the body that can trigger heart disease (magnesiumdeficiency), osteoporosis (calcium deficiency) and more. Based on the survey results of the sale of soft drinks in the cafeteria, 5 schools with the highest sales level, is SMP N 5 Pekanbaru selling 6-7 boxes per month. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional design which was held on 16-18 May 2016 in SMP N 5 Pekanbaru. The population of this research is all student grades 7 and 8 SMP N 5 Pekanbaru which amounted to 541 people, with a sample size of 115 people. Data collected technique by stratified random sampling use questionnaire measuring instrument. Univariate data analysis and use your bivariate chi-square test. The results showed that there was a relationship between the knowledge obtained value (p value = 0.001 value POR = 2.14), Effect of friends (p value = 0.006 value POR = 3.45), Access (p value = 0.029 value POR = 2.70), And advertisement (p value = 0:01 value POR = 3.20) with the consumption of soft drinks. Suggested to the relevant instance, that is SMP N 5 Pekanbaru to provide education and information to as many students on the impact of consuming soft drinks for health when consumed in the long term and excessive, and form healthy canteen, or supervise the beverage products , to minimize the beverage products are bad for health.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-111 ◽  
Jacquelyn Y. Taylor ◽  
Deborah Sampson ◽  
Andre D. Taylor ◽  
Dennis Caldwell ◽  
Yan V. Sun

The study of genetic polymorphisms and body mass index (BMI) among African women in Africa and in the United States contributes to our understanding of the genetic and environmental risk factors for hypertension. African American women have the highest prevalence of hypertension and obesity compared to other ethnic groups in the United States. Using a cross-sectional research design, we examined the effects of genetic and environmental risks of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and BMI on blood pressure (BP) among three generations of West African Dogon women ( N = 199). We genotyped six SNPs located in the candidate genes known to be related to hypertension. We tested the associations between these SNPs and systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) with Fisher’s exact tests, chi-square tests for independence, and multivariable linear mixed models. The SNP rs8179526 (SLC4A5) was significantly associated with SBP adjusted for age, age2, and BMI ( p = .02). The “C” allele variant of rs8179526 (allele frequency of 0.445) was associated with higher SBP. This SNP did not deviate from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) with p value of .772. The SNP × BMI interaction effects associated with SBP and DBP were not significant. rs8179526 is located on the SLC4A5 gene on chromosome 2. SLC4A5 encodes a protein that transports sodium and bicarbonate across cell membranes while regulating cellular pH and contains several SNPs linked to elevated BP. Knowledge of the SNP’s effect on hypertension among West African women can help health practitioners educate their patients about genetic risks of developing hypertension.

Sruthi Parayil Kizhakkevalappil ◽  
Reena Alexander ◽  
Arun Chandran Nhattuvalappil

Introduction: Swimming is an inexpensive isotonic exercise that is useful for health promotion and prevention of disease. While studies based on body composition and swimming in India are few, the analysis of body composition parameters can provide accurate body assessment and serve as an ideal mode for fitness analysis and promotion of health. Aim: To assess the body composition, anthropometric and cardiac parameters of healthy swimmers and compare these variables with that of healthy non swimmers. Materials and Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, Government Medical College, Thrissur, Kerala, India. Duration of study was from January 2017 to January 2018. A total 60 healthy individuals, 30 swimmers and 30 non swimmers were selected by simple random sampling method. Body composition parameters were estimated along with anthropometric measurements and cardiac parameters- height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Quantitative variables like body composition parameters were analysed using mean standard deviation and 95% confidential interval. Comparison of body composition parameters were analysed using independent t-test and significant level was kept at 5%. Results: The mean age of swimmers was 19.93±1.59 years and that of non swimmer subjects was 22.87±1.88 years. Body composition parameters included Body Fat Percentage (BFP p-value <0.001), Fat Mass (FM p-value <0.001) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR p-value <0.001) were found to be significantly decreased (p-value <0.05) in swimmers when compared to non swimmers. However, the Fat Free Mass (FFM p-value=0.13) and Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI p-value=0.22) were also decreased but comparable (p-value >0.05). Weight and BMI along with pulse, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (p-value <0.001) were lower in swimmers than non swimmers and statistically significant (p-value <0.05) by independent t-test. Conclusion: The results indicated that, swimming can improve body composition parameters to a more healthy state and therefore can be advised as a form of regular physical activity with a goal to achieve ideal health and fitness.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Budi Somantri

Background. Aging is a natural process after the three stages of life, namely children, adulthood and old age that cannot be avoided by any individual. The increase of the age will cause changes in the structure and physiological properties of a range of cells, organs and systems in the body. Metabolic processes that decrease on the elderly will lead to obesity due to decreased physical activity, then the excess calories will be converted into fat resulting in obesity. Overweight or obesity is one of the factors that can influence blood pressure and the development of hypertension. Purpose. The purpose of this research was to know the correlation between Body Mass Index with elderly blood pressure in puskesmas Melong Asih Cimahi. Methods. The methods in this study used analytic research method with cross sectional approach, there were 80 elderly (60- 74 years) as respondents. Sampling techniques used simple random sampling. Results. The results of univariat analysis used frequency distribution showed distribution evenly on IMT skinny (20%), normal (26.2%), fat (26.2%), obesity (27.6%). Similarly, on the frequency distribution of blood pressure normal (36.2%), pre hypertension (31.2%), and hypertension (32.6%). The results of Chi-Square statistical test showed p value = 0.000 < a 0.05. Conclusions. The conclusions from this study which conducted on June 2013 that there was a correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) with elderly blood pressure in Puskesmas Melong Asih Cimahi.

Circulation ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 141 (Suppl_1) ◽  
Collin J Popp ◽  
Jeannette M Beasley ◽  
Melanie J Firestone ◽  
Rienna Russo ◽  
Stella S Yi

Background: Dietary protein serves a pivotal role in providing the body with essential amino acids, which are required for the maintenance of body proteins, and the assimilation of structural and functional components required for basic survival. Understanding dietary protein sources can help inform intervention efforts to increase protein intake that will accommodate the growing diversity of the United States. Objective: The purpose of this analysis was to identify the top 10 food category sources of dietary protein by age and race and ethnicity in a nationally representative sample. Methods: Cross-sectional data on adults (18+ years) from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2016 with one 24-hour dietary recall were analyzed (n=15,697). Population proportions were calculated for What We Eat In America food categories. Results: The analytic sample (n=15,697) was 15.0% Hispanic (95%CI [12.1, 17.9], 65.0% to non-Hispanic White (95%CI [60.8, 69.3]), 11.5% to non-Hispanic Black (95%CI [9.1, 13.9]), 5.4% to non-Hispanic Asian (95%CI [4.3, 6.6]) and 3.1% other (95%CI [2.5, 3.6]). In all racial and ethnic groups, chicken (whole pieces) was the top-ranked source of dietary protein. In addition to chicken (whole pieces), beef (excludes ground), eggs and omelets, and meat mixed dishes food categories ranked in the top ten sources of protein for every race/ethnicity. Conversely, each race/ethnicity group had at least one food category that uniquely ranked as a top ten source (other Mexican mixed dishes, cheese, burger (single code), rice, stir-fry and soy-based dishes, and nuts and seeds). Older adults consumed the least absolute protein (71 gram per day, 95% CI: [69,73]) and energy (1819 calories, 95%CI[1779, 1860] compared to other age groups (p-value for all <0.0001). Conclusion: The top ten sources of protein accounted for over 40% of dietary protein irrespective of race/ethnicity or age category, having major implications for the sustainability of our nation’s food supply. Public health strategies that encourage incorporating higher amounts of protein in food preparation have the potential to shift the overall population protein intake distribution. Funding Source: R01HL141427

Dania Concepción Contreras-Ponce ◽  
Nicolas Padilla-Raygoza ◽  
Cuauhtemoc Sandoval-Salazar ◽  
Esther Ramirez-Moreno ◽  
Xochitl Sofia Ramirez-Gomez

Aims: To identify if there is a correlation between lycopene intake and blood pressure levels in healthy adults of Celaya. Study Design: Cross-sectional, observational, analytical study. Place: All students registered at a public university in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. Methodology: To measure blood pressure, a humeral digital baumanometer with adult bracelet (Rossmax MG150f) was used. The measurement was performed three times with a two-minute interval and the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure was obtained. The daily intake of lycopene was evaluated with a questionnaire of the frequency of consumption of meals. The µg of lycopene were estimated with software related to the frequency of consumption of meals. Descriptive statistics were used for all variables. To identify the correlation and possible linear relationship between lycopene intake and blood pressure, Pearson r was calculated, linear regression equation, t-test, and P-value and Confidence Intervals at 95%. Results: We included 446 participants (74.28% women, 25.78% men; between 18-51 years of age). The average systolic blood pressure was 108.30 mmHg, while the average diastolic blood pressure was 71.07 mmHg. The mean daily intake of lycopene was 6477.38 µg.  However, there was no correlation or lineal relationship between lycopene intake and the measurement of systolic blood pressure (P=.93) and diastolic blood pressure (P=.5). Conclusion: No correlation was found between daily intake of lycopene and blood pressure (P> .05) in this adult sample from Celaya, Mexico. Studies should be conducted with a different way of determining the intake or level of lycopene in the body.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Wahdaniah Wahdaniah ◽  
Sri Tumpuk

Abstract: Routine blood examination is the earliest blood test or screening test to determine the diagnosis of an abnormality. Blood easily froze if it is outside the body and can be prevented by the addition of anticoagulants, one of which Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA). Currently available vacuum tubes containing EDTA anticoagulants in the form of K2EDTA and K3EDTA. K3EDTA is usually a salt that has better stability than other EDTA salts because it shows a pH approaching a blood pH of about 6.4. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of erythrocyte index results include MCH, MCV and MCHC using K3EDTA anticoagulant with K2EDTA. This research is a cross sectional design. This study used venous blood samples mixed with K2EDTA anticoagulant and venous blood mixed with K3EDTA anticoagulants, each of 30 samples. Data were collected and analyzed using paired different test. Based on data analysis that has been done on MCH examination, p value <0,05 then there is a significant difference between samples with K3EDTA anticoagulant with K2EDTA to erythrocyte index value. Then on the examination of MCV and MCHC obtained p value <0.05 then there is no significant difference between samples with K3EDTA anticoagulant with K2EDTA to erythrocyte index value.Abstrak: Pemeriksaan darah rutin merupakan pemeriksaan darah yang paling awal atau screening test untuk mengetahui diagnosis suatu kelainan. Darah mudah membeku jika berada diluar tubuh dan bisa dicegah dengan penambahan antikoagulan, salah satunya Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA). Dewasa ini telah tersedia tabung vakum yang sudah berisi antikoagulan EDTA dalam bentuk  K2EDTA dan  K3EDTA. K3EDTA  biasanya berupa garam yang mempunyai stabilitas yang lebih baik dari garam EDTA yang lain karena menunjukkan pH yang mendekati pH darah yaitu sekitar 6,4. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil indeks eritrosit meliputi MCH, MCV dan MCHC menggunakan antikoagulan K3EDTA dengan K2EDTA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel darah vena yang dicampur dengan antikoagulan K2EDTA dan darah vena yang dicampur dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA, masing-masing sebanyak 30 sampel. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan uji beda berpasangan. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan pada pemeriksaan MCH didapatkan nilai p < 0,05 maka ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sampel dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA dengan K2EDTA terhadap nilai indeks eritrosit. Kemudian pada pemeriksaan MCV dan MCHC didapatkan nilai p < 0,05 maka tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sampel dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA dengan K2EDTA terhadap nilai indeks eritrosit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 215013272097774
Stephanie T. Fulleborn ◽  
Paul F. Crawford ◽  
Jeremy T. Jackson ◽  
Christy J.W. Ledford

Introduction Recent evidence reveals that diabetes and prediabetes (preDM) can be reversed to normal glucose regulation (NGR) through significant weight loss, but how physicians clinically identify the principles of partial and complete remission of diabetes is largely unknown. Methods As part of the cross-sectional omnibus survey conducted in March 2019 at a professional annual meeting in the United States, physician participants answered case scenario questions about the diagnosis and documentation of patients with preDM and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Results Of the registered conference attendees, 387 (72.7%) responded. When presented with the initial case of preDM, 201 physicians (70.8%) selected R73.03 Prediabetes. In a follow-up encounter with improved lab results, 118 physicians (58.7%) indicated that they would not chart any diabetes-related code and 62 (30.8%) would chart preDM again. When presented with the case of T2DM, 256 physicians (90.1%) indicated E11.0–E11.9 Type 2 Diabetes. In the follow-up encounter, only 38 (14.8%) coded a diagnosis reflecting remission from T2DM to prediabetes and 211 (82.4%) charted T2DM. Conclusion Physicians may be reluctant to document diabetes regression as there is little evidence for long-term outcomes and “downgrading” the diagnosis in the medical record may cause screenings to be missed. Documenting this regression in the medical record should communicate the accurate point on the continuum of glucose intolerance with both the patient and the care team.

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