Galina Struchkova
Ahmed M Abdel-Ghanya ◽  
Ibrahim M Al-Helal

Plastic nets are extensively used for shading purposes in arid regions such as in the Arabian Peninsula. Quantifying the convection exchange with shading net and understanding the mechanisms (free, mixed and forced) of convection are essential for analyzing energy exchange with shading nets. Unlike solar and thermal radiation, the convective energy, convective heat transfer coefficient and the nature of convection have never been theoretically estimated or experimentally measured for plastic nets under arid conditions. In this study, the convected heat exchanges with different plastic nets were quantified based on an energy balance applied to the nets under outdoor natural conditions. Therefore, each net was tacked onto a wooden frame, fixed horizontally at 1.5-m height over the floor. The downward and upward solar and thermal radiation fluxes were measured below and above each net on sunny days; also the wind speed over the net, and the net and air temperatures were measured, simultaneously. Nets with different porosities, colors and texture structures were used for the study. The short and long wave’s radiative properties of the nets were pre-determined in previous studies to be used. Re and Gr numbers were determined and used to characterize the convection mechanism over each net. The results showed that forced and mixed convection are the dominant modes existing over the nets during most of the day and night times. The nature of convection over nets depends mainly on the wind speed, net-air temperature difference and texture shape of the net rather than its color and its porosity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-57
S. N. Shumov

The spatial analysis of distribution and quantity of Hyphantria cunea Drury, 1973 across Ukraine since 1952 till 2016 regarding the values of annual absolute temperatures of ground air is performed using the Gis-technologies. The long-term pest dissemination data (Annual reports…, 1951–1985; Surveys of the distribution of quarantine pests ..., 1986–2017) and meteorological information (Meteorological Yearbooks of air temperature the surface layer of the atmosphere in Ukraine for the period 1951-2016; Branch State of the Hydrometeorological Service at the Central Geophysical Observatory of the Ministry for Emergencies) were used in the present research. The values of boundary negative temperatures of winter diapause of Hyphantria cunea, that unable the development of species’ subsequent generation, are received. Data analyses suggests almost complete elimination of winter diapausing individuals of White American Butterfly (especially pupae) under the air temperature of −32°С. Because of arising questions on the time of action of absolute minimal air temperatures, it is necessary to ascertain the boundary negative temperatures of winter diapause for White American Butterfly. It is also necessary to perform the more detailed research of a corresponding biological material with application to the freezing technics, giving temperature up to −50°С, with the subsequent analysis of the received results by the punched-analysis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 31 ◽  
Jae-Won Choi ◽  
Yumi Cha ◽  
Jeoung-Yun Kim ◽  
Cheol-Hong Park

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 348-352
S. Malchev ◽  
S. Savchovska

Abstract. The periods with continuous freezing air temperatures reported during the spring of 2020 (13 incidents) affected a wide range of local and introduced sweet cherry cultivars in the region of Plovdiv. They vary from -0.6°C on March 02 to -4.9°C on March 16-17. The duration of influence of the lowest temperatures is 6 and 12 hours between March 16 and 17. The inspection of fruit buds and flowers was conducted twice (on March 26 and April 08) at different phenological stages after continuous waves of cold weather conditions alternated with high temperatures. During the phenological phase ‘bud burst’ (tight cluster or BBCH 55) some of the flowers in the buds did not develop further making the damage hardly detectable. The most damaged are hybrid El.28-21 (95.00%), ‘Van’ (91.89%) and ‘Bing’ (89.41%) and from the next group ‘Lapins’ (85.98%) and ‘Rosita’ (83.33%). A larger intermediate group form ‘Kossara’ (81.67%), ‘Rozalina’ (76.00%), ‘Sunburst’ (75.00%), ‘Bigarreau Burlat’ (69.11%) and ‘Kuklenska belitza’ (66.67%). Candidate-cultivar El.17-90 ‘Asparuh’ has the lowest frost damage values of 55.00% and El.17-37 ‘Tzvetina’ with damage of 50.60%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 98-100
A.F. Galkin ◽  
I.V. Kurta ◽  
V.Yu. Pankov ◽  
M.D. Ilinov ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
M. Zakharenko ◽  
V. Olynyk ◽  
V. Polyakovsky ◽  
V. Solomon ◽  

Patrick J. Applegate ◽  
K. Keller

Engineering the climate through albedo modification (AM) could slow, but probably would not stop, melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Albedo modification is a technology that could reduce surface air temperatures through putting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere. AM has never been tested, but it might reduce surface air temperatures faster and more cheaply than reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Some scientists claim that AM would also prevent or reverse sea-level rise. But, are these claims true? The Greenland Ice Sheet will melt faster at higher temperatures, adding to sea-level rise. However, it's not clear that reducing temperatures through AM will stop or reverse sea-level rise due to Greenland Ice Sheet melting. We used a computer model of the Greenland Ice Sheet to examine its contributions to future sea level rise, with and without AM. Our results show that AM would probably reduce the rate of sea-level rise from the Greenland Ice Sheet. However, sea-level rise would likely continue even with AM, and the ice sheet would not regrow quickly. Albedo modification might buy time to prepare for sea-level rise, but problems could arise if policymakers assume that AM will stop sea-level rise completely.

2001 ◽  
R. D. Hagan ◽  
Gretchen K. Vurbeff ◽  
Jay H. Heaney ◽  
James A. Hodgdon

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