scholarly journals Pile group effect on end bearing capacity and settlement of pile foundation

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-83
Koichiro DANNO ◽  
Koichi ISOBE ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 54-59
Rui Hua Zhuo ◽  
Run Liu ◽  
Xin Li Wu ◽  
Yang Yang Zhao

The vertical bearing capacity of a special pile group of platform in an offshore gas field has been studied. Large diameter d (2.134 m), deep penetration l (96 m), small spacing sa (3.507 m), and only one row piles are the usual characteristics of the pile group foundation in offshore engineering. According to the requirements of the related design code, the super pile group effect has to be considered. However, with the usual design code, when sa/d, the ratio of spacing to diameter, is less than 2.0, there is no way to consider the pile group effect. In this paper, considering the occlusion effect of soil plug of pipe pile, several methods have been introduced to study the super pile group effect of the vertical bearing capacity. These methods include linear elastic theory method, the method recommended by the Code of Pile Foundation in Port Engineering (JTJ254-98), and the method with virtue of the existing pile group model test results. Meanwhile, the plugged and unplugged conditions have been considered, respectively. Through the analysis, the factors of safety in extreme and normal operation states are obtained, and the results satisfy the design specifications.

Pondasi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Adi Sunarno ◽  
Rinda Karlinasari ◽  
Abdul Rochim

ABSTRACTThe rapid infrastructure development is one of the indicators on the country economic progress. Indonesia as one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world, should be prioritized the port infrastructure to support the maritime. One of the government’s solutions is infrastructure development of Kuala Tanjung port. This research analyzed bearing capacity and settlement of single and group pile foundation on port infrastructure of Kuala Tanjung so it is known that the port is safe to use. The data used are Standard Penetration Test data with soil stratigraphy that is clay and sand. The type of foundation used is Concrete Spun Pile 1000 mm and 600 mm with a pile length of 36 meters. The data are then analyzed by manual calculation and Allpile 6.5E program based on Reese method and methods such as Vesic and Converse-Labarre. The results showed that single pile foundations of 1000 mm and 600 mm each had allowable capacity (Qall) 492.78-538.81 ton and 110.65-128.31 ton, with vertical load (Q) of 330.90 ton, settlement 0.56-1.17 cm and 3.32-3.64 cm, lateral deflection 27.50 cm and 94.90 cm. While the 1000 mm and 600 mm pile group foundations respectively have Qall 8717.31-10796.29 tons and 2059.25-2566.32 tons, with Q of 6618 tons, settlement 0.56-1.68 cm and 3.32-3.64 cm, lateral deflection of 2.49 cm and 19.49 cm. The conclusion of the research indicates that the safe pile foundation used is 1000 mm group pile foundation. Keywords: Bearing Capacity; Foundations; Pile Foundation; Port Infrastructure; Settlement

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Tianzhong Ma ◽  
Yanpeng Zhu ◽  
Xiaohui Yang ◽  
Yongqiang Ling

It is very necessary to research the bearing characteristics of composite pile group foundations with long and short piles under lateral load in loess areas, because these foundations are used widely. But few people researched this problem in loess areas up to now worldwide. In this paper, firstly, an indoor test model of a composite pile foundation with long and short piles is designed and then employed to explore the vertical load bearing characteristics and load transfer mechanisms of a single pile, a four-pile group, and a nine-pile group under different lateral loads. Secondly, ANSYS software is employed to analyze the load-bearing characteristics of the test model, and for comparison with the experimental results. The results demonstrate the following. (1) The lateral force versus pile head displacement curves of the pile foundation exhibit an obvious steep drop in section, which is a typical feature of piercing damage. A horizontal displacement limit of the pile foundation is 10 mm and 6mm for the ones sensitive to horizontal displacement. (2) The axial force along a pile and frictional resistance do not coincide, due to significant variations and discontinuities in the collapsibility of loess; a pile body exhibits multiple neutral points. Therefore, composite pile groups including both long and short piles could potentially maximize the bearing capacity and reduce pile settlement. (3) The distribution of stress and strain along the pile length is mainly concentrated from the pile head to a depth of about 1/3 of the pile length. If the lateral load is too large, short piles undergo rotation about their longitudinal axis and long piles undergo flexural deformation. Therefore, the lateral bearing capacity mainly relies on the strength of the soil at the interface with the pile or the horizontal displacement of the pile head.

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (10) ◽  
pp. 1550-1561 ◽  
Donggyu Park ◽  
Junhwan Lee

In the present study, various interaction effects and load-carrying behavior of piled rafts embedded in clay were investigated. For this purpose, a series of centrifuge load tests were conducted using different types of model foundations, including single pile, group piles, piled raft, and unpiled raft. Different clay conditions were considered to prepare for centrifuge specimens. It was found that the pile group effect in clays is significant within initial loading range, showing lower load-carrying capacity. As settlement increases, the pile group effect becomes less pronounced. For both soft and stiff conditions, the values of the raft-to-pile (R-P) interaction factor varied initially, which became converged to some values around unity with increasing settlement. Similar tendency was observed for the pile-to-raft (P-R) interaction factor. The load responses of different pile components within the piled raft were not significantly different for the soft condition. For the stiff condition, the corner and inner piles showed the highest and lowest load-carrying capacities, respectively, due to piled-raft interaction effects. Correlations to cone resistance were analyzed and presented for the base and shaft resistances of piles for piled rafts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 212-220 ◽  
Yi-Xuan Li ◽  
Wen-Gang Qi ◽  
Fu-Ping Gao

2013 ◽  
Vol 477-478 ◽  
pp. 499-502
Sheng Feng Zou ◽  
Jing Yu Zhang ◽  
Shi Ji Wang ◽  
Yi Han ◽  
Chuan Wang

The computing of end-bearing capacity of pile has vital significances for foundation design while the foundations analysis is usually problematic due to those diverse soils and engineering conditions. Though various CPT-based methods which have already been applied in numerous huge engineering practices are available for the analysis of pile foundation bearing capacity home and abroad, there still seemed lacking legitimate guidance assisting to select these formulations quite effectively. In this paper, five CPT-based design methods are compared in deep, the realization through computer program is also presented, with the capacity data accumulated from pile engineering coming into mind, we are on the way to making designers choose better methods during the designing process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 777 ◽  
pp. 559-563
Yu Zhuo Jia ◽  
Guo Zheng Sun ◽  
Chang Qing Li ◽  
Long Long Tian

To analyze the characteristics of bearing capacity of high-cap pile foundation under inclined load and investigate the influence of vertical and horizontal component on the foundation at different loading angles, based on the background of the Yellow River Crossing project, a three-dimensional finite element model of high-cap foundation is simulated and analyzed with the finite element software ABAQUS. The conclusions are shown as follows: Under the same displacement condition, when the load inclination angle α from 0°(horizontal load) to 80°, the horizontal direction bearing capacity of the foundation increases from 684.8kN to 759.9kN, increases by 10.97%. Expands of vertical load component will affect the pile group effect, the shear force of the back row piles increases with the load inclined angle.

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