pile group effect
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2021 ◽  
Vol 318 ◽  
pp. 01004
Azhar S. Ibrahim ◽  
Hassan O. Abbas ◽  
Omar K. Ali

Despite the great development in the manufacture of the helical pile and the development of their use, especially in transmission towers and wind turbines, there is little research on their lateral behavior. In this laboratory study investigate the behavior of screw piles group (2×1) and (1×2) with the spacing to the diameter of helix ratio (S/Dh =1.5, 3, and 4.5) having a diameter (10 mm) and embedded length to diameter ratio (L/D = 40) by using single and double helix embedded in soft clay and extend to stiff clay under a cyclic lateral load of frequency (0.2 Hz). The results showed that increasing the distance between the piles had a great effect on increasing the lateral resistance. the increase of pile spacing in the groups from (1.5 Dh) to (3 and 4.5 Dh) increases the lateral resistance about 34-38% and 50% respectively. Also, from result showed that the group (2×1) gave a lateral resistance more than the group (1×2) about 11% for single helix and about 6% for a double helix, and for the same spacing and configuration the screw pile with double helix gives an increase in lateral resistance about 5-10 % from the single helix.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (HTCS6) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Hung Van Pham ◽  
Huy Quang Dang ◽  
Lam Phuc Dao ◽  
Long Khac Nguyen ◽  

The paper employes 3D numerical modeling to analyze the soil arching mechanism within embankment by FLAC3D code, based on the finite difference method (FDM). To consider the pile group effect, the 3D mesh of four pile has been created. Related to the constitutive models, the embankment is used Mohr - Coulomb model, the soft soil is represented by modified Cam - clay model, and footing and piles are employed by elasticity model. The numerical results focus on the soil arching phenomena in terms of stress distribution on piles and soft soil, the stress concentration ratio and the stress reduction ratio. Additionally, the axial force along pile and the settlements of embankment, soft soil and pile are studied.

Petar Santrac ◽  
Zeljko Bajic

This paper presents an analytical method for the calculation of the arbitrary loaded spatial pile group fixed or/and hinge jointed into a rigid cap. The method uses the vector and matrix procedures to derive spatial equations of equilibrium, in which unknown componential displacements appear. The stiffness coefficients in the equations can be determined analytically, numerically or by pile load test. The pile group effect are estimated approximately, reducing the piles stiffness coefficients which depend on pile position and its mutual distances.

Le Thiet Trung ◽  
Duong Diep Thuy ◽  
Pham Viet Anh

Results of in-situ tests showed that the performance of single isolated piles and individual piles within a group is largely different. When piles are arranged in a group, the interaction between piles and the foundation depends on the pile arrangement and the pile group effect. To date, studies on the pile group effect in Vietnam have been limited to reduced-scale laboratory testing or static load testing where piles are installed into homogeneous sandy or clayey foundation. This paper presents in situ tests which were performed on both single piles and pile groups, loaded to failure, with the aim of studying the pile group effect of piles embedded in multi-layered foundation. Strain gauges were installed along the shaft of 10 m long steel pipe piles, with a diameter of 143 mm. The influence of loose sand layers on the group effect in case of friction piles was evaluated. The experimental results indicated that the influence of sand layers was evident, and the group factor was calculated to be 1.237. Keywords: group efficiency; pile groups; axial capacity; load transfer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 213-220
Chunhui Liu ◽  
Liang Tang ◽  
Xianzhang Ling

In this paper, the capability of 3D nonlinear finite element models is validated by single pile and 5x3 pile group filed experiments that is subjected to cyclic lateral loading. Then, a series 3D finite elements models are built to analyze the effect of the number of cycles of lateral loading, pile spacing, and pile group arrangement. The results have shown that the number of cycles affected the pile-soil system stiffness seriously, and the pile group effect became insignificant as the increase of pile spacing, while this effect became more significant with the increase of the pile group arrangement. In practical engineering, the pile spacing and pile group arrangement should be considered and chosen carefully.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Jingfeng Zhang ◽  
Xiaozhen Li ◽  
Yuan Jing ◽  
Wanshui Han

The appropriate modeling of the soil-pile interaction (SPI) is critical to get the reasonable dynamic responses of bridge structure under impact loading. Of various SPI modeling approaches, utilizing p-y and t-z curves is a common method to represent the nonlinear lateral resistance and skin friction of pile-surrounding soil. This paper accomplished SPI modeling for the bridge pylon impact analysis with compression-only nonlinear springs and linear dashpots. The kinematic interaction and pile group effect were incorporated into the SPI. A variety of pylon impact analyses were conducted under energy-variation impact loads. The structure dynamic responses were compared and discussed considering the influences of pile group effect, soil damping, and axial t-z spring. An approximate approach was proposed to derive the linearized stiffness of soil for the purpose of engineering calculation. It was concluded from the extensive simulations that the impact load generated from higher initial energy induced more significant structural responses and larger soil inelastic deformation than smaller initial energy. The piles in the leading row possessed larger bending moments, whereas they exhibited smaller pile deformation than the responses of trailing row piles. Soil damping applied in SPI played positive roles on the reduction of structural responses. Replacing the t-z spring by fixing the degree-of-freedom (DOF) in the vertical direction was capable to yield satisfactory results of structural responses. The proposed linear soil stiffness was demonstrated to be applicable in the SPI modeling of structure impact analysis.

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