scholarly journals Improvement of state management for development of the agricultural sector of the economy and rural territories of Ukraine

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 313 (11) ◽  
pp. 6-18
Yaroslav Hadzalo ◽  
Yurii Luzan

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need and identify pathways to improve state management of the develop-ment of the agricultural sector and rural territories. Research methods. The method of generalizing the scientific knowledge of domestic and foreign scientists on the theory and practice of organizing the system of public administration in the agricultural sector of the economy in modern conditions was used, logical - to determine socio-economic processes, economic and mathematical, statistical and comparative - to carry out analytical calculations. Research results. It is substantiated that at this stage of state development in matters of the agricultural sector of the economy and rural terrytories, the organization of public administration requires significant modernization. The necessity of consolidating the updated tactics and strategy of the state in the law on modern state agrarian policy and other special laws, as the main instruments for the implementation of state policy, the restoration of the activities of the central executive authority on agricultural development and the corresponding regional and local government bodies on a fundamentally new basis has been proved , the need to improve scientific and staffing, the expansion of the use of public-private partnership mechanisms and self-regulation of market relations. Scientific novelty. We have obtained a substantiation for determining the ways to improve the state management of the de-velopment of the agricultural sector of the economy and rural territories at the present stage, an algorithm for the development of the state management system in the agricultural sector of Ukraine is proposed. Practical significance. The research results can be used to improve the state management of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, improve legislation on state agrarian policy, in the educational process, and deepen scientific research. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 28.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 322 (8) ◽  
pp. 6-17
Yaroslav Hadzalo ◽  
Yurii Luzan

The purpose of the article is to identify current problems and justify priority measures for the effective development of integration processes in relation to the agricultural sector of Ukraine with the European Union. Research methods. We used the dialectical method of scientific knowledge of processes and phenomena, a comparative analysis of the institutional environment in the European Union and Ukraine, the analytical method - for objective assessments of socio-economic processes in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Research results. The measures for the effective development of the integration processes of the agricultural sector of Ukraine to the conditions of the European Union are substantiated, the expediency of preparing and consolidating the updated state agrarian policy of Ukraine in the relevant legislative act in order to converge with the relevant law and regulatory mechanisms of the European Union, as well as improving the system of public administration of the agricultural sector of the economy Ukraine and the interrelated development of rural areas. Scientific novelty. The ways of improving the state agrarian policy, taking into account the European integration processes of Ukraine, have been determined. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the practical activities of government bodies in organizing foreign economic activity, taking into account the protection of national interests, improving legislation on agrarian policy and state management of the agrarian sector of Ukraine, in the educational process. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 17.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 318 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-17
Yaroslav Hadzalo ◽  
Yurii Luzan

The purpose of the article is to identify and assess the main trends and scientifically substantiate the need to improve state policy in matters of foreign economic activity of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy. Research methods. In the course of the study, a set of methods for analyzing statistical data that characterize the dynamics and corresponding trends were used. The dialectical and logical methods of scientific knowledge, a systematic approach to the study of processes are applied. Research results. Considered and analyzed the current state and proved the presence of the main negative trends in the development of foreign economic activity of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy at the present stage, suggested ways to improve state regulation. Scientific novelty. The study of the processes of foreign economic activity of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy received further development, an assessment of the existing mechanisms of state regulation was carried out, the necessity was proved and the ways of their improvement were identified. Practical significance. The results and conclusions of the study can be used by government bodies to improve the state agrarian policy, in the educational process and by business entities. Tabl.: 6. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 16.

Zoriana Buryk ◽  

The article considers the essence of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service. It is determined that the peculiarity of the development of the world market economy is the formation of the knowledge economy, which in turn has radically changed the principles of socio-economic development. Knowledge and information are gradually becoming one of the key factors in the development of the state. The study of the development of intellectual capital of the diplomatic service is now of great importance, has both theoretical and practical significance for the effective functioning of the civil service, as well as the implementation of effective public administration of foreign policy and international cooperation. The task of effective state management of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service is to expand the powers and create the preconditions for the successful operation of the institution. Integration and combination of existing methods and tools with new innovative forms allows to expand the competencies of the institution and improve its activities. Intellectual capital is an important factor in innovation and the implementation of effective public foreign policy. The article systematizes the essence of the concept of "intellectual resources" as a system of a set of forms of intellectual resources of the institution, which are formed in the process of mastering the latest knowledge for sustainable development. It is proved that intellectual capital includes three main components: human capital, relationship capital and structural capital. It is determined that the strengthening of the processes of integration and globalization requires the state to improve the system of training, retraining and personnel management of the diplomatic service of all levels in order to have effective strategies at the international level. The work of the state in the field of foreign policy and international relations will depend on the effective improvement of the management of intellectual resources. The effectiveness of the entire diplomatic environment will depend on how successfully the diplomatic mechanism adapts to the new international information environment.

Nadiia Anatoliivna Lebiedieva

The article describes the use of movie means as an instrument of state administration of amateur art in national-patriotic education of the population. The novelty of this article is that amateur film works have been described for the first time that bear the spiritual and educational value and its state management support for the movie in its content. It is determined that the state should influence the processes of education, taking into account future economic and socio-political development, to ensure a stable order of law for the purpose of defense capability. Education should be based on a philosophical theoretical and methodological analysis of the entire educational process and contemporary cultural achievements. The state needs art to save and develop the best domestic traditions, because it is able to bring up the best human qualities, to develop the brightest feelings of the citizens, that is, to promote better social development, not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, enriching the European culture as a whole with its content. Art as a means of cultural communication in the system of public administration plays a leading role and a special place, requires more attention and funding. The support of a national product, created not for the purpose of mass culture, but the preservation of the cultural heritage of Ukraine, is of great value for saving the best traditions characteristic of our people. And the popularization of domestic cinema works at the international level contributes to the artistic enrichment of humanity. Therefore, the victory of samples of our professional and amateur art in various international forums contribute to raising the image of the country, which is very important in today's complex socio-political situation. It is substantiated that the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration should take place through the process of understanding the aspects of individual and group behavior, system analysis procedures, planning methods, motivation and control, quantitative methods and decision making. Applying the state-management approach to the problem under study, it is proved that a healthy society can not be imagined without art.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (16) ◽  
pp. 128-132
V. V. Shapovalov ◽  
A. A. Gudzenko ◽  
V. A. Shapovalova ◽  
V. V. Shapovalov ◽  

Introduction. Modern turbulent state of society actualizes need for scientifically based methods and technological solutions to improve the information security system not only for the state, but also for society and the person in particular. Objective. To highlight the significant factors of information security of social development and to study the role of public admini-stration in the context of the actualization of information threats and risks. Study results. The article considers the essence of state management approaches to information security based on interpretation in terms of risk management. Information security is presented as a dynamic system that needs balance. Balance can be disturbed by external and internal factors. The 8 most significant factors that need to be taken into account to develop effective models of public administration in the field of information security are identified. 4 paradigms of information security management (systemic, synergetic, phenomenological and cognitive) which can be involved are considered. However, they are not universal and separate in any particular case, that is they are systemic in nature, and security management should be based on their integrated application depending on the situation and the specifics of the management process. Based on the analysis of the classical model of maintaining the state balance of a dynamic system, it is concluded that it can be used to ensure information security. A model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Conclusion. The model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Key words: Information security; Information security factors; Society; Public administration; Information security model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (16) ◽  
pp. 121-128
O. A. Panchenko ◽  

Introduction. Modern turbulent state of society actualizes need for scientifically based methods and technological solutions to improve the information security system not only for the state, but also for society and the person in particular. Objective. To highlight the significant factors of information security of social development and to study the role of public admini-stration in the context of the actualization of information threats and risks. Study results. The article considers the essence of state management approaches to information security based on interpretation in terms of risk management. Information security is presented as a dynamic system that needs balance. Balance can be disturbed by external and internal factors. The 8 most significant factors that need to be taken into account to develop effective models of public administration in the field of information security are identified. 4 paradigms of information security management (systemic, synergetic, phenomenological and cognitive) which can be involved are considered. However, they are not universal and separate in any particular case, that is they are systemic in nature, and security management should be based on their integrated application depending on the situation and the specifics of the management process. Based on the analysis of the classical model of maintaining the state balance of a dynamic system, it is concluded that it can be used to ensure information security. A model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Conclusion. The model is proposed to explain the reasons for the imbalance of the dynamic system of information security under the action of factors of influence and the risks that accompany them, and to determine the measures of public administration to ensure it. Key words: Information security; Information security factors; Society; Public administration; Information security model.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 311 (9) ◽  
pp. 86-94
Yurii Kernasiuk

The purpose of the article is to highlight the conceptual understanding of the cluster as an innovative organizational and economic form of production in the system of sustainable development on the example of the agricultural sector and substantiate the scientific basis for ensuring its implementation at the regional level. Research methods. When carrying out the research, a set of general scientific methods and techniques was used; monographic - in the study of domestic and foreign publications and the above-mentioned problems; a systematic approach based on the principles of systems analysis and synthesis - to substantiate the relationship between sustainable development, the efficiency of agricultural production and the cluster model; abstract-logical - for the theoretical generalization of research results and determination of measures to ensure the implementation of the cluster model of agricultural development; economic analysis - to study the efficiency of agricultural production. Research results. The essence of the cluster in modern economic theory in the context of the concept of sustainable development has been studied and analyzed. Globalization, climate change and the aggravation of socio-economic and environmental problems in many countries of the world necessitate the search for new models of economic development. It has been established that one of the most optimal organizational and economic forms of effective agricultural production in the system of sustainable development is clusters. On the example of the Kirovograd region, a scientifically grounded regional model of the development of agro-clusters in the agro-industrial complex. Scientific novelty. Based on the synthesis of scientific theories of cluster and sustainable development, further study of theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the essence of clusters as a promising organizational and economic form of effective agricultural production in the system of sustainable development was obtained. Practical significance. The research results will find practical use in substantiating regional strategies for the development of agro-industrial production. They can be used in educational and educational programs, when providing consulting services for the creation of projects of agricultural clusters and in further scientific research.

Lidiia Fedyk

Goal. The aim of the study is to analyze the main forms and methods of counteraction of the state and society in the USSR to the youth subcultural movement in 1940-1960. The method covers a set of methods and logical sequence of their use, which was determined by issues and features of historical and legal research. Methods. The use of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction allowed to empirically study the youth subculture in 1940 - 1960's. Historical and legal method allowed to consider the youth subculture as a phenomenon of a particular era, taking into account the influence of economic, social and ideological factors. The comparative law method in our study was useful for comparing the measures applied to the youth subculture by party, youth organizations, law enforcement agencies and educational institutions. Results. The study found that the youth subcultural movement in the USSR was heterogeneous. It was found that, despite the apolitical nature of the movement, within the Cold War and confrontation with the West, it was seen as a threat to the existing social order and contrary to official ideology. This created the preconditions for combating it, which were carried out with the involvement of the party and Komsomol apparatuses. Scientific novelty. It was established that the main forms of struggle against the youth subcultural movement were extrajudicial, which provided for moral pressure, expulsion from the Komsomol, an educational institution, deprivation of a scholarship, and public humiliation. Practical significance. It is that the main provisions and conclusions set out in the study can be used: 1) in research related to the study of the features and legal principles of the repressive policy of the Soviet government; 2) in the educational process, during the teaching of sections relating to the state and legal development of Central and Eastern Europe.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 321 (7) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Iryna Artimonova ◽  
Kateryna Tkachenko

The purpose of the article is to develop practical recommendations for improving the tools of state regulation of the agricultural insurance market. Research methods. The research was based on general scientific research methods, scientific works of domestic and foreign economists on insurance in the agricultural sector of the economy, regulations and Internet resources. The application of the method of comparison, the monographic method in combination with the method of induction made it possible to systematize and generalize the foreign experience of state support for agricultural producers. Research results. The reasons for the need to improve the system of state regulation of the agricultural insurance market are systematized. The international practical experience of formation of systems of the state support of agricultural insurance is generalized. The normative-legal acts regulating relations in the field of insurance of agricultural products are considered. Emphasis is placed on existing programs to protect agricultural producers from the risks posed by the state. An assessment of the current state of the agricultural insurance market in Ukraine and identified prospects for its development using the tools of state regulation. Scientific novelty. It is proved that agricultural insurance is a new effective tool for state support of farmers in case of risks, which will help improve the economic performance of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Practical significance. Measures to improve the instruments of state regulation of the agricultural insurance market are proposed. The introduction of state support for agricultural insurance will contribute to the growth of the domestic market of agricultural insurance, which will provide additional revenues to the state budget. Refs.: 13.

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