Consistency-Check Edge Refinement for Deep Stereo Matching
Recent end-to-end CNN-based stereo matching algorithms obtain disparities through regression from a cost volume, which is formed by concatenating the features of stereo pairs. Some downsampling steps are often embedded in constructing cost volume for global information aggregation and computational efficiency. However, many edge details are hard to recover due to the imprudent upsampling process and ambiguous boundary predictions. To tackle this problem without training another edge prediction sub-network, we developed a novel tightly-coupled edge refinement pipeline composed of two modules. The first module implements a gentle upsampling process by a cascaded cost volume filtering method, aggregating global information without losing many details. On this basis, the second module concentrates on generating a disparity residual map for boundary pixels by sub-pixel disparity consistency check, to further recover the edge details. The experimental results on public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.