Design of multi-indicator integrated testing system for tobacco intelligent silk production line

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Dayong Guo ◽  
Qing Hu

Aiming at the problems of low precision, slow data transmission speed and long response time of silk quality and temperature control in tobacco intelligent production line, a multi-index testing system is designed. According to the characteristics of PROFIBUS fieldbus technology, combined with PROFIBUS transmission technology, a factory level information network is formed with PROFIBUS-DP as the exchange mode. Based on the PROFIBUS technology, the dual redundancy structure of control ring network and management information ring network is adopted, and the whole network architecture is constructed by logic layering. From the point of view of building enterprise MES system, it locates real-time production monitoring, production task receiving and production line related data collection, integrates equipment control layer, centralized monitoring layer and production management layer, and designs system function structure. The functional structure of the system, and the establishment of a number of data tables, to achieve a tobacco intelligent production line silk quality detection system design. Experimental results show that this method can effectively speed up the data transmission speed and shorten the system response time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2111 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
Deny Budi hertanto ◽  
Rustam Asnawi ◽  
Faranita Surwi ◽  
Nurman Setiawan

Abstract In the previous article about detecting train arrivals [4], we discussed the data transmission process which is the weakness of the system. This article discusses how to overcome these shortcomings. Distance detection systems need to be added to devices that are more powerful and faster in transmitting data. The prototype is built based on the development of the previous prototype. The initial product is a distance detector that has a motion sensor and a data transmission module in the form of Lora 400 MHz and a GSM module. Product development includes the addition of the NodeMCU WIFI module to existing devices. System development aims to: (1) Develop a distance detection system equipped with a WIFI module; and (2) Increase the data transmission speed of the distance detection system equipped with the WIFI NodeMCU module. The implementation method uses research and development techniques [3]. System development takes 6 months, with the stages of completion being system requirements analysis, hardware, and software design, system prototyping, and tool testing. Checklist data and delivery time are used as test data. Furthermore, the data is analyzed quantitatively to determine the achievement of results according to predetermined indicators. The device is equipped with a GPS module, a Lora-R02 receiver and transmitter module, and a Nodemcu ESP8266 module as a replacement for the 900A SIM module which transmits data faster. When the device is being tested, all the sensors of the tool work well at range of 125 meters (previously less than 100 meters). While the Lora module can react when the object has reached a distance of 300 meters. Data transmission previously using GSM modules took 10-13 seconds. After using the WIFI module, data transmission only takes 1-3 seconds.

Hans Bergman ◽  
Albert Brinkman ◽  
Harry S. Koelega

1978 ◽  
Vol 39 (C6) ◽  
pp. C6-1188-C6-1190
Y. Korczynskyj

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 1686 ◽  
Nancy Agarwal ◽  
Mudasir Ahmad Wani ◽  
Patrick Bours

This work focuses on designing a grammar detection system that understands both structural and contextual information of sentences for validating whether the English sentences are grammatically correct. Most existing systems model a grammar detector by translating the sentences into sequences of either words appearing in the sentences or syntactic tags holding the grammar knowledge of the sentences. In this paper, we show that both these sequencing approaches have limitations. The former model is over specific, whereas the latter model is over generalized, which in turn affects the performance of the grammar classifier. Therefore, the paper proposes a new sequencing approach that contains both information, linguistic as well as syntactic, of a sentence. We call this sequence a Lex-Pos sequence. The main objective of the paper is to demonstrate that the proposed Lex-Pos sequence has the potential to imbibe the specific nature of the linguistic words (i.e., lexicals) and generic structural characteristics of a sentence via Part-Of-Speech (POS) tags, and so, can lead to a significant improvement in detecting grammar errors. Furthermore, the paper proposes a new vector representation technique, Word Embedding One-Hot Encoding (WEOE) to transform this Lex-Pos into mathematical values. The paper also introduces a new error induction technique to artificially generate the POS tag specific incorrect sentences for training. The classifier is trained using two corpora of incorrect sentences, one with general errors and another with POS tag specific errors. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network architecture has been employed to build the grammar classifier. The study conducts nine experiments to validate the strength of the Lex-Pos sequences. The Lex-Pos -based models are observed as superior in two ways: (1) they give more accurate predictions; and (2) they are more stable as lesser accuracy drops have been recorded from training to testing. To further prove the potential of the proposed Lex-Pos -based model, we compare it with some well known existing studies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-20
K. Muthamil Sudar ◽  
P. Deepalakshmi

Software-defined networking is a new paradigm that overcomes problems associated with traditional network architecture by separating the control logic from data plane devices. It also enhances performance by providing a highly-programmable interface that adapts to dynamic changes in network policies. As software-defined networking controllers are prone to single-point failures, providing security is one of the biggest challenges in this framework. This paper intends to provide an intrusion detection mechanism in both the control plane and data plane to secure the controller and forwarding devices respectively. In the control plane, we imposed a flow-based intrusion detection system that inspects every new incoming flow towards the controller. In the data plane, we assigned a signature-based intrusion detection system to inspect traffic between Open Flow switches using port mirroring to analyse and detect malicious activity. Our flow-based system works with the help of trained, multi-layer machine learning-based classifier, while our signature-based system works with rule-based classifiers using the Snort intrusion detection system. The ensemble feature selection technique we adopted in the flow-based system helps to identify the prominent features and hasten the classification process. Our proposed work ensures a high level of security in the Software-defined networking environment by working simultaneously in both control plane and data plane.

1986 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-13 ◽  

Edouard Bahous ◽  
Ram Srinivasan ◽  
Priyank Saxena ◽  
John Bowen

UV sensors were tested to evaluate the response and reliability as a flameout detection system to reduce system level risks. In this study, UV sensors from two manufacturers were tested on high pressure experimental rigs and on a 15MW gas turbine engine with annular diffusion flame combustion system. Tests were run to investigate the effect of fuel composition, engine load, and sensor circumferential position. The effect of each variable on sensor signal strength and response time is presented in this paper. The response time of the sensor is evaluated against the rate of change of combustor pressure and the time for fuel-air mixture to reach lean extinction limit in the primary zone. Results show that the UV sensor response is not affected by engine load, circumferential location of the sensors, or fuel composition down to Wobbe index of 18.7 MJ/Sm3. At lower Wobbe indices, the signal strength decreased significantly. This result has been attributed to the movement of flame location away from the line of sight of the sensor. Furthermore, it was found that the UV sensor responded before the bulk average reactant mixture reached lean blow out fuel-air ratios. When compared to the baseline detection system the UV sensor performs faster at low load conditions (800 milliseconds) but slower at full load conditions (400 milliseconds). Experimental rig testing led to similar conclusions for sensor response time and signal strength. Future testing of UV sensors on hydrogen blends is planned.

2013 ◽  
Vol 329 ◽  
pp. 22-25
Zhuo Jun Shen

Mobile network signal is the basic coverage along the highway, and the GSM mobile communication technologies provide a powerful and reliable short message service and data transmission services, a variety of applications based on GSM data transmission platform is also being developed. The paper focuses on highway visibility detection and speed detection, system is constitute of a communication unit that uses the TC35i module and STC89C54 single chip, As well as hardware and software design of the method, GSM precautions in the design process of the highway system are briefly described.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
T. Drozd ◽  
M. Zygmunt ◽  
P. Knysak ◽  
J. Wojtanowski

AbstractPulsed lasers are used mainly in lidar systems as sources of short and highly energetic light pulses. In data transmission systems continuous wave lasers are typically applied, however it is also possible to use pulsed lasers in such systems. Such approach seems to be especially reasonable for devices where a pulsed laser is applied anyway and executes another function (rangefinding). The article discusses a data transmission concept based on a pulsed laser technology. Advantages and limits of such a transmission method are described. Influence of individual transmission elements on the effective data transmission speed is analysed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 385-386 ◽  
pp. 1823-1826
De Quan Wang ◽  
Jia Lin Li ◽  
Jin Hua Ding ◽  
Teng Gao ◽  
Tian Ji

In order to meet the development of economic globalization, a gearbox manufacturers need to optimize the production management through using digital factory technology to improve their market competitiveness. According a transmission production line industry characteristics and business processes, the digital factory information systems integrate ERP, MES and ANDON system making the real-time information flow. The system has been actually run in the company, passed technical appraisal and meet the design requirements.

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