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Bella Gertrude B. Alpasan ◽  

The purpose of this study was to assist the faculty of the Institute of Information and Computer Studies in securing their records and personal devices that were left at the office. This study made use of developmental-descriptive research. In software development, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model was used. The system was developed using the n-tier architectural design. Because the developed system will be deployed in the IICS Building, the concerned faculty can be added as secondary users of the system so that they, along with the guard-on-duty, receive notification whenever there is motion detected during the night. A short message service (SMS) support is essential as a communication tool in notifying the room custodian and security guard-on-duty.

Jenny Callender ◽  
Pete Bridge ◽  
Flora Al-Samarraie ◽  
Daniel Blair

Abstract Introduction: The impact of COVID-19 social restrictions on mental wellbeing of health professional students during placement is largely unknown. Conventional survey methods do not capture emotional fluctuations. Increasing use of smartphones suggests short message service (SMS) functionality could provide easy, rapid data. This project tested the feasibility and validity of gathering data on Therapeutic Radiography student mental wellbeing during clinical placement via emoji and SMS. Methods: Participants provided anonymous daily emoji responses via WhatsApp to a dedicated mobile phone. Additional weekly prompts sought textual responses indicating factors impacting on wellbeing. A short anonymous online survey validated responses and provided feedback on the method. Results: Participants (n = 15) provided 254 daily responses using 108 different emoji; these triangulated with weekly textual responses. Feedback concerning the method was positive. ‘Happy’ emoji were used most frequently; social interaction and fatigue were important wellbeing factors. Anonymity and opportunity to feedback via SMS were received positively; ease and rapidity of response engendered engagement throughout the 3-week study. Conclusions: The use of emoji for rapid assessment of cohort mental wellbeing is valid and potentially useful alongside more formal evaluation and support strategies. Capturing simple wellbeing responses from a cohort may facilitate the organisation of timely support interventions.

2022 ◽  
Wenze Tang ◽  
Heather J. Gunn ◽  
Stephen Kwok ◽  
W. Scott Comulada ◽  
Elizabeth Mayfield Arnold ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Besma Nugraha AP ◽  
Dikpride Despa ◽  
Noer Soedjarwanto

Perkembangan teknologi berimbas pada tingginya kebutuhan energi listrik. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dirancang sebuah alat pemutus aliran daya yang dapat memutus aliran daya dari jarak jauh dan diharapkan dengan adanya alat ini energi listrik dapat dimanfaatkan secara efisien. Alat ini dirancang untuk dapat memutus, menghubungkan, serta mengirimkan status aktif atau tidak-aktifnya aliran daya listrik dengan beban hingga 2,2kW. Alat ini menggunakan bahasa C sebagai bahasa pemrograman pada mikrokontroler Atmega8 sebagai pengendali utama, TRIAC dan kontaktor sebagai sakelar dan handphone Siemens C55 sebagai penerima perintah. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh: (1) sistem pemutus aliran daya listrik ini dapat menerima dan menerjemahkan perintah dalam bentuk SMS, (2) sistem pemutus aliran daya listrik ini dapat memutus dan menghubung aliran daya listrik (3) sistem pemutus aliran daya listrik ini dapat mengirimkan status aktif atau tidaknya aliran daya listrik.Kata kunci: Energi Listrik, Pemutus Aliran Daya, Mikrokontroler, SMS, Kontaktor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Oluwafemi Ipinnimo ◽  
Chika O. Yinka-banjo

Smart Energy Meters have significantly helped in easy reporting of energy consumption and the measurement of the same, since their introduction. They have replaced mainstream method of the house to house energy consumption data recording, but they are still reading with a lot of data inconsistencies between participating parties (energy suppliers and consumers). The purpose of this research is to develop a mobile web application with Internet of Things (IOT) and short message service (SMS) for consistent, transparent recording, monitoring of energy consumed, amount billed, infrastructure theft and meter control.  Arduino, sensors and relay modules are some of the hardware components used with communication application programming interface (API) accessed through the Wi-Fi module. The communication between the hardware and the server is the response based on different commands, which includes turning on and off, setting threshold, requesting consumption and even paid for consumed power. The app will enable the consumer monitor their current energy consumption through the web and android interface and remotely turn the meter on and off. Stored data can be retrieved at any time. Keywords— Arduino, Billing, IOT, Power Consumption, Smart Electricity meter, SMS, Web Application

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 130-143
Samuel Juma

Vaccination is one of the high-impact public health interventions against the spread of disease. Over time, developed countries have been able to reduce the burden of disease through improving access to vaccination and achieving high vaccine coverage. In low-income countries, the situation is different as most countries still report low coverages of less than 90%, which is the global target recommended by the World Health Organization. The main reasons for this low coverage include poor access to vaccination, stock-outs, and poor documentation and targeting for vaccination services. To address these problems, we developed an electronic vaccine registry using Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) technology that registered births, vaccines administered and sent short message reminders to mothers about their clinic dates. The study was conducted in Nyandarua County, Kenya, between June 2018 to March 2019. To participate in the study, mothers had to reside within the jurisdiction of the study site. Mothers who moved into the study site also had their children registered and previous vaccines updated. A total of 4,823 births and 20,515 vaccines administered were captured into the system. The system sent 12,554 short message reminders to mothers; 3 days before the due day and on the due day. Additionally, it generated a birth register, vaccination register, defaulter list, dropout rate report, vaccine coverage, and timeliness reports. The intervention improved vaccination coverage and timeliness of vaccination by up to 8.7%.

Bella Gertrude B. Alpasan ◽  

This study put emphasis on the improvement of the current system used in Estancia National High School for the class advisers, subject teachers, and 4P’s Coordinator for the easy viewing and monitoring student’s attendance. A Short Message Service (SMS) Support, was added as an additional feature to inform parents or guardians that their child was absent. Reports can be printed in real-time. The developmental-descriptive research was employed in this study. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) was used as the model in the software development. The n-tier architectural design was used in development system. Since the developed system would be deployed at the Estancia National High School, the developed system will be applied by the person in-charge in monitoring the attendance of the students, it should provide proper maintenance to keep the system work well. A total of 51 respondents were surveyed as respondents of the study. The data were gathered through survey questionnaires that primarily solicited feedbacks from the respondents using the researchers-made survey instrument. The mean statistic was employed to describe the level of usability, understandability, learnability, and operability. Findings revealed that in terms of understandability, learnability, and operability, the developed system was describe as “Very Good” while its level of performance and efficiency in terms of in terms of time behavior and resource utilization was also described as “Very Good”. The usability features of the developed system was operational, accessible with effectiveness, efficiency, and the performance was appropriate to the need of the users.

Bella Gertrude B. Alpasan ◽  

The School of Institute of Information and Computer Studies is facing a problem in the submission of the documents every end of the academic year which are requirements of the Director of the IICS before signing the clearance of its faculty members. In order to fast-track the submission of the documents, an alternative solution to solve the current problem was developed, to be known as the “e-Document Archiving System with SMS Support”. Descriptive research design was used to determine whether the objectives of the study were achieved while Developmental research design was used for the developed of the software. The architectural design used in this system was n-tier architecture. Since the developed system will be deployed into local area network connecting office the IICS building, the concerned faculty where can upload and archived documents electronically. The Director could simple download and print documents in real time. A Short Message Service (SMS) Support, was also be used, as additional feature which would play a vital role as a communicating tool, that enables to send notification to concerned faculty members particularly, which required documents and deadline of submission. Based on the result and findings, uploading and downloading of required documents were accessible in real time. The usability of the feature of the developed system was operational and accessible with effectiveness and efficiency, and the performance was appropriate for the need of the users.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 7875-7880
R. Uwamahoro ◽  
N. Mduma ◽  
D. Machuve

Voltage fluctuations in batteries form a major challenge the telecommunication towers face. These fluctuations mostly occur due to poor management and the lack of a battery voltage level monitoring system. The current paper presents a battery voltage-level monitoring system to be used in telecommunication towers. The proposed solution is incorporated with a centralized mobile application dashboard for accessing the live data of the installed battery, integrated with voltage-level, current, temperature, fire, and gas sensors. An Arduino Uno microcontroller board is used to process and analyze the collected data from the sensors. The Global Service Message (GSM) module is used to monitor and store data to the cloud. Users are alerted in the case of low voltage, fire, and increase in harmful gases in the tower through Short Message Service (SMS). The experiment was conducted at Ngorongoro and Manyara telecommunication towers. The developed system can be used in accessing battery information remotely while allowing real-time continuous monitoring of battery usage. The proposed battery voltage-level monitoring system contributes to the elimination of battery hazards in towers. Therefore, the proposed battery voltage level monitoring system can be adopted by telecommunication tower engineers for the reduction of voltage fluctuation risks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-437
Devi Irawan ◽  
Eza Budi Perkasa ◽  
Yurindra Yurindra ◽  
Delpiah Wahyuningsih ◽  
Ellya Helmud

Short message service (SMS) adalah salah satu media komunikasi yang penting untuk mendukung kecepatan pengunaan ponsel oleh pengguna. Sistem hibrid klasifikasi SMS digunakan untuk mendeteksi sms yang dianggap sampah dan benar. Dalam penelitian ini yang diperlukan adalah mengumpulan dataset SMS, pemilihan fitur, prapemrosesan, pembuatan vektor, melakukan penyaringan dan pembaharuan sistem. Dua jenis klasifikasi SMS pada ponsel saat ini ada yang terdaftar sebagai daftar hitam (ditolak) dan daftar putih (diterima). Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa algoritma seperti support vector machine, Naïve Bayes classifier, Random Forest dan Bagging Classifier. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah SMS yang teridentifikasi spam yang banyak terjadi pada saat ini sehingga dapat memberikan masukan dalam perbandingan metode yang mampu menyaring dan memisahkan sms spam dan sms non spam.  Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa Bagging classifier algorithm ini mendapatkan ferformance score tertinggi dari algoritma yang lain yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai sarana untuk memfiltrasi SMS yang masuk ke dalam inbox pengguna dan Bagging classifier algorithm dapat memberikan hasil filtrasi yang akurat untuk menyaring SMS yang masuk.

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