scholarly journals Noise and signal transmission properties as agents of selection in the vibrational communication environment

2007 ◽  
Gabriel Dion McNett
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Lauryn Benedict ◽  
Braelei Hardt ◽  
Lorraine Dargis

To function effectively, animal signals must transmit through the environment to receivers, and signal transmission properties depend on signal form. Here we investigated how the transmission of multiple parts of a well-studied signal, bird song, varies between males and females of one species. We hypothesized that male and female songs would have different transmission properties, reflecting known differences in song form and function. We further hypothesized that two parts of male song used differentially in broadcast singing and aggressive contests would transmit differently. Analyses included male and female songs from 20 pairs of canyon wrens (Catherpes mexicanus) played and re-recorded in species-typical habitat. We found that male song cascades used in broadcast singing propagated farther than female songs, with higher signal-to-noise ratios at distance. In contrast, we demonstrated relatively restricted propagation of the two vocalization types typically used in short-distance aggressive signaling, female songs and male “cheet” notes. Of the three tested signals, male “cheet” notes had the shortest modeled propagation distances. Male and female signals blurred similarly, with variable patterns of excess attenuation. Both male song parts showed more consistent transmission across the duration of the signal than did female songs. Song transmission, thus, varied by sex and reflected signal form and use context. Results support the idea that males and females of the same species can show distinctly different signal evolution trajectories. Sexual and social selection pressures can shape sex-specific signal transmission, even when males and females are communicating in shared physical environments.

Hyun-Sik Kim ◽  
Jong-Ryung Kim ◽  
Hae-Yeon Lee ◽  
Ki-Uk Kim ◽  
Jeong-Seob Huh ◽  

M. Dvorkina

The author offers the brief biographical information on Rujero Sergeevich Gilyarevsky whose 90-th anniversary is celebrated. She reviews the main stages of his academic and pedagogical career, in particular, his scholarly works, his two theses studies (candidate’s and doctoral), numerous publications that have been contributing to the librarianship, library and information sciences. The author emphasizes the scope of Gilyarevsky’s professional interests and retraces expanding of the subject scope of his publications – from catalog structuring (1954) to cloud technologies, information management and scientometrics. Rujero Gilyarevsky analyzes the problems of the libraries (and e-libraries, in particular), their future, professional values of the librarians within the digital communication environment, bibliography as an element of information culture. R. Gilyarevsky has complete mastery of several foreign languages. The selected bibliography of R. Gilarevsky’s publications, including those co-authored by his colleagues, is appended.

2015 ◽  
Vol E98.C (8) ◽  
pp. 832-839
Masaki SHIRAIWA ◽  
Yoshinari AWAJI ◽  
Naoya WADA ◽  
Atsushi KANNO ◽  
Toshiaki KURI ◽  

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