Harmoni ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-117
Zaenal Abidin Eko Putro ◽  
Kustini Kosasih

Abstrak Kegiatan dakwah yang dilakukan kelompok Jamaah Tabligh dan Pesantren Hidayatullah di Tanah Air telah banyak ditulis. Artikel ini hanya menambahkan saja satu lagi penelitian tentang kiprah kedua institusi tersebut, terutama jejak-jejaknya di wilayah perbatasan Skow Papua, yang berbatasan langsung dengan wilayah Papua New Guinea (PNG). Dai-dai dari kedua lembaga tersebut terus berkiprah dan belakangan memungkinkan terjadinya konversi warga PNG ke Islam.  Tulisn ini juga untuk menambahkan literatur tentang jarangnya penelitian kegiatan dakwah di perbatasan. Paper dari hasil riset lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang seberapa jauh dakwah kedua institusi tersebut di kawasan perbatasan Skouw, termasuk capaian keberhasilan dan hambatan-hambatannya. Temuan penting dari riset ini antara lain, gerakan dakwah yang dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga seperti Jamaah Tabligh ini ternyata menyuguhkan bukan semata persoalan gerakan kesalehan berdasarkan anjuran agama, namun ternyata juga menyajikan jalinan kerjasama dan juga solusi untuk mencapai level kehidupan lebih baik, terutama untuk kalangan muallaf. Kata Kunci : Jamaah Tabligh, Pesantren Hidayatullah, Dakwah, Rute Perdagangan, hambatan budaya   Abstract Proselityzing activities carried out by Jamaat Tabligh and Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia has been widely published elsewhere. This article is only to add one more study about these two Islamic group that deals chiefly with their specific proselytization activities in Skouw border Jayapura, Papua. This gate splits between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Dai or Islamic proselytization activists of both group continue to keep their dakwah activity that possibles to convert local PNG people into Islam. This paper is based on field research which is approached by qualitative method. Its aim is to respond the question to what extend missionarism of both Islamic religious group at Skow border area, what are achieved so far and what challenges to it. The essential result of this research shows that Islamic missionarism of both group focusing not merely on pietic movement based on relegious tenets, but also stressing on networking between Indonesian and PNG people. Also, it shows the problem solving for gaining economic wellfare, especially for new Islamic converters (muallaf). Keywords: Jamaah Tabligh, Hidayatullah Islami boarding school, Dakwah, Trade route, cultural gap.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-212
Shofaussamawati Shofaussamawati ◽  
Zahro Firdausa Zahro Firdausa

The aim of this article is to describe the writing of Muṣḥāf al-Qur'ān Sciences Education Foundation (YPIIQ) Wonosobo still written by hand in this sophisticated era. The type of this research uses the field research by a qualitative method approach which finds out the phenomenon and analyse the existing data. The process of collecting data uses interview, observation and documentation techniques, and it has found some interesting things. Firstly, the emergence of the tradition of writing Muṣḥāf by hand and giant size departing from KH. Muntaha's idea, he is the caretaker of the Al-Asy'ariyyah Taḥfῑż al-Qur’ān Islamic Boarding School, Kalibeber, Mojotengah, Wonosobo, Central of Java. The devotion of KH. Muntaha Al-Hafidz to al-Qur'ān made him to finally realise the grand Qur'ān  writing project. KH. Muntaha al-Hafidz also wants to continue writing Al-Qur’ān  that had been written by his grandfather, namely KH. Abdurrahim (1860-1916 AD). Secondly, before writing, there are certain provisions that must be carried out by writers namely they must be in a sacred condition when writing the muṣḥāf,  do the sunnah prayers of two raka'at and  write it accompanied by fasting except several days that are forbidden to fast. Thirdly, the strong factor that encourages the tradition of writing muṣḥāf at the Qur’ān Sciences Education Foundation (YPIIQ) Wonosobo is still being carried out till now because of devotion to teachers and wants to always glorify the muṣḥāf.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Samingun Samingun ◽  
Julianto Jover Jotam Kalalo

The state of Indonesia is a state of law, everything is regulated by law. The Indonesian territory from Sabang to Merauke has borders with other foreign countries. The West is bordered by other countries even though it is separated from the sea, in the north it is directly adjacent to the mainland area with Malaysia, in the south it borders on land with Timor Leste and in the eastern part it is directly adjacent to Papua New Guinea. The entire area bordering either directly or indirectly is regulated by immigration law. Immigration law regulations have been well regulated, starting from the highest regulations to the lowest regulations in their respective regions. In this case, in the border area of ​​Merauke district, which is directly adjacent to Papua New Guinea, there are immigration law regulations that are used based on positive Indonesian law, in this case laws and there are also customary laws from the local community. The occurrence of legal pluralism in the land border area of ​​Merauke district is due to the existence of customary law that is still thick in the lives of the people in this border area, resulting in an immigration law regulation that must conform to the policies of local indigenous peoples who always cross borders from Indonesia to Papua New Guinea or vice versa, known as the designation of traditional border crossers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-125
Nurlaily Helmiyana

Papua New Guinea Solution is a bilateral relationship between Australia under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Papua New Guinea regarding anti-resettlement conducted by people who want to access Australia and obtain refugee status by boat. This solution was taken after Kevin Rudd who came from the Australian Labor Party sent Pacific Solutions which had been used during Prime Minister Howard's administration. The difference in efforts to overcome the arrival of aid can be seen by using the Bureaucratic Model in its analysis. This effort was carried out with the aim of securing Australia. The problem is that Australia ratified the 1951 Refugees conference. The essence of PNG Solutions is individuals or groups who come to Australia who can pass Australia, and without a visa and a clear identity are not allowed into Australia and will be sent in Papua New Guinea. Australia's national interests can hurt ratified conventions. This study uses a qualitative method using secondary resources, and analysis uses the concept of securitization and uses Barry Buzan's research in his book People, State, and Fear. Then the policy analysis is taken by Prime Minister Rudd by using the Bureaucratic Model due to bargaining in Australia's domestic politics. Keywords: PNG Solutions, Asylum Seeker, Australia’s Foreign Policy

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 1393-1402
Matheus M.G. Rumbiak ◽  
Akhmad Fauzi ◽  
Dedi B. Hakim ◽  
Lala M. Kolopaking

The border area of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea is one of the border areas of Indonesia which has complex characteristics. Apart from differences in geographical conditions, this border region also has characteristics of customary territories that are not owned by other border areas in Indonesia. This complexity causes high variations in the performance of regional or district development in the RI-PNG border area. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of sustainable regional development through the PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Methods for Enrichment Evaluation) method. The results of the analysis show that areas that tend to be open with access to other areas in Indonesia such as Merauke and Jayapura tend to have better performance than other border areas. These results can be used as lessons learned in sustainable regional development planning in other border areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-95
Hasan Hamzah Lubis

Islam is a religion that commands its adherents to always do good, not to damage or even kill other people, but slanted news about Islam is always decorated by irresponsible people; they say Islam is a religion of terrorism and a religion full of violence. Referring to this, the researcher will thoroughly explore the STAI As-Sunnah strategy in countering radicalism, as well as formulate the supporting and inhibiting factors of the strategy. This research is a field research with a descriptive qualitative method carried out at STAI As-Sunnah, the source of data researchers absorb from the head of STAI As-Sunnah, assistant chairman 1 in the field of education, assistant chairman 3 in the field of student affairs, as well as the sections they supervise and the institutions that in collaboration with STAI As-Sunnah. Data collection methods used by researchers are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis and processing was carried out in three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of this research explain that the strategies adopted by STAI As-Sunnah are academic and non-academic strategies. The supporting factors for the strategy are: the vision and mission of STAI As-Sunnah, a conducive environment for STAI As-Sunnah, the appointment of lecturers and students and the boarding school system; As for the barrier factors, namely: communication and print media, living environment, family life and school of origin of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 392-410
M Rizkoni Salis

The purpose of this study was to determine the kyai leadership style in developing the majelis taklim Islamic Boarding School Ar-Rahmah Sleman Yogyakarta. This study uses a qualitative method using descriptive analysis. At the same time, this type of research approach is a case study or field research oriented towards collecting data in the field. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation and interviews. The observation is used to determine the ongoing program of activities, leadership styles and activities with members of the majelis taklim. At the same time, interviews were conducted with 20 informants from the board of foundations and members of the majelis taklim. The results showed that the Kyai leadership style in developing the majelis taklim Islamic Boarding School Ar-Rahmah Sleman Yogyakarta uses a democratic leadership style with indicators that include: The leader makes plans together with members, evaluates ongoing programs, decision making is carried out based on deliberation, respecting the ability or potential of members, the familiarity of the leader with the members without any distance like siblings, having good communication, being able to provide motivation, provide protection, input, guidance, and direction to members to carry out their duties better.

Nur Aedah ◽  
Muhamad Muchsin

This study aims to examine and analyze the implementation of cross-border policies that occur in the Border Region of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea, inhibiting and supporting factors of cross-border problems, Efforts to resolve cross-border problems. This research was conducted in a descriptive qualitative form with a cas approach. Implementation of Transboundary Policy of the Republic of Indonesia – Papua New Guinea. The implementation of the Transboundary Policy of the Republic of Indonesia – Papua New Guinea in Skofro Village has not been implemented properly. Inhibiting and supporting factors, this shows that there are still many problems and obstacles related to Cross Borders. Lack of infrastructure and there are still many people in Skofro Village who do not have a Cross-Border Pass Card. The immigration office makes it easy to arrange a Cross-Border Pass Card. Efforts to resolve cross-border problems are by approaching community leaders, youth leaders, religious leaders, and traditional leaders to provide understanding regarding the rules of Cross-Border Affairs. Providing infrastructure such as Integrated Posts and Providing supporting documents (Passport Cross Borders) to cross the Borders of the Republic of Indonesia – Papua New Guinea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Heni Batara Maya ◽  
Mohammad Kemal Dermawan ◽  
Vinitia Susanti

AbstractThis paper describes the need for an effective preventive model in preventing the smuggling of marijuana in the Indonesia- Papua New Guinea land border area in Muara Tami District, Jayapura Papua. The model applied so far is an outward looking model where this model implements an integrated cross-border inspection, supervision and security. The unstructured interview approach and the Delphi method were used in this study so that accurate data was obtained that in practice, the current model used still did not look professional and integrated, namely between cross-border service officers, Police and defense, Ondoaffi. (traditional leaders), religious leaders and border communities in the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea region. In addition, the integration between Ministries / Institutions related to programs and budgets in order to prevent marijuana smuggling in the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border area in Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua Province is also still weak. The reason of people who choose to smuggle marijuana is because they do not feel guilty and think that it is a profitable job with a strong social network, the behavior that neutralizes themselves that carrying marijuana is not a crime. In addition, the existence of problems such as geographic, demographic and disturbance from armed crime     groups (OPM) that have not received serious action are also factors related to the above problems. Based on this background, this dissertation provides a strategic step, contained several policy recommendations that can strengthen this model so that it is expected to be maximized and more efficient than the previous model.Keywords: The Indonesian-Papua New Guinea Border Area, Rational considerations of profit and loss, Organized Crime, Social Networks, Neutralization and Delphi Methods, Marijuana Smuggling Crime Prevention Models

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Dušan Lužný

The study analyzes the place of religion in the national collective memory and the changes that have taken place in the field of religion in connection with the modernization and emergence of modern nationstates in India and Papua New Guinea (PNG). In the case of PNG, we look at the place of Christianization in the process of modernization, while in the case of India, we analyze the use of Hinduism in the process of forming national identity. Both cases are analyzed with the use of selected cases of material culture in specific localities and they show the ongoing struggle for the incorporation or segregation of original religious tradition into national identity. Both cases are analyzed on the basis of field research. In the case of India, we look at Bharat Mata Mandir in Haridwar, and in the case of Papua New Guinea, the tambaran building in the village of Kambot in East Sepik Province. While Bharat Mata Mandir demonstrates the modernization of tradition and the incorporation of religion into modern (originally secular) nationalism, the decline in tambaran houses is a result of Christianization and the modernization of PNG. The study shows that if there is a connection between religious memory and national memory (or national identity), the religious tradition is maintained or strengthened, whereas when religious memory and national memory are disconnected, religious memory is weakened in a modernizing society.

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