living environment
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Manami Yasuda ◽  

Disasters has been occurring frequently all over the world, and an increasing number of people have been forced to continue their evacuation life for a long time. In the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan, some people are still unable to return to their homes due to radioactive contamination and are forced to live as evacuees for long periods of time. It is considered a serious public health issue to keep mentality healthy under the stress of living after the disaster. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the factors that affect the sense of coherence (SOC), which is considered as the ability to cope with stress and maintain health, in residents who continue to live as evacuees after a large-scale disaster. The method was a self-administered questionnaire survey of 1,602 long-term evacuees in Japan. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted with the high and low SOC score groups as dependent variables in order to identify factors that predicted high and low SOC. The results showed that the SOC tended to decrease in the elderly and those with deteriorating mental health. On the other hand, those who were active in education and hobbies, and those who socialized with their neighbors and friends tended to have the higher SOC. In order to support residents who have been forced to continue living as evacuees for a long period of time, it is important to provide them with psychological and emotional support to prevent them from being emotionally overwhelmed, as well as living environment improvement and economic support. It was suggested that the promotion of resident-led activities that lead to mental relaxation and the introduction of stress reduction methods that can be easily adopted by residents are effective in maintaining mental health.

2022 ◽  
Vol 87 (791) ◽  
pp. 133-139
Hiroshi MORITA ◽  
Kimihiro HINO ◽  
Ikuho YAMADA ◽  
Hiroyuki USUI ◽  
Taku NOHARA ◽  

10.29007/sqq7 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Tich Thien Truong ◽  
Quoc Thien Pham ◽  
Kim Bang Tran

With people's health status according to statistics getting worse and worse, improving the quality of health is an inevitable need that many researchers are interested in. In addition to improving through eating, improving the living environment in homes and workplaces is also essential. Nowadays, many countries around the world have implemented many house models that apply natural ventilation instead of artificial air conditioning system, because natural wind is better and also feels more comfortable. Therefore, the study of controlled natural wind-catching architecture is necessary and consistent. Research in this field can help improve the living environment for people. The objective of the paper is to simulate ventilation solutions based on experience in construction works by finite volume method through ANSYS software to consider and evaluate the feasibility of these solutions. If the simulation results match or approximate the actual verified results, they can be applied to the improvement of natural ventilation structures to create a better indoor living environment, meeting the requirements of the environment. more comfortable diagnostics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Andreas Kannenberg ◽  
Arri R. Morris ◽  
Karl D. Hibler

IntroductionStudies with a powered prosthetic ankle-foot (PwrAF) found a reduction in sound knee loading compared to passive feet. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine whether anecdotal reports on reduced musculoskeletal pain and improved patient-reported mobility were isolated occurrences or reflect a common experience in PwrAF users.MethodsTwo hundred and fifty individuals with transtibial amputation (TTA) who had been fitted a PwrAF in the past were invited to an online survey on average sound knee, amputated side knee, and low-back pain assessed with numerical pain rating scales (NPRS), the PROMIS Pain Interference scale, and the PLUS-M for patient-reported mobility in the free-living environment. Subjects rated their current foot and recalled the ratings for their previous foot. Recalled scores were adjusted for recall bias by clinically meaningful amounts following published recommendations. Statistical comparisons were performed using Wilcoxon's signed rank test.ResultsForty-six subjects, all male, with unilateral TTA provided data suitable for analysis. Eighteen individuals (39%) were current PwrAF users, whereas 28 subjects (61%) had reverted to a passive foot. After adjustment for recall bias, current PwrAF users reported significantly less sound knee pain than they recalled for use of a passive foot (−0.5 NPRS, p = 0.036). Current PwrAF users who recalled sound knee pain ≥4 NPRS with a passive foot reported significant and clinically meaningful improvements in sound knee pain (−2.5 NPRS, p = 0.038) and amputated side knee pain (−3 NPRS, p = 0.042). Current PwrAF users also reported significant and clinically meaningful improvements in patient-reported mobility (+4.6 points PLUS-M, p = 0.016). Individuals who had abandoned the PwrAF did not recall any differences between the feet.DiscussionCurrent PwrAF users reported significant and clinically meaningful improvements in patient-reported prosthetic mobility as well as sound knee and amputated side knee pain compared to recalled mobility and pain with passive feet used previously. However, a substantial proportion of individuals who had been fitted such a foot in the past did not recall improvements and had reverted to passive feet. The identification of individuals with unilateral TTA who are likely to benefit from a PwrAF remains a clinical challenge and requires further research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 374
Xueying Zhou ◽  
Zhaoqiang Huang ◽  
Youchuan Wan ◽  
Bin Ni ◽  
Yalong Zhang ◽  

Water is an important factor in human survival and development. With the acceleration of urbanization, the problem of black and odorous water bodies has become increasingly prominent. It not only affects the living environment of residents in the city, but also threatens their diet and water quality. Therefore, the accurate monitoring and management of urban black and odorous water bodies is particularly important. At present, when researching water quality issues, the methods of fixed-point sampling and laboratory analysis are relatively mature, but the time and labor costs are relatively high. However, empirical models using spectral characteristics and different water quality parameters often lack universal applicability. In addition, a large number of studies on black and odorous water bodies are qualitative studies of water body types, and there are few spatially continuous quantitative analyses. Quantitative research on black and odorous waters is needed to identify the risk of health and environmental problems, as well as providing more accurate guidance on mitigation and treatment methods. In order to achieve this, a universal continuous black and odorous water index (CBOWI) is proposed that can classify waters based on evaluated parameters as well as quantitatively determine the degree of pollution and trends. The model of CBOWI is obtained by partial least squares machine learning through the parameters of the national black and odorous water classification standard. The fitting accuracy and monitoring accuracy of the model are 0.971 and 0.738, respectively. This method provides a new means to monitor black and odorous waters that can also help to improve decision-making and management.

Animals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Asja Ebinghaus ◽  
Katharina Matull ◽  
Ute Knierim ◽  
Silvia Ivemeyer

The affective state is an integrated aspect of farm animal welfare, which is understood as the animals’ perception of their living environment and of their internal biological functioning. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore animal-internal and external factors potentially influencing dairy cows’ affective state. For this purpose, qualitative behavior assessments (QBA) describing the animals’ body language were applied at herd level on 25 dairy farms. By means of principal component analysis (PCA), scores of PC1 (QBAscores) were determined for further analyses. From monthly milk recordings (MR) one year retrospectively, prevalences of udder and metabolic health impairments were calculated. Factors of housing, management, and human-animal contact were recorded via interviews and observations. A multivariable regression was calculated following a univariable preselection of factors. No associations were found between MR indicators and QBAscores. However, more positive QBAscores were associated with bedded cubicles or straw yards compared to raised cubicles, increased voluntary stockperson contact with the cows, and fixation of cows during main feeding times, the latter contributing to the explanatory model, but not being significant. These results underline the importance of lying comfort, positive human-animal relationship and reduction of competition during feeding for the well-being of dairy cows.

Владимир Владимирович Черемисин ◽  
Виктор Филиппович Томилин

В статье изложены результаты полевых социологических исследований по проблемам оценки горожанами градостроительных проблем и городской среды в г. Тамбове в 2008 и 2020 гг. Показано, что количественный состав жителей г. Тамбова в последние 30 лет остается стабильным, при возросшем жилищном фонде за это время на 1 жителя с 14,1 м до 29,6 м. Из 75 городов России г. Тамбов находится, на основании мнений тамбовчан, на 36-м месте по качеству жизни. Актуальность статьи обусловлена научным интересом к проблеме взаимодействия горожан со средой обитания и формирования комфортной городской среды. Целью статьи является срез субъективного мнения горожан о градостроительных проблемах и условиях формирования оптимальной среды проживания. По результатам опросов установлены основные негативные факторы городской среды, в частности, плохая экология, отсутствие благоустройства. Названы предпочитаемые и нежелательные районы города для проживания. На основе ответов респондентов сформирован «социальный заказ» по оптимизации городской среды, решению градостроительных проблем. Показано, что приобщение населения к решению городских проблем повышает социальную ответственность горожан за создание комфортной среды проживания. На основании эмпирического исследования делается вывод о том, что для создания благоприятной городской среды обитания в самих горожанах должны появиться градостроительное сознание и культура с человеческим измерением. The paper presents the results of field sociological research on the problems of assessing urban planning problems and urban environment in Tambov in 2008 and 2020. The research shows that the quantitative composition of Tambov inhabitants in the last 30 years remains stable, but the housing stock during this time increased from 14.1 m to 29.6 m per inhabitant. Tambov is ranked 36th out of 75 cities in Russia in terms of quality of life according to the opinions of Tambov residents. The relevance of the publication is due to the scientific interest in the sphere of interaction of citizens with the environment and comfortable urban environment formation. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the subjective opinion of residents about urban planning problems and the conditions of optimal living environment formation. Based on the results of the polls the main negative factors of the urban environment were identified, in particular, poor ecology, lack of landscaping. Preferred and undesirable areas of the city for living have been named. Based on the respondents' answers, a “social order” was formed to optimize the urban environment and solve urban planning problems. The authors suggest that involving the citizens in solving urban problems increases their social responsibility for creating a comfortable living environment. The empirical research allows us to think that in order to create a favorable urban environment, urban planning consciousness and culture with a human dimension must appear among townspeople. In this article according to sociological surveys, we have broadly subjectively revealed and assessed the quality of life of respondents in the non-production fixed assets of social consumption in Tambov.

Jacek K Urbanek ◽  
David L Roth ◽  
Marta Karas ◽  
Amal A Wanigatunga ◽  
Christine M Mitchell ◽  

Abstract Background Wearable devices have become widespread in research applications, yet evidence on whether they are superior to structured clinic-based assessments is sparse. In this manuscript, we compare traditional, lab-based metrics of mobility with a novel accelerometry-based measure of free-living gait cadence for predicting fall rates. Methods Using negative binomial regression, we compared traditional in-clinic measures of mobility (6-minute gait cadence, speed, and distance, and 4-meter gait speed) with free-living gait cadence from wearable accelerometers in predicting fall rates. Accelerometry data were collected with wrist-worn Actigraphs (GT9X) over 7 days in 432 community-dwelling older adults (aged 77.29±5.46 yrs, 59.1% men, 80.2% White) participating in the Study to Understand Fall Reduction and Vitamin D in You (STURDY). Falls were ascertained using monthly calendars, quarterly contacts, and ad-hoc telephone reports. Accelerometry-based free-living gait cadence was estimated with the Adaptive Empirical Pattern Transformation algorithm. Results Across all participants, free-living cadence was significantly related to fall rates; every 10 steps/min. higher cadence was associated with a 13.2% lower fall rate (p=0.036). Clinic-based measures of mobility were not related to falls (p>0.05). Among higher-functioning participants (cadence ≥100 steps/min.), every 10 steps/min higher free-living cadence was associated with a 27.7% lower fall rate (p=0.01). In participants with slow baseline gait (gait speed <0.8 m/s), all metrics were significantly associated with fall rates. Conclusion Data collected from biosensors in the free-living environment may provide a more sensitive indicator of fall risk than in-clinic tests, especially among higher functioning older adults who may be more responsive to intervention.

R. Lambarki ◽  
E. Achbab ◽  
M. Maanan ◽  
H. Rhinane

Abstract. Accelerated urban growth has affected many of the planet's natural processes. In cities, most of the surface is covered with asphalt and cement, which has changed the water and air cycles. To restore the balance of urban ecosystems, cities must find the means to create green spaces in an increasingly gray world. Green spaces provide the city and its inhabitants a better living environment. This article uses Nador city as a case study area, this project consists in studying the possibility for the roofs to receive vegetation. The first axis of this project is the quantification of the current vegetation cover at ground level by calculating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) based on Satellite images Landsat 8, then the classification of the LiDAR point cloud, and the generation of a digital surface model (DSM) of the urban area. This type of derived data was used as the basis for the various stages of estimating the potential plant cover at the roof level. In order to study the different possible scenarios, a set of criteria was applied, such as the minimum roof area, the inclination and the duration of the sunshine on the roof, which is calculated using the linear model of angstrom Prescott based on solar radiation. The study shows that in the most conservative scenario, 21771 suitable buildings that had to be redeveloped into green roofs, with an appropriate surface area of 369.26Ha allowing a 63,40% increase in the city's green space by compared to the current state contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and urban comfort. The average budget for the installation of green roofs in a building with a surface area of 100 m2 varies between 60000dh and 170000dh depending on the type of green roofs used, extensive or intensive. These results would enable planners and researchers in green architecture sciences to carry out more detailed planning analyzes.

Ivan M. Gryshchenko ◽  
Liudmyla M. Hanushchak-Yefimenko ◽  
Valeriia G. Scherbak ◽  
Оleksii Yu. Volianyk

This study attempts to address the issues of enhancing energy efficiency using mathematical modeling methods. The research findings assert that energy saving is a new challenging task of the 21st century, since thermal and electric power consumption is essential to human life and building a favourable living environment. It is observed that boosting the competitiveness, financial stability, energy and environmental security of Ukraine’s economy, as well as improving the living standards and the life quality seem hardly possible without realizing the energy saving potential and increasing energy efficiency through modernization, technological advancements and the transition towards rational and environmentally responsible utilization of energy resources. It is argued that by resolving the above objectives, Ukraine might strengthen its positions among developed economies. The following methods were used to carry out mathematical modeling to enhance the university energy efficiency in the frameworks of the energy knowledge hub: neural network technologies, mean absolute and relative error, mean absolute deviation; statistical comparison of the forecast accuracy based on the mean absolute error, as well as time series forecasting. A model to boost the University energy efficiency has been developed within the knowledge energy hub by implementing neural network patterns based on the experimental data from the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design for the heating period 2020–2021. In particular, to optimize the operating modes of automatic power supply control for University Building 4, mathematical models with a complex algorithm structure have been employed (offering the increased resource intensity of such tasks). It is argued that making a decision on the feasibility of using an energy hub for University buildings and selecting appropriate equipment should be accomplished with due regard to the structure and the capacity of energy consumers, their types, demands for quality and reliability of electric power supply, their compliance with operating and safety standards, as well as taking into account the results of climate, wind monitoring and monitoring of solar activity. The conclusions resume that to assure the energy quality and the system sustainability, it is considered important to resolve a range of issues related to inconsistency in generation and supply of renewable energy from power plants, ensuring reliability and quality of energy supply through the use of energy storage (batteries) in particular, etc.).

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