Epigram ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob ◽  
Ahmad Nusi ◽  
Hindri Febri Ana Sari

ABSTRACT This present research conducted in Civil Engineering Department and reports the implementation of Suggestopedia Learning Method in developing students’ writing ability. The objective of the research was to find out whether or not the first semester of TKJJ Study Program in Civil Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Ambon can develop their writing ability through Suggestopedia Learning Method. A quasi-experimental design as a part a quantitative research employed in this study. The dates obtained through the Pretest and Posttest. The sample was using cluster random sampling. Based on the result of observation, it concluded that: The result of the data analysis showed that the teaching through suggestopedia improved significantly the writing ability of the first semester of TKJJ Study Program in Civil Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Ambon. It was proved by the mean score on pretest was 47.077 and the posttest was 79.35. In addition, after analyzing the data by using the test formula, the result of t-test value was 3.746 and t-table value 1,684. It means that the t-test value was greater than t-table value it indicated that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejecting. Therefore, the hypothesis of the research is the students’ writing ability that was taught through Suggestopedia Learning Method was better than the students who were taught through conversation method.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-65
Sri Hastuti -

Writing is one of the English skills needed by engineering students to express their knowledge and skill relating to their major. Based on the researcher’s teaching experience, students still have low ability in writing. In this research, the researcher made an effort to improve their descriptive writing text in an engineering context. The aim was to increase their ability to make descriptive text using Genre Based Approach. The research was carried out in the Road and Bridge Planning Study Program in the Civil Engineering Department of a Polytechnic in Indonesia. The sample included the students of the study program. The design of the research was the Pre Test-Post Test Design. The result shows that the students’ writing ability can be increased by applying the GBA teaching procedure with adjustment to their major and level of English capability. This strategy can be used as an alternative to improve students’ ability to make descriptive texts in an engineering context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 208

This Research is quantitative research. Data collection techniques In this study used a questionnaire with the number of respondents 80 students of Informatics Engineering FKTI Unmul Samarinda class of 2016. Analysis tools used was multiple linear regression. Based on the results of research with multiple linear regression obtained means there is a low influence between self-efficacy and entrepreneurship education on motivation to become a technopreneur. With the results of the T test between self-efficacy on motivation to become technopreneur which means there is a significant influence. While the results of the T test between entrepreneurship education on motivation to be a technopreneur means there was no significant effect. From the results of research conducted, researchers give advice to the Informatics Engineering Study Program, namely: 1) Improve the facilities and infrastructure of the classroom information engineering laboratory and supply library space to support student activities. 2) Reactivate activities such as industrial visits or field trips to startup company and create bazaar to show student new discovery. 3) Implement OJT (On The Job Training) activities through cooperation in technology-based companies such as Telkom or Indonesian Bank for Informatics Engineering students to improve students ' entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. 4) empowering and building a partnership with alumni information engineering student program in implementation of technology based entrepreneurship program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-251
Ni Nyoman Yuliantini ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Dewi Paramita ◽  
Evin Yudhi Setyono ◽  
Ni Ketut Suciani ◽  

English is one of the primary subject that was taught in Electronic Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bali, which includes speaking, writing and listening. Other than speaking, writing also become one of the most challenging subject in Electronic Engineering. To overcome the low writing skills of students and create pleasant learning atmosphere during the Covid 19 Pandemic, the authors want to try out learning method, namely Cooperative Learning Method with online media in the form of whatsapp. This research is a quantitative research with quasi experimental approach. The groups used in this study consist of two groups namely the experimental group using Whatsapp Cooperative Learning methods and the control grouos using the conventional method. The data collection technique in this study was in the form of a questionnaire and given to the students in both classes. From the data, it can be concluded that learning with the Whatsapp Cooperative Learning method is more effective to be used in teaching writing. It can be seen from the value of 2 of -2, 087 with Sig 0,037< 0,05 means that there is significant difference between the control class and the experimental class. This significant difference can be said as the result of the use of Whatsapp Cooperative Learning in class.

2021 ◽  
Suwarni La Usa

The problem of this research is whether the application of cooperative learning method is effective in reducing student’s anxiety in learning Math at grade VII at the topic of round numbers. The objective of the research is to know the effectiveness of cooperative learning in reducing student’s anxiety in learning Math at the topic of round numbers at grade VII SMP Negeri 1 Baubau. This research is descriptive quantitative by applying quasi experimental design. The sample taken consisted of 54 students which is each group consisted of 27 students. The instrument used in this research is test. The result of the research show that (1)The mean score of students learning in Math in experimental group before treatment is 56,48 with standard of deviation is 18,65 and after treatment is 83,70 with standard of deviation is 15,54. (2)The mean score of students learning in Math in control group before treatment is 56,67 with standard of deviation is 17,26 and after treatment is 73,51 with standard of deviation is 17,58. (3)Based on the mean score of students result in learning who is taught through those model of learning and seeing the result of statistic inferential of t test shows that learning through cooperative learning method is more effective to reduce students anxiety in learning Math.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Desma Yulia ◽  
Devi Liana Sari

Teacher-centered learning less than optimal impact on the lack of student motivation. In addition, students are also difficult to understand the learning material of teaching materials that have been provided so that students become less enthusiastic in receiving lessons. This study aims to reveal the students 'motivation on IPS Terpadu  subjects through CollaborativeLearning strategy and to know the of the differences in students' motivation Experimental Class and ControlClass in junior IT UlilAlbab Batam. This research is a quantitative research with Quasi-Experimental Design approach. The subjects were students of class VIIa as a Class Experiment, totaling 32 students and Class VIIb as a Class control totaling 32 students. The sampling is using random sampel.Data obtained from the test results questionnaire were analyzed using the average difference test (T-Test). The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences on the students motivation in the Experimental Class Kata kunci: Strategi Collaborative Learning, students motivation, social sciences. Berpusat pada guru belajar kurang dari dampak yang optimal pada kurangnya motivasi siswa. Selain itu, siswa juga sulit untuk memahami materi pembelajaran bahan ajar yang telah disediakan sehingga siswa menjadi kurang antusias dalam menerima pelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan motivasi pada mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu melalui strategi CollaborativeLearning dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan di siswa siswa motivasi Kelas Eksperimental dan ControlClass di SMP IT UlilAlbab Batam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Desain Quasi-Eksperimental. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIIA sebagai Eksperimen Kelas, berjumlah 32 siswa dan kelas VIIB sebagai kontrol Kelas berjumlah 32 siswa. sampling menggunakan sampel.Data acak yang diperoleh dari hasil uji kuesioner yang dianalisis menggunakan uji perbedaan rata-rata (T-Test). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada motivasi siswa di Kelas Eksperimental dan Kontrol.Kata kunci: Strategi Collaborative Learning, Motivasi Belajar, IPS Terpadu.

Sulmi Magfirah

Abstract. Blended learning is a learning model that lecturers can apply to optimize the learning outcomes. This study, entitled "The Effectiveness of Blended Learning to Increase Student Motivation" aims to determine the extent of the effectiveness of Blended Learning in increasing the learning motivation on the first semester students of the English Literature Study Program at Khairun University. This research was carried out at the English Literature Study Program a quasi-experimental study designed on using the non-equivalent control group design. A total of 50 on the first semester students were sampled in this study. The sample was divided into 2 classes, experimental class used blended learning and the control class used face-to-face learning, each consisted of 25 students. The learning motivation questionnaire was used as the instrument in collecting the data related to students learning motivation. The results showed that there were significant differences between students learning motivation in the experimental class and students in the control class after had been given different treatments. The researcher also found that the application of Blended Learning was effective in increasing the learning motivation of the first semester students of English Literature Study Program at Khairun University.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Diah Hany Hany Retnosari ◽  
Musaadatul Fithriyah

Abstract: This research discusses the effectiveness of the Gallery Walk learning method in improving the learning outcomes of Hajj fiqh. ThisIresearchIis motivatedUbyItheIlowEstudentIlearningIoutcomes of class V. The problem formulation inIthisIstudyIisIHowIis theIapplicationIofIthe Gallery Walk method in the subject of Hajj fiqh in MI Fathul Huda class? In class V MI Fathul Huda ?. This study uses quantitative research, using a Noniquivalent Control_Group Desig_Experiment research design. The sample in this research is VB and VA grade students, amounting to 40 students. Data collection techniques and instruments: (1) Interview, (2) Test of learning outcomes, (3) Documentation. To find out student learningIoutcomesIusingIpre-test and post-test questions. The instrument, before being used in the study, was first validated and reliably. After that, the hypothesis test uses the t-test is the Independent Sample T-Test. TheIresultsIofIthisIstudyAindicateI"the effectiveness of the Gallery Wak method in improving student learning outcomes," thisIisIevidencedIbyItheIresultsIof the significance of 0,000 <0.05 and the average learning outcomes before using the Gallery Walk learning method 48,75 and after using the Gallery learning method Walk to 80.5. BasedIonItheseIresultsIitAcanIbeIconcludedIthatIthe implementation of the Gallery Walk method of learning outcomes of Hajj fiqh material in class V MI Fathul Huda

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  
Nina Kälberer ◽  
Cornelia Böhmer ◽  
Katrin Tschirpke ◽  
Brigitte Petendra ◽  
Eva Maria Beck-Meuth

This paper reports the concept of a preparatory mathematics course for non-traditional students in electrical engineering, and its evaluation. The blended-learning course is part of the initial study phase smoothing the transition to learning at university level. The instructional design of the preparatory course is aligned with that of the Bachelor’s study program. However, it takes place prior to the beginning of the first semester. The initial phase additionally encompasses the whole first semester with different courses meant to help students getting ready for studying. Prospective students indicated that they needed to refresh their knowledge in mathematics. Thus, a preparatory mathematics course was given priority. This course serves several purposes: Students get an impression of the requirements in mathematics necessary for the study program; they refresh their basic knowledge; they make themselves familiar with self-organized learning and the blended-learning concept of the program. Design and implementation were evaluated with a questionnaire at the end of the course and after the first semester. The results show that the course is an appropriate instrument prior to engineering studies in order to prepare and support non-traditional students. In the conclusions potential for improvement is identified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Dwi Cahyani ◽  
Rohmatus Syafi’ah

The lack of the cognitive learning on the material of building is background of this research. It is proved of almost students that getting of lower score in criteria completeness of minimum (KKM). One of alternative solution from this problem is apply of contextual approach with REACT strategy. The purpose of this research to describe there is any influence between contextual approach and REACT strategy for the result of lesson special on building material. This research is quantitative research design with quasi experimental. The research show that there is any influence between contextual approach and REACT strategy for the cognitive learning. The analysis of data t-test show that score Sig.(2-tailed) < 0,05 is 0,000 < 0,05.Keywords: contextual approach, react strategy, cognitive learning, building space

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Wahyu Purwaning Warastuti ◽  
Husaini Usman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja guru SMK sebagai pendidik, pengajar, pembimbing, pengarah, pelatih, penilai dan pengevaluasi pada program keahlian Teknik Bangunan di DIY. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan variabel kinerja guru dan subvariabel: pendidik, pengajar, pembimbing, pengarah, pelatih, penilai, dan pengevaluasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah para guru SMK Negeri di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta untuk kompetensi keahlian teknik bangunan sejumlah 115 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tertutup dengan 4 pilihan jawaban yang dijaring melalui pendapat para guru. Uji coba validasi instrumen dilakukan dengan analisis butir dan reliabilitas dihitung menggunakan formula Alpha dari Cronbach. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja guru SMK program keahlian Teknik Bangunan di DIY secara keseluruhan memiliki tingkat kinerja yang cukup tinggi. Rerata kinerja guru secara keseluruhan 74.09 dengan rentang skor 26 – 104. Kinerja guru sebagai pendidik memiliki tingkat kinerja yang tinggi, sebagai pengajar memiliki tingkat kinerja cukup tinggi, sebagai pembimbing memiliki tingkat kinerja cukup tinggi, sebagai pengarah memiliki tingkat kinerja yang tinggi, sebagai pelatih memiliki tingkat kinerja cukup tinggi, sebagai penilai memiliki tingkat kinerja cukup tinggi dan sebagai pengevaluasi memiliki tingkat kinerja cukup tinggi. THE TEACHING PERFORMANCE OF THE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS TEACHERS, DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING IN YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL TERRITORY (DIY)AbstractThe Objective of this research is to know the teaching performance of the teachers of Civil Engineering department in DIY as educator, and teacher, and guide, and director, and coach, and assesor, and evaluator.This was descriptive quantitative research by using teacher’s performance as the variable and subvariables of teacher, instructoxr, guide, director, coach, assesor and evaluator. The populations of the study were 115 teachers of vocational high school in DIY. The teacher have expertise civil engineering. The data were collected by using closed question-naire with four respose choices given to the teachers. The validity of the instrumen was measured through item analysis, while the reability was measured by using Alpha Cronbach Formula.The results of the research show that the teaching performance of vocational school that the teaching performance of vocational school teachers of civil engineering departement in DIY totally have high criterion. The teaching performance was high criterion, teacher’s performance as an educator was have high criterion, teacher’s performance as a guide was have high criterion, teacher’s performance as a director was high criterion, teacher’s performance as a coach was have high criterion, teacher’s performance as an assesor was have high criterion, teacher’s performance as an evaluator was have criterion.

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