2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gennady Shmelev
Г. Смоляго ◽  
G. Smolyago ◽  
С. Дрокин ◽  
S. Drokin ◽  
А. Дронов ◽  

The use of expanded lightweight concrete for the production of building structures can significantly reduce the weight, which is important in the manufacture of hollow-core slabs; the weight is a significant proportion of the total load. In the current regulatory documents, the physical and mechanical properties of expanded lightweight concrete differ significantly, and sometimes contradict each other. The defects and damages of expanded lightweight concrete hollow-core slabs are described in the case of the kindergarten built near 50 years ago. They appeared during the manufacture of the slabs - uncompacted concrete and uncovered ribs, or in the course of exploitation of the building - normal cracking, holes for pipes and corrosion of reinforcement. Two slabs in emergency condition have numerous longitudinal and shear cracks and chips of concrete caused by overloading. The differences in normative documents and methods of calculations used at the time of designing the kindergarten building and at the present time are shown. The assessment of the technical condition of the expanded lightweight concrete hollow-core slabs considering defects and damages are carried out

2014 ◽  
Vol 899 ◽  
pp. 535-538 ◽  
Karel Kubečka ◽  
Pavel Vlček ◽  
Darja Kubečková

The paper introduces an alternative method for damage pricing on buildings in consequence of defects, failures and collapses. The method operates with time-independent price of the structure and following damage on the construction. Using risk analysis methods, the price is reduced depending on technical condition to proper damage and evaluation of the object, building or structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-50
S. Nikolenko ◽  
Svetlana Sazonova ◽  
N. Akamsina

The main damages in brick structures of buildings are considered. The purpose of the work is to analyze the results of a technical examination of the building structures of a residential building, with the subsequent development of proposals for their restoration and strengthening. The object of the study is the brick structures of the house. The process of organizing a technical survey of brick residential buildings, which allows to determine the procedure for collecting and storing data, is considered. Modern solutions for the restoration of building structures are proposed. The physical deterioration of the apartment building was determined and recommendations were given for the elimination of brickwork defects.

2014 ◽  
Vol 584-586 ◽  
pp. 1944-1950 ◽  
Tatiana Simankina ◽  
Olga Popova

This article discusses the application of mathematical simulation for planning the timing of repair of building structures according to their degree of physical deterioration. For the current study, 296 apartment buildings were selected from the housing stock in Archangelsk city, using neural network Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs). Optimal clustering of selected housing was achieved using special Deductor platforms to define 16 housing clusters with maximum difference but high internal similarity. For more detailed scheduling of building overhaul and running repairs, selected clusters were divided into 4 model-groups that needed the same repairs in similar time frames. Integration of the particular characteristics of each group created a framework for calculating the capital investments for each model group, with specific payments identified for each cluster.

T.T. Bolotov ◽  
T.B. Bekbolotov

This article contains a survey of the building in a. Sary-Bulak. A detailed visual examination of the object of study, an assessment of the technical condition of the main loadbearing building structures of the building, an analysis of the causes of defects and damage, and preliminary installation of the technical condition category were carried out. As a result of the survey, design recommendations, measures for the restoration or strengthening of building structures were developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Ольга Хрянина ◽  
Ol'ga Hryanina ◽  
Мария Колесникова ◽  
Maria Kolesnikova

The authors carried out the study of raw materials and their analysis, which allowed to identify the engineering-geological conditions of the construction site and outline the program of scientific and survey works. Full-scale and instrumental examination of the technical condition of the bearing and enclosing structures of the building. It is established that the building structures during operation have not received deformations that prevent normal operating conditions and are currently in satisfactory condition. The strength of concrete Foundation organoleptic and instrumental methods, which showed compliance with the design values. Analysis of verification calculations of the base, a satisfactory condition of the building structures showed that the structural solution of the coating can be changed and performed in kind without strengthening the existing foundations.

ScienceRise ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2 (25)) ◽  
pp. 14
Олександр Олександрович Терентьєв ◽  
Олександр Борисович Полторак

D. Karpov

the algorithm of complex diagnostics of a technical condition of building constructions and structures on the analysis of thermograms is offered. An attempt is made to systematize and logically build a sequence of stages of energy inspection of heat-consuming and heat-generating construction projects and their structural elements. The presented algorithm includes the main stages performed in such surveys. It differs from the known technologies of energy monitoring of buildings and structures by the presence of two additional stages, which are an integral part of any energy survey: determination of the relative surface humidity of building structures and the actual mass flow of coolant through the heating device for the analysis of thermal images. The implementation of energy (thermal imaging) and technical inspections according to the presented structural scheme requires not only the presence of appropriate instrumentation and measurement base, but also the involvement of highly qualified specialists (civil engineers, thermal power engineers, thermal physicists, operators-thermographers, etc.).

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 70-75 ◽  
A.A. Smorchkov ◽  
S.A. Kereb ◽  
D.A. Orlov ◽  
K.O. Baranovskaya

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