scholarly journals Problem długu publicznego w państwach Unii Gospodarczej i Walutowej

Izabela Zawiślińska

Public debt and the increasing indebtedness of states is not a new phenomenon even in the context of bankruptcy of state. In the past we have already experienced internal and external state insolvency. What causes today’s increase in preoccupation with external bankruptcy, except for global dimension of debt, is a change in its structure. An increasing number of states uses foreign debt to finance budget and trade imbalances. This tendency is observed among developing as well as developed states, including Economic and Monetary Union member states. The increase in external debt is in large part caused by privet debt which in certain circumstances is transferred to state. The level of total external debt of many Euro Zone member states in relation to GDP is much higher than the level of public debt. These are the reasons that justify the fear for the future of Euro Zone after bankruptcy of some of the member states. What increases the level of fear is the fact that the actions undertaken by European Union and EMU do not cause expected results and therefore cannot be judged positively. Paradoxically, some of them have only political and PR dimensions. Politicians may brag about their resolve to defend the once adopted solutions and markets may remain in their illusion that the present situation is only temporary. How long will it last? Last actions seem to be just a game designed to gain some more time to prepare different solutions such as fundamental and subjective restructuring of Euro Zone and – who knows? – maybe even of the European integration as such. The words of European Central Bank president Mario Draghi (August 2, 2012) stressing the fact that there’s no turning back from the Euro and that he is going to defend the common currency need to be understood in that context. The belief in the solidarity of states and optimistic outlook for the future should not result in such dramatic and desperate words.

Heather Dyke

Perhaps the most important dispute in the metaphysics of time is over the passage of time. There are two basic metaphysical theories of time in this dispute. There is the A-theory of time, according to which the common sense distinction between the past, present and future reflects a real ontological distinction, and time is dynamic: what was future, is now present and will be past. Then there is the B-theory of time, according to which there is no ontological distinction between past, present and future. The fact that we draw this distinction in ordinary life is a reflection of our perspective on temporal reality, rather than a reflection of the nature of time itself. A corollary of denying that there is a distinction between past, present and future is that time is not dynamic in the way just described. The A-theory is also variously referred to as the tensed theory, or the dynamic theory of time. The B-theory is also referred to as the tenseless theory, or the static, or block universe theory of time. The A-theory comes in various forms, which take differing positions on the ontological status granted to the past, present and future. According to some versions, events in the past, present and future are all real, but what distinguishes them is their possession of the property of pastness, presentness or futurity. A variation of this view is that events are less real the more distantly past or future they are. Others hold that only the past and present are real; the future has yet to come into existence. Still others, presentists, hold that only the present is real. Events in the past did exist, but exist no longer, and events in the future will exist, but do not yet exist. According to the B-theory, all events, no matter when they occur, are equally real. The temporal location of an event has no effect on its ontological status, just as the spatial location of an event has no effect on its ontological status, although this analogy is controversial. The A-theory has a greater claim to being the theory that reflects the common sense view about time. Consequently, the burden of proof is often thought to be on the B-theorist. If we are to give up the theory of time most closely aligned with common sense, it is argued, there must be overwhelming reasons for doing so. However, the A-theory is not without its problems. McTaggart put forward an argument that an objective passage of time would be incoherent, so any theory that requires one cannot be true. The A-theory also appears to be, prima facie, inconsistent with the special theory of relativity, a well-confirmed scientific theory. Although the B-theory is less in line with common sense than the A-theory, it is more in line with scientific thinking about time. According to the special theory of relativity, time is but one dimension of a four-dimensional entity called spacetime. The B-theory sees time as very similar to space, so it naturally lends itself to this view. However, it faces the problem of reconciling itself with our ordinary experience of time. Because the two theories about time are mutually exclusive, and are also thought to exhaust the possible range of metaphysical theories of time, arguments in favour of one theory often take the form of arguments against the other theory. If there is a good reason for thinking that the A-theory of time is false, then that is equally a good reason for thinking that the B-theory of time is true, and vice versa.

2008 ◽  
Vol 102 (4) ◽  
pp. 768-827 ◽  
James L. Cavallaro ◽  
Stephanie Erin Brewer

Over the past few decades, regional human rights tribunals have grown in both number and activity. The European Court of Human Rights (European Court or ECHR) now receives tens of thousands of petitions and issues over fifteen hundred judgments on the merits each year. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights recently tripled the number of cases that it resolves annually. At the time of this writing, in mid-2008, Africa’s own regional human rights court, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, prepares to begin hearing its first contentious cases. Currently, sixty-eight states are subject to the decisions of the two established regional courts (forty-seven in Europe and twenty-one in the Americas), up from less than half that number twenty years ago. In the nascent African system, twenty-four African Union member states have ratified the Protocol establishing the African Court, with an additional twenty-five signatory states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-85
Dmitry V. Ivanov ◽  
Maria M. Levina

The article is focused on the study of the legal possibilities of restricting labor migration flows within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter – the EAEU, the Union). Taking into account the fact that the deepening of the economic integration between the EAEU’s member states (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia) also largely depends on the efficient operation of the common labor market, it is especially relevant to ensure that legislative measures aimed at overcoming the negative consequences of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) fully correspond to the legal conditions for its development. The analysis carried out by the authors is based on a two-level system of studying the relevant legal norms – the level of international treaties and acts that constitute the law of the EAEU, and the level of national legislation of the Union member states. Although Section XXVI of the Treaty on the EAEU secures the freedom of movement of labor in the Eurasian space, the norms of this agreement, however, provide for the possibility of introducing certain restrictions on admission to the common labor market of citizens of the Union member states. In view of the fact that the relevant provisions of the EAEU law were widely tested in practice in 2020, the authors consider them through the prism of those anti-crisis and stabilization measures that have been taken by the states in connection with the threat of further spread of the new infection. At the same time, the imposed restrictions are to be examined in this work with the use of a comparative method of analysis: to what extent the regulation of the legal status of citizens of the Union member states in the territories of the host state has been changed in the national legislation of the Union countries. In the final part of the present article, the authors assess the legal compliance of the taken measures with the statutory goals of the EAEU, as well as review the current problems in the further development of an agreed and effective system for regulating migration processes, given the actions of states to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
Vlasta Jalušič

Reinhard Koselleck has long been regarded as a particularly eminent theorist of socio-political concepts, while Hannah Arendt had not been in focus as a conceptual author until recent times. This article explores the common thinking space between Arendt and Koselleck through their thesis about the gap, rupture, crisis, or break in the tradition of political thinking and historical periods and how this is linked to their notion of conceptuality, i.e. Begreifen (understanding). Despite the impression that each of them focused on the one main break between the past and the future, Arendt and Koselleck both studied multiple breaks and crises in the Western political tradition. The article attempts to show how their distinctive thinking and rethinking of political concepts (Begreifen) are related to these breaks through several direct and indirect encounters and how these are both close and apart at the same time. While they have different concepts of politics and the political, their understanding of the breaks in time and crises can be read as complementary, especially considering their concern with returning the responsibility for actions and concepts to the human sphere.

1969 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-151 ◽  
David Wheatley

Dr David Wheatley discusses the variations of individual sleep requirements, and classifies five main causes of insomnia: physical, physiological, psychological, iatrical and idiopathic. The various aspects of treatment are discussed and the use of sedative drugs illustrated. Dr Ian Oswald describes the two types of sleep, paradoxical and orthodox, and the effects of drugs upon them. He emphasizes the fact that all the common drugs of dependence suppress paradoxical sleep. Professor H Hediger considers the sleep patterns in the animal world and shows how these are adapted to the survival of individual species. Appreciation of the past and the future, which animals do not possess, may be a factor in human sleep disturbances.

It has been two years since the European migrant crisis. In autumn 2015, Europe was flooded by a refugee wave that people neither expected nor imagined. It was a surprise in every way. Modern technology, reputable institutions, and leading global experts from different fields did not anticipate what happened. The European legal order, human rights, the Schengen regime, and the ideas of the West dissolved quickly and left people faced with a naked reality. Where are the refugees now, how many are there, and how do they feel? How did the refugee crisis affect the national security system and the common European defence and security policy? The media rarely reports on this now, two years later. Instead, there is much talk of terrorist attacks in European cities, the UK’s exit from the European Union, the US President, Donald Trump, and the Korean rockets that ruffle the Japanese sea. Years ago, Samuel P. Huntington wrote a book The Clash of Civilizations. It was published in Slovenia in 2005. His assumption was that the main reason for the clash of nations in the future would be their cultural and religious identity. He predicted that the greatest threat would be extreme terrorism. Different ideologies would be replaced by self-oriented individuals, who would no longer be concerned about the common good, but focused on themselves and their benefits. The absence of ideologies would be replaced by a return to ancient traditions. Responses to Huntington's work were very different; some were enthusiastic, others sceptical. We can, however, conclude that his theory, first presented in 1992, was confirmed in the case of the war in the Western Balkans. When the ideology of former Yugoslavia died, the nations and nationalities returned to their roots, which resulted in a war that claimed the lives of many people. Robert D. Kaplan also wrote about the fact that the Western Balkans is a crossroads of different cultures. The most famous of his works is Balkan Ghosts, in which Kaplan examines in detail the historical and cultural turbulence in the immediate neighbourhood of the cradle of Western civilization, which has been the driving force behind the development of the West for the past two thousand years. This issue of Contemporary Military Challenges is therefore interested in what is new on the Old Continent, emphasizing security, defence and the military. In his article Geostrategic Shifts in Contemporary Europe, Uroš Tovornik examines the geostrategic significance of the relationships between France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the countries that shaped the fate of Europe in the past. With the UK's decision to leave the European Union, the former classic geostrategic triangle can now turn into other decisive geostrategic links which could greatly change the Old Continent. József Kis Benedek writes about the consequences of events in North Africa and the Middle East. In the recent past, some authors have wondered whether the Arab Spring would be followed by Arab Winter; however, what followed was the European migrant crisis and the escalation of terrorist attacks in Europe. In his article Challenges Posed to the European Union by the Iraqi, Syrian and Libyan Crises, the author focuses on the participation of foreign fighters in crisis areas, coming from Europe to aid. Economic Intelligence: an Inevitable Choice is the title of an article written by Laris Gaiser. It stresses the urgent need for Slovenia to devote greater attention to this area in order to ensure greater benefits for its citizens. Slovenia has come a long way since 1991, but modern security guidelines stipulate that, besides classic tasks in the intelligence and security field, economic intelligence is also important. What is the situation in Slovenia and what else should we do? For several years, the Slovenian Armed Forces have been involved in the international operation and mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Slovenia is accompanied by many other European Union member states, ensuring peace and order in the country. How long will this go on, and how successful are the international security forces in the area? It is this and some other questions that the authors Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Johanna Suhonen and Kari Sainio try to answer in the article Assessing the Planning and Implementation of the EU Missions and Operations: Case Study of EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cybernetics, cyberspace and cyber attacks are commonly known terms of which much has been heard and read about recently. How well do we really know these terms? Is there a legal basis at the national level and how is this field regulated in the international environment? This is a challenge requiring strategic and concrete answers. One of the possible answers can be found in the article Legality of Low-Intensity Cyber Operations under International Law by Pika Šarf. Military aviation is an integral part of the modern armed forces. Slovenian military aviation is relatively young and has, in its short history, experienced several development phases, both in the field of aeronautics and in the organizational military sense. The quality of cooperation of Slovenian military pilots in international operations, missions, and international military exercises testifies that we are on the right track. But how to proceed? In his article, Characteristics of the Slovenian Armed Forces Air Force: Now and 20 Years in the future, the author Mitja Lipovšek refers to the idea that history is a debate of the past with the present for the future. We wish you an interesting read, and invite you to also participate as authors of articles.

2010 ◽  
Christiane Nickel ◽  
Philipp Rother ◽  
Lilli Zimmermann
The Past ◽  

Luís Filipe Cunha

This paper deals with the main similarities and differences that arise between past and future tenses. In particular, we argue that, while the propositions associated with past tenses are completely settled and their truth-value can be evaluated at the speech time, the propositions described by future tenses cannot be seen as true or false at the utterance time since these linguistic forms are ramifying, in that they typically point to a variety of inertia histories or inertia worlds. Nevertheless, if we consider more closely some particular tenses in European Portuguese – namely the Pretérito Imperfeito (Imperfect) and the Pretérito Perfeito do Indicativo (simple past), as representatives of the past tenses, and the Futuro Simples (simple future) and the structure ir (‘go’) + Infinitive, as representatives of the future ones, we conclude that there are also some important parallels across the two temporal domains. We claim that both the Imperfeito and the Futuro Simples merely locate the situations in a past or future interval, respectively, and that the final interpretation of the sentences in which they occur is the result of the interaction of their temporal characteristics with aspectual and modal features. The Pretérito Perfeito and the structure ir (‘go’) + Infinitive, on the other hand, share the common property of imposing an additional temporal boundary beyond which the eventualities cannot take place; as a result, aspectual effects and modal readings are much more conditioned and pure temporal interpretations – both in the past and in the future – become greatly predominant.

1856 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 285-312 ◽  
Capt. Newbold
The Past ◽  

Those who chance to sojourn in the land of the Pharaohs longer than tha ordinary run of travellers, and roam about the streets and environs of its large towns, can hardly fail to notice the strange appearance of certain females, whose features at once distinguish them from the ordinary Fellah Arabs and Copts of the country. In dress they differ little from the common Fellah females, the dark blue cotton tob being common to both; but they seldom wear the shintiyan (drawers), and are remarkable for going abroad without the burka, or veil. With the skin of a gazelle, or that of a sheep, thrown over their shoulders, they frequent the bazars and principal thoroughfares of the great towns, with unveiled faces bronzed by exposure, or stroll from village to village, occasionally calling out, in Arabic, in piercing but not unpleasing tones: “Come, ye that desire to foresee your destiny! the past and the future shall be revealed unto you;” or in shorter phrases, such as “Come and see your fortunes!” (Taali, taali, shuft el bakkt), &c.

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