Enhancement of environmental safety of oil-containing wastewater purification by pressure head flotation

A.A. Eskin ◽  
G.A. Zakharov ◽  
Ya.Yu. Blinovskaya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-82
N. E. Nikolaykina ◽  
N. I. Nikolaykin

It has been shown that with air transportation rise it is necessary to increase the efficiency of storm and wastewater purification from the territory of the airports and other air enterprises. It is suggested to use higher aquatic vegetation to protect the environment from airborne pollutants into natural water reservoirs. For further step of final cleanup it is proposed to use aquatic hyacinth – Eichornia. The rationalization for the plant selection is provided, its essential characteristics and the way for extracting pollutants out of the aquatic environment during the metabolism process are described. The technique of experiments on determining the effectiveness of biological wastewater purification within the conditions of the central part of the country is discussed in terms of Moscow region. The measurement results of suspended materials and petrochemicals concentrations in water before and after purification in sediment ponds are presented. The effectiveness of biological purification is shown. The possibility of using water hyacinth for purification of some superficial water reservoirs is also outlined. It is recommended all the year round to use protecting constructions (covers) in open purification plants, then under protected conditions metabolism processes can proceed in the rhizome, stems and foliage of the vegetation even in the autumn-winter period. It is proposed to recycle the used biomass for commercial purposes as a livestock fodder additive under the certain conditions that have been defined. The algorithm of preserving seedlings in the cold season and their subsequent planting in water reservoirs in spring is discussed. It is economically feasible to use biological final purification by aquatic hyacinth but observing the unusual environmental safety measures that have been formulated is required. Practicability of further prospective work on producing specialized ecosystems involving higher aquatic vegetation for nature-like integrated purification of certain types of wastewater was underlined.

2008 ◽  
Sofia R. Pannia ◽  
Christine M. Wekerle ◽  
Randy Waechter ◽  
Eman Leung ◽  
Maria M.N. Chen

Galyna Moroz

Purpose. The article is aimed at analyzing the general theoretical principles and the essential characteristics of legal restrictions in environmental law; defining category of “environmental legal restrictions”, their content, system and the status of the respective legislation. Methodology. The methodology consists in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of environmental legislation and formulating relevant conclusions on this basis. During the research, the following methods of scientific research were used: terminological, systemic and structural, comparative legal, structural and functional. Results. The objectively determined necessity of unconditional adherence to the legally established environmental requirements, prohibitions and restrictions as well as their potential scientifically substantiated enhancement in order to achieve environmentally significant goals oriented towards the priorities of sustainable development is substantiated. Restrictive mechanisms are scattered across statutory and regulatory acts of different legal force and even different branches of law, therefore, the need for their systematization and unification as well as generalization of the experience of their practical implementation in order to establish a comprehensive system of environmental restrictions is discussed. In our opinion, the conceptual basis and general essential characteristics of public environmental requirements and restrictions should be reflected in the future Environmental Code of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. In the course of the research, the author defines restrictions in environmental law as a specific sectoral imperative mechanism for regulating relations in the field of environmental safety, which consists in systematically introducing legislation on imperative provisions of environmental law as well as establishing specific legal regimes and mechanisms for their application and implementation. Practical significance. The main conclusions can be used in law-making and law-enforcing activities, as well as in further theoretical and legal research and in the educational process.

The main principle of the strategy for the complex improvement of the functioning of northern cities in winter, including their infrastructure development, is a comprehensive solution of the problem of industrial-scale snow-mass collection, removal and utilization at different areas of urban roadway networks. For its implementation in the capital of Russia, “MosvodokanalNIIproject” JSC developed in 2002 the Snow Removal Master Plan for the city of Moscow. The meteorological conditions in the city, which have changed considerably in the recent years, including the changes in the snow-cover depth and in the road-surface areas to be cleaned, as well as emerging of new technologies for the cleaning of urban streets, yards and sidewalks and some new types of deicing agents, resulted in the necessity to update the above-mentioned Snow Removal Master Plan developed for the city of Moscow. Efficient application of deicing agents is of special importance for its updating in the context of the environmental safety of the city in a winter period. The article considers the results of the implementation of the updated Snow Removal Master Plan and contains some proposals concerning snow removal under the conditions of extreme snowfalls.

Oleksandr Gryshchuk ◽  
Volodymyr Hladchenko ◽  
Uriy Overchenko

This article looks at some comparative statistics on the development and use of electric vehicles (hereinafter referred to as EM) as an example of sales and future sales forecasts for EM in countries that focus on environmental conservation. Examples of financial investments already underway and to be made in the near future by the largest automakers in the development and distribution of EM in the world are given. Steps are taken to improve the environmental situation in countries (for example, the prohibition of entry into the city center), the scientific and applied problem of improving the energy efficiency and environmental safety of the operation of wheeled vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the CTE). The basic and more widespread schemes of conversion of the internal combustion engine car (hereinafter -ICE) to the electric motor car (by replacing the gasoline or diesel electric motor), as well as the main requirements that must be observed for the safe use and operation of the electric vehicle. The problem is solved by justifying the feasibility of re-equipment of the KTZ by replacing the internal combustion engine with an electric motor. On the basis of the statistics collected by the State Automobile Transit Research Institute on the number of issued conclusions of scientific and technical expertise regarding the approval of the possibility of conversion of a car with an internal combustion engine (gasoline or diesel) to a car with an electric motor (electric vehicle), the conclusions on the feasibility of such conclusion were made. Keywords: electricvehicles, ecological safety, electricmotor, statistics provided, car, vehicle by replacing.

I.M. Volkov ◽  
М.S. Ryakhin ◽  
S.N. Belousov ◽  
V.V. Aleksandrova ◽  

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