Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrayiny
Latest Publications





Published By The State Enterprise - The State Road Transport Research Institute - SE SRTRI


Vasyl Redchenko

The information on emergency deterioration of the bridge span over the River Chortomlyk is presented. The analysis of the causes of this deteriortion is stated.

Volodymyr Fedorov ◽  
Halyna Filipova ◽  
Vasyl Yanovsky

High-quality military equipment is a vital necessity for the independent state of Ukraine, especially in the conditions of aggravation of the situation at the front. One of the parameters that determines the quality of military vehicles is the level of external noise. The external noise of this type of car, in addition to the negative impact on human health (including the crew), is also an unmasking factor. In order to reduce the level of external noise of SPAI “Bogdan” on the basis of the chassis KrAZ-63221, the use of an advanced two-chamber jet muffler of the exhaust gases of the internal combustion engine is proposed. The known two-chamber jet muffler of exhaust gases has a fixed internal partition. Its acoustic efficiency is described by a known formula. It is proposed to make the inner partition of the muffler movable. This need arises from the fact of constant changes in the speed of the engine crankshaft during the movement of the car. The change in the position of the inner partition is consistent with the change in the speed of the crankshaft, because these two processes are synchronized. The mathematical package IDL was used to analyze the known formula for the efficiency of a two-chamber jet exhaust muffler of an engine with a movable inner partition. Given the need to show the dependence of the efficiency of the muffler simultaneously on two parameters – the speed of the crankshaft and the position of the movable inner partition of the muffler – the method of color coding was chosen. The design of a two-chamber jet noise muffler developed for ACS “Bogdan” is given. As a result of introduction of the developed muffler noise reduction of level of external noise of the SPAI “Bogdan” on the basis of the chassis KrAZ-63221 car on 2–3,5 dBA in the range of speeds of movement of 45–85 km/h is forecasted.

Olexander Agarkov ◽  
Kostyantyn Shevchuk ◽  
Yurii Ivanyna

In previous articles on this topic [1-3] we examined the perspectives of application of power plants based on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) as auxiliary power plants as well as range extenders for heavy freight transport [1,2] and cars [3]: we considered experience of USA [1], Europe [2] and Japan [3]. We showed, that such kind of systems give opportunity to obtain electrical power from chemical energy of hydrocarbon fuel oxidation with record-high efficiency (much higher than competitive solutions) in order to supply on-board vehicle systems during stops of main engine, as well as to significantly extend the range of electrical vehicles by means of constant charge of batteries directly during motional and their discharge due to operation of electrical engine. In current manuscript, we examine the world first experience of SOFC power plant application as range extender for electrical buses. Group of Ceres Power (UK) and Weichai Power (China) companies executed a corresponding project. As a result of project execution system prototype with power output of 30 kW was developed and manufactured, tests on bus lines are planned to be executed in nearest future. The system examined in current manuscript is the most powerful in comparison to other systems studied in this set of manuscripts: 30 kW against 1.5 and 9 kW [1], 3 kW [2] as well as 5 kW [3] for systems examined in previous works. Examined system uses compressed natural gas (CNG) as a fuel; this hydrocarbon is very convenient one due to well-developed distribution network, ecological cleanness in comparison with more complex and heavy hydrocarbon mixtures. Application of low-temperature fuel cells (with proton-exchange membrane), which are more simple in manufacture, in automobile transport leads to the demand in development of hydrogen supply networks, which is not developed nowadays at all.

Liydmila Nagrebelna ◽  
Alla Kononenko

Route guidance tools have a significant impact on road safety on public roads, as they carry important information on route guidance: provide drivers with information on the location on a specified road, regularly confirm the planned direction of movement, timely inform road users about the change of specified route direction and indicate the distance to the final object. This is very important information for the driver and it is difficult to overestimate it in road safety. Timely informing of drivers on the route direction will allow them carrying out adjustments in advance and feel confident on the road. Ensuring the completeness of route guidance information prevents emergency braking of vehicles in the area of traffic junctions and violation of the maneuvering rules to make a turn / turnaround in the right direction, and such maneuvers lead to road accidents. The establishment of a uniform route guidance system will reduce the road accident level and the cost of transportation due to excessive mileage of vehicles in the case of wrong route and help the drivers freely and easily get to their destination. The main need for information is felt by the drivers of vehicles whose actions directly impact the road safety. This, in turn, determines the basic principles and requirements for the composition, placement and choice of information tools. During the trip, the drivers need the information that would allow them navigating freely on the roads when passing the selected route that will relieve the stress of drivers and reduce the probability of road accidents, as well as increase the capacity of roads. It helps the drivers to adjust the previously selected route taking into account the real traffic conditions during the trip thereby minimizing the time consumption. To navigate the roads during movement, the drivers need the information about streets, objects and directions. Such information is provided by information signs, with which the road network must be equipped in sufficient quantity. The information provision should differ depending on the settlements, public roads and traffic conditions. A comprehensive solution of the issue of quality information provision to the road users can be achieved only by establishing a uniform route guidance system for road users which will take into account the needs for information of different categories of road users.

Volodymyr Hladchenko

The article presents the results of the carried out road tests of a wheeled vehicle of category M1, which was re-equipment into a electromobile. The electromobile is equipped with a traction electric motor Balkankar DS 3.6/7.5/14, a power storage battery on lithium cells with a maximum voltage of 100.8 V and a capacity of 6.45 kW∙h. The traction motor control system is impulse with electronic power switches. As a result of the road tests carried out, the maximum speed of movement, the acceleration time on a given path, the acceleration time to the given speed, the “acceleration – coasting” speed characteristic were determined and acceleration was carried out in gears that ensure the maximum speed. Comparison of the results of theoretical and experimental studies testifies to the adequacy of the developed mathematical model and the initial data that form the basis for calculating the indicators of re-equipped wheeled vehicle into electromobile.

Volodymyr Goritsky ◽  
Serhii Kovalov ◽  
Oleksandr Zakrevsky

It is considered some prospects on the use of hydrogen as fuel for motor vehicles. Institutional, scientific and technological preconditions which facilitate enlarged application of hydrogen fuel are argued. It is briefly described the principal directions of theoretical investigation and also experimental works in this area.

2021 ◽  
pp. 10-18
Volodymyr Sakhno ◽  
Volodymyr Poliakov ◽  
Dmytro Yaschenko ◽  
Oleksii Korpach ◽  
Denis Popelysh

The safe movement of a car and a road train is largely determined by its braking properties. The nature of the movement of the road train is fundamentally different from the movement of a single car. The difference can be explained by the presence of additional forces arising in the articulation of the links of the vehicle, as well as forces and moments acting on its individual links and the movement of the vehicle as a whole. Their effect is especially noticeable when braking a road train, which may be accompanied by folding links and loss of stability of the vehicle. As a result of the study, the optimal values of the brake force distribution coefficients for a fully loaded articulated bus are obtained, which provide both high braking efficiency and the stability of the articulated bus (AВ) during braking. The coefficients are determined taking into account the design features of the brake mechanisms and their geometric dimensions, providing the required braking performance. For the selected values of the braking force distribution coefficients along the axes of the AВ and the coefficients that take into account the design features of the braking mechanisms and their geometric dimensions, the braking distance during braking by the main or working braking system and the spare one satisfy the requirements of regulatory documents. With the selected asynchronous response of the brake drives of the bus and trailer, the steady deceleration of the АВ is slightly less than the standard.

Tetiana Bondar ◽  
Olga Belenchuk ◽  
Yevhen Tepliuk ◽  
Oleksandr Pyna

Road safety management begins with a detailed analysis of accidents, which is reflected in Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic” which states that when performing repairs and maintenance of roads, streets and railway crossings road maintenance organizations in the first place should take measures for road safety on the basis of accounting and analysis of road accidents, results of inspections and surveys of roads, streets and railway crossings, and especially in emergency and dangerous areas and in places of concentration of road accidents. The problem of reducing the accident rate and reducing the number of victims of road accidents during the maintenance of roads has so far been solved mainly by identifying areas (places) of concentration of accidents with the development of measures to improve road conditions and improve the organization of traffic on them and conducting annual commission spring and autumn inspections of the road network by representatives of road organizations and the police. However, the areas of concentration of road accidents were not fully covered on the road network of local significance due to the lack of accurate reference of the places of accident in the accident registration cards, as well as they were not identified on the streets and roads of cities and other settlements due to the absence of any criteria for their identification and therefore the maximum efficiency from introduction of management of sites (places) of concentration of road accident isn’t reached. The article analyzes the criteria for determining the areas of concentration of accidents on public roads in different periods, examines the dynamics of the number of areas of concentration of accidents and considers other modern opportunities for effective traffic safety management, in particular, inspection (inspection) of existing roads.

2020 ◽  
Vol 264 (4) ◽  
pp. 2-9
Oleksiy Klimenko ◽  

Suggestions for the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of system management of energy efficiency and environmental pollution by road transport in the life cycle are given. It takes into account all essential areas covering transportation, infrastructure, maintenance, also energy, chemical and automotive industries, raw material extraction, utilization, and related processes of energy consumption and environmental pollution, distributed in space and time. A universal structural scheme of the “supersystem” is proposed, which reflects the processes of consumption of energy, material and other resources, distributed environmental pollution through the functioning of road transport and related industries, and linked damage as well. The target function of the “supersystem” can be represented as the fulfilment during a certain period (covering the life cycle of the main elements – objects of influence (regulation) and investment of financial resources) of the specified volumes of certain types of transport work with the minimum possible and economically justified consumption of energy, consumables, materials, other resources (including those consumed by the transportation, infrastructure, maintenance, also energy, chemical and automotive industries, raw material extraction, utilization), the minimum possible losses due to artificial pressure on the recipients (human beings, fauna and flora, buildings, etc.) of directly the transport system and infrastructure, as well as side effects of processes in other elements of the “supersystem”, that may be reduced to the total cost of transport, taking into account the inflation index of monetary units. It is proposed to carry out a mathematical description of complicated sets, dynamically distributed in the space of objects that change the structure and properties over time, based on the further development of such a tool as the theory of multisets. In a simplified form, it is presented an example of a fragment of the management system based on measures to regulate the first access of vehicles to the market, further operation, and to certain elements of infrastructure, with the introduction of low emission zones in cities. The development, creation and effective functioning of the management system of transport and related sectors of the economy in those mentioned above and other parts, requires a coherent system approach based on forecasting (modelling) the consequences of decisions, which can be implemented using the tools described in this article. Keywords: wheeled vehicles, road transport, systems management, energy efficiency, environmental pollution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 264 (4) ◽  
pp. 52-58
Ivan Kopynets ◽  
Oleksii Sokolov ◽  
Anton Zheltobriukh ◽  
Vasiliy Golovchenko ◽  

Disposal of secondary materials is intended for the conservation of natural resources and the speedy maintenance of travels, as it is necessary to dispose of them in special missions. Utilization will be attracted by the countries of the European Union, in which all directives are in accordance with the provisions for managing the inputs. On the current year in Ukraine, there is no food utilization in the industry, that is why this part is located at the doorways that carry in itself a great risk for ecology, and only insignificant part is to be utilized in future events. This paper presents the results of a study of crushed stone materials produced by JSC «NIKOPOL FERROAL ALLOYS PLANT». Experimental researches on establishment of physical and mechanical properties of crushed stone of fraction of 5 – 10 mm, crushed stone of fraction of 10 – 20 mm, crushed stone of fraction of 20 – 40 mm, crushed stone of fraction of 40 – 70 mm, crushed stone-sand mix with the maximum grain size of 20 mm, crushed stone sand mixture with a maximum grain size of 40 mm, crushed stone-sand mixture with a maximum grain size of 70 mm and sand from screenings of crushing fraction 0 – 5 mm. The conformity of the studied materials to the requirements of national standards is established and the field of their application for the device of constructive layers of pavement is defined. Additional materials can be used without viscous for crushed stone spheres of road bedding (cover, base, additional basis), as well as with organic binders at the storage of asphalt concrete , black crushed stone, sums of organo-minerals from milling materials of road surfaces, which are prepared using the method of cold recycling, crushed stone-fueled sums, overgrown with inorganic knitting or a complex of knitting. Victory of pre-existing crushed stone materials for an hour of development of automobile roads to allow the change of technogenically new ones to the new environment, change of debts on the basis of victories of natural crushed stone materials and resources of vitality. Keywords: industrial wastes, road pavement, metallurgical slag, crushed stone, crushed stone-sand mixtures.

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