scholarly journals The specific of translation of vocal creations of Baroque for bandura player-singer

Natalia Khmel ◽  
Olga Berdnykova

The purpose of the article is an exposure of specific translation and interpretation of vocal creations of Baroque epoch for bandura, pointing of basic principles of transformation of original text in the context of synthesis of vocal and instrumental party. The research methodology consists in the application of the comparative method in music, a structural-historical method that allows outlining the stages of formation and functioning of specific features of the Baroque era in the present.  A special place takes methods of system analysis and synthesis for the study of the means of transformation in vocal-instrumental works of past centuries in the process of transformation and translation, as well as the method of generalization for the formation of conclusions.  This methodological approach helps to reveal the basic principles of translation of vocal and instrumental works of past centuries, in particular the Baroque era for voice accompanied with the bandura. The scientific novelty lies in the definition of the basic means (canons) of textural-timbre transformation, transformation of vocal-instrumental works of the Baroque period, on the example of the ancient aria «Solo per voi tra mille» from the cantata «Pastorella vaga bella» by G.F. Handel, which plays an important role in expanding the bandura vocalist's repertoire and enriches the potential of the Ukrainian national instrument. Conclusions. Thus, based on the above musical-theoretical analysis of the ancient aria «Solo per voi tra mille» from the cantata «Pastorella vaga bella» by G.F. Handel, we conclude that the translation of Baroque works for bandura and their inclusion in the pedagogical and concert repertoire bandura singer proves that the interpretation of works of past centuries on the bandura significantly expands the repertoire of the bandura singer and enriches the potential of the Ukrainian national instrument, revealing its timbre and technical capabilities, which deserves the attention of experts and requires further analysis and study.

V. Skibchyk ◽  
V. Dnes ◽  
R. Kudrynetskyi ◽  
O. Krypuch

Аnnotation Purpose. To increase the efficiency of technological processes of grain harvesting by large-scale agricultural producers due to the rational use of combine harvesters available on the farm. Methods. In the course of the research the methods of system analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system-factor and system-event approaches, graphic method were used. Results. Characteristic events that occur during the harvesting of grain crops, both within a single production unit and the entire agricultural producer are identified. A method for predicting time intervals of use and downtime of combine harvesters of production units has been developed. The roadmap of substantiation the rational seasonal scenario of the use of grain harvesters of large-scale agricultural producers is developed, which allows estimating the efficiency of each of the scenarios of multivariate placement of grain harvesters on fields taking into account influence of natural production and agrometeorological factors on the efficiency of technological cultures. Conclusions 1. Known scientific and methodological approaches to optimization of machine used in agriculture do not take into account the risks of losses of crops due to late harvesting, as well as seasonal natural and agrometeorological conditions of each production unit of the farmer, which requires a new approach to the rational use of rational seasonal combines of large agricultural producers. 2. The developed new approach to the substantiation of the rational seasonal scenario of the use of combined harvesters of large-scale agricultural producers allows taking into account the costs of harvesting of grain and the cost of the lost crop because of the lateness of harvesting at optimum variants of attraction of additional free combine harvesters. provides more profit. 3. The practical application of the developed road map will allow large-scale agricultural producers to use combine harvesters more efficiently and reduce harvesting costs. Keywords: combine harvesters, use, production divisions, risk, seasonal scenario, large-scale agricultural producers.

Svetlana Nesterenko

Purpose – тo generalize methodical approaches to the interpretation of the category of capitalization in the forestry complex and to identify sources of funds that can provide an additional financial basis for the capitalization of forest resources. Research methodology. In the context of this work, the method of system analysis and synthesis was used, as well as a comparative method, which allowed to determine the optimal approach to the identified issues. Scientific novelty. The article summarizes the existing interpretations of the concept of capitalization, according to which the main methodological approaches to it are highlighted, in particular, as: the process of attracting and increasing the value of any assets (resources); the process of transformation of factors of production (assets, resources) into capital; performance of the entity. The article forms directions and relevant additional sources of funds for the use of forest resources, which can provide an additional financial basis for the capitalization of forest resources (assets). Conclusions. It is established that today it is impossible to assess forest assets as a source of environmental and social functions, as there is no methodology for calculating their value. It is noted that the only approach to the assessment of forest resources is only the actual cost of part of forestry products, including by- products and in-use use, hunting, harvesting of secondary forest materials and, accordingly, capitalization of only part of rent in real sales prices. period of restoration and formation of forest stands. Key words: capitalization, forestry complex, forestry assets, forest rent, sources of financing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (29) ◽  
pp. 170-178
Oleksii Drozd ◽  
Yaroslav Nykytiuk ◽  
Liliia Dorofeieva ◽  
Olha Andriiko ◽  
Serhii Sabluk

The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of establishment of the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine (HACC) and to consider the first results of its work. Methodology. Thus, the analysis and synthesis method as well as the logical method were used to formulate a holistic view on corruption and its features, as well as the ways, in which it can be manifested. The logical-semantic method was used to establish the meaning of the term “corruption”. The historical method was useful in studying the history of the establishment of the HACC. The comparative method was used when analyzing Ukrainian legal acts, which regulate the issue under consideration, as well as scientific views on the topic. The system and structural method was applied to determine the institutional features of the HACC. The method of systematic analysis made it possible to identify the operational characteristics of this agency. The legal modeling method was helpful in drawing conclusions of the research. The results of the study. The high level of corruption of Ukraine has led to the need to find the ways to counteract it. To that end, the system of bodies of pre-trial investigation and prosecution of high-ranking officials for corruption offenses has been created over the last three years. The establishment of the HACC was the final stage of this reform. Practical implications. Since the international experience in establishing anti-corruption courts is quite controversial, it was found that many scholars are skeptical about the ability of the HACC to reduce corruption in Ukraine. So, the list of arguments for and against the operation of HACC in Ukraine was comprehensively reviewed. Value / originality. As a result of the research, the authors identified both the shortcomings and the benefits of the work of Ukrainian anti-corruption court.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-376
N. S. Fomenko ◽  
A. Y. Perminov ◽  
S. S. Petrikov

Currently, the issues of improving the quality of medical care and the effectiveness of management are in the focus of attention of heads of medical organizations. Obviously, for the successful management of any complex object, it is necessary to understand the principles of its operation and have a formalized description (model).This article presents the experience of systemic implementation of the organizational and methodological approach developed by the authors to the description and standardization of the treatment and diagnostic processes of a multidisciplinary hospital.When writing the work, the methods of system analysis and synthesis were used. Analyzed and systematized the successful experience of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine on the introduction of the developed organizational and methodological approach into the current activities of a medical institution, as well as the results of its approbation in more than 270 complex medical and diagnostic processes, surgical interventions, active methods of treatment, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.The article defines the most important principles for the formation of small groups, the basic values underlying their work, the main motivational factors for the participation of doctors, as well as critical factors for the success of the implementation of the organizational and methodological approach. The experience of its phased implementation is considered: from the processes of the admission department to the processes of medical and intensive care departments; as well as implementation features in the description of diagnostic profile processes.Based on the results of the implementation of the organizational and methodological approach at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, a conclusion was made about its universality and applicability for any medical institution.In the conclusion of the article, recommendations are formulated for the systemic organization of implementation in a medical institution of the organizational and methodological approach developed by the authors to the description and standardization of treatment and diagnostic processes. 

Milan Stanić ◽  
Ivan Uroda ◽  
Marina Stanić Šulentić

Institutions of higher education, among other duties and responsibilities, prepare students to enter the labour market. The aim of this paper is to determine the extent to which higher education prepares students for the foreordained transition from the educational system to the labour market. The research was conducted in the form of a survey by which the students of the final years of the professional undergraduate study Management and the graduate professional study Management at the College of Slavonski Brod carried out a self-assessment of their knowledge, skills and competencies. To present and elaborate prerequisites of education as preparation for the labour market, characteristics of the labour markets and employment policy measures as well as knowledge, skills and competencies that are required on today's labour market and for the purpose of conducting this research, the following scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis, historical method, comparative method, induction and deduction and statistical method. Results of this research indicate; if the students in the final years, of both, the undergraduate study and the graduate study, have the necessary knowledge, skills and competences that employers require of their employees, then students will consider themselves more prepared to find a job. In that regard, it is expected that each higher education institution provides students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences i.e. those that enable students to cope well with the challenges of the labour market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 427
Ekaterina V. Orlova

The main feature of Industry 5.0 is “personalization”, linked not only to provide customers with personalized products, but also, in our opinion, to ensure personalization in labor relations with employees, since it increases human value through human–machine collaboration. The human capital quality determines a significant contribution not only to the labor productivity growth, but also to extend a social communication, loyalty and employees’ trust. The study proposes the new methodological approach for corporate human capital assessment and management (CHCM) over new conditions of digital transformation. The CHCM uses methods of system analysis and synthesis, expert assessments, descriptive statistical analysis and survey. The novelty of CHCM is that, firstly, it reflects all the essential features and properties of human capital under emergence of new professions; secondly, it combines and comprehensively uses both quantitative and qualitative methods for human capital assessment, reflecting the subjective and objective aspects of human capital measurement; thirdly, it allows to create warranted management decisions about individual trajectories of professional development of employees, ensuring the continuous growth of individual, corporate and social wealth. It is proved experimentally that the implementation of individual trajectories for employees’ professional development provides 2–3 years’ perspective on companies’ performance growth.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 249
Dr.Sc. Azem Hajdari ◽  
MSc. Shpresa Ibrahimi ◽  
MSc. Albulena Hajdari

Law no. 03/L-199 on Courts1 represents a law of significant importance which regulates the organisation, functioning and jurisdiction of courts of the Republic of Kosovo. This law has made numerous reforms in the judicial system of the country. It has set the bases of a modern and sustainable judicial system. In fact the Law on Courts in addition to having changed the judiciary of Kosovo in the aspect of organisation, it has opened the paths in the aspect of ensuring an efficient functioning thereof. Moreover, this law has repealed the application of the Law of former SAP of Kosovo on Regular Courts which in some aspects did not correspond to the trends of contemporary developments in this field. Law on Courts in its solutions embeds the bases of an independent and impartial justice, further on being multiethnic, non-discriminatory, efficient and in principle having an advanced approach of the opportunity for the public opinion to follow the judicial activities. Consequently, within this work, the background of the development of judicial system in Kosovo shall be discussed, some aspects of its reforming and challenges currently the judicial system of the country faces.In the course of preparation of this work, legal-historical method has been applied, the dogmatic method too, method of comparison and the method of analysis and synthesis. Through the legal-historical method, the manner of organisation and activity of the judicial system in Kosovo has been reflected covering the time of Turkish rule up to 2013 basing it on the laws and the Albanian customary law.The dogmatic method has helped on reflecting the manner of organisation and activity of the judicial system in Kosovo, viewing it in the context of regulating these matters through the Law on Courts presently applicable.The comparative method has reflected the features of the new judicial system in Kosovo and a comparison has been undertaken to the characteristics of earlier judicial system. The method of analysis and synthesis has been applied to elaborate in detail specific articles of the Law on Courts, they were commented and in some cases concrete proposals have been given for solution, considered as advanced.

Дмитрий Вячеславович Босов

Цель статьи: демонстрация процессов деинтеллектуализации в продукции современного мейнстрим-кинематографа. Методы: компаративистский метод, системный анализ. Результаты: выявлены соотношение арт-хауса и мейнстрим-кинематографа, элементы деинтеллектуализации в продукции мейнстрим-кинематографа. Выводы: Необходим инструментарий противодействия деинтеллектуализации кино. The purpose of the article: demonstration of de-intelligentalization processes in the products of modern mainstream cinema. Methods: comparative method, system analysis. Results: the ratio of art house and mainstream cinema, elements of de-intelligentalization in the production of mainstream cinema were revealed. Conclusions: A toolkit is needed to counter the de-intelligentalization of cinema.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 163-180
А.V. Gabov

Introduction: the article deals with the legal phenomenon of an additional conclusion on a dissertation that rarely comes into the focus of attention of domestic researchers, which is regulated in the Regulations on Awarding Academic Degrees and the Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Science, for the Degree of Doctor of Science. The relevance of the issue is explained by the ongoing processes of transformation of all the main elements of the state system of scientific certification. Purpose: to show the main elements of this institute, the problems of its regulation, including in connection with the changes made to the state system of scientific certification by Federal Law of 23 May 2016 No. 148-FZ “On Amendments to Article 4 of the Federal Law ‘On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy’” (hereinafter – Law No. 148-FZ), as well as the directions for improving legal regulation of this institute. Methods: system analysis, historical method. Results: the goals of the institute of additional conclusions on the dissertation are revealed; marked defects in the regulation of additional conclusion on the dissertation; given the significant changes in the state system of scientific attestation in connection with the receipt of a number of organizations right of self-awarding degrees, as well as the accumulated practice of application of this institute, the directions of its improvement are formulated. Conclusions: according to the author of the article, the institute of additional conclusion should not be abandoned, it may well be in demand in the future and in the activities of organizations, those who have received the right to independently award academic degrees. The current regulation of the institute of additional conclusion requires complete renovation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 108-128
Anna I. Kovalevskaya ◽  

The article considers the main stages in formation of the method for the comparative historical typology the first steps of which were made by A.N. Veselovsky in the second half of the 19 th century. For example, the point elaborated upon in “Historical Poetics” concerning consequential evolution of genres and poetic forms that reflect social reality became the starting point for the further development of that method. Work in this direction was continued later on by V.M. Zhirmunsky. At the beginning of his career in academia he dwelled upon the issues of literary theory and – while keeping “Historical Poetics” in high regard – continued Veselovsky’s work in the field of literary studies. However, turning to folklore material, he managed to develop the basic principles of the comparative historical method: first of all, he had analysed and systematised the extensive epic material, what allowed him to reveal in the folklore work the national and the general, for the successful search and analysis of which the method was necessary. The author analysis of the works of Zhirmunsky, that contain his main ideas, and considers not only his suggestions on how to work with folk material, and also the features of the comparative typological method, as well as the development of Zhirmunsky’s ideas in the works of his students, followers and scientists who came to a similar result on their own (for example, V.Ya. Propp) and influenced further refinement of the methods of comparative typology.

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