scholarly journals ‘Retaining the Tradition – but with an Open Mind’ – Change and Choice in Jewish Musical Practices

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-218 ◽  
Ruth Illman

This article focuses on religion and change in relation to music. Its starting point is the argument that music plays a central role as a driving force for religious change, as has recently been suggested by several researchers of religion. Music is seen to comprise elements that are central to contemporary religiosity in general: participation, embodiment, experience, emotions, and creativity. This article approaches the discussion from a Jewish point of view, connecting the theoretical perspective to an ethnographic case study conducted among progressive Jews in London with special focus on music, religious practice, and change.    The article outlines the ongoing discussion on religion and change by focusing on features of individualism, personal choice, and processes of bricolage, critically assessing them from an inclusive point of view, focusing on individuals as simultaneously both personal and socially as well as culturally embedded agents. The analysis highlights a visible trend among the interviewees of wanting to combine a radically liberal theology with an increasingly traditional practice. In these accounts musical practices play a pivotal yet ambiguous role as instigators and insignia of religious change. As a conclusion, insights into more ‘sonically aware religious studies’ are suggested.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Thi Hieu Hanh Truong

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to look into the mechanism in which customers involve themselves in omni-channel retail setting and use its advantages.Design/methodology/approachVia an empirical analysis through surveying customers, this paper assesses and confirms the drivers of omni-channel shopping intention within the context of fashion retailing sector in Danang.FindingsThe findings highlight the significance of customer perception of research shopping (including showrooming and webrooming) behaviours, compatibility and risk to their intention towards omni-channel shopping, implying profound understanding of designing effective omni-channel retailing strategy.Originality/valueFrom a theoretical perspective, comprehending customer perception of the omni-channel concept has emerged as an important theme in recent literature as well as in practitioners' reports. Hence, the meaningful contribution of this study is the involvement in the attractive steam of study. From a managerial perspective, this study could offer guidance to retailers or managers about developing a successful omni-channel strategy from a customer point of view.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
MSc. Bardhok Bashota ◽  
MSc. Petrit Hasanaj

Karl Popper rightly says that “real starting point for each research is set based on assumptions of reality, not only based on the real facts”. The text below was prepared In accordance with this logic, where the Theories of International Development are treated especially focusing on International Economic Development. Therefore, theoretical reflections present assumption side, and study of many empirically measured data will correspond with real facts, because with ought these facts assumption would be useless.Technically this writing consists of two parts: in the first part are elaborated all theoretical and practical characteristics of overall international development, while in a second part as a case study will be Economic Development i Kosovo. From methodological point of view this is a comparative study and based on statistical data, while problem treating approach is critical and explanatory.As it will be understood later, development theories have been decisively influenced by economic thinking, and the focus on this dimension responds best to the nature of the term development. On the other hand the fact of unfolding economical development will reflect interference and the nature of it’s inter politics.Today economic development becomes a worldwide goal, having a considerable place in most of the literature with economic content. Also, here are presented as well examples from different practices that reflect economic development in different periods and places. Here is presented international economic development starting with a brief description of a genealogy of this development and ways of economic development back that time. It is of a special importance elaboration through theoretical approach on the creation of capital and economic development, as  mercantilist theory, classic and neo classic theory, than capitalization and Socialism-Marxism.To better understand the nature of economic development, the focus falls on the appearance of the Third Technological Revolution and its role in the world, contemporary economy and as well appearance of the development problems and a need for different theoretical approach.As a separate part is presented international development and its measurement, the one that marks empty topic of analyses. Then, an important reflection on economic growth or economic development provides both multinational corporations and foreign investments, as mechanism of money. Hence, elaboration of these topics has a considerable place within this text linked to their role in the development or exploitation in different regions or countries. On the other hand, another alternative of Development Theories are presented “Theories of Addiction” which will be understood best after giving a broader explanation on economic development or non-development. This set overview will give legitimate basis or will expose more to criticism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 53-68 ◽  
Patricia Murrieta-Flores ◽  
Mariana Favila-Vázquez ◽  
Aban Flores-Morán

For some time now, the field of Spatial Humanities has acknowledged the need for a system capable of the spatial exploration of historical and archaeological phenomena beyond Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This idea comes from the need to analyse holistically spatial information, including that which is not geographic (i.e. vague, symbolic and imaginary space). In addition, this need becomes more apparent when dealing with traditions that do not conform to the Modern/European/Cartesian conception of space in which GIS is rooted. This article, explores the use of Qualitative Spatial Representation (QSR) and Semantic Triples as possible alternative means to model complex and diverse expressions of spatial information, including social and symbolic conceptions in 16th century Mexican maps. Using as case study the map from the region of Atengo-Misquiahuala (Hidalgo) which combine the Mesoamerican and European traditions, we explore how these approaches might open new venues of research, potentially shedding light to long discussed and problematic Mesoamerican spatial categories. Focusing on a contained and partial example, we examine from a theoretical perspective and as a starting point, the possible future implementation of these approaches for historical and archaeological research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 474-486
Jerzy Bartmiński ◽  

Based on the example of the Old Polish song “Pannom świat, / A mężatkom niebo, / A wdowusiom raj, raj, raj, / A babkom piekło” (En. lit. ‘For maidens the world / For married women heaven, / And for widows paradise, paradise, paradise / And for crones hell’) and its many variants in Polish song folklore, the author discusses the text-forming mechanism of the basic collection: maiden — married woman — widow — crone, which is the starting point to introduce some coupled, or mirrored collections of the type: heaven — paradise — purgatory — hell. The concepts of collection and complex are applied here as useful analytical tools which allow for identification of culturally stable stereotypical sets, and for labelling them with the use of superordinate lexemes, e.g. VEHICLES: coach-in-four — royal coach — stagecoach — wheelbarrow; DRINKS: wine — beer — weak, home-brewed beer — water, etc. The analysis of a multi-variant song, performed in the present study, leads to the conclusion that Albert Lord’s oral-formulaic theory of atext of folklore needs to be extended by introducing a more general idea of the “textual pattern” active on the level of individual text elements, as well as on the level of an entire text. In the case discussed in the present paper, the factor that integrates the whole message is constituted by a mocking intention assigned to the male (“bachelor’s”) point of view.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Gáborné Szűcs Beáta Pató ◽  
Fanni Kiss

Abstract The consideration of supply chains can foster the viability and maintainability of local producers. The formation and retention of the market may be complicated for local producers; therefore it is advisable to take the creation of supply chains into consideration. Constant feedback and evaluation is highly important to maintain successfully operating short supply chains and supplier evaluation forms could act as the starting point of these chains. These forms reflect the strengths and weaknesses of suppliers, based on which the correction of mistakes can be done and the performance of suppliers may be enhanced. The aim of this study is to examine the role of supplier evaluation form and relationships between customers and suppliers in short supply chains, from a local producer’s point of view through a case study. The scientific relevance of this study is to draw particular attention to short supply chains which are and will be of high importance considering local economies. As the case study reveals, it is recommended for the members of short supply chains to use supplier evaluation forms.

Jana Costa ◽  
Elena Wittmann

In this article, engagement in the Fridays for Future (FFF) movement is examined from an educational point of view. Framing active engagement in the FFF movement theoretically as a learning opportunity, selected findings from an online survey (n=194) are presented. In a theoretical perspective, specific characteristics of the FFF movement are outlined with regard to learning and educational processes. Starting point of the empirical analyses are different possibilities of participation. On the one hand, an insight into the various participation formats is given. On the other hand, it is asked what motivates those involved to work for sustainable development and whether differences in motives and self-efficacy can be found depending on the form of participation. The results will be linked back to the theoretical frame of reference and discussed further.

Trictrac ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Liliana Danciu ◽  
Petru Adrian Danciu

The axes of the creation and birth of the imaginary as a mythical language. Our research follows the relationships of the concepts that are taking into account creation on the double axis of verticality and horizontality. We highlight those symbolic elements which would later constitute the mythical language about the sacred space-temporality. Inside this space-temporality a rich spectrum of mythical images develops; images capable of explaining the relationships of the creation plans. Without a religious perception of the temporality, the conceptualization of the axis would remain a philosophical approach. Through our point of view, the two are born simultaneously. Thanks to them, creation can be imagined. The first “frozen” formula of the mystical human spirit can be thought, brought to a palpable reality, expressed in an oral and then a written form. Studied together, temporality (sacred or not) and space are permanently imagined together. For example, a loss of mundane temporality in the secret ecstasy that offers to the soul an ascending direction does not mean getting out of universal temporality, but of its mundane section. In the sacred space the soul relates to time. Even the gods are submitted by the sacred, Aeon sometimes being synonymous to destiny. The universal creator seems to evade every touch, but not consistently, only when he avoids the descent into its created worlds. In sacredness, time and space seem or become confused, both expressing the same reality, by the immediate swing from thinking to deed. The mythical imagery conceives the displacement in the primary space-temporality by the spoken word. So, for something to appear and live, the spoken word is required. Even the divine dream appears as a pre-word of a creator’s thought. The thought follows the spoken word, the spoken word follows the gestures which finally indicate the meanings of the creative act, controlling the rhythm of the creation days. These three will later be adapted through imitation in rite. We are now situated at the limit of the physical world, a real challenge for the mythical imagery. The general feature of the mythical expression on the creation of the material world is the state of the divinity’s exhaustion, most often conceptualized by sacrifice or divine fatigue. The world geography identifies with the anatomy of a self-gutted god. Practically, material creation is most likely the complete revelation of God’s body autopsy. As each body decomposes, everything in it is an illusion. An axial approach of the phenomenon exists in all religious systems. The created element’s origin is exterior, with or without a pre-existing matter, by a god’s sacrifice or only because it has to be that way. This is the starting point of the discussion on the symbolism of axiality as a reason for the constitution of the language of creation, capable of retelling the imaginary construction of myth in an oral and then written form.

2012 ◽  
pp. 66-80
Michał Mrozowicki

Michel Butor, born in 1926, one of the leaders of the French New Novel movement, has written only four novels between 1954 and 1960. The most famous of them is La Modification (Second thoughts), published in 1957. The author of the paper analyzes two other Butor’s novels: L’Emploi du temps (Passing time) – 1956, and Degrés (Degrees) – 1960. The theme of absence is crucial in both of them. In the former, the novel, presented as the diary of Jacques Revel, a young Frenchman spending a year in Bleston (a fictitious English city vaguely similar to Manchester), describes the narrator’s struggle to survive in a double – spatial and temporal – labyrinth. The first of them, formed by Bleston’s streets, squares and parks, is symbolized by the City plan. During his one year sojourn in the city, using its plan, Revel learns patiently how to move in its different districts, and in its strange labyrinth – strange because devoid any centre – that at the end stops annoying him. The other, the temporal one, symbolized by the diary itself, the labyrinth of the human memory, discovered by the narrator rather lately, somewhere in the middle of the year passed in Bleston, becomes, by contrast, more and more dense and complex, which is reflected by an increasinly complex narration used to describe the past. However, at the moment Revel is leaving the city, he is still unable to recall and to describe the events of the 29th of February 1952. This gap, this absence, symbolizes his defeat as the narrator, and, in the same time, the human memory’s limits. In Degrees temporal and spatial structures are also very important. This time round, however, the problems of the narration itself, become predominant. Considered from this point of view, the novel announces Gerard Genette’s work Narrative Discourse and his theoretical discussion of two narratological categories: narrative voice and narrative mode. Having transgressed his narrative competences, Pierre Vernier, the narrator of the first and the second parts of the novel, who, taking as a starting point, a complete account of one hour at school, tries to describe the whole world and various aspects of the human civilization for the benefit of his nephew, Pierre Eller, must fail and disappear, as the narrator, from the third part, which is narrated by another narrator, less audacious and more credible.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 1993-2005
Shemsije Demiri ◽  
Rudina Kaja

This paper deals with the right to property in general terms from its source in Roman law, which is the starting point for all subsequent legal systems. As a result of this, the acquisition of property rights is handled from the historical point of view, with the inclusion of various local and international literature and studies, as well as the legal aspect devoted to the respective civil codes of the states cited in the paper.Due to such socio-economic developments, state ownership and its ownership function have changed. The state function as owner of property also changed in Macedonia's property law.The new constitutional sequence of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991 became privately owned as a dominant form of ownership, however, state ownership also exists.This process of transforming social property into state or private (dissolves), in Macedonia starts from Yugoslavia through privatization, return and denationalization measures, on which basis laws on privatization have been adopted. Because of this, there will be particularly intensive negotiations regaring the remaining state assets.

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