customer perception
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kateryna Lysenko-Ryba ◽  
Dominik Zimon ◽  
Peter Madzík ◽  
Eva Šírová

PurposePro-consumer refund system (PCRS) should be understood as a process in customer service, within which activities are related to the handling of goods that do not meet customer expectations, both in business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) relations. The research monitored three groups of variables – the importance of shopping decision factors, customer ID characteristics and PCRS characteristics. The authors explore relationships between these three groups of variables, and the authors tried to understand better the role of the PCRS system in customer perception of service quality.Design/methodology/approachAn electronic survey was used to collect data in the planned structure. Research questions were developed into variables, and these were then the basis for creating questionnaires. Data were collected through electronic questionnaires. The sample consisted of 327 respondents from Poland (confidence level = 95%, confidence interval = 5.42).FindingsThe results of the research show that the PCRS is very important and appreciated from the customer's perspective. Most of the respondents are aware of their consumer rights and correctly understand the meaning of the term “pro-consumer refund system”. Respondents require complex service in terms of returns; their satisfaction does not depend on any individual factor. This also means that the return system must be lenient in each aspect.Originality/valueA detailed analysis of aspects of PCRS has not yet been carried out in the literature. Although previous studies have focused, at least in part, on defining the essential attributes of PCRS, in most cases, it was an organization-driven view of this topic. The research examined the interrelationships between aspects of PCRS based on empirical data and offered a new perspective on this evolving concept.

Niranjan Devkota ◽  
Rekha Rai ◽  
Ghanashyam Khanal ◽  
Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda ◽  
Udaya Raj Paudel ◽  

The governments, business firms, policymakers, advocacy groups, and even the public recently are hotly debating on the issues of environmentally friendly practices. In this context, being a part of 'going green', green banking, which plays an important role in environmental sustainability, has been a buzzword in the global baking industry. This study identifies how the customers perceive the emerging concept of green banking initiatives of banks and also analyzes the factors that influence such practices of the customers. Using a structured questionnaire, the primary data were collected from 403 commercial banks of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The awareness index was prepared, and the binary logit model was applied for the econometric analysis. This study observed that the customers are positive towards the environmentally friendly practices of banks and ready to adopt the green banking practices. The research implies that in order to promote environmental sustainability, banks and financial institutions should be able to educate the customers about green banking practices and their benefits.

2022 ◽  
Sakshi Vig ◽  
Arpita Gupta ◽  
Jugal Kishore Goyal

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Riska Ernawati ◽  
Ida Bagus Nyoman Udayana ◽  
LTH Hutami

This study aims to see the effect of Green Image on Customer Perceptions of CSR Activities: Ethical CSR, The Effect of CSR Capability on Customer Perceptions of CSR Activities: Ethical CSR and the influence of Customer Perceptions on CSR Activities: Ethical CSR on Customer Loyalty. The population in this study were students and students of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University who had used or are still using products from The Body Shop, with a sample of 105 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling.The results showed that there was a positive effect of green image on customer perception of CSR activities: ethical CSR, there was a positive influence on perceived CSR capability on customer perception of CSR activities: ethical CSR and there was a positive effect on Customer Perception Of CSR Activities: Ethical CSR on Customer Loyalty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Sulabh Agarwal ◽  
Shekhar Srivastava

Retailing being one of the fastest growing sectors is facing tremendous competition from domestic as well as foreign players. Customer retention is an area of serious concern for online as well as offline retailers in the Indian economy, driving players in the Indian business scenario to bring radical change in their CRM practices which affects their customers perception. Retailers are highly concerned in identifying the key drivers of service execution that model customer shopping satisfaction and enhance loyalty. Customer satisfaction & loyalty is an outcome of sound customer relationship management practices. Thus, to ensure the prolong survival in the highly aggressive retail business environment customer centric approach is hour’s need. This paper critically analyses Customer’s perception towards CRM practices with reference to organized retail in India. Major parameters such as reliability, product attributes, customer service, convenience and ambience are identified to evaluate the customer perception towards CRM practices. The relevance of each parameter is analyzed with special reference to both the formats of organized retailing i.e., online & offline. For in-depth analysis of each parameter in both the formats of retail, they are further divided into sub-parameters. A survey is conducted for collecting data about customers perception towards these parameters. A statistical tool two-way ANOVA is used to analyze the variation in customer perception between online and offline retail. Based on analysis and major findings of research a conceptual model is also being proposed to get a pictorial view of how these parameters are affecting customers perception towards online & offline retail.

2021 ◽  
Muhammad Agil Khalid

Kinerja Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan Elektronik E-CRM adalah strategi bisnis dan pemasaran yang komprehensif yang mengintegrasikan orang, proses, teknologi dan semua aktivitas bisnis untuk menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan melalui internet dan telepon seluler untuk mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan profitabilitas dengan mengkonsolidasikan prinsip-prinsip loyalitas pelanggan .

2021 ◽  
Rizqy Aji Nugroho

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mengakibatkan persaingan di bidang bisnis tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga perusahaan perlu mengetahui langkah-langkah yang tepat agar tetap bertahan dan mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis. Salah satu langkah yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan adalah dengan menerapkan teknologi pada proses bisnisnya. Teknologi sudah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat. Penerapan teknologi diharapkan dapat mempermudah, mempercepat proses transaksi, menghemat biaya, waktu, tenaga dan dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas. Turban et all (2012), membagi keuntungan penerapan elektronik atau teknologi dalam proses bisnis menjadi dua, bagi perusahaan dan pelanggan. Manfaat bagi perusahaan adalah memperluas jangkauan pasar menjadi pasar nasional dan internasional, mengurangi biaya pemrosesan, distribusi dan penarikan informasi yang akurat dan real-time. Sedangkan keuntungan bagi pelanggan seperti akses 24 jam ke sejumlah besar barang dan jasa. (2018), mencatat perkembangan e-commerce sebesar 26,2 juta dan Alibaba merupakan perusahaan e-commerce terbesar untuk saat ini. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat telah terjadi peningkatan jumlah perusahaan yang menerapkan eCommerce di Indonesia dalam 10 tahun terakhir tumbuh menjadi sekitar 17. Dengan demikian, Indonesia Pasar e-Commerce berpeluang untuk tumbuh lebih besar lagi dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar dan tingkat produk domestik bruto (PDB) terbesar di ASEAN. Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang penjualan produk alat keamanan seperti CCTV, fire alarm, public address system, conference system, intrusion alarm dan access control system sejak tahun 2000. Sutojo (2011), adapun manfaat dari citra perusahaan yang baik dan kuat yang memiliki daya saing jangka menengah dan panjang; menjadi tameng selama masa krisis, menarik eksekutif yang andal, di mana eksekutif yang andal adalah aset perusahaan; meningkatkan efektivitas strategi pemasaran, menghemat biaya operasional. Oleh karena itu, akan lebih baik bagi perusahaan untuk mengetahui apa persepsi pelanggan tentang teknologi tersebut terutama dalam hal peningkatan kualitas layanan berbasis elektronik dan citra perusahaan.

2021 ◽  
ahmad maulana

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) merupakan salah satu sarana untuk membangun hubungan yang berkelanjutan antara perusahaan dengan para pemangku kepentingan dan pemegang saham. Banyak bisnis saat ini menggunakan sistem manajemen hubungan pelanggan (CRM) untuk membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan. Dalam hal ini CRM juga telah membantu bisnis mengetahui apa saja yang diharapkan dan dibutuhkan pelanggan mereka. Hal ini telah menciptakan ikatan emosional yang dapat menciptakan hubungan bisnis yang erat dan terbuka serta komunikasi dua arah di antara mereka. Dengan cara ini, loyalitas pelanggan dapat dipertahankan dan tidak mudah atau memperlukan pertimbangan bagi pelanggan untuk beralih ke produk dan merek lain. Dalam hal ini artikel ini juga mengembangkan model penelitian untuk memvalidasi kualitas layanan elektronik serta Citra perusahaan untuk persepsi pelanggan.

2021 ◽  
Muhammad Agil Khalid

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mengakibatkan persaingan di bidang bisnis tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga perusahaan perlu mengetahui langkah-langkah yang tepat agar tetap bertahan dan mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Daniel Cassa Augustinus ◽  
Suci Suksian

This research was conducted at D’Raja Coffee Multatuli Medan. This study tries to examine and evaluate the influence of hygiene standard implementation on customers’ perception of service during COVID-19. Data was gathered by the observation, interviews, and questionnaires shared with the consumers. The research sample is 83 respondents. Hygiene Standard Implementation Influences Customers’ Perception in Service at D’Raja Coffee Multatuli Medan. The Coefficient of Determination Test results attained the R squared value is 0.174 which shows that 17.4% of the dependent variable Customers’ Perception in Service at D’Raja Coffee Multatuli Medan can be described through Hygiene Standard Implementation during COVID-19 while they remain 63% is described through the other variables that were not implemented in this research. As the research conclusion is Hygiene Standard Implementation Influences Customers’ Perception of Service during COVID-19 at D’Raja Coffee Multatuli Medan.

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