scholarly journals A Geographic Information System for Managing and Mapping Irrigation Infrastructure

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 146
Rachmat Wahid Saleh Insani ◽  
Syarifah Putri Agustini

Indonesia is one of the world's major agricultural nation which offers wide diversity of tropical products and agricultural commodities produced in substantial number of agricultural areas. Some of these areas are equipped with irrigation infrastructures which delivers water management throughout the land. Irrigation helps grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetation disturbed soils in dry areas. Water resources are finite while cyclic droughts on agricultural areas affecting the amount of water remains, thus creating unbalanced water demand and supply. Therefore, building an effective plan and management for irrigation infrastructure must be conducted using reliable information. The objective of this study is to develop a geographic information system to help managing and mapping process of irrigation infrastructure, such as flood gate and water ways. This system also helps to manage all the irrigation area and infrastructure data by providing geological information, search, and managing database function. We developed a web application for system interactivities. We also work together with Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang of Kabupaten Kubu Raya, as they are managing nearest irrigation land which available to be inspected for research. The system has been tested in a real-life case study. As a result, the system enhances the efficient management of irrigation area and infrastructure data. Users stated that this geographic information system has many benefits to irrigation area management., i.e, ensuring data authorization with user information when data is recorded, real time image capture for each irrigation infrastructure, and digital maps to gain a wide overview of irrigation area information on Kabupaten Kubu Raya

М.Р.  Вагизов ◽  
Д.А. Дубов

Рассматривается необходимость разработки специализированной геоинформационной системы для отрасли охотничьего хозяйства. Указаны основные принципы проектирования и разработки приложения. Определены необходимые требования к проектируемой ГИС и задачи, которые способна решать система. Проведено описание организационной структуры геоинформационной системы и функции, подлежащие визуализации. Составлено схемотехнические решение и визуализация графического интерфейса взаимодействия пользователя с системой. В соответствии со Стратегией развития охотничьего хозяйства РФ до 2030 года, требуется повышать программно-информационное обеспечение охотпользователей. Обоснованием разработки является отсутствие единой системы сбора, хранения и систематизации данных о состоянии охотхозяйств, численности популяций и проведении необходимых мероприятий. Разработка специальной ГИС способна обеспечить поддержку в системе принятия решений человеком в интересах управления территориями охотхозяйств. Разработка продуманного интерактивного интерфейса позволит вывести ГИС на наиболее качественный уровень взаимодействия. Общеизвестно, что пространственные данные являются основой информационного обеспечения геоинформационных систем, в том числе локальных ГИС. Для непрерывного обновления геоданных требуется своевременная актуализация информации на сервере, в которой данная система развернута. Поэтому в качестве технологической основы выбрано проектирование именно веб-приложения, работающего через предустановленный браузер пользователя. Реализация функций данной ГИС, продуманный человеко-машинный интерфейс, включенный в ее состав, позволит использовать данную систему не только охотпользователям, но и заинтересованным специалистам в смежных отраслях: лесное хозяйство, картография, геоинформатика, зоогегография, охотоведение. Разработанная система может использоваться в учебном процессе при подготовке студентов по различным направлениям в высших образовательных учреждениях. Discusses the necessity of developing a specialized geographic information system for hunting groung. Carried out a description of the organizational structure of geoinformation systems and functions to be rendering. Determined necessary requirements for the design of the GIS and the tasks which the system are able to solve. The organizational structure of the geographic information system and the functions to be visualized are described. Compiled technical scheme and visualization GUI. In accordance with the strategy of development of the hunting industry of the Russian Federation until 2030, it is required to increase the software and information support for hunting users. The basis for development is the lack of a unified system of collection, storage and systematization of data on the state of hunting, population and carry out the necessary measures. The development of a special GIS is able to provide support in the system of decision-making by a person in the interests of managing the territories of hunting farms. The development of a thoughtful interactive interface will bring the GIS to the most high-quality level of interaction. It is well known that the spatial data are the basis for information support of geographic information systems, including local GIS. For continuous updates of the geodata requires a timely update information on the server in which the system is deployed. Therefore, as the technological base of the selected design it is the web application running through a preset user's browser. The implementation of the functions of this GIS, intelligent man-machine interface, included in its composition, will allow you to use this system not only hunters, but also to interested professionals in related industries, forestry, cartography, geoinformatics, zoogeography, and hunting. The developed system can be used in educational process for training students in various areas in higher educational institutions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 798-799 ◽  
pp. 1178-1181
Zhi Hong Liu ◽  
Ling Xu

Taking the connecting band of urban integration as study area, based on an appropriate index system, the method of Entropy Weight-Geographic Information System (GIS) was employed to carry out the land suitability assessment at a regional scale. Shenyang Irrigation Area (SIA) was taken as the practical example. It was found that the method was reasonable to assess the land suitability and the assessment results can be used to support land planning in a flexible way.

Abertun Sagit Sahay

Usage of Android Smartphone in home boarding information can give big benefit. If it is compared with searching of home boarding location manually, search with the application has some surplus, such as: a user can search through android smartphone everytime and everywhere, and also can see the detail of home boarding information. Search of home boarding in Palangka Raya city is still executed manually, alike search of home boarding location directly, if it’s not match, the seeker must search manually over and over again. For developing a geographic information system of home boarding search for Palangka Raya area that can find the nearest location, The Methodologhy used is Waterfall methodologhy that has 5 steps: (1) requirement: Actors those are administrator, home boarding owner and visitors. some of data are  photo, latitude and longitude, and home boarding information. (2) Design System: design system in this research used UML(Unified Modeling Language). (3) Coding & Testing: this step used Java Programming, Database MySQL and XAMPP and using Haversine Algorithm for home boarding searching. (4) Integration & Testing, Testing of all system used Blackbox testing. (5) Operation and Maintanance, this step for seeing change that is needed for fungtionalization of development. According to developing of geographic information system of home boarding  search. The conclusion are the user can know the nearest home boarding location from user’s position with using radius feature that used haversine algorithm, the owner of home boarding manage directly with giving original information and the application also help the owner on home boarding marketing. The application is expected to be developed as adding push notification feature  

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Augustino Mwakipesile ◽  
Edwin Ngowi ◽  
Ngwinamila Kasongi ◽  
Emmanuel Temu ◽  
Rehema Kilonzo

The study aimed to create a historical geographic information system (HGIS), including a geodatabase and simple web application for Dodoma Capital City (DCC) in Tanzania. A web GIS application based is an outcome of the study that can improves research on, and knowledge of, the rare artifacts of cultural and historical heritage in Dodoma Capital City (DCC) for historians and the wider academic community. Likewise, spatial data incorporated allows for visualization of the relationship between people, and their geographic and cultural surroundings. Therefore, the cultural geo-history in this paper describes the specific connection of the cultural artifacts and historical site in a given area to their environment and geographic space. For that purpose, the Dodoma Capital City (DCC) historical artifacts as a case study were cataloged based on GIS techniques, geocoding protocols, and describing the artifacts to create an intuitive and familiar tool for historical researchers and archivists to better understand the cultural geo-history of Dodoma Capital City (DCC). The resulting tool, the Dodoma Capital City Historical Geographical Information System (DCCHGIS), combines a geodatabase and a web application to provide access to a small portion of the geospatial cultural history of Dodoma Capital City (DCC). The DCCHGIS demonstrates that archiving are useful in creating an accurate, informative, and usable Historical Geographic Information System (HGIS) tool that increase the knowledge of and access to cultural geo-history.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Ashna Abdulrahman Kareem Zada

Spatial data stored in databases have been become progressively crucial in the geographic information system (GIS) field within recent years. Spatial data are increasingly being noted for its significance in representing for real-life relationships. The value of spatial databases cannot be underestimated since it has been established to be an efficient and flexible means of handling enormous spatial datasets. This paper shows the different methods, in which spatial data are integrated by major database vendors and database within GIS. The current report has also examined the new technologies and advancements by database and GIS vendors in relational database management systems in the past four decades, which have facilitated spatial data to become integrated into databases.

Widiana Putra Winarta ◽  
I Nyoman Piarsa ◽  
Ni Made Ika Marini Mandenni

Indonesia is a massive archipelago of 1.919.400 km², containing roads that span at 542.000 km across various terrain conditions. This diverse geographic environment is a challenge to road constructions and repairs across the country, which has lead to disruption in public service and traffic accidents each year. We propose the Geographic Information System for Mapping and Complaint of Damaged Roads, a solution which can provide users a digital interface to report damaged roads to the transportation department in their area. This research uses Google Maps API to digitize and make a complaint about damaged roads. The result of this research is an android application for the users and a website application for the road managers. The android application is used by the users to make complaints of damaged roads. The web application is used by road managers to draw the road on Google Maps using polyline feature. With this our goal is to systematize the handling of damaged roads information, leading to faster service times and hopefully help reduce the level of traffic accidents in Indonesia. Keywords: Complaint, Damaged road, Geographic Information System, Google Maps, Road digitization.

2001 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 557 ◽  
T. G. van Niel ◽  
T. R. McVicar

If management decisions are based on geospatial data that have not been assessed for spatial accuracy, then debate about both the measurements and the decisions themselves can occur. This debate, in part, can be avoided by evaluating the spatial accuracy of geospatial data, leading to heightened confidence in both the data and the decisions made from the data. To increase the effectiveness of environmental compliance monitoring, the spatial accuracies of 2 Geographic Information System datasets were estimated at the Coleambally Irrigation Area, New South Wales. The first, high-resolution digital aerial photography acquired in January 2000, is the Geographic Information System baseline data for Coleambally Irrigation Area. The second, Digital Topographic Data Base roads data, although not a reference dataset at Coleambally Irrigation Area, is often used as a baseline dataset across Australia. Neither dataset met the National Mapping Council of Australia’s standard of map accuracy, so a new version of the digital aerial photography was created that did. The positional accuracy of the improved dataset was over 4 times more accurate than the Digital Topographic Data Base roads dataset and over 2.5 times more accurate than the original digital aerial photography. It was also found that the overall areal error of paddocks measured from the improved dataset decreased as more paddock areas were added together; a finding that has a direct impact on management decisions at Coleambally Irrigation Area. This study both provides a demonstration of how to assess and improve spatial accuracy and shows that this process is not unduly complicated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 318 ◽  
pp. 04003
Ali M. Al-Fawzy ◽  
Israʹa A. Hasan ◽  
Hayfaa K. Hasan

Generally, the rivers in both the natural and lined form use the open-section system to carry water, either for distribution or conveyance purposes. With time and depreciation effect, this system needs to be changed or modified to become more indirectly suitable with cities' growth, especially with the transformation of land use from agricultural to residential. The present paper aims to reach a proper decision to select the best hydraulic section for a part of Al-Hneidiyah river in Karbala city by determining the remain agricultural lands within the study area, for the distance between stations (0+000) and (4+000), to choose between keeping up the currently open section or change, (modify), it to a closed conduit. For this study, the cadastral maps were used as a reference to determine the agricultural areas served by the river during its route within the study area, and geographic information system to monitor the change like these areas represented by a gradual transformation from agricultural to residential purpose, by using of satellite images for four different years, 2002, 2007, 2013, and 2016. The results of this study showed a significant recession in the agricultural areas on both sides of the chosen length of river route by a percentage of 13.45%, which leads to an urgent need to change or modify the flow system from opened to closed and use it only for conveyance purposes to protect the water quality and water shares. The geographic information system is a good and helpful technique for evaluation and makes water-related subjects decisions by giving a clear vision of the studied problem.

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