energy deficiency
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 266-272
Lila Amila ◽  
Ezrin Syariman bin Roslan ◽  
Nabila ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Birth weight serves as an indicator of a newborn’s health status. It is associated with mortality rate in the first year, developmental problems in childhood and risk of various diseases in adulthood. Even in modern era, it continues to be a health concern globally, especially in developing countries. In Indonesia, the prevalence of low birth weight has increased from 2013 to 2018, swaying further from the national target. Low birth weight is often caused by insufficient nutrients supplied by the mother to the fetus. In Indonesia, chronic energy deficiency status is diagnosed in the first antenatal care visit by measuring maternal middle-upper arm circumference with a cut-off point of 23.5cm. Meanwhile, iron level is measured via assessing hemoglobin level will be measured in the first antenatal care visit and in trimester III. This study aims to describe the factors that may influence neonatal birth weight. It is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach conducted at Sidotopo Wetan Public Health Centre. 97 samples are collected from medical records and analysed using bivariate correlative test. Result shows that maternal age (0.20), chronic energy deficiency status (0.026) and antenatal care visit minimal of 4 times (0.49) increase the risk of low-birth-weight incidence. On the other hand, educational level, maternal parity and anemia status does not acts as risks. In conclusion, maternal age, energy status and visits to antenatal care acts as risk factors in causing low birth weight.

2022 ◽  
pp. 101269022110727
Anna Posbergh

Women's sport remains a contested realm that frequently features standards and regulations premised on women's inferiority and physiological distinctions from men. In response to these purported sex-based differences, a range of protective policies have been implemented to ostensibly ensure women's safety and health, defend “fair competition” in women's sport, and/or prevent the violation of social and medical boundaries that define who is a “woman.” Yet, protective policies encompass a multitude of rationales and strategies, demonstrating the malleability of “protection” in terms of who is protected and why. In this article, I draw from Michel Foucault's theory of “governmentality” to investigate the nuances of protective policies, especially their placed importance on sex differences. To do so, I examine three case studies: World Athletics’ (WA) 2019 female eligibility policy, WA's 2019 transgender eligibility policy, and the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) consensus statement on relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S). Using document texts and semi-structured interviews with eight scientists involved with developing the case studies, I find that protective policies are developed through messy and often contentious processes that selectively draw from varying knowledges and discourses. This then culminates in contrasting methods of defining, protecting, and governing women athletes and their bodies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Huang Wei Ling

Introduction; Osteogenesis imperfecta is according to Western medicine, a disorder of the connective tissue caused by an abnormal synthesis or processing type I collagen of genetic origin, a protein that is important to strengthen bones. The clinical manifestation of this problem can cause blue sclera, short stature, and deafness in adulthood, dentinogenesis imperfecta. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), osteogenesis imperfecta is related to Kidney energy deficiency (second chakra). Purpose: the purpose of this study is to show that patients with osteogenesis imperfecta has energy deficiency in the Kidney energy (second chakra) and the treatment of this condition, replenishing this energy using highly diluted medications is very important to treat the root of the problem and not just treating the symptoms. Methods: through one case report of 30 years-old man with history of several fractures since childhood. He went acupuncture clinic to treat his anxiety symptoms and I saw that his sclera was blue. Treatment was done using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture. Radiesthesia procedure were used to measure his chakras’ energy centers. Results: All his chakras’ were in the lowest level of energy, including the second that was the Kidney, responsible for the bone and teeth. The treatment began replenishing this chakras’ energy centers using highly diluted medications, such as homeopathies, according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. Conclusion: through this case reported in this article, I can say that patient with osteogenesis imperfecta has energy deficiency in the five internal massive organ, especially in the Kidney and the treatment of these energy deficiency, is very important to treat patients with osteogenesis imperfecta in the deepest level, in the energy point of view.

2022 ◽  
pp. 65-69
D. A. Yakhieva-Onikhimovskaia ◽  
S. M. Kolesnikova ◽  
E. N. Suprun ◽  
V. V. Filippova

Objective: Identification of perinatal risk factors as differential predictors of violent and non-violent crimes among children and adolescents who come under the attention of juvenile departments of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.Methods: Study of the perinatal history data of 148 juvenile offenders of comparable age (13-16 years old), selected using continuous sampling method in the course of a clinical observational cohort retrospective study.Results: Children from the control group in half of the cases were “late premature” (48%), with protein-energy malnutrition (frequency of occurrence of FGRP 56.8% BMI 56.1 ± 13.65). The beginning of their life was accompanied by a low score according to Apgar scale (6.9 ± 1.81). From the first minutes of life, they required urgent therapy in the delivery room (35.9%) and subsequent treatment at the ICU (25.7%) due to the damage of the respiratory system (asphyxia 11.5%, RDS 19.6%, episodes of apnea 16.2 %) and increasing dysfunction of the central nervous system (IVH II-IV grade 24.3%). Subsequently, they demonstrated a disruption of early neonatal adaptation and a clinical picture of the realization of intrauterine fetal developmental disorders, which arose both as a result of improper metabolism and of a prolonged oxygen starvation (adrenal hypoplasia 27.7%, cardiomyopathy 29.7%, hypoxia 48.6%).Conclusions: The initial protein-energy deficiency revealed in the course of the study if accompanied by the course of both acute and chronic oxygen starvation could influence the formation of destructive behavior in the group of juvenile offenders.

Braeden T. Charlton ◽  
Sara Forsyth ◽  
David C. Clarke

The Female Athlete Triad (Triad) and the more encompassing Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) are disorders caused by low energy availability (LEA). LEA is a state of insufficient energy intake by an athlete relative to their energy expenditure. Persistent LEA results in the deleterious consequences to health and performance that comprise RED-S. With respect to both the Triad and RED-S, researchers have called for more education of those involved with sport, particularly coaches, to help reduce the incidence of these disorders. Recent studies have shown that as few as 15% of coaches are aware of the Triad, with up to 89% unable to identify even one of its symptoms. RED-S is a more recently established concept such that coach knowledge regarding it has only begun to be assessed, but the results of these initial studies indicate similar trends as for the Triad. In this review, we synthesize research findings from 1986 to 2021 that pertains to LEA and RED-S, which coaches should know so they can better guide their athletes.

2022 ◽  
pp. 295-309
Karen M. Sutton ◽  
Sarah M. Cheney ◽  
Elizabeth A. Fierro ◽  
Ellen K. Casey

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Mita Puspitasari ◽  
Mitra Mitra ◽  
Tin Gustina ◽  
Novita Rany ◽  
Zulfayeni Zulfayeni

Chronic Energy Deficiency in pregnant women is a condition of pregnant women due to an imbalance in the intake of energy and protein nutrients, so that the substances the body needs are not fulfilled. Incident chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women have a risk of abortion, bleeding, prolonged labor, infection, low birth weight baby, birth defects, and causes of death indirectly. An attemt to resolve the incidence of malnutrition in pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency with supplementary food. Type of qualitative research. Research informants were pregnant women chronic energy deficiency, nutrition staff, midwives, health promotion officers, and cadres. Research results are the knowledge of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency about supplementary feeding is stil lacking, the attitudes of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency and their husband’s support about supplementary feeding are already good, compliance of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency is still lacking, acceptance of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency about supplementary feeding is stil lacking, delivery of information when counseling needs to be improved by using the contemporary method, distribution of supplementary feeding for Puskesmas officers in collaboration with cadres. Advice doing technical guidance to health workers about supplementary feeding, health workers increase again in providing information related to supplementary feeding, provide information using digital media such as video, made a special trick of setting an alarm as a reminder to consume supplementary feeding, make derivate technical guidelines from the ministry of helath according to conditions in the field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-241
Shinta Novelia ◽  
Rukmaini ◽  
Ema Annisa

Background: Chronic energy deficiency (CED) is a condition where the mother suffers from a chronic (chronic) calorie and protein deficiency (malnutrition) which results in health problems in women of reproductive age  and in pregnant women (pregnant women). Objective: This study aims to determine the factors associated with chronic energy deficiency (CED) in pregnant women at the Gunung Kaler Public Health Center, Tangerang Regency in 2019. Methodology: This study used a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used cluster sampling. The population was 286 people and the sample in this study was 167 people. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire about knowledge of  CED in pregnant women. Results: The results of this study indicate that there was a significant relationship between knowledge with p value = (0.06), history of disease with p value = (0.001), and parity with p value = (0.009) against Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in pregnant women, and there is no significant relationship between family income with a value of p = (0.482) and education with a value of p = (0.745) on Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in pregnant women. Conclusions and Suggestions: It is hoped that the Gunung Kaler Health Center will provide counseling related to CED with a variety of interesting methods. CED, Knowledge, Medical History, Parity, Education, Family Income

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Tria Eni

Abstract       One of the causes of maternal death is Chronic Energy Deficiency. Pregnant women who are at risk for chronic energy deficiency can be seen from the measurement of the upper arm circumference  which is less than 23.5 cm. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016, pregnant women who suffered from CED were 629 mothers (73.2 percent) of all maternal deaths and had a risk of death 20 times greater than mothers with normal. sez in pregnant women can be caused by the characteristics of pregnant women consisting of age, education and parity.        This research method is descriptive, this research was conducted to determine the characteristics of age, education and parity of pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency in PUSKESMAS Sumberberas Muncar Village Banyuwangi. This study uses a total sampling technique where all the data of population members are used as a sample of 30 people. The data collection technique in this study was by using secondary data through a study of documentation of medical records or registers of pregnant women who experienced (Chronic Energy Deficiency) for the period January-August 2021 at PKM Sumberberas.       The results of this study are the characteristics of pregnant women with the most in PUSKESMAS Sumberberas at the age of 20-35 years as many as 23 people (76.6%), the most parity characteristics are multiparas as many as 19 people (63.3%), the most educational characteristics in junior high school / equivalent high school as many as 27 (90%) where age, parity and education are one of the factors that affect the incidence of CED in pregnant women.       Efforts to deal with pregnant women with sez are by providing additional food to pregnant women, providing adequate food in the household, counseling about the importance of meeting the nutritional needs of pregnancy and changing eating habits or patterns to suit the needs of the pregnant woman's body.     Keywords: characteristics, Chronic Energy Deficiency, pregnant mother Abstrak      Salah satu penyebab kematian Ibu yaitu Kekurangan Energi Kronik (KEK). Ibu hamil yang berisiko mengalami kekurangan energi kronis dapat dilihat dari pengukuran lingkar lengan atas (LILA) yang kurang dari 23,5 cm. Berdasarkan data dari World Health Organization (WHO) pada tahun 2016, ibu hamil yang menderita KEK yaitu sebanyak 629 ibu (73,2 persen) hingga dari seluruh kematian ibu dan memiliki risiko kematian 20 kali lebih besar dari ibu dengan LILA normal. KEK pada ibu hamil bisa disebabkan karena faktor karakteristik ibu hamil yang terdiri dari usia, pendidikan dan paritasnya.         Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik umur, pendidikan dan paritas ibu hamil dengan Kekurangan Energi Kronik (KEK) di PUSKESMAS Desa Sumberberas Muncar Banyuwangi. penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling dimana seluruh data anggota populasi dijadikan sebagai sampel yang berjumlah 30 orang. Tehnik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan cara menggunakan data sekunder melalui studi dokumentasi catatan rekam medik atau register ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK (Kekurangan Energi Kronis) periode bulan januari-agustus 2021 di PKM sumberberas.        Hasil penelitian ini yaitu karakteristik ibu hamil dengan KEK terbanyak di PUSKESMAS sumberberas pada umur 20-35 tahun sebanyak 23 orang (76,6%), karakteristik paritas terbanyak adalah pada multipara sebanyak 19 orang (63,3%), karakteristik pendidikan terbanyak pada SMP/SMA sederajat sebanyak 27 (90%) dimana umur, paritas dan pendidikan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian KEK pada ibu hamil. Upaya penanganan untuk ibu hamil dengan KEK yaitu dengan pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) pada ibu hamil, ketersediaan pangan yang memadai di rumah tangga, penyuluhan mengenai pentingnya memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi kehamilan dan perubahan kebiasaan atau pola makan agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan tubuh ibu hamil.   Kata kunci: ibu hamil, karakteristik, kurang energi kronis

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Rini Ayu Rismawati ◽  
Widya Maya Ningrum

Masalah gizi di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang utama Salah satu masalah kekurangan gizi di Indonesia yaitu Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK). KEK adalah keadaan seseorang yang menderita kekurangan makanan yang berlangsung menahun (kronis) yang ditandai dengan lingkar lengan atas (LILA) < 23,5 cm sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya gangguan kesehatan. KEK selama hamil akan menimbulkan masalah, salah satunya dapat mempengaruhi proses pertumbuhan janin yang dapat menimbulkan abortus, bayi lahir mati, kematian neonatal, cacat bawaan, anemia pada bayi, asfiksia intra partum, lahir dengan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Gambaran Luaran Bayi Pada Ibu Dengan Riwayat Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sadananya, Tahun 2020. Menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan uji SPSS. Ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di dapatkan yang mengalami abortus, sebanyak 5 orang (33,3 %), ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di dapatkan yang mengalami bayi lahir mati tidak ada, ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di dapatkan bayi yang mengalami kematian neonatal tidak ada, ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di dapatkan bayi yang mengalami asfiksia, sebanyak 1 orang (6,7 %), ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di dapatkan bayi yang mengalami BBLR, sebanyak 9 orang (60,0 %), ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di dapatkan bayi yang mengalami kelainan kongenital, sebanyak 1 orang (6,7 %) Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa luaran bayi pada ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK sebagian besar tidak beresiko hanya beberapa kejadian saja yang memang terdapat resiko yaitu abortus dan BBLR.Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan kejadian KEK terhadap ibu hamil bisa teratasi dengan baik dan tidak lagi menimbulkan berbagai macam masalah bagi bayi.Nutrition problems in Indonesia are still a major public health problem. One of the problems of malnutrition in Indonesia is Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). CED is a condition of a person who suffers from a chronic (chronic) shortage of food characterized by a circumference of the upper arm (CUA) <23.5 cm, resulting in health problems. CED during pregnancy will cause problems, one of which can affect the process of fetal growth which can cause abortion, stillbirth, neonatal death, congenital defects, anemia in infants, intra-partum asphyxia, birth with low birth weight babie (LBW). This study was to find out the description of infant outcome in mothers with a history of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in Sadananya Community Health Center working area, 2020. Using descriptive research with SPSS test It is found that there are 5 Pregnant women (33.3%) having CED had abortion. 70 (100%) babies were born alive to mothers who have CED. There are 70 (100%) babies were born alive from mothers who have CED. There is one mother with CED gets baby with asphyxia (6.7%). There are 9 pregnant women (60.0%) pregnant women with CED gets babies with LBW. There is one pregnant woman with CED (6.7%) had baby with congenital defect. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the infant output in pregnant women who have CED is mostly not at risk. Only a few cases do have a risk, namely abortion and LBW. This research is expected to resolve the case of CED in pregnant women properly and there will be no longer various kinds of problems for babies.

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