2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Muhammad Nugraha ◽  
Muhammad Lulu Latif Usman ◽  
Tiawan Tiawan

Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is a learning planning document prepared as a guide for lecturers and students in carrying out teaching and learning activities on campus for one semester. RPS was made to guide lecturers and students in the learning process so that the material taught is following the learning outcomes set by the study program. To meet and adjust the needs of graduate users and the development of science and technology, the RPS must be regularly reviewed and updated if there are changes in teaching materials that are no longer following current conditions. However, what often becomes a problem is that there is no documented process for changing the RPS content regarding the reasons and which parts have changed so that the RPS change process cannot be carried out at will and when audited there is a history of changing the data. Because of these problems, this research will design and build a web-based RPS management information system that can assist study programs in documenting RPS changes and making it easier for users to access the changed content. The system development method used in this study uses the waterfall method, and for its design using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The final result of this research is a web-based RPS management information system using the Codeigniter 4 framework which can make it easier for managers and users to obtain RPS information.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 325
Tito Sugiharto ◽  
Mohammad Irwansyah

This research was aiming to produce a management information system for Diploma Companion Certificate (SKPI). The target of the research to be achieved is the existence of an information system that can be used to manage the filling and printing of Companion Certificates. Management information system This Certificate of Companion is made to be applied in the Informatics Engineering Study Program S1 Faculty of Computer Science, University of Kuningan. This study discusses how the process of designing and developing an information system for managing Diploma Certificates of Completion in the S1 Informatics Engineering Study Program. The absence of an application or information system for managing Diploma Certificates is a serious problem that must be considered. Managers of the S1 Informatics Engineering Study Program find it difficult in the process of making and filling Diploma Companion Certificates for their graduates. In the absence of a management information system, a Diploma of Companion Certificate, the process of making and filling with Certificate ofCompanion Certificate will take a long time. The method  used in this study is Rational Unified Process (RUP). There are four stages in the use of this RUP method, namely the stages of inception, elaboration, construction and transition. The design model used in this study uses Unified Modeling Language (UML). The testing process is carried out using the Black Box Testing. Therefore, to solve these problems, an innovation is needed In the management ofa web-based Diploma Companion Certificate. It is expected that this information system can help and ease the Study Program in managing Diploma Companion Certificates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Gallen Cakra Adhi Wibowo ◽  
Eko Sediyono

Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is a learning planning document that guides lecturers and students to carry out lecture activities for one semester to achieve predetermined learning achievements. that the study program has been determined. RPS is needed to meet and adapt to users' needs because the RPS is regularly reviewed and updated if there are changes in teaching materials that are no longer under current conditions. However, what is often a problem is that the RPS input is still using Microsoft Excel, so that it is not well documented, and the RPS made are not following the material given by the lecturer. Because of these problems, in this study, a web-based RPS adjustment information system will be designed and built using the Laravel framework that can assist the study program in documenting the RPS and knowing the suitability of the material provided by the lecturer's predetermined RPS. The system development method used in this study uses the SDLC method, and its design uses UML (Unified Modeling Language). The final result of this research is a web-based RPS compatibility information system using the Laravel framework, which can facilitate the management of RPS and its compatibility with the material provided by the lecturer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-36
Eko Haryadi ◽  
Diah Wijayanti ◽  
Dewi Yuliandari ◽  
Syafrianto - ◽  
Asep Bambang

The implementation of guidance in two directions is carried out by discussing, conducting questions and answers, providing input and other activities. However, sometimes the guidance process carried out face-to-face experiences many obstacles so the coaching process does not run optimally and it is not as expected. The most common obstacle is when the supervisor is unable to attend the final assignment guidance. Communication barriers between students and supervisors also affect the success of the final assignment. Hence, it is necessary to develop a way to have the obstacles can overcome better. The method used to solve these problems using the system development life cycle method. The solution is currently using sms or online facilities such as email, social media, or the cloud from a third party. With this system, if face-to-face guidance activities are not possible, the process of preparing student final assignments can be carried out in order to be on time for the graduation of students in the institutions.

Angelina Ervina Jeanette Egeten ◽  
Siska A. Damanik ◽  
Ika Agustina ◽  
Marcelina Panggabean

The objective of this research is to design an Information system of Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu), especially to toddlers, pregnant women, and the elderly to support the performance of the Community Asisstance in Kalyanamitra Foundation. The analysis using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with waterfall model and the design using the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) method with defining all objects interaction which are described by the UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram. The analysis was applied on current working system and the result became the basis for designing a Posyandu web-based information system to assist the implementation of Posyandu for toddlers, pregnant women, and the elderly, especially in registering, documenting and storing data, and reporting which correspond to organizational needs. Posyandu information system supports Kalyanamitra Foundation's program in intervening with local government to improve the quality of Posyandu services and facilities.

Bersama Maju Clinic, located in Basuki Rahmat is one of the clinics with a lot of public interest. In the patient registration, management process, patient data are still recorded in the archives or paper documents, so that if the archive is lost, there is no replacement. Data accumulation often occurs, so it is relatively long in the data search process and the process of making the report. Data redundancy often occurs, data recording that repeatedly causes duplication of data so that the capacity needed to swell and service becomes slow, heaps of filing so that it requires a large filing area. Then there was also an irregular patient registration due to human error, the admin forgot that the patient had registered beforehand so that he was given a new queue number. This research was conducted to design and implement an information system that can provide comfort, speed and ease of service to patients who come to the clinic. The system development model used is the prototype model. The design of system models used unified modeling language diagrams (UML) including use case diagrams. The flowchart drawn by the Visio 2010. By building interfaces using Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. The database is stored using PHP and displayed via XAMMP. This system is also built with a system framework that is bootstrap

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 185-192
Ibnu Rusdi ◽  
Bekti Kurniasih

The Covid-19 pandemic requires adaptation to the New Normal in its application. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Falah Depok designed a web-based application to bridge this so that information about students reaches their parents without having to come to school. With internet media intermediaries, of course, the process of delivering information will be faster, the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model in the development of academic information systems that the author uses in designing a good system is the Waterfall model. The proposed database design is Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Logical Record Structure (LRS), for system design using Unified Modeling Language (UML). Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and literature study. With the design of a web-based academic information system at MI Nurul Falah, it is hoped that the process of delivering information will be more effective and efficient, so that school residents, especially students and teachers, can find out the information available anytime and anywhere. The development of technology is very fast and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is hoped that the use of this application will be one of the solutions in helping schools to convey the assessment of students at Nurul Falah Ibtidaiyah Madrasah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Achmad Hamdan ◽  
I Made Irawan ◽  
M. Zainal Arifin

This research aims to design and implement a Management Information System Extracurricular Web-Based in SMA Negeri 1 Sampang to be able to further improve the performance of the school in extracurricular management. SMA Negeri 1 Sampang is a leading public school in the town of Sampang. However extracurricular school management system is still not supported by good information technology facilities. And so we need an information system as an efficiency improvement of school performance in extracurricular management. This research using research design development. The this development goal is to develop a extracurricular management information system web-based as a means to improve the performance of the school in order to support the extracurricular management skills to further develop the student maximum and can also support the academic achievement of students. This development using Waterfall model. The conclusion of this research is that the extracurricular management information system is declared to be feasible and valid to be used because the percentage generated is quite high, namely the average usability aspect of 89.54 percent and the functionality aspect of 99.99 percent.Keyword: Information System, Management, Extracurricular

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Desi Puspita ◽  
Siti Aminah

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kewirausahaan Pedesaan berbasis web multimedia yang menyediakan layanan publik untuk  belajar berwirausaha. Dimana warga desa yang kebanyakan  awam  dalam  penggunaan  IT  (Teknologi  Informasi)  serta  kemampuan  terbatas dalam  memahami  istilah-istilah  IT  dan  keilmuan  lainnya  yang  terkesan  rumit  untuk dimengerti padahal minat masyarakat perdesaan untuk belajar kewirausahaan cukup besar, dan juga masyarakat selama ini untuk mendapatkan informasi kewirausahaan belum optimal karena kemudahan dan kelengkapan dalam  penggunaan  teknologi  informasi  khususnya  dalam  pembelajaran wirausaha masih sangat kurang. Metode  pengembangan  sistem  yang  digunakan  yakni  Rapid  Aplication Development (RAD) dengan tahapan antara lain : requirements planning, RAD design workshop, dan implementation. Manfaat dari sistem ini dapat memberikan manfaat kemandirian desa karena kemampuan wirausaha  desa semakin meningkat dan desa memiliki kemampuan daya saing. Hasil dari penelitian adalah berupa Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kewirausahaan Pedesaan berbasis web multimedia. Kata Kunci:  Pedesaan, Website, Kewirausahaan, Multimedia.  AbstractThe purpose of this study is to establish a multimedia web-based Rural Entrepreneurship Management Information System that provides public services for learning entrepreneurship. Where villagers are mostly lay people in the use of IT (Information Technology) as well as limited ability to understand other IT and scientific terms that seem complicated to understand even though the interest of rural people to study entrepreneurship is quite large, and also the community to get entrepreneurial information yet optimal because the ease and completeness in the use of information technology, especially in entrepreneurial learning is still very lacking. The system development method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD) with stages including: requirements planning, RAD design workshop, and implementation. The benefits of this system can provide the benefits of village independence because the capacity of village entrepreneurs is increasing and the village has competitiveness. The results of the study are in the form of a multimedia web-based Rural Entrepreneurship Management Information System. Keywords: Rural, Website, Entrepreneurship, Multimedia

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Titi Sriwahyuni ◽  
Oktoria Oktoria ◽  
Ika Parma Dewi

Tourism is a field that is currently developing. This is supported by the wealth of Indonesia's natural potential which is known as the emerald equator. But not all tourism area information can be obtained easily. Because so far tourism promotion still uses pamphlets, leaflets or brochures. This can be overcome by developing a system that can be accessed by everyone by utilizing Information Technology. The aim of the research is to produce a Web-based tourism management information system. System development method is a prototyping model by utilizing PHP programming and MySQL database. The results of the system development resulted in a Web-based tourism management information system with a case study in the South Coastal Region of West Sumatra Province that could help tourism agencies in developing regional tourism.

Mutia Rizky Pratiwi ◽  
Fithri Selva Jumeilah ◽  
Fathiyah Noprian

Grand Malaka Ethical is a sharia hotel located in Palembang City with a three-star classification, located on Jalan Malaka II No.5. With the rapid development of technology today, many hotel booking applications that provide star-rated hotels with cheap and good prices make Hotel Grand Malaka must compete with other hotels in order not to be left behind. Grand Malaka Ethical Hotel still uses minimal applications and recently hotel visitors continue to decline. This study aims to create a web-based Customer Relationship Management Information System using the Prototype system development method. This research has produced a Web-based Customer Relationship Management Information System at the Grand Malaka Ethical Palembang Hotel that has been tested and will be implemented by the hotel in 2021.

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