Journal of Disruptive Learning Innovation (JODLI)
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Published By State University Of Malang (UM)

2721-4486, 2774-8715

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Nur Indah Agustina ◽  
Munzil Munzil ◽  
Habiddin Habiddin ◽  
M. Muchson

The intermolecular force is one of the chemistry topics covered in the high school curriculum in Indonesia. As the characteristics of chemistry concepts in general, intermolecular forces concepts can be presented in the three levels of chemical representations (microscopic, symbolic, and macroscopic).  Currently, chemistry teaching materials are available in Indonesian schools mostly have limited support for helping students to visualize the molecular aspect of intermolecular forces concepts mainly in the form of three-dimensional space (3D). This study aimed to produce an E-Learning teaching material enriched with 3D Molecular Visualization. The product (teaching material) in this study is presented by considering the syntax of guided inquiry-based learning. The product was developed with the procedure adopted from Lee and Owens, including assessment/analysis, need assessment, front-end analysis, design, and development. The product is valid and suitable to be applied in online chemistry teaching. However, further study to investigate the effectiveness of this product empirically need to be explored in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Linda Suci Triliana ◽  
Munzil Munzil ◽  
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto

The purposes of this research and development is to produce feasible and valid teaching materials utilizing augmented reality-assisted guided inquiry learning model in the activity of identifying life organizational system for 7th grade students of Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School, as teaching material in Covid-19 Pandemic era. This research used Lee and Owens research and development model, limited to three stages, namely: analysis/assessment, design, and development. The feasibility of the teaching materials were determined from the results of the validation and user assessment. The teaching materials were developed in A6-sized printed books containing Basic Competence 3.6 materials of life organizational system from the cellular level to organismic level. The materials were presented in the forms of illustrations, videos, three-dimensional AR animations, and handouts on google drive. Based on the validity result which was conducted by material and media experts, it was discovered that the teaching materials were valid and feasible for learning with the score percentage of more than 81 percent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Didik Dwi Prastyo ◽  
Mohamad Amin ◽  
Hendra Susanto

We investigate the effectiveness of module to reduce misconception and improve learning outcomes in genetic material using multiple choice test with CRI. This study using pre-experiment study with one group pretest post test design. This study reports the results of analysis of misconception level of XII grades in SMA Negeri 5 Malang reduce from 33.42 percent to 12.92 percent. Learning outcome increase from 38.30 into 72.96.  These results indicate that the genetic module is effective to reducing the level of misconceptions and improving student cognitive learning outcomes.Keywords: Misconception, learning outcomes, genetic

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Indra Febrianto ◽  
Heny Kusdiyanti ◽  
Chau Kien Tsong

This study aims to analyze game-based entrepreneurship learning conducted on vocational high school students in facing Industry 4.0. This research used a literature review method with descriptive analysis through the provision of clear, factual, logical, and systematic discussion. This research used content analysis. The results of this study suggest that technology implementation is unquestionably required in the entrepreneurship learning process for the attainment of students' competences in the 4.0 Industry. Those competencies include social skills, one of the cross-functional skills, in the 4.0 Industry era that can be implemented through social entrepreneurship. In addition, game-based learning is effective to be applied to offer new different learning experiences. Those experiences are 1) learning by doing, 2) reflective learning, 3) situated learning, and 4) learning from crises. This learning is an alternative solution to prepare vocational high school students to encounter the 4.0 Industry. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Venin Kharisma Noviantia ◽  
Munzil Munzil ◽  
Vita Ria Mustikasari ◽  
Erni Yulianti

The purpose of this research and development is to produce Guided-Inquiry Based Teaching Materials Enriched by Augmented Reality (AR) on the subject of light and optics for 8th grade which is feasible and valid, as a teaching materials during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research and development using Lee and Owen’s method. However, it was narrowed down into 3 stages only, which are: assessment/analysis, design, and development stage. The teaching material’s validity was obtained from expert’s validation result, while the feasibility was obtained from the feasibility test on the students. Developed teaching materials takes form of an A5 sized pocket book, and discuss about the basic competencies in the subject of light and optics. Subject delivery served through learning module, learning video, and AR technology on image formation as well as using Google Form as student worksheet. The validation result shows that developed teaching materials are feasible and valid with score percentage more than 61 percent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Aisyah Sukmafani ◽  
Munzil Munzil ◽  
Isnanik Juni Fitriyah

This study and development aimed to produce a valid and feasible teaching material with the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) model on the activity of environmental pollution analysis using a mobile learning application in the COVID-19 pandemic era. The study model in this development was using the ADDIE method that limited to analyze, design, and develop stages where each stage passes the evaluation stage. The validity rate of the teaching material is obtained through a validity test by the validator while its eligibility rate is obtained through feasibility tests by the users. The validation result of materials in the teaching material had a percentage of 93.31 percent and the media feasibility test obtained a percentage of 95.60 percent. This teaching material was packed in a mobile learning form that consists of water, air, and land pollution materials. This teaching material displayed news articles, materials explanations, and presented in the form of animated videos, phenomena videos, pictures of environmental pollution, student worksheets, and mission-based learning activities. Animated videos have three animation characters that move and talk with different voices in each sub-chapter. The validation result by validators stated that the teaching material is valid and feasible, with a percentage of greater than or equal to 81 percent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Arlina Trie Cahyono ◽  
Susiswo Susiswo ◽  
Tjang Daniel Chandra

This study aims to reveal the condition of students' reasoning abilities based on the way students argue. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were 3 students of junior high school with high reasoning abilities and 3 students with low reasoning abilities who viewed the reasoning ability scores when providing problem solving solutions on the written test. The data obtained in this study were in the form of students' written test scores and the results of student interviews. Interviews were conducted to bring up students 'ability to argue that describe and reveal the condition of students' reasoning abilities in the process of solving problems. The results of students 'arguments are analyzed and adjusted to the model of StephenToulmin's argument which reveals that there are 6 components of the argumentation to show the seriousness of students in arguing in order to obtain valid argument results to assess students' reasoning abilities. The arguments from students succeeded in uncovering 4 conditions that describe the conditions of students' mathematical reasoning abilities. These conditions are: 1) Students who show high reasoning ability in written tests and are able to show their reasoning process in the arguments that are brought up, 2) Students who show low reasoning abilities in written tests but are able to show their reasoning processes in the arguments that are brought up, 3) Students which shows a high reasoning ability in a written test but have not been able to demonstrate the reasoning process in the arguments that are brought up, and 4) Students who show a low reasoning ability in a written test and have not been able to demonstrate their reasoning process in the arguments that are brought up.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fauzan Prasetyo ◽  
Moh. Nazir Arifin ◽  
Agus Irmawan

The e-learning induction model that is well informed by the theory and practice is a sure way of being responsive to the dynamism of educational technologies. Common problem that must be taken as consideration and must be resolved in urban areas and the organization is an efficient message delivery in (MANET) Mobile Ad hoc Network. To get good and efficient communication, an algorithm must pay attention to several aspects such as the density of neighbouring node, shape and network size, channel priority level and used of message. Some previous studies attempted to propose solutions for delivering messages, but finding the optimal problem solution that will be use is very difficult.  In our research, we sugested an optimization on MANET by using an EA. The algorithm will provide several solutions to the problem of sending messages to MANET. Our goal is able to determine the optimal communication strategy for each node in network. By using (EA) evolutionary algorithm in  (n-2) network simulator, we found that result is promising for message delivery optimization to destination for using in system Elearning model networkKeywords: MANET, evolutionary algorithm, message delivery optimization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Nugroho Adi Pramono ◽  
Fauzan Ibnu Sofyan ◽  
Bertha Anggita Purwandani ◽  
Oktavia Ghaisyani

Ultraviolet light is part of the electromagnetic waves from solar radiation. Excessive UV light can cause damage to human skin. High UV index caused by one of the damage to the ozone layer, therefore it is important we study the ozone damage in an area. On this occasion made learning media in the form of an IoT-based ultraviolet index reader. This tool uses ESP32 as a controller by adding several modules namely UV index sensor and wifi module. The existence of a wifi module makes it easy for us to send data and control ESP32 using the internet, therefore this tool is said to be based on the Internet of Things (IoT). With this tool we can compare the UV Index level in several regions simultaneously without being in that area. From the difference in index, we can study the level of UV radiation in each region in real time. Therefore we can study the comparison of ozone damage levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Siska Rita Mahyuny ◽  
Ekariana S. Pandia ◽  
Vita Ria Mustikasari ◽  
Rizal Nasution

Mangrove Forest, located in Kuala Langsa, Aceh Province of Indonesia, is one of the local, regional, national, and international ecotourism destinations. However, there are some issues about the awareness character of the society around Kuala Langsa. This research purpose is to have a better understanding of the people and their knowledge concerning to environmental issues. The technique used in the research was a random sampling interview combined with customized questionnaires as an indicator of understanding about environmental issues awareness taken from 100 respondents. The data value shown by Likert scale as follow: 46.8 percent littering habits, 33 percent toilet sanitation, 36.2 percent reuse of product. The research concludes the awareness character of Kuala Langsa society influenced by the educational level, economic condition, and their opportunity to gain access to the next level of educational grade, and also low frequency of government appeal to the society of how important to always maintain and preserve the Kuala Langsa Mangrove.

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